-- * - a ; -X . ‘•v'C. S« Cf. ..A-»J* I LOCAL BREVITIES I Meadow Shade butter 2 pounds SI 05. Mrs. Jesa L. Rodgers entertained the "500 Club" on Wednesday af­ ternoon at her home. A large crowd listened to a very (ood sermon by ltrv. Eaaen at the Federated Church last Sunday, S. C. BROWNE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office at Reside tic« Hr io, Orvfoo Huy your fresh vegetables at the Bragg. Now we can expect to see the Bragg familv in town often this Meadow Shade Dairy winter, O. C. Heutier and G. K Gaiaar. are new owner» of new model Fords. It is reported that more than a hundred cases of dysrntery is pre­ Mrs Slangular monthly m«*et- ing at the school house tonight, to which all parenia arc invited Dr. Fieq has consented to give a short talk d tires. First clase Portland, Ore.. Oct. 31. 1922. being shape. Al a bargain. See Fred 28 years 8 months and 8 days old. Btiyeu. Scio, Oirgon. 12tf His early life was spent on the home farm, hs received his educa­ For Sale ('abbngiS. all you want, at 1* o-nis per pound, at the tion in the grammar grade« and I patch, i.uy McKnight. Phone High Schooi of Riverside, later at­ 59. Route 2 Scio. 11 tf tending the Oregon Agricultural TkKHFAS» m-tic. - for »ale at 10* College at Corvallis. each, or 3 for 25*. at the Tribune He was employed as t»ook keeper office. Protect your stock from dent ruction for the Standard Oil Co., in Albanv and at Heppner, from which place Score Card» Get your "500” score cards al the T kihi nk office. 2c he was called into service June 24. per card, or 2* cents per card by 1918. He s»-rved with Co. D. 305th mail, postpaid. Infantry, and waa woumted in the For Sale Al >ut In gallons No. 5 l»altie of the Arguae Oct. 4. 1918. Zerolen»- rn.-t r ml, with container. bring in the Hospital in France six Price right, if v-u cun use it. In­ months. He receiv«»d his diM*harge quire al the Tribune office. May 19. 1919, and returned home For Sale G > ■ f Organ 925.00. He was appointed as a probation Folding !u-d 915 00, Sewing officer in the court of Domestic Machine $20 00. ( ream Separator 915 00. Lax Thayer Sec furn- Relati tn< of Frank T. Thayer. work he was deeply interested but Vilas I’hillippt ha« return««! from aoulhern Oregon, where he has l»*n looking after a large band of sh«*ep, which he and Charley Warne« own. He aavs iw-litics was warm down hail to give up active work, on ac­ there, and the school bill was much count of failing health July 5. 1921. In favor During all his sickn«*as and suffer­ ing h« waa very considerate of Miss Emaline Carson, of Albany, other», very appreciative of the formely of this city, who has just kindnem of all who were returned home from an extended good to him He was reconciled trip thru the eastern states with her uncle and aunt, Mr. am] Mrs. Isaac and anxious for the end which came Cambell, was a Scio visitor this as a relief after four years of suffer­ ing from coreinoma, cauwtl from week end. the wounds receivt-d in active aervice. Aunt Beckey Morris has received He leave» to mourn his lues hi» word that a cousin of hers. Mrs. parent», Mr. and Mr». J. G. Holt, Priscilla Starr, who was a Crabtree of Scio, one afoter Mr». Nellie J>>n«»», and formally lived here, had died of Stay ton. one brother l^eater Holt, at her home in Pomeroy, Wash . the of Carleton, one nephew Harry latter part of October. She was in Jone«, of Slayton, beside« a number her 90th year. of relative» and a boat of friends County Assessor J. 8. VanWinkle to whom he had endeared himself died Wednesday afternoon at his by his kind and cheerful dispoaition home in Albany from effects of heart trouble, from which he had Osnt FUI IL A hot waler butti« should net«* b« been suffering for several months, rsslly Bll«d If H la t« b« pot la a He is well known here, and had bed to warm It bsvs It ealy »»sal made a splendid record as assessor. thr*« quarters full He was also a candidate for the postmaatership of the Albany poet­ For Sale - The Maple Spring Farm is for Sale. 163 acres. Anyone office. wishing to buy, will give satisfac­ Sam Stoller and wife, Mrs J. N. tory terms at 5 per cent. See Frank Sommers, Scio, or write to Long and son Max. »nd Grandpa C. H. Wain, J unci ion Citv, Ore McDonald, went to Cloverdale and 13lf Pacific City last week, and reported having a splendid trip. Mrs l»ng remained over for a week or more, on account of not being able to stand the trip so quickly home, Mrs, Stoller remaining with her, Sam — says after going over there he has There is much advertising of a again gotten th*dairy fever, and if misleading nature being cirvulat- he could sell hi» bumnewi here he ed about Federal Tires, because will locate in Tillamook county and there are several makes of this enter the dairy business, of which celebrated brand. The Federal manufacturers make a cord tire he is better qualified to follow. Read This Prices Lowest in History of Ford Motor Co. Today, with many commodities still priced above the pre-war haaia, you can buy a Ford car for lew mo- ey than ever Ix-fon- in the history of the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Sedan at 9595 equipped with elec­ tric starter, demountable rima, extra rim and non-skid tire» all around, is without doubt the greatest value ever offered in a n otor car. And you get the same quality, dependabili­ ty and economy for which Ferd cars are noted, with all th«- comfort» and conven­ iences that go along with an enclosed job. 1-et us have your ord< r now for reasonably prompt delivery. Term» if deaired. The City Election to compete with fabrics, and call it "I ^a^ier." and we are pleaswi to quote you the following prices on three makes of For Sale 100 May hatch««] White Leghorn ;> ’diets. Thos. Baron strain; mai<-d to Tancred's strain; 75c per h< ad. Inquire of Rex Peery. Seis. Oregon. I t Want««] —l.igh car (Ford preferred! in trade for a registered Jersey cow. 3. years old. Will pay the difference Must tarde this week if at all If interested phone. H. S Nolan, Scio For Sale 65 acre«, four acres in cultivation, rest in pasture, new hou«e anti barn. 92500 for place, 9500 down, balance 3 v ears at Will trad»- for mailer place. In­ quire of Mrs F. F. McCarter, if miles southwest of Crabtree, Ore. 13 p Money to L>an at 5**i The Feder­ al land Bank of Spokane. Wash., wiill make loans through the Forks of the Santiam National Farm L an Association in amount» from 9100 to 910.000, for ■ peri­ od of 5 lo ; « y« ar». on first mort­ gage security Inquire of W H. McLain. S m .-Tress., rout« No. 2, Scio. Oregon. 11-p Chiropractic Ta Ik«8 A WtAK