•* F *mtner and Violet Crmshaw Mr and Mrs Iz nard Gilkey visited Sunday at the Frank Cornett home near Crabtree. Farmers Union met Saturday evening and held an interating ses­ sion L E. and W A Gilkey attended the E. B. Lukentack funeral in Scio. Wednesday. About Auto License AppHeation blanks 7 for 1923 II- censes have been mailed by the See relary of State to ail motor vehicle owners in Oregon, so as to permit them to apply for and receive such licenses before January 1. 1923 Motor vehicle owners will avoid much trouble, annoyance and un­ necessary delay by promptly apply­ ing for their 1923 licenses upon re­ ceipt of the application Idanka De­ ferring applying for licenses until about th« first of the year only con­ gests the work of the Secretary of State's office and mav result in the arrest of the car owners by traffic officers for failure to have the 1923 license on their cars after January let neat. License plates for 1923 S not complete without a 1-ANG Hot Bust will have a dark blue background Range. Constructed ro cut fuel costs. Thick and white figures and letters. solid top two hds tn//y heat J nd thmes Up to October 27. 1922 there have forced entire ly around oven, utilizing every been registered ami licensed in I h h unit M vic ol Armco polished iron. Oregon 5;W> motor vehicle dealers, Equipjx'd with hot water coils. 11.804 chauffeurs. 211,496 motor Tbe Pattfn Rangt n bn»*rng tbt vehicle operators, 3.162 motorcycles st 7 ¡‘ ,'iii.ir rangt in tbt Vat. Ih i/se- and 131,834 passenger and commer- and mot r.y if tfrtralen. top that cirl cars, from which the total license mth tn » ’,ar.ir-, a t intanai ft tu tin- fees aggregate . t 9H The • ftoiinf pfnlartty fees, less administrative expenses, are distributed one-fourth to the counties from which the reiristra- tions ire received and three-fourths to the State Highway fund tor use in road construction and improve­ ment throughout the state generally. Furnitur« Phone 76 Hardware ‘’The distribution of the rrgistra* SCIO OREGON. ti«ma up to September >6, 1922 shows that in Linn county there were re­ gistered 20 motor vehicle dealers. 298 chauffeurs, 689 motor vehicle operators. 90 motorcycles. 3961 lum- senger ears. 3 ambulances and Cs»» « Hal baaraeo. 11 busses and stages. 81 Commercial cars of leas than one ton capacity. 266 trucks of from one to Real Etlale Brolgtr five tons eapeetty and 11 trailers of and Ntltry Pubhc from one to five tons capacity, or a HTAYTON. . . . ORKCrOM Ibitrath Obtained. f.tarnined total of 4323 licensed uaMenger and < alto answered l>ay or Night commercial motor vehicles. Tube reuten Tsarina OREGON Us About Thein Quali Riley Sheltonv PtoVe* O. r. Korinek Veterinarian Counts Deepest giootn o'ersurcad the community Tuesday evening when news of the death of Cletus Holt reached here. Cletus grew from i>atovhoo■>*■«-•-■■ I of a bright, cheerful di«p »ili.m A >rds fail us at this time to express the » !--«-rr regard we hold for the memory of this young man who fought so bravely in the great world war. and gave bis young life that we might on your Winter Journey to < HMervaUuo Cars with esmfortebto chairs, wide windows xnd broad rear platforms, Through Sleeping Cars with latest travel iutunes, Unexcelled Dining Ctev cuisine, and pk-lur- eeque scenery will add to the pleasure of your journep. Via the Scenic Sliaata Route to San Francisco and Los Angeles For low round trip fares, sleeping ear res­ ervations. train schedules, or picture l««>hs. inquire of agents, or communicate with JOHN M. SCOTT (■vorrai Passenger Agent. Portland. Oregon Musical Nets A very deaf old lady, walking along the street, saw an Italian turning • peanut reaster She stood looking at It awhile, shook her heed and Mid: “No, I «»isn't give you any mona, for •w h music as that. I can't beer any of I be tune« and beeide« It smells as If • teere «ere Min«hing hunting Inside!" The i^ongregatlonallol Legal Fiction. A fiction In tn" ;« an ««sumption nui ile for the purj- c of Justice though ih«« «amo fact meld not I* proved and may tie lllorally untrue nnd It & a rule that a Action of law »hall work no wrong. Th.- fictitious characters of John D«- and Richard lb* for the PUH hmm - s of lurious actions are well known NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of “< -hool District No. 96. of Linn County. State of Oregon, that a M"H<»OL MEETING of said dis­ tort will be held st the SCHOOL HOUSE, on the 26th day of November, 1922. at 2 o'clock ia the afternoon fer the purpose of discussing th«- bmigst herein­ after set out with the levying board, and to vote on th«- proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school district during the fiscal year beginning on June 22, 1922. and ending June 3#, 19N, ia estimated in the following budget and Includes the amounts to be r«-cciv«*d from the county school fund, state school fund, elementary school fund, siM*cial district tax. and all other moneys of the dis Inc t: BUDGET E htimatbu EiHCNKiTt aas No. P kkksunal Saavua Principal...................... 1 Trac hers...................... ! • • 1 • • 2 • d 2 Janitors....................... 1 Clerk ........ ................ 1 Total......................................... Salary per year |2iMiO <*J 1215 00 1156 00 10HU 00 990 0 IM oo to 00 $ 9010 00 Ms tmual ano Supruns i umilure «desks, stove«, curtain«, etc.)... Supplies (chalk, erasers, ate.)........................ library books ... ................................................ laboratory supplies............................................. Janitor's supplic a................................... .......... Fuel____ _ "................ .................................. I Jght ............................................... .................... Water....................................................................... Postage and stationery............................. .. Total ....................................... 9 275 65 HO 50 25 ISO 28 12 30 00 00 00 (IO 00 00 00 00 00 I MAtNTKNANffl AN» RgFAHM Heating plant ....................................................... Repairs on building............................................. Total ......................................... I «75 00 560 00 9 1235 00 I NtuurraoNua Interest on warrants......................................... Total ......................................... • a I 360 oo iNSl'kANCB I nauranee................................................................. Total ......................................... I W 00 NN 9 MtXCKlXANBOfl Printing and advertising ................................ Supplies for Domestic Science.............. Freight and hauling............................................ Total.......................................... S I 5 00 ion no 20 00 126 00 E mkbobnct Retiring warrants..................................................... T »*1 L’*XI (Ml MOO 00 RrcAn-n't.ATioN Total estimated expenses foe the year ..... Total estimated receipts not including pro proed tax ......................................................... , Balance, amount to lx raised by district tax Dated this 1st day of November. 1922. Attest: ANNIE D. BARTU District Clerk. •it»« a FRANK BARTU. Board of Directors. 1