# .'•43S Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet School District No. 95 the early market This original estimate is made in compliance with eectlon 231-A of the school lawe of 1*21 ami shows in parallel cvlumne the unit costs of the several servicee, material and sup­ plies for the three Asea) years next preceding the current year, the detail expendituree for the last one of said threw preceding fiscal years Keep them healthy-thrifty, flee frutn worms, their bowel active. Al for thrift. allowances and expendi­ and the budget (**Stx muntiia uf the current year" means six ture» fur six months of the current year. months of the last school year.) Fee«/ Dr. Hess Stock Tonic EXPENDITURES No clogging of the system, little chance fur d —• ai reason for thrift. Wo sell it. We guarantee it. 8 4 8 I in u Hibler ŒL Gill Co Ì Passo»« I. Has VICS & Principals . . X Teachers.......... 4. Janitor.............................. &. Clerk .................... 7. Other services Before Buying a Tutsi- Personal Sen ices Stove or Range » M nonni s *si> Karsiae Heating plant ..................... 4 Buildings and grounds «75 Ou I 800 U0 » M • j Maintenance A Rep. Total latta uranaXee Interest »n warrants .. To tai - indebtedness Iw noi i DM»»'*«»- Secvnd First fw llM «MF4 year give year give F«4M d4 tlb» yearly yearly totals lutab lue.inwxa— supplies I Malerial A Budget allow anew in detail Expendi­ tures in detail 276 00 SO uo 60 DO UO 150 W INI 12 (W X UU 7u6 UU I Total 1 he Stoves and Ranges we handle are made in Oregon and manufac­ tured from Nationally advertised Pure Armico Ingot Iron and Wellsville Steel ’J h Expenditures for three Ba­ cal years next preceding the last school year I gain uo 1 IUU) Ou 1 1UUU uu 6 l«33 M »10 uu Mu uu 121.• 'U 7t» w< 769 96 • TAI UU 730 IMg ... 66U uu 66u uu 99U UU ou 990 UO «*• 00 7 JU UU UO 72V iM> 46U uu .wu UO 450 vmisa 1. Furniture (desk, etc.) 4 1 Supple« (chalk, etc.).., .... 3. Library books 4. laboratory supplies . 0. Janitor's suppose..... 7. Fuel ..................................... ML Light ................................. 9. W strr ................................. I 10. P<»tage and stationery Did you ever stop to think or ask of what kind of material they are made of or where they -------------------------- are made?------------------------- Expenditures and budget alk>wance for si* months uf last school year 1 1 (0 uu 136 TO * 160 60 M «7 4 166 -4 I 360 I O 4 259 54 4 Jo'J 5i 4 M OU '•- I0U UU 24 UU 26 53 360 U0 4 50 OU - 43 UU 4 I ■ _____ Ml 01M3 T2 I 9 Total—-Insurance .... 4 _ Or- ...... I 6 4 363 Ht> ' »Mi 4 324 97» 45 ÎA» « 75 uu 46 Wl 75 uu 1 4 K6 100 24 IN .ui 324 »7 ♦ M im >tt«VS uo ... out 13 46L <7 no v< Hi tn uu I is 47 I UN 47 ■L mxbus N ct Total 4 617 12 Emergency ... » 17 42 u. 41102 42 4 ■■37,1 3c 4 7U66 ’J6> Wti& iW >10132 751 Mcnditurve and budget allowance for six N. I. Morrison, High School Note« Three former students re-entered Scio High this week. They are: Pauline Sims, Lydia Shoure, aneen put in place at the gym The floor is to lie hauled and laid this months of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year as shown shove have been complied from the records in my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. I ANNIE D. B a RTU. District Clerk. all who so kindly asai»t«-« the qualil A student Body meeting was held >f the government telephone ■•-<. li Friday for the pur|x>se of discussing (•real Britain was rr-rntly made b the posting of the dedication bills. an American woaiaii temporarily resol Card of Thank« We wwh to convey our heartfelt thanks to the nrighlmrs and friends for their many kindnensee extended us during the recent sickness and death of vur beloved son. and for the beautiful floral offerings and to week if possible. Bobbie Thayer and Ray McKnight the singers. were informed Saturday that by the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith time school was out. they would be We wish to thank > a call It was a household rule that site musi without fail honied lately rn’hr he son out of the room and an far awa< as possible, in order that tin. boy might not bear her husband swear, a lie inevitably would. Or. jebnson't UicUonsry Doctor Johnson received fur th« 4i< nonary which mads him so fsmou about 4M<»«< and spent æ» en yesr* complet Ing that work. Fee his other writings hs received small amounts JiADIO RALF AND HIS FRIENDS JUST THE THING FOR WET WINTER WEATHER! Men’« Men’s Men’s Men’s Men’s Wool Stag Shirt«, with cape Wool Draw Pants Cotton Wool Pants Best tirade Corduroy Pants High Grade Moleskin Pants J. B. Couey The Cevnplast Host sea At the Gardens*. on Munday after- neon. Mrs Garden, riverions. supple, with a sort of frosty, golden beauty, guiltless of makeup, but ewaentlally artificial, wee being everything to all men. and much tn some women. —"Front latchkey ladles,** by Mr. Grant. $7 00 ; 6 00 2 00 8 50 < < ! 3 50 ■ The People’s Store Many Afntsrs of Begging Letters Profs-salnMl begging letter writers Io the number of StU.OnO are registered by a London charitable society which makes a buetnsea of Investigar Ing the truth nr otherwise at say begging let­ ter received. l>et the Tribune do your printing By JACK WILSON C«r»"p» V» MC ke» M,