The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 09, 1922, Image 2

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    • *
I* •'
T hcrkiay ,
Nov. 9. 1922
Good idea for motorists to have
non-ekid tires, but a lol of them al­
so need non-akid brains.
The young men are Interested in
education to the extent of investi­
gating which ia the prettiest school
The world has forgotton about
the fourteen points, but ia anxiously
awaiting next spring when it brings
the nine innings
Phniciai act saiw
way, It is well f r us to begin
President Harding, by proeiamation.
has designated Thursday. Nuv 30.
aa Thanksgiving Day. and called up­
on the people tu stop from their
labors on that day and give thank«
to Almighty God for the many bless­
ings that have lief alien us do ring
the past twelve months. For life
and health w« should be thankful,
but for the blessings that have come
to moot of us well, what have they
been? M*<ot of us are poorer than
weever were bofors, hardships, false
accusations and leas neighborliness
is the lot that has l-ren meted out
to those who cannot see as a neigh­
bor ths oerplexing problems that
are agitating the minds of the people,
and hence the unhappiness of the
people io greater today than ever in
the history nf the nation. But it i«
day of prayer. It is a time when we
should communicate with the Su­
preme Being, and in doing so we
will forget the troubles that have
bi-fallen us during the past twelve
It is the day when our
forefathers reccivi-d manna as from
heaven and they mot and rendered
unto God devote thanks for ihf
A Reminder
That you can get
at thia storv.
If you are still taking Kodak Picture«, bring in your
films- we do developing and printing
J. F. WE8ELY Grocer
Chiropractic Talks
! Scio Mill & Elevator Co. !
To Get $300
There laa feeling among the child­
Disabled war veterans of thia vi­
ren that the movies should be re­
cinity arid Pacific Northwest taking
formed an that it will be safe for
agricultural training under the di­
their parent« to go and aee them.
rection of the government on their
own or Icasrd land projects will here­
Not many people nowdays ran after be entitled to a maximum of
handle the hammer and saw, but 1300 from the government for farm
there are a lot of (ample who can equipment, according to information
Care of
uw< a two-edged tongue in cutting given out by L. C. Jesseph. of Seattle,
up the character of thir neighbor.
northwest district manager of the
United States Veterans* Bureau. It
Some men who are unable to is believed that thia provision will
Has nn-ilicine which will
wvild an axe in «putting stimulate training along agricul­
cur<- any known disease.
lire wood have mighty good strength tural lines on the part of veterans
Not Open on Sundays
in «eliding sledge hammer plows to in line for rehabilitation under the
IMI South High Street
their fellow men when the victim ia direction of the Veterans* Bureau,
Salem. Oregon
Phone 2Ä3
he stated D- m money will lie needed
not around.
by the veteran to eetabbah himself
The United State« army has ad­ on a farm
There are 230 disabled war vet
vertised 106,500 currycombs for
in the Pacific Northwest train­
»ale. Som. of the habitues of Scio
become capable farmers on
who have a (-enchant for combing
people without regard to truth their own or IraiM-d land at the pres­
might get a few of them and comb ent time. Mr Jeaae|>h said. These
men receive |W) a month or more
the acalea from their own eyes.
from the government until they are
able to handle their land projects
The high school pupils are making
When you pick up a book and boM i>
without outside aid. A total of
I.«» far fr.-m you it is a «Ign you need the attempt to make their word and
500 other vocational
r-ading g’mow«. Always ask for Kry p promise good toward paying off the
I« visible ti
tn ­
toko, as the reading part is
trainees of this district are learning
debt incurred in building the new
the wearer only
agricultural work of various kinds.
gymnasium. In their paper they
organixations every- ;
call attention to the big dedication
where are pushing the congressional
< and dance for the 25th. A good
measure known aa the Knutson bill
time for all ia promised on that
which will, if passed, administer
loans on farm mortgage security to
disabled war veterans not to exceed
This seems to have beon a demo­ 75 percent of the total value of the
.Manufacturing Optician cratic year, and It is what was
farm real estate nor 1200C to a man. ■
coming to the republicans for the Not more than $1,000 shall tie ad­
manner in which they have mani­ vanced at one time
pulated economic affaire.
Attorney at Law
York electa a democratic governor
British Hauae of Larda.
Cusick Bank Bldg.
and Indiana electa a democratic
John Wilson Croker In a letter writ
senator, aa well as have all states tan shortly before hl» death In 1867
mention« that going over to the lord-
done the same when the men on troni the common« oue ex ecu ng he no
the republican tickets were known tlced, as a fact, "not unln>|>ort«nt to
as stand patters. It is time for the conati! ut Iona I history.' timi every one
of the 3U peers then pr»--.tit had aa>
republican party to begin to turn
Ofllce Hours i
with him In th«' hou»e of common»
its face toward the sun— darkness "It shows," he «aya. "h«w completely
9 to 12 A. M.
1:M) to 6 P. M
will never bring them out so they the hou«« of common» han liven the
nuraery of the h ine of lord« " There
N«ti» #1 School Electie« to lecrmt can see the trend of events. Ore­ are
usually In the houw of lords almut
Tn Mott than S u Per Cut Over tint gon is in the democratic col urn 300 fieer» «ho have »al In the botta*
again and would have elected a of common«
•I the Prevteas Tur
Notice is hereby given to the legal democratic congressman from
Liquid Air C «plosive
voters of School I>1»trict No. Pfi. of first district had one been on
When liquid str. coir lining from
Linn County, Stats of Oregon, that an
to flo per cvnt of oiygi-n. la mixed with
election will be held in said District al ticket.
Calle Attended
Day or Night
Y ick So I ong
Chinese Medicine ani Tea Ca.
1« •
i )i<N i ist
the Schoolhouse, on the 25th day of
November, IKS at 2 o'clock in the af­
ter noon, to vote on the question of in­
creasing the amount of the tax lew in
said I »»strict for the year IK3 by mon
than six per cent over the amount of
such levy for the year immediately pre­
It 1» necessary to raise this additional
amount by special levy for the following
lor installation of heating plant and
needed repair of the building.
I’atrd this let day of November,
Chairman Board of IH rec tor».
District Ckrk.
< * •
•* •
Now that oolitics ia out of
pondered ctisr. oal it forma an eipio
slve which la said to be comparable In
power to dynamite. >nr| ran he ex
pl.xled by mean« of a iletonatmr. Th lx
explosive hna been t,»ted In ma I
mine« The liquid air evaporates so
rapidly that the explosive cannot be
stored, but mu«t be used within a few
minutes after It la prepared.
Sura of ginging gir».
When Alphonse !>lt. l.«i french mur-
Jerer. was on hla way to the guillotine
with an unlit cigarette In hl» lips, one
of the attendants «»kcl him if h«
woeM ilk« a match "No. thank you F
waa the bland answer. "I’ll light it
«bsa 1 gu UmraP
I». ra. HUM
5c and 6c
res uffa»
Every ailment of the human
body «»mee within the benefi­
cial ecope of rhirupractic.
Berk «che», hradachee, grnrral
rundown condition# have th. ir
Fresh and Cured Meats
source» in your nervou» eye-
W<- buy
Our methode eucceed.
Consultation Free.
Veal, Pork &. Poultry
Shelton & Co. Props
Drs. Scott & Scofield
Mondays. Wednesdays and
F rtdays
Hours: 9 to 11 a m.
W. A. Ewing.
A. K. Randall
Vice Brea.
E. 0. Myers. Cashier
Ktart a bank account today and
provide for your future.
You will find a checking ac­
count very convenient for your
boaincaa transactions. Wr pay
Interest on time deposits.
htlct M lislrtd Rom HttHtf
Prrsusnt to s petition signed by a
legal number of resident freeholder»,
taxpayers «nd legal voters of Road I ha­
ir »ct No. 16. of Linn County, Oregon,
Notice ia Hereby Given that a meeting
of the legal voters of Road Ihstriet No.
16, of Unn County. Oregon, will be held
at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on the
18th day of November, 1922, at the
»am Games School House, in the said
Road District, to determine whether or
not »aid Road District shsll vote ■
special tax of S3XMI 00 upon all the tax­
able pnqierty within said Hoed District
fur the improvement of the roads there­
in as follows, to-wit. grading, gravel­
ling, draining and reparing said road»
By order of the County Court of Linn
County Oregon
||i»ated this 38th day of October. 1922.
W R. Bilyeu, County Judge
{ I). H. Pierce, County Com.
' l>. C. I horn«. County Com.
Atteet: R M Russell, County Clerk.
Posted thia 2f>th day of October, 1922.
by W, A. Gilkey, appointed by the
Wright & Poole
Scio Meat Market
Frt - h end < ur> Meat
; [
Bat'd! l/ird Sausage
We Buy Your Hogs::
Holcrlifk Bro*.,
Scio, Ore.
I fT'
Oregon Made H oim Knitting T itm
A great surprise for the home knitters
of Oregon, but still a fact. Further­
more. this yarn i» alisolutely virgin
wool yarn, the wool waa grown in Linn
euuntv. sold by Mr. Senders totheOre-
gon Worsted Company (mill« located at
Sellwood). mail«' into worsted yarn by
Roy T. Bishop, son of C. I’. Bishop,
proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of
Salem. Oregon knitters try this yarn
out. All colors. 15<- per ball of 2 oxa
'amplra »ent on apiilii ation. Addreaa
C. P. Bishop, Box 75. Salem, < »regon.
friso# Insurance Company
H om « Orviua. vonugn BuOa
P rtlanì
See D. M. John
The new 3-m-One Fol icy issued
by the Oregot Life will interest
Engagement and
Wedding Rings
Beat of Service, both Profeeeionally
and in funeral Conducting
F. M. French & Sons
I ady A mutant always. Best of
Equipment end Prtcee iiuaran
teed Right for Everybody.
Pwoss 15
SuLacribe tut LU. Tr.Lune
Boll >y: "Di<l vnur watch stop
when it dropped on the floor?"
Eldred: "Sure, did you think it
WuUMj go UuuUkll.