in Wmdburn. *T M taSki Will Holt apvnt Sunday in Salem visiting relatives Miss Nora Holt was a dinner guest Oct 30 at the Fred Sommer home Sunday. The Riverside schoolhouse, Diet Joe Prokop. lx*o Zeller and Leon­ No. 10. waa the «cene of s merry ard Gilkey attended the apvaking in crowd Saturday evening, when the Scio Thursday evening. women's club of which Mrs Frol Francis Higginbottom attended Mespelt is president, gave their an­ Margaret Serfling’s sch<»ol, at Shel- nual Harvest Festval. The program 1 burn. Tuesday and pasmuj the Hallo­ Committee consisting of Meadamea we’en favor« to the pupil«. Ral|>h Mellon aid. Walter Morris. Joe Prokop ia reshingling his Mill Msspslt. h. F. Krelia and S. H. house. Holt are to be congratulated for Many of the men of thia com­ the splendid evenings entertainment. The program presided by Me munity attended the Round up -n Donald waa as follow«: Piano duet. 1 Seis Sunday. Mrs. E. F. Krebs and Mrs S. B. Buy Dairy Cow* Holt; Drill. •‘Will-o'-lhs-visp.” by N girls. Mrs. 8. B. Holt accompany­ Kild Bilyeu intends to goto dairy­ ing on the piano; Violin and piano ing in t*srnt*«t having purcham-d duet, Mrs Will Mespelt and Iron eight excellent grade Jeratvs this Holley; Solo, Bernice Grittio; Play. fall, and the other day added a "And The lamp Went Out;" Duet, rvgiated cow to his herd whose dam Mrs. W ill Mes|>elt and Mis« Holley, is out of Golden Glow’s Chief and a Shadow Pictures. At the close of half sister of Vive la France and the program, numerous booths which Old Man's Darling 1st nml 2nd. At were decorated artistically, were the same sale he l>«*CHmc the owner thronged with people in quest of of a male cslf that is very cloaelv candy, cake.cider, etc and asocial connected with all theiw- great cows time enjoyed until a late hour. on the side of the dam. I adv Silken Some who attended from other Glow lO.iK.7t) Vive la France 1039. parts parts were; E. C Smith and 2*4, Old Man's Darling 2nd 995 6K. family. Dwight Peterson and family. 1 and with Lulu Alpha of Ashburn Elmer Whetstone and family, Mr* MIO.ON and Poppy's Doratha 991 25 John Smith. Miss Iron Holley, Mi«s on the sitie of the sire. Nora Holt, all of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Drager and daughter, MaH»n«tt« Show« in Italy. lA*ona. of Dever, Mr. and Mrs. C. Moat Itallnli rifle« tin«« |wrt*iaii«*nt E. Gibson and Iva Wemlierg of rr« -lent cnmpanlmi <>t marlooetti- man Salem, Mr. and Mrs Will Gearhvar t ay< ra tlenoa ha a a very good »how now and always haa an •(■■vllatit aoa and J. K. Rcily and wife, of Crab­ ana at t'lirtatmaa and at carnival tima am) at Faster «han a Venetian man- tree. and otheia r God gave parents their children Governments cannot rightfully take them away G Ik MERICA h«» slwsy« «U mm I for ihr prnlrrtion el natural and inalir* XA aMs ri«hl*. «along whirh none U u> «•a<«n again«! the «o-raikd I ompulaor* tdo- •allo« Bill, whlrk i« m fart a Hill to hltbhih SMa llunupolj u/ tdu<* **M, may bo grouped umiet luo hr a da l Facts demonstrated Th« PACT» DEMONSTRATF t) an tn«. « a«r*o««ly disputed by taybod« arr thr .< Th«t th« Rill ••• f>»«n * Faitr Till« i" ► *•• I th« public tad d*c»o« th* « or« Th.r n ia no r««p»n»v i> ’■••« Support at «ny privatt or p«r - h>al >• I-.- 1 • Stat». 0» •»«» haa. or •»«» can un.lri tlw i.n pruhibmoa ol th* Constitution «nd law« That it wdl incr«««* taut-on at l»««t it--- -4 aa • m «00 »n new public •ch**J t><> That n veata tn the C®un»v Supermr n * av- batracy and unappealable power tu . • »« »1 |*r»v*lf£tt to the wealthy and i ‘ r • htch they will be ««ampt from the la That h will par-«st parent« Iron» r t their children ia petvaia tchoola b«.-t e-rn .1 lh«u children el«ewh«ro to oe edti> 1 That ao lar from being united >n «u| -i -I ih* Rill, th* Masonic Fraiera'ty po**d to it »nd th* Grand Matter r ■ Murray Butl«r. 0/Columbia Unnertd) •>»» It ehould bo called a Bdl to render the In-. n »«stem of «duration impoMible in Or«n .n J e Frrxdenta of Yah. Fnnceton Chn •• I- I Stanford and other great Uaiverames have <-n phaoeally cemdemnsd it That th« pmal* school«, under the «■> j law. are required to coafqrm their cuum 1 ' I la* to th« publK echoed» alandardt i’ < I h languag« 1» mad« cempuleory. and th«» n- ih feet to th* map« I ma and aup«rvi»-n ..1 il.e Nui» •urhorit,«« That th« propoaed law wlW ekn« up r»r T orphan aaylum horn* lor defective an IF. 1 ehildren. and other private charities « >« • elementary mstrurfroa of the inmate« «1 «emoted Thai It deuroys the rights of manonne* itw a vttsl snd vshiabl« principle of Ameriran . e on* that haa preserved ihi« coumry I nan ibe |yr ns —---------- QM Wo»M Government« THE ARGUMENTS UNA NSW Fill D ... « th» tell see container! m Ih» “Vnm 1 ■ ■«' w«u«a by Ow »tata The ahwt pumu ui ih» u.,» an «• Mie«« /1 rgumeHts unanstvered I Hit I.UTHKIAN AllGLMFXT !(><>• w Iti u» chiM u» 1 wlkw4 m «h- h »ouf Vtbgton »• (Me 4ajr »« ih< v»<*L U m I *Lay. 4ir*J thè wliolr f l»y •»♦eh frltgw»»* HtkhtttfMMI •W»»M ♦*•»< *»• ih-r chi hi *• itx ih< jrOW f***«ti *U wie ThiA l»»ll »•» martJraUy } r»n hORruAXDCiTi/Kss x\i»r*x. p.AYFkS AkQI MI XT II mh ’I*» ol ftartef»sigf ih* ptrMw •rHn»4* »» h> b* CfQtetl b» tK-vr t*»»w tn «he £*<»¿’4 •chool* it »• thjH e*treruttato# r> "‘h wku tw» >; t fi. i tb .« ai »! art tara »»< » hr *G»t l > argl 'X ii x r h * »s« wn AiixfKAn «Ir.ah c»i Ifre.bxm* ni that »1 lo •n«l wtxncn ffcrvhew <>| »hottgiM and mimmi « a ihf al ett»«»tx ribem ami mlhattMCti lui thè ir *htL» 4« «i $ THI SBVP.MTH DAY ADVFNTIXT1 AH<»1 \ xr *Wf «re ftert <1 a certa •*’ • •un r*hw >lrd m ’he m I wx M «• morr mtrlh. eiaf |h.*n »1 ile were vdiMeird m a private w wvtana« •« h.M.I fu»« baie Lord any ctmvm»*»pi»ii ol atti«« va*-*■—ibai thè cbaiti bcbmf* peintanl» io tb< State ti k an Htijvtiiiubk m»a»tonni lam>h aotborit* and thrrattm *di*nial«t)i < X. ga» % r A»V il , ,r •• gir « 0 -14» a« «Ixn «nttfll ami hkd lì < r re- fnam «inHuVcn and Iinabakable alte» ih* et Wb nfhA <4 publ*C riiMUkhKan The grrat Intrfnatunal Co«»ent»cm ol thè pgMKO fu? (bur«b. n«f*ng t»i iX>rtlaodi fetenti, a •< . at J tu |v rgoing •lalrmritt nf thr. «•» we invokr ihr fair and mirili- gasa* )udg«B4MiÌ nf ihr volrr« ol <*■««<>». (oiifxlrul of lh<- rr>ull if a rrgard fo» ih* iehari1»il a«MÌ fumUmv-nlaf prinri|dr» ul rvaumaMr librrty a«r t» grsvoll la ihte «Me CATMOUC rj\l( RIGIfTk A*MM.1 1IION Of OREGON SI* Moegaa Btalldin*. Portiumi. e of the playera are becoming fair y proficent. Greeting« Halsey Enterprise we are glad to see you again. Don't forget the Gym Dedication and Dance November 25. ihe Southern Pacific Railroad la just now doing a lol of constructive work in furthering farming activities tn Oregon, and ia «ending out much literature« featuring the aolendid climatic condition« here under which the farmer can operate. In the laat few year« thia company haa «ent out over 20.000,000 copies of des­ criptive literature. m<>«t of which haa been in colora, and the good it haa done will tie reflected in increas­ ing settlers upon our lands now un­ occupied and UDtilled GILKEY STATION ager «miraltv briny« a S'-od company M im Dorris Meissr «(ant Sunday of marionette« tn town. I* * . z- ’A H - Í i’***JU -A. . '