«■ -»n , tsssA * L- a y -sri|Ç> *v. sr ■ THE HOME RADIO How to Make and U m It 1 y JJU Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet XVII. LOOSE-COUPLED COILS <’• «. as they ar« more often «•lie tuning culls, are very eweeallal pa '• f radio telegraphy ami tele piumy. The old style tuning coll, as used n wireless telegraphy, has been la .eli «-qe-rseded by the type know« as -oci-upled coils or adjustable- colls hlrii may be altered or adjusted % to tut •• much finer <>r more rloeely than by the old type coil. Although It la not difficult tn make a looee-coupled coll it as Is the case with many of th» | cta of radio seta. It la as cheap and f -r move satisfactory to purvbaae them ready made. The cuoventlunal type f loose coupled coll rotuUata of two -I .tlnct culls, one within the other, ns sb- wn In Fig 4A one of thews Is th- primary coll, the other the eecoti-’ary or induction coll. The two are > arranged that the Inner or •■ - t ary coll slips liack and forth within the larger or primary cull, thus varying the coupling or Indue- tb-i- for the electricity—or ooriiia- t ■ in the accondary coil Is merely Induced tjy th«- primary circuit In the outer coil, so that If a ¡Mirllou of the MN-ondury coll la with­ draw i from the primcry COU, ns shown In ths figure, there will be lews inducisi current and In this way tuning la ac- ->..i|- - s I mh I. T o allow of «still finer adjust­ ment the primary .
-mpa‘»es draw three ctrcles oti the cardboard or Vlbre. each about four to five Inches In diameter, having Th'-n. ue- all evaetly the same rise. Ing the dlvtdera, «cribe off an unequal number (Ave. erven, nr nine) marks around the circumference of each Fig 47, A. Next, »till uelng circle the dividers, draw a »mailer rtrele. »ay -me and one half Inch«« to two and one half Inches In diameter within each Irde (B). If the circles are four Inches In diameter use the smaller circle Inalde. If five Inches the larger one ml with a rule draw radiating line» one-fosirth of an inch apart fnmi meh f the marks on the outer cir­ cumference to the center of the circle (D. With a pair of aciaours or a sharp knife (if cardboard la used) or a fine »aw (If fibre), cut out the diacs and cut slots In each diac accord­ ing to the marks, as shown at (D). Next. If you have used cardt.oarx! give each slotted diac a thorough c«ivering with shellac, using at least three its and when thoroughly dry pr>> -ed to wind the dises or colls In doing thia start the wire-being . in- to leave enough for cotitveetlons at a i -.lrst at the Inner end of one riot iud wind over one eegment and under the next, and as the numbet Is it; - vn you will find that the wires will thus ertasx, as shown at (■). The number Of times the Wire should be pnv.ed «-an only be decided upon by Subscribe now School District No. 95 experiment Ing after «he coll la In use. but. as a starter, about twenty five or thirty turn* -n one. about -ns and one-half time« a. many, or say thirty right to fmtj A«« >>n the «maid, and twice as many on the third as wn the Arst. or from fifty to sixty, will be somewhere near rt. ■ t Then, by re moving or adding a few turns, as you adjust your receiver» you can Quail) secure the very twat result* T” mount this cull ao It may be UM'd. the coil or dis. with the least turne er. tn other wonts, the primary rtdl should be tm-untril rigidly and Im­ movably ami should he connect rd by means of binding poets to the arrlai and ground wire« The wi-miery coll and the tickler coll should then be fastened to brass nr metal strips about two or two and one half Im lies long, one-sixteenth ln- h thick and half an Inch wide tin«- end of eu< h strip should be attached by small bolts or screws to the cells and the other etui This original estimate is made in compliance with section ¡31-A of the school laws of 1921 and sh--ws in l'arsile! columns the unit costs of the several services, material and sup­ plies for the throe fiscal year« next preceding the currant year, the dotati expenditure« for the last one ut «ani three preceding fiscal year« tures for «ix months of the current year. and the budget allowance« and expendi­ ("Six months of the current year" means six months of the last school year.) EXPENDITURES « Expenditures and budget allowance for six months of last school year M 5?1 Second year give yearly lutala itudg't alluw- anee in detail Expendi- ures in detail First ysargive yaarly tutela •i Paasoxu. soavi«a 2. t*rinei|iahi & Teacht-rs... 1 2OX) 1215 1155 limo 990 9»l > !«nn 4ÍV 60 4 Janitor............................ 5 Clerk .............................. 7. Other services Total- f*er»ona) Servici »4 9010 Msttaist «st> xcrrtiaa 1. Furniture (desk, etc » 2 Supple« (chalk, etc.). 8. I.itirary books ... 4. Laboratory sutqilies fi. Janitor's suppliMi ... 7. Fuel ... ................. ..................... H. Light ». M atcr .............. 10. Postage are!stationery rl Total Valerial A suppliet 1 275 S5 HO 50 25 150 2S 12 20 00 f KU) Ost » HXV IV HlO DO HlO 00 OU tifili IV DO 00 720 to 72u «V 00 :nxt 00 300 UP IV 25 00 25 00 V • V . v| 53 311 oo 1 &7|x 2H| -’«-I >JK (VI. 00> (V 00 DO (V 00 00 on 706 004 1X33 'M «374 »7 4.'s) 50 » 8717 ..... 771. 25 50 43 Ksrvias lewi fit! H4 H7 4 Heating plant ..................... » «75 00 4 5ti0 00‘. . • ««•ss I • ss.. Buildings ami gruuntia. r i¿S¿ Ó04 Total Maintenance A Kep. ■ “fifi fifi Is nsirTKOMkas Interest on warrants DO 00 25 4H Í HK75 DO» tUKU 12 4 5(> K H3 634 % 4 362 H6 4 7&H HI 324 »7 I 1H6 I« H H3 II« 324 97 -324 97» 104 9fl lasoaxs« « Total—Insurance attached to a movable ¡«-g >r holt with a fibre or bakelite kn-.b at the ->pp<-rir« end. Fig 4* shows clearly how this Is done. In this way th« secondary and tickler may be swung back and forth to cover m-*re or less of the primary; hut great care should be UWl that the tk’klef d-1 Mot loll- h the primary coll. When the coll la thus «nountoil on a proper panel or stand. It should be wired as shown In Fig 41» and when the whole set Is In g-s»d working order and Anal adjustments made. It should all be enclo*.«l in a newt wooden case »tth a hinged top or cover. Fig 50, although, of course, this la merely a protr- live measure and does not aITii t the working efh- iency of the act |t li>r lh>* filament will lev nredlrs.ly burnt out end wasted lung before Its time Xe«t e--one-1 the H. (or dry) battery the gr> und and airrial and, fi- .ill) the pt -i tn using this outfit, turn on the bulb slowly, adjust the knobs carrying the mils so liuti all three are in line and then adjust or tune the variable condenser until the » -naia you wish to hear are clear. Tl-v.i. by gradually adjusting the movable rolls, y. Science Freight and hauling ... Total 75 t»j 75 OoS 75 «> n » Mi»crllan«M>u» « 6 tv 4 100 tv 20 IJOj.. 13 •7 52 126 DOf HO VI 4 4 N5 llV 24 1H ;w 123 47| ........... H7 00 r.MXX'-XVl V Total Emergency s 517 42. 2 617 42 iisiin lorn...................... . JUi • ••••«• L 421 (K79 3X I 7uC4i MS W-Ó 1M|1Q!32 75f KPfc 5a I, Annie 1». Ilartu. do hereby certify that th« above estimate of expenditures for the year 1922-1 -2.1 was prepared by me and that the expenditures and budget allowance for ria months of the current year and the expenditures for the three fiscal year» next preceding the current year as shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and are true and correct copies thereof. ANNIE I). HARTIJ, l’istrici Clerk. A Lake en Shipboard When one contémplales tbai mi um- energy gs ex ertevi to the end of keel- ng the water out of a ship u I ioi . i up as an aatoiushing fact timt Ilici la of nexeeaily a grow« -leal of Wale iltbln lise bull of the ve«»<-| A lutai •ni liner hu» enough water in her liu­ to make a good »ixed lake Aleni L74U ton» of water la curried by ■ l> iKiasrnger veaael The drinking wale, fo» the use uf pss-v-nger» amounts ■ . and there are sl»>ul fClO tons •> sea water being used tor ballasi 11., »lx bollerà contalo MU t ri» TI- lank« are ri tu a Un) between the doubl* bulla of the veaael. — . ............. o . . We Do Dyeing Hub Cleaning Works, Inc Muter Dyers anti Cleasers — 335 Lyon st., Albany, Ore Raisin Lacle. Heat the yolks -nd bite« --f two eggs separately and n-l