• * * * • • ■ jV , *• ztt * • • • ••. ■<. ? t • *i« * '* -K • ‘ » *' '** / WjT zvs •• ?«j v ,'e *A ► •' ?T* -‘ * .50. J system of bu-k, furn ,h»d bv the federal government, a teacher fr>m Oregon, could teach In New York, or a teacoer from New York, could Cut down the Fuel Bill Fill a gd oil heater with Pearl Oil. At the touch of a match you nave a cheery, friendly heat for very little cost. And you can easily carry this comfortable warmth from n>*m to room - wherever it is wanted — with no heat wasted in unused rf reading, writ­ ing. geography, arithmetic and En­ glish are the same Whether this Compulsory school bill passes in Oregon or not, I tie­ lie ve much good is g >lng to come out of the agitation of it i think we shall have some legislative actmenta paaw-d that will throw private and public schools open public inspection. They will be quirsd to teach lhe public school branches, and the teachers in them be required to pass the same exam­ inations a« the teachers in the public school This would be American­ ism. and only what the bill aims to cover. After they have passed these grades, and the age limit, they can attend any religious or denomina­ tional school they desire. I believe brother you should print your paper wholely in engiish, this ia America, English is our language and should be learned by all who desire to become American citizens, yet I would like to tie able to talk Bohemian. German. Spanish. Chin­ ese or any other language so that when I come in contact with other I people, I could translate their lan­ guage into English, and vice versa So I could teach them Americanism. Christ said "A new commandment I give unto you Thou shalt love the Lord thv God. with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy strength, and thy neighbor as thy self upon these two, hangs all the law and prophesies." What is more than this, or abort of thia, is not worth considering in any country or any religious cult. What kind of a harmonious school would we have in Scio, if one room was set a side for the children of Baptist parentage with a Baptist teacher, another ore for Preshy- ter tana wi h a Presbyterian teacher, another one for Catholic with a catholic teacher, another one for Bohemian children with a Bohemian teacher, another one for German children with a German teacher, and no on down the line. Wouldnt we have one hell of a mesa in lhe lhe school? The only remedy would be to wipe out the whole thing and come to gether on one standard bonis. A Reader. One Flag! One School! One Language! the early market Keep them hsolthy—thrifty, free from worms. their bowels active, fit for thrift. Dr. He«« Stock 1 onic No dogging of the system, little chat> rutile is by fur the nu i . n. ra­ te*! kitchen runfie on the market Today LANG stows are tued and endorsed by ihou^ous of American housewives. Lvt us show you a » R. M. CAIN Phone 76 SCIO OREGON. Furniture