Original Estimate and Accounting Sheet «-•A XVII. LOOSE-COUPLED COILS School District No. 95 nr. a» they »re twr« often ex pert limit I ng after the coll is In call« tuning cull», ar« very «uaeailal use. but. as a starter ab««UI twenty pe !» f radio tvlegrapiiy and tel« Ave or thirty turns ..u one a -ut one p!.-a. T3>e old alyl« tuning coll, «• and one-half time» a» man,, or »ay umwi n wlreiewa telegraphy, ha» been thirty right to forty d«r ««n the «•-«■«aid. la eh vii|wi«.-,|ed by the typ« knowa i and twice »» man, on the thlrtl »« on aa . .‘copied coil» or edjuatable- 1 the first, or fr«>m hfty to sixty, will lie evil» hi.-h may be ahered or adjuated aomewhere near rt.ht Then, hy re t«> tut much liner or more c|o«ely than 1 moving or atbling » few turns, as you by the old type roll. Although It I* . adjust your r«nelver» you can nusH, nu difficult to make a looae-ompled ■ »«cure th« very ln*»t results T«« rv I «•■<. av 1» the ca»e with man, of mount thl» coll gn it ma, he itwd. th« | rf» of radio vet». It to aa cheap ! the roil or dlu- with the least turn«. and f ir mow «atlafactory to purvhaa« or. In other words, the pm ary c«41. them ready iua«le Th« conventional i ahould be m’.qiitnl rigidly and Im typ«- >f loove coupled roll evuaista of | movahly ami sliould he cvnn«wt«wl hy twod tlnct mil». <>n« within the other, | m«-»us <>f binding post» to the aerial na alo «n In Fig 4A. (me nt th«*»« I ami ground wire* The w.-tolary 1» th« primary eoll. th« other th« I roll and the ttcklrr coll should then aacon-'ary or induction evil. Th« two Ibe fasfene.) tn hr«»» or «uetal strips are so arranged that th« Inner ar atw’ut two ««r two and onehalf Im I>«» >- ary <>>ll vlljai back end f<»cth long. onw»lxt«-enth li. h thick ami half within the larger «»r primary coll, an inch whir On«’ rtloa uf the MMfondury coll la with­ drawn from the prlmi’ry coll, »« »hown lu th« figure, there will be le«u Induced curreut and In thia u uy tuning la ao o..u> died. To allow of »till finer adjust- mem th«* primary -o(l la provided with an ad- Juatalde vlidvr A. and the - ■.Ildar, Coll has a multi pointed awitcb IL Aii>d her type of loo»». map), d coll la arrangml ao tl it one coll ro- volv«-» within the others while another type, w hich 1» the »Implest of all f.-r the amateur to comttrm-t mid give» th« beat n-aulta, ia cone P- I of three diacs or «>11» "»tagger wound" which mny M atta<'h«*n. k and h«mvy Brlatol hoard, thin Ahrelmard or aimliar composition and about half forth to «-over more or less of tn» a pom.d of No 24 l> C. Q wire. Al»«». primary; but grvat rare should be In »eltltig up and arranging the coll», uaed that the tickler d-wv not ton* h lb* you ud! require binding post», knob». primary cull, IS hen tfc<- coll u th«» » little «hwt bra»» and a few other mounted on a proper panel or at mid. .«Id» and ends With a ¡>alr of <11- It ahould be wired na shown In Fig vla*e with a hlnxwd top or Ing the ■ttvlders. acrlhe off an unequal cover. Ftg 50. although, of roiirw. number (Av«, «even, or nine) mark» thl» 1» merely a prole. live measure and around the <-lr«-utuferenc« of each does not affect the working «*ff)< leticy It must be «■learly under Fig 47. A. Next, »till ualn« of the art circle the divider«, draw a »mailer circle, ■food, however, that ltd» tvpe .»f . oil >i>ne*'tlon with aay n«*ct th« circle ItiKlde If five Inch«« the larger ■forage ballet,. aa shown; pij«-e th« otic iind with a ruto draw radiating lamp or tube In It» socket and gradual­ lit»*« iie-f..urtli of an Inch apart frvui ly turn on the rheostat to ««*•• If th« Never turn on each ’f the mark» on th« outer dr- tube glow» properly eumfcrenrw to the center of the circle the current to the bulb quirkly or to ((') With ■ pair of •••l»»or» or a full power or the filament will I* need I rawly burnt out and wasted »harp kflf.* (If cardboard 1« used) Next < ..t.ne t th«* «>r a fine »»» (If 6bre), mt out th« before Ila time H. (or dry) batterv. the gr> md and din»*« and cut »Iota In each disc acevrd- Ing t<> th« mark«, aa »hown at (O). aerial and, «r ally, th« |>l In using thia outfit, turn on th* Next. If you hav« used cardboard, bulb »lowly. a«l)uvt the k|.l>- <»rry’t>g glvi- cn h »lotted disc a thorough th« roll» an that all Hirer are In line n«M*d •■an iqily he decided upon by Subscribe now tettati*'* $1.75 the Year Tht« original >»ltmal« ia made in compliance with »eclmn 231-A of the »chool law» of 1921 and show» m imrallel column» th« unit roata of th« several service«, material and »up- pile« for the three Aacal v«ara next preceding th« current year, the detail expenditure« for the laat one of -aid three preceding Aacal year» ture» for »tv month» uf th« currvnt year. and the budget allowance« and expendi­ « ("Six month« of the current year” mean» »is month» of the laat «chool year.) * *««»W EXPENDITURES * h ’ i I1FM 2-C M Expenditures and builget allow ance Expenditure» for three A»- cal years next preceding the last school year for six months of laat school year Budget allow. ance in detail Expend!- tures in detail - Finit t.H IK. M y«At <1»e year give ,«s< ut it» yearly yearly «ko» VJ« |o|aU lotah pori» M 00 1 HMM) (M> 1 KM.W IM) 4 1633 » 6374 VI Mln IX» MIO (M» 7iMt y* 7ftt W (M> (M) 72H mJ 7211 «■> Mn Ui> DO 660 (M> no MO iM> 6«i> (M> l«ra> (M> 720 00 • ««•»••». 1 T2U ix) 460 00 3(M) ÜO L'M) to 300 (K> 4 J anitor 50 ix» fiO tM> 25 «> 25 IM) 6 Clerk 1» 25 53 »» Total P»nmnal Sen ices « 9010 tV f 67|h 2M I 5664 9HÌ WD 4M» 4 2000 1215 1155 HJH» (MO . . MtrsM'At. aan Mirmixa 1. Furniture ld«-ah, etr.) 4 2 Supples (chalk, etc.)..; 3 Library book» ...J 4. l.alM>ratory sunplle» .1 6. Janitor'» »uppii«« ...| 7 Fuel .. ....................... M. Light ............ I t W at«r .................... I Id. Postage and stationery) Total ll at•*rial A -uppllrs 4 27500»... 65 IM> fit. M0 25 2M 00 53 12 «1 3» on 1 TOf. (Ml 4 MtivviNi»’ « san Kirslus Hvating plant .....................i1 » «75 00» 500 00 Buildings grounds nur ungi anti arwi grounoa. Tutal Maintenance* Rep. i 1'35 (M> f luitMirvi’Mtuui Interval on warranto .. &'> w 43 (Mi tifi AS 50 96 l‘«J IM) 24 00 20i; 11 252 40 On 136 721 I 2 fin 160 fio I 6 <»• 041 96» M M7 » 166 «iti 4 M3 11 M N7 4 Ife 66 4 M3 11« '266 66 4 324 »7 324 07» iv Printing and advertising Suppliva for l>. Science Freight and hauling Total 4 M iacvllaneoua » » fi (Ml » 13 45 1«) 00 67 52 20 00.. •••»s* 1 125 UO| M0 97 1 «7 (Ml I 75 IMI 75 IM)» 4 M 24 IM SB 1X1 47 » loo 1IM 47 4 164 62 t.ni«,.«« V T«»tal Emergency <>»« VI. I or 11 A • 517 42 t 517 42 .. .............. 411992 42 » 6279 3M | 7lM<¡ ma tw 110132 70» K4»f> fifl I. Annie D. Bartu. do hcrebi certify that the above «»Umate of expenditures for the year 1922-L >23 wa> prepared by me and that the expenditure» anti budget allowance for ail month» ol the current year and th« expenditure» for the three fiscal year» next preceding the current year a» »hown above have been compiled from the record» in my charge and are trin- and correct ropiea thereof. « A Lak» an Shipboard When one contemplai’', that sou.... energy in exert «ni to the end of fcvrj Ing th« water out of a «hip. Il up »■ «n aMoaiahlng fact tl«wi tbei ia of n«*tew»liy a gr»M d'i• «nd there are about KtO tons •> •* a waler being awed for ballast Th* vix boiler« contain IMI» tolte lì., tank« are situated tret ween the doubt* hull« of th« v««a«l. ' ■ ............. 9 lemon Strang« Thing. the atranxv.i t’ mg» In why a woman will tell her daughter ran >mg when are perfectly obvious —I«al RADIO RALF AND HIS FRIENDS OAPOY WAS OCtWIHb A NAIL A»O MIT H»$ F INC«« A WHACK! ■WITH Tas axArm1. i We Do Dyeing:::: Hub Cleaning Works, Inc. Matter Dy»r« and Cleaner* ............. - R»i»ln Lacto. Heat the yolk» and hl'-w of two egg» »e pa rat el y and ’J tin in I» three cvipfula of »ugar. -i v.-d «uh two quart» of »klmmed milk and l*a cup fui» of plumped nnd • hopf d rtdaina 'Shen partly fr«>xrn add the Juice tine of ■vorid la neighbors theli eur» lav New» ANNIE I». BARTU. ÍHsUirt Clerk. »••••448dsssssssssa»sassssssae«e»«aa»»sssssssssssssfr* ► *♦ ■ w.. Sis P kmm . v « i «savi« a 2. INmciiwla 3. Tv»ch« rs L 335 Lyon st., Albany, Ore We Do Pleating By JACK WILSON ft’)». »-*41