• * • > > • Cut down the Fuel Bill Fill a good oil heater with Pearl Oil. At the touch of a match you nave a cheery, friendly heat for very little cost. And you can easily carry this comfortable warmth from roum to room - wherever it is wanted — with no heat wasted in unused rooms. PEARU (KIKOIINI) .«• J '. ' - J * / f. * !/;-• HEAT AND LIGHT * ’f ■. " ¡4 / * f* t ■' J ' OIL jf« 'fl r “ ■ . / J J ■ ¡ r », / / • PEOPLE’S COLUMN / « ♦ g / f / f r /• -. ; Z ' / J - ' ' • L ’* ■>*•-? t :«t ■ j i ¿ - vv • iJ *■ • [Editor’s Note We are glad to give space to the people of our com­ munity on topics of the day, but ask them not to become personal or abusive. Each contributor must sign name, not for publication, but for our protection 1 Exit tor Scio Tribune: In the last issue of the Tribune I have been lead to wonder what you was try­ ing to do. B««hemianize Americans, or Americanize Bohemians; most of them left their Eatherland because of religious intolerance. It seems to me. you are leaning over so far you are liable to take a tumble clear over. You like many others have gotten the ‘’Compulsory Education Bill" mixed into a religious squabble, which should never have been in­ jected into it at all. Religion, if taught at all. should be done in ehuiches. and Sunday Schools, and the home and should never enter into the curriculum of the public school at all. out side, or including more, than the observance of the "Golden Rule". Since re­ ligion has been injected into It. there is no end of argument pro and con. for and against it, The fact about We the whole situation is thia, should have ouly one system of American public standardized schools. one system of standard examinations for all teachers to teach in those schools, and one sys­ tem of standard grade, for all pu­ pils to reach before they are granted an Nth grade diploma Our public school system is a conglomeration that could be much improved.I be­ lief et be government should print all the school text books, and have but one uniform aeries, and furnish them to the people at cost. Under our present system, teach­ ers holding 1st gable Keep them healthy—thrifty, free from worms, their bowels active, fit for thrift. F**d Dr. Hess Stock Tonic No clogging of the system, little chance for diM-wsr. every reason for thrift. We sell it. We guarantee it. quired to leach the public school branches, and the teachers io them be required to pans the same exam­ inations as the teachers in the public school. This would be American­ ism. and only what the bill aims to Far Sheep Ticks - fori cover. After they have passed these ± .-JL ■ Jfjf .4 grades, and the age limit, they can attend anv religious or denomina­ do. There is. however, a moral and Erank Powell has been designated tional school they desire. atmosphere in and as Red Cr<1