i •. I 5« ccp ;;. a * •M THE SCIO TRIBUNE Í» can be acconipliahed with the 1927 fair. Portland will have dune won­ ders ter Oregon. To hs sure, if the measnre peases, there will lw money needed fur buildings, etc., to prop­ erly put Oregon's reeoureee before ’ the people who will curne to sew the fair, and this would be done, no matter where the fair should be held within the confines of the Uni­ ted Stales. Let's give Portland her wish we will never regret it. TUESDAY’S ELECTION T hukxda Y. N ov . 2. 1922 The hand that used to rock the cradle now seems to be hitting the typewriter. Tue use of cosmetica ia going to far, with all these folks putting on coats of tar and feathers. Question is what will the anti- «hurt skirt howlers say. if in the near future the women don't weir any skirts at ail. DR. A. G. PRILL Tramps and hoboes are making fur the south now. for if thev stayed up north they might gel pul to work shoveling snow. PbHiciaa ani Saneen Calls Attended Day or Night -.- .SCIO ORE. 1 Th<- howls with which the (teople receive thr ir increases in taxes Jis only equalled by the loud shouts with which they vole for costly pub­ lic improvements. Care of Yick So Tong Cinnrse Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known disease. Not Open on Sundays 163 South High Street Salem. Oregon Phone 2X3 Don't forget the men on the ticket from thia community. They are men well known, of high character and good business They are 0. E. Eichinger, for sheriff; D. C. Thoms for commissioner; S. H. Goin for representative. When we urge the election of these men. we are not unmindful of the fact that good men are on the ballot from other communities, but these are home men. and deserve support. There is nothing good tn the in­ come tax bill now on the ballot, and it should Ire defeated. It waa not honestly conceived, and works a hardship on the men and women When you pick up a book and bold it least able to meet its exactions. too (nr from you H is a sign you need reading g.Always ask forKryp- Whether you believe It or not. the toks. as th«- reading part is visible t< ultimate consumer pays all the bills the wearer only. —tixes snd everything—as taxes and the like are figured in the over- lead Three measures should be defeated single tag. income tax and the compulsory school bill. There is much to be sani for and against any candidate now before the people fur choice. It is a shame and diagr.*ce for so many being in the field in Linn county for Sheriff. but it ia a probiem that < an not be aolved by any candidate at the present time. Rum»rs have it that some have been brought into the field in the interest of some one candidate, but of this we do not know If this situation really exists, and some one has been brought into the limelight because of the dislike of some who had I «eon announced and are in the race, the shame is not on the candidate, but upon thr parties guilty of muddling affairs politically. There is no doubt but that all are worthy men upon the republican ticket, and also the one on the dem­ ocratic ticket, but there should tie but one in the field from the former party. It seems to thia paper that a good plan to bring peace in the ranks would be to hold an elimina­ tion marling with the candidates, and thev to select their representa­ tives in their behalf, sav two in number, and all them* men get to­ gether and select the man most fitted for the office. This pa tier makes thia suggestion in all fairness to all candidates, and let the one selected to make the race re-imburse the ones eliminated for the rx(tense he has been at. Why not try this, as we understand otw or more of the candidates are willing to such a move being made and wdl abide by the decision of the meeting and have representatives al the meeting. <1 ‘ • ss Mi A Reminder That you can »et GOOD GROCERIES GOOD HOSIERY GOOD FURNISHINGS GOOD ATTENTION at thia »tore. atore. »till taking Kodak Pictures. Picture- bring in your If you are still films-we films- we do developing and printing J. F. WESELY WESELiY, Grocer ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e eoaaaaaaaaaeai Scio Mill & Elevator Co. ! Scio Cusick Bank Itldg. ALBANY OREGON DR. HCQ I >KNTIST office Hours: 1 JO to & P. M. Wright & Poole MORTICIANS Best of Service, both Prvfruaionally and in Fum-ral Conducting. may be paid. There ia no way to i>eat these debts except through bankruptcy, and Linn county is not bankrupt. The debts have been in­ curred. whether justly or not mat tera little. The fact ia we have about 1600.000 in outatanding warrants, they have been earned, and are drawing big interest. Thia interest is eating up taxes without reducing the debt to a noticeable degree. By bunching them into one tug bond issue, the interest will be lightened, and the debt reduced ac­ cording to the sale of the bonds This bill should be carried. Fresh and Cured Meats We buy Veal, Pork A. Poultry Shelton & Co. Props SClo. OREGON Scio Meat Market SANTI AM FARM NEWS t Fresh and Cured Meat- Bacon Lard Sausage We Buy Your Hogs Hamilton Creek Sunday. He ia spending the winter with Oscar Fill­ pot as a farm hand. The Pie Eater amused himself Sundry filling up the ruts on the new gravelled road, which would soon be impassable 1 »ecause of the soft dirt underneath and the gravel being pushed out to one side. Our school pie and basket social will be held Friday night, Nov 3, in place of Hallowe'en, at the school house. Bring your pies and baskets and have a good time. Don’t for­ get the money, either. Joe Kalina is here from Portland in his brand new car. and ia visiting hie brother. Bd. He surely must be readv for his new cook. The Pie Eater and good wife call­ ed al the Bummer's hotel Saturday and was worry to learn that we would soon be out < f a place to eat when we come to Scio. Rumor has it. and rumor only, that a very nice old gentleman from Shelburn is try-1 ing t<> pay her visit«- we mean »he lady of the inn— that he has called On another page of thio paper will be found sn advertisement for the 1927 World's Fair, which It is P n . ims 16 planned to be held in Portland dur­ LEBANON > OREGON ing that year. The city of Portland asks that it be allowed to tax itself for this purpose, and it looks like DR J W. LOIN, thia will be granted, and in our judg­ Veterinarian. Authorised Auction Sale end Interstate ment it should he. It is said that Inspector. in a few years after the Lewie A Phones:—t'alace Feed '-bed. 1H4-J Glark ex position, Oregon near I» Kes i lenes. Mm R double«' her p^uiation. and if thia a time or two. and that she was asray. ALBANY. OREGON I ady Assistant always. Best of Equipment amt Prices i-uarsn teed Right for Everybody. Co. —— Healer» in Holechek Bros., Props. Scio. Ore. ............ .............. - -- ------------------------- I T? ’ Mo» Mad« H mii hiltiM Yms A great surprise for the home knitters ; of Oregon, but «till a fact. Further­ more. thia yarn i» aleolulcly virgin wool yarn; the wool was grown in Linn count*, sold by Mr Senders to the Ore­ gon Worsted Company (mills located at j Sellwood:, made into worsted yarn by Hoy T. Bishop, son of C. P. Bishop, I proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of MHM. Oregon knitters try thia yarn out. All colors. 15c uer bail of 2 oss “ampin sent on application. Address C. P. Bishop, Box 75. Salem, Oregon, Opte>m e trist. ALt^NY 0*16, Attorney at Law Elevator »♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ a The old man returned Friday from his trip to Clackamas rountv. where he wis visiting the family of his daughter. Mrs Ida Graham, who llvea on Elliott Prairie. He had a fine time and saw lota of good hard surfaced roads, which makes it easy to gel around Potatoes up there are selling at 50c a sack, are of small Unn county has a measure on the site, and many patches a^e not yet HAROLD Al.BRO. liallot to allow her to assess herself harvested, the rains keeping the Manufacturing Optician in excess of the tax limit, in or­ vines green. der that the outatanding warrants Eldon Griffin came down from BRYANT Mill & THE SCIO STATE BANK W. A. Ewing. A. E. Randall President Vice Pres. E. D. Myers. Cashier Start a bank account today and provide for your future. You will find a checking ac­ count very convenient for your Bualnces transactions We pay interest on tune defies its. but now she is planning to stay at home so it ia h awe now for ua. no place to go for our esta, nu matter how nice he ia. it ia best we do not meet. Our road boas. W. A. Gilkey, came out Munday with a grader and tract-1 or to fix our new r<»ad. He got loo yards on it. mired down, had to back out and go a mile around to back ua the road. nr cattil Omlft Insurance Company H omi Or*>wa. w -~«rt h. no . Fowrvih« See D. M. John About your I.UE I NSC RANCE. The new 3-in-()ne Policy issued by the Oregon Life will interest you. We mskr s Specialty of Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY Bead the advertisement* in thia the people of the state make of these issue they are instructive and will columns for the dime ruination of ffi** V°” •” idea of the nee to which I news and ar’ieies