__ J * . *1 For Sale Cabbage, all you want, J. P Bentx was in Seto Monday Subscribe lut the Tribune Boro Utt. M .28 to Mr and Mra. at cents Per pound, at the oa bnataees. Harry Godwin, of Crabtree, a daugh ­ LOCAL BREVITIES There will be s dance at the Z patch. Guy McKnight. Phone ter. Mias Berths Patrny and Ase East­ B. J. hall on election nlrht. Nov 7. &». Route 2 Scio. 11 tf burn. of Albany, were Seto visitors instead of on Saturday night. Nov. Willis Ramer, of Crabtree, was a T rks I'AM notices for sale at 10^ T. E. Fleming, waa in Albany 11. Everybody invited. Remember week end visitor at toe Fred Bilyeu Saturday night. each, ut 3 for 25«’. at the Tribune Tuesday. the data—Nov 7 -next Tuesday. home. office Protect your stock from ’ Mrs. Wm Parrish returned Sat ­ Meadow Shads Butler ia the l<>etaliat about the nerve in hi* per card, or 2} ent* per card by the first of the week. mail, postpaid. See our display of fresh vege- formerly of this dty. was a Scio right underjaw. and ia ronaiderably J. F and C. L Leffler, were in improved. He thinks be will aoon Sunday. tables, at right prices. Meadow visitor over For Sale AUmt 10 gallons No. 6 • the county seal Tue* be alright. Shade Dairy. Zerolene motor oil. with container. Mrs. George Powell and Fred Special prices on fancy potatoes . Price right, if you can use It. In­ The Baptist Ladle« Aid Society. | Mr. and Mra. Frank Gill and Joeie Williamson were in Scio Monday in quire at the Tribune office. at the Meadow Shade Dairy. Ko tan. spent Sunday al the H, O. the interest of the R«1 Cross work. will hold a home-made candy sale at Loot Octo 24th. between Coury's (“has Freitag transacted business Bar rick’s home, Vandare Bilyeu, of Kalama Wash, Riley Sheiton’v nfftoe all day next store and the piMtoffiee. an Ever* Tuesday, election day. for the pur- in Albany the first of the week. returned to bis home last week sharp pencil, gold, with the in­ Mr. bad Mrs. M. 8. Hatten, of after visiting relatives and friends poae of raising money to clean up itial* "M I S ” Finder nleaee Roe Shelton and sons, Millard and Albany, were Sunday visitors at the Baptist church. ¡1 ia proper that return to Ida Miimantk, Scio, In Scio. the Fred Bilyeu home. Donald, were in Albany Tuesday. we extend all the help we can by Oregon. ltc L M. Curl nay a he ia “coming purchaiang your eandv from them For Sale - Household furniture. back home” and will be here next on this occasion. Stove*, rug*, bedsteads, mattress­ Monday night at the Community Alfred Powell and J. N. Lx>ng re-1 es, d'caser, (her things too num­ ’ Club mewling erous to mention. Cash or bank­ turned Monday from Tillamook able n<»t. Fax Thayer, south of Mra Florence Everel was in For quick results on county, where they had gone to school house. ’ Portland last Wednesday. While viMt the families of Mr. Long's eons. all metalware um there ahe aecurwl a late model hem- Del>wit and Archie. They brought Pisno Must Be Sold We bave a atiching maching. high grade piano in »turage that pack with them about 600 ponnda we will sacrifice for immédiate Mra. FL D. Myrrs entertained the of fine salmon, and some specimen* aale Will uiv« <»•»> terma to an 600 (Tub al her homo October 27. of rutabagoe* that look more like estahli-hed hotne. For full part- Clean» • Scour» » Potiate» Mra Everett recriv« <1 firat prixe and pumpkin* than anything else, meas­ iculars and wh«T«' it can eeen, ad dre*» Geo, C, Will Music House, Mrs Rodger* c naolation. uring at Iraat 24 inchr* around and Salem, Oregon. 9-c4t Large Henry Neal. FJi DeLong and weighing up to 19 pounds ach. cake ho *’-**“ «n The Feder­ Mike Bilyso have fimah««k it therefrom is inger. who Ilves here and we ought doing ner ballot If our public schools ar* not good enough for any man'* child It ia our duty to make them ao. I am opp«'w| to Chinese or Japan«-*« land ownership. 1 am not In favor of th« taxpayer* of the State paying one cent toward finan­ cing th« Portland 1925 fair. If elected to the office of Joint Sene- tor, I aim to represent in an impartial way the interest* of both Lane and Linn Counties. Aa a decent American citixen I favor axl if ek «-ted shall work for honest government, law enforcement a« I audition of waste If elected, I can not by myself accomplish any great reform, but pledge my undivided support to any worthy cause needing assistance.” (Paid Adv. by Fred Fisk for Senator Club. M. S. Wallis, Secretary 947 Olive St., Eugene, l.an« County. Oregon» IT IS BUSINESS. The man of buain«-*« is strictly business, understands business, he talks business and is full of busi’waa. he minds his own buai- ne«s, he «toes not m«nkUe in other people’s bu«ine«a To worry others with your business is not b mines». If you let other* know your bu-mess you will soon be out of buaineee. To ret you into trouble ia the lawyer'* bus m-aa. To tell other* what to do hut not to It himeelf is the . rvacher'a buaiiwss To not let other* do, yet to du It hnuaa-lf, that'* the policeman'a bust- ness To ask * stranger for the loan of a dollar, that's not buainess, to make that loan la po»r buatness We print thia card a* strictly business We piesent this card ae a matter of busi- nee*. Save thia card aa it is full of business. Call and see ua and we will do husim »a. THE SCIO TRIBUNE Fiva Protestant churches in Alb­ is Uss. M aatbaw aaSar ■* ia**» any are planing a big revival meet­ ing to be begun Nov 12 and to run For Sale—Two young horse* Inq­ until Dec 10. The meetings will uire at the Hollis Cxmfectionery, be held in the Armory. Rev. C. A. Scio. Oregon. Price, of Loe Angeles, in charge Potatoes For Sale. At 1 cent per pound. Also baled straw. Inquire The O A. C. Stanford football of Charlev Qirx. route 2. Scio. game at Corvallis laat Saturday waa 4tf one of the beat ever seen on that gridiron, according to those who For Sale—1920 model Ford Tourig car. good condition and will run. went from here, Stanford bested Easy terms. Inquire at Tribune the 0. A. C. team by a score of 6 to office. 0. having made three points in the For Sale—Thirty double diae 10-inch first half and soon after the get sway. phonegraph records. Price right. See Franklin Van Brunt, box 95. The Celebration of the fourth Scio, Oregon. 14-p anniversary of the establishing of the Cseeho-Slovak Republic, at the For Sale -One Ford touring 1918 model. Good tires. First class Z. C. B. J. Hall. Saturday night, shape. At a bargain. See Fr«*d was a great success and all that at­ Bilyeu. Scio. Oregon. 12tf tended reports a splendid time. A special program waa arranged For Sale—We have several sacks of English Walnuts for sale at 30c Some very fine talks Bv Portland per pound while they last. See visitors were heard. A. L. Powell, route 2. Scio. Ore. Chiropractic Talks KIDNEY TRO UBI. F Z^Zf/ u JX SüffCRlNG Pain in the hack are symp­ toms you should not allow to continue unheeded. Kidney trouble* are dan­ gerous when they reach final stages Let us ex­ amine you. Our corrective methods will rid you of kidney worries. Consultation Free. Drs. Scott & Scofield AT SCIO HOTEL Mondays. rdnesdaya and F ridaya Hours: 9 to 11 a. m. (T um . Boner has received word For Sale—About fourteen tons of Cherro Flour good oats and vetch hay. loose from Cottage Grove that he has been Price right. Inquire of Wyman Cherro Cereals successful in his examination for Bros.. route 2. Scio Oregon, lie city mail carrier there. He will Cherro Poultry Feed move his family to Cottage Grove For Sale—66 acres, four acres in Chetra Stock Feed cultivation, rest in pasture, new thia week to take up the work. We house and barn. S2500 for place, are sorry to lose these estimable Miid«* from the beat quality S5(io down. 1»lanre 3 veers at 7 'i. gocMh. at th« right price. Voung people from this community, Will trade for smaller place In quire of Mrs. F. F. McCarter, If but wish them success in their new Aik vour merchant for miles southwest of Crabtree. Ore horns. CHERRO pHstucts 13 p Mr. and Mrs J. Penner, who have been here for the past month on their honeymoon and visiting with their friend. I«yle Fick tin. went KEUAkU UNDEkTAKERS to Portland, where thev expect to locate. They were unable to find All funerals given personal attention by Mr. U>we Services and t rices Guaranteed to Satisfy Every < ustoiner anything here that waa to their lik­ Lady Attendant if deaired ing. They are fine young people, U>*a Auto N. L Vo« inon r ■ t'hone -Lay. and we wish them suceesw wherever ne» bqaipæwt Phone— Nigh they asav locale LOWE & MORRISON A