The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, November 02, 1922, Image 11

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State Development
Nolic* is horeby given that the under-
• ign«-«!. aa administratrix of th* estate
A final explanati -a of the purpo­
of Ant«»n Karoos. i«-c»a*ed. ha* tiled In I
the county court of Linn countv. Ore­ se* and plan* of the Oregon 1927
gon. her Anal account as such sdminM»- expoatlion ha* been issued by the
tratnx and the said court has fixed
Mon,!«,', the 4th of day of December, general commi'tre under the head­
1X3. at the hour of two o'clock in the ing "The Exposition Mean* Immedi­
aft*rn. <m uf that day aa tne time for
th* h- «.ring of objeettons to »aid Anal ate State I>evelopmrnt.** the state­
account am! tl»e settlement thereof.
ment has tieen i»»ued for general
An) and all persona having objection»
between now and the
to said final account are hereby notified
to b<- ) ranwiit at said time in the countv election on November 7th when the
n the Unn county court
h«-.iM-, in the city of Albany Linn exposition issue will be
county. Oregon, and then and there
make »tich objection»
A nka K axnos ,
Administratrix of said Estate.
iNici tl Intnt! IkM i»«( m
Pereuanl to a petition »ign«! by a
Illi i A M amia .
legal number of resident rrwhokiém,
Attorney» for Administratrix.
taxpayer* an.1 legal voter* of R -sd Dis­
First | iblication Nov. 2. 1922.
trict N«i !'
l.aat publication Nov. 30. 1*22.
Notice i» Hereby Giv. « that a meeting
of the legal y..t«-r» f R,>*<l i»i»trirt No.
N lid »1 Oisirtct ItoM ItKlM
16. of Linn County, Oregon, will be held
Pur-'iant to a petition signed by a at the hour of two o’ckx-k p in on the
I IMth flay of Novemt- r, >922, at the
legal number of resident freeholder*,
taxpayer* and legal voter* of Road Dis­ ' *am Game» Hrh-»»l IL-«i«v, in the said
trict N- ff>. of l inn County. Oregon, • Road District V» determine whether or
Notice » H«-rehy Given that a meeting not »ani Road District »hall vote a
uf the - gal voter* of Roa ! District No. •iwcial tax of »3**1 UU upon all the tax-
inn • ounty, Oregon, will bv ante property within »ai-l Road th»triet
h« Id at the hour of two o'clock p m. for th-- improvement of the rea-*« there­
on the 14th day of November. 1922. at in a* follow«, to wH. grading, gravel­
the Jordan Store, in »aid Road District, ling, draining an-t rvpanng *aai mail».
to determine whether or not »aid Road ( Bv ord«»r of the County Court of Linn
County Oregon
l-i-strict »hall vote a special tax of
Dated t hie 2»>-h day of Oetoiier, 1922.
»1.Dm upon all taxable property with­
W. R. Bilyeu, County Judge
in said Road District for the improve-
D. H Y’u ree. t ounlv Com.
n„ nt f the ruad» therein aa follows,
D. C. thorns. County Com.
to-wit, grading, gravelling, draining
Atte» t I; 1!
and repairing said rends.
Postol this 26th «lay of October, 1922.
Ity order <>f the County Court of Linn
by W, A. Gilk«-y, appointel by lhe
County. Oregon
Dal- I this 20th day of October, 1922.
W. R. i llyeu. County Judge.
D. II Pierce. County Com.
Notice of School Election to lacrosse
D. C. Thoms, County Com
Tn More than Six Per Coat Over that
R. M. Russell. County Clerk.
I'.ifU« I thia 20th «lay of October, 1*22.
ol the Prevwes Year
by E. F. De I xmg. appointed by the
Notice is hereby given to the l«-gal
i voters of School Ihstrict No. *6, of
Unn County, '■tale of Oregon, that an
Malice ol Oistnct Road Mtthn|
election will he held in »aid Diatnct at
■ .-.-th lay of
Pursuant to a petition signed by a the S< h---I- - ...
legal number of resident freeholder», November, 1922 *t 2 «»'clock in the af­
taxpayer* and legal voter* of Road IHs- ter noon, to vote on the question of in­
trict No. 15, of Linn County, Oregon, creasing the amount of the tax lew in
Notice is Hereby Given that a meeting said District for the year 1X3 t>y more
of th- legal voter* of Road District No. than six per cent over the amount of
IS of l.inn County, Oregon, will be held such levy for th«- year immediately pre­
at the h -ur of two o’clock p m. on the ceding.
It is necesssrv to raise thi* additional
loth day of November, 1922. at the
Scio Condensed Milk Plant, in saki Road amount by special levs for the following
District, to determine whether or not reasons
For installation of heating plant and
»aid Road District »hall vote a special
tax of Fl.-'iiX) upon all the taxable prop­ needed repair of the building
bated this 1st day of November,
erty within said Road District for the
improvement of the roads therein a* im
follow», to wit, grading, gravelling,
Chairman Board of Direr tor*.
draining and repairing said roads.
Hy order of the County Court of Linn Attest
County, Oregon.
Ihstrict Clerk.
Dated this 19lh day of October, 1922.
W R. Bilyeu, (bounty Judge.
D. IL Pierce, Coanty Com.
«one» ol DWficl Rud Meebni
D. C. Thoms, County Com.
R. M. Russell, County Clera.
Pursuant to a petition sign«! bv a
l’..,t»<i this 19th ilay of October, 1922. legal numtier of resident freeholders,
by Riley Shelton, appointed by Uw taxpayer* and l«-gal voter»of Road lit»-
trict No, 14, of I inn t ounty, Oregon.
Notice is Hereby Given that a meeting
In the County Court of the State of of the legal voter» of Road District.
No. 14. of Linn County. Oregon, will
Oregon for Linn County.
In th«- matter o.' the Estate of Ona be held at the hour of two u'cha-k p. m.
M Shelton, deceared.—Nolic* to Cred­ on the 19th day of November. 1922. at
the Shelburn School House, in »aa!
The undcreigm-d having been appoin- Roa,! Di»trict. to determine whether or
ted by the County Court of Linn Coun- not said Roa-1 Gistrict »hall vote a spe­
tv, Oregon. Administrator of th* Es­ cial tax of Stoi ui»»n all taxable' prop­
tate of Ona M Shelton, deceased, no erty within »aid Road Ihstrict for the
tire i* hereby given to the creditor* of. improvement of the road» therein as
and all persons having claims against foww*. to-wit. grading, gravelling,
said < ■ ceased, to present them venfi«! draining anti reiuuring »aid roa-lg.
By onicr of the County < uurt of Linn
a» nqu red by law, within six months
after the first publication of this notice. county, Oregon,
Hated thi» 19th day of October, 1922.
k-n*d at the office of Har­
W. R. Bilyeu. County Judge.
vey A. Wight, in the Mayer building,in
D. H Pierce, i ounty < ’em.
« >regon.
Hx-isv Hu.*»*,
1» C Thom«. County t om.
A'imuiKtrator of the Estate of Ona M
Attest: R M. County Clerk.
Shelton, deceased.
Posted this 19th day of October, 1922.
Harvey A. Wight. Atty, for Admr.
by James frollinger. appointed by the
Date of ftr»t publication Oct. 12. 1922
Dal«- of last publication Nov. 9. 1922
Are You Looking Ahead?
Are y«»u saung for the future, or spending al! as you go? Saver or
Spender The »aver will soon be able to own hi» own fn-m r bu ¡nro.
Hi« »uecess is assured. The spender has a good time . »rly in life. *i>erd
mg all and too late realises the truth of th« saying T h. S«-. a-1 of Sue
1» Saving.” WM*h Ow* Are V**? Save a little each week, and
pr< ¡-are for the future.
♦ lhe First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon
It is pioposed that the 1927 ex-
position shall b* the central feature
uf a ten year development plan fur
the entire state, say* «me of th*
significant paragraph*. "If you
believ* that Oregon «houM at once
institute some tangible and impres­
sive method of state development
vou can confidently give your appro­
val to the exposit on me-umre.
"The on* purpose of t^e E x | hjs 1- '
lion is the development of Oregon
and Oregon resources
The present
undeveloped condition may lie seen .
from the fact that in »pile of size
and fertility Oregon has but about
one third the popula.ion per square
mile that Washington and Oregon
Oregon has eight |»er* >n«
to the aquare mile. Washington 20
California 22
The one
of taxation is more people to devel­
op more wealth to share th«» tax
"The exposition is to lie financed
by Portland, no lax levy being pro­
vided in the state and none being
anticipated or proposed
The state
is voting on the question of permit­
ting Portland to lax Itself. Port­
land naturally is int«-rv*ted in the
development of Orry n and the
state should be willing to encourage
this effect to the extent of extend­
ing morel support.”
Card of Thank*
Although our heart* are bowed
down in grief by the death of our
husband and father, a ray of sun-
ahine ha* been cant over u* by the
many acta of kmdnen» extended by
frienda, to whom we extend our
profound thank*. especially tn the
aingera and for the twautiful floral
Mr* H B. Luckenhach
Mrs ► red J<>n«-a
Mrs Guy .MrKnight
Lloyd Luckenttach
We »till have a good cotton mattrean for ..
Owing to the heavy advance in the price of cotton
the next mattreMMi of the name grade will lie 110 and S12
pear* a statement regarding K.
D. Cusick. of Albany, republican
candidat» for Joint Senator for
l ane and Linn counties wherein
it is claimsd that Mr. Cusick
■tarn to firmly upon ths platform
adopts«! in Portland. September
19*. 1922. In this same statement.
Fred Flak, democratic candidate
for Senator, ia criticised for pre­
paring a platform of his own.
Mr. Flak did prepare anti publish
his own platform and it ia com­
mendable that he has the inde­
pendence and ability to declare
the principle* fur which hr »tamis,
rather than have his principles
dictated by a ring, clique, and
combination of designing politi­
cian* in the city of Portland. I he
men who formulated that Port­
land platform were hand picket!
Picked by whom?
The people?
No! They were
picked by Portland politicians.
I ko the people of bnn and l-ane
counties want to send a man to
the Oregon aenatc who will |«r-
mit a bunch of politician» in the
city of Portland who are self ap­
pointe»!, to dictate hu platform and
influence bis action when elect«!,
or one who ha* the initiative and
independence to enunciate hi*
principle* and his position upon
th«- im|M»rtant nwaniin-» that are
now agitating the mind of the
voter* of the State of Oregon?
Mr. Fisk has issued and publish
ed his platform and declaration
of principles.
W hy does Mr.
Cusick hide behind ■ «moke
It Is also claim«! in thin argu-
ment in the Voter’s Pamphi>-t
that there is some secret under­
standing between the republican
county central committee of l-ane
and Linn counties, whereby the
candidacy of Joint Senator should
alternate between the two coun-
ties. Such an agreement, if ad
he ted to. Would defeat the object
and |>ur|»MU-a of the direct pri­
mary law |MM»rd by the people.
Since when have the voters of
these two counties surrendered
their right to a few politicians to
determine for them in advance as
to who should represent them in
the legislature of the State of
Oregon? As voter* we are still
free; ring», cliques and combine
Ilona of politicians notwithatand
the people by their vote* have
the right to determine who shall
represent them and their rights
rannol be forestalled by some
alleged secret illegal agreement
of a few politician» who attempt
to constitute themselves as guar­
dian of the voter* of those two
counties. W hv doea Mr. Cusick
hide behind a smoke screen?
Mr. Cusick seems to claim the
henatorship by right of discovery,
and seems 1» think that he should
secure the office without opposi­
tion. Mr. Fisk was nominated
by the democratic voters, none of
whom were partie* to the alleged
illegal agreement, and they nor
any other voter are in any way
bound by it unless it be the ring,
clique, ami combination of politi­
cians who actually participated in
such alleged illegal agreement.
If elected Senator, Mr. Hsk
will represent the people of Linn
and Lane counties, ami not the
Portland politicians.
Mr. Cusick, where do you
stand on l»i reduction, the state
income tax. the market road
fund, the compulsory school bill,
and the many other questions ag­
itating the public mind? Why do
you hide yourself behind a smoke
Editorial in the Springfield New* of October 26, \V£L
Rct>ubll»hed by the ”Fisk-for-S*nator Club.*' M. H.Wallis, Secretary
Addrraa,. 947 Wlivv Street, Fugrne, Oregon.
P olka D ut .
Oct 31
have always gone hand in hand.
boarder*, provide »belter from cold and »tormy
weather, put away an ample supply of well balanced
rations and thereby insure a maximum flow of
Mr. and Mr*. I. Bennett returned
from Dougla* county Sunday where
they had lieen visiting relative*.
Mr. and Mra. Carl Folli*. of Stay­
ton, »pent lhe week-end with Mr*.
Folli«'* parent*. Lea Georgw'*.
Alfred Powell and Norn an bmg
returned from Tillamook Monday,
Condentery, Scio, Oregon
where they had been visiting rel­
Homer ItuMell and Mr. Dalton,
of Salem, were out for a hunt at
Theron Kuaaell’* last Tuesday.
Real Eftate Broker
FJmer Bennet, of Comstock, wa*
and Notary Public
in Shelburn for a short stay with
Obtained. faamtned
relative* last week
t alto answered Dey or Night
llarve Ransom and Walter George .iCIO
tuberculin Testing
Milk and a Higher 1 est
Oregon Milk Company
Medium site and weight, the pair
l-arge site, the pair.........................
Heavy wool nap, the pair ............
I^rge stock of blanket* to select from.
before they raise in price.
In ths Voter's Pamphlet ap­
returned from Southern Oregon drawing interest and they must be
Mr*. Roy Crabtree wa» in Jordan Saturday, where they had been paid. Vole for it ami thus help re­
duce the taxes in a sudstantial meas­
Mr*. H. C. Foil* vlstitcd at the
The sample ballot* are printed
Repair work ia lining done on the
home of John Folts and family laat
and are now being distributed over Christian church and It will soon
Andre* Salzer and Frank Linder­ the county into the various precinct*, have an altogether different appear«
They are putting the en­
man made a businva» trip to the and it ia incumbent upon the voter once.
trance on the east aide near the cor­
county seat Monday.
There ia one measure on th«- ballot ner. and the memtierahip feel* thia
Frank Jungwirth and wife Ix-eame
that should be especially noted: and will give them more »eating room.
the happy parent» of a baby girl a
that ia the permit to allow Unn
few day* ago.
Charsctsr Growth Slew.
countv to levy a tax in exc«-** of the
Tn he e | im > ear!) I- to lake the
Warren Woodard waa chosen a* a
6*54 limit in order to pay off the wort •»ut of th, hands of tli-- • ¡tor
committee of five to build new step*
outaanding warrant*. Thia muni l>e that fu »h I on» men A cliarai 1st hat
from the atreet to the hall above Si
done, the work and inateriala have gus* not wait for rlrcumatam vs to
shape It I* <>f I»«« worth In tl
Phillip* More. Thia hall la where
been used. and the warrant* are that la tn be run George *f.
all our uolitical battle* are fought
and we want to make a safe and »«******»»♦*****♦*********♦♦»*****♦♦♦♦******•♦•♦♦****
sane election of it thia time a* th*
old atepa were too rotten to mil uu
with politic* ami I reckon you will
know ly theae prearnta that we
needed a new atairway pretty bad.
4 «, toiare»« »nJ as wssry
Same Old Smoke Screen
Oct SI
—w»i ««»sMi i e >e uu i s s*»* »M i*e*»»»»e»« • •♦♦♦«as
..SI «
.. 2.20
.. 3 96
Buy now.
Riley Shelton
G. F. Korinek