« ':-À. « ■ % t > I v « » •* • - ». • ♦• • « -, * * ’ • F ■ LOCAL BREVITIES 1 Chris Bilyeu was a eUte fair vis­ itor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs N I. Morrison «(»ent Saturday al the state fair. Wm. Brenner, wife and Miss Vella were business visitors in Albany Al­ bany Monday. The total receipts of the state fair was more than $63,000. «o it has been announced. ■ —w f * .r'> ¿ta.' «k _ • • .9 T *.*•»*.** <■ , s* * K * • a f // * Ç? t• *•.. >’*.- Jtf* * . L’A ,’«•♦•*• ’».'• , u • • '<^*4 . . » Select white eggs 40e a dusen Henry deni was in Albany Thurs­ Good news fur the buusewite- Meadow Shade Dairy. Sugar going up 15c per sack It day on business isn’t high enough yet. and will go John JI roch and family attended Miss Eleoor Kelly wm a week higher, we opine. end visitor at the home of her bro­ the state fair Fr-dav. ther. John Kelly. Linn county boys and girls clubs Mi«* Josie Koun and mother win- were among the ten counties Huy Meadow Shade But tar. 2 visited the stala fair Saturday. ning cash prixea at the fair The pound roll $1.06 for this week Mias Lydia Pr<>spal. of Portland, dubs will receive $100. Meadow Shade Dairv. is visiting her (tarent« this week. Mrs. Vladie Dvorak and babe Lakeview wants some one to come Vilas I'hillippi went to Ashland were able to leave the hospital yem there ami start a flour and fee«! mill the first of last week on business. terdav and return home. They have Who can fill the bill? named the baby Dorothy Frances. 30x3j Cord tire $12 45 We give Where’s the man that don’t like you a tube free. Barlu Motor Co. corned beef and cabbage? Gel your The county fair opened Tuesday and quite a numhsr went from here Mr antan. spent Sunday at the Kotan visiting hi* brother, J. B. Couey. Jordan, was named as the official ranch. during the week end. representative of the Forks of the Clyde Thomas made a trip, to (). K. Howard and family are Santiam Community Club, and Albany Thursday ami (ran «acted spending a few weeks it II"< h | River present yesterday business, during the apple «rwn. Senator Borah pleads for the lib- Mi-w« Vella Brenner •nd I Kiris Mr and Mrs. Fred Bilyeu. Mrs erstion of the poor, and scores the W'eddle. motored down to the Stat« Frank Gill and Ray McKnight were I present administaation for liberat­ fair Friday. ing the rich, who are and have been state fair visitors Saturday. J. D. Densmore and wife went to political prisoners since the late Mrs. Florence Everett spent war He also pleads for absolute Salem Friday evening on business, Monday in Altuiny. some say to see free speech At last one man has returning the same night. that the county fair got its right the courage of his conviction*. Mrs. C. A. Everett relumed home start. from Kalama where »he has been The supreme court has decreed Mrs Clara Gridin returned home that the Portland Exposition tax visiting at the Waiter Bilyeu home Monday from an extended visit with can go on the Ballot. So let her have Ivan Ralschweid, Walter Brodie. her daughter. Mrs Fred Sturges, at the exposition if she wants it —it Glenn Cobb and Henry Luckenbach Suntex, Oregon. will help the su e as much as Port­ were state fair visitors Wedneaday. land If you have not registered to Otto Bilyeu and family have re­ vote yet, do it before Saturday, turned fmm the Pankalla hop yards, that is the last day to register. where they have been for the past The workmen on the heating plant three weeks, at the high school came up from Charley Warner, who has been Salem Monday and finished the job. looking after the PhilllopiAWarner An addition of 7 feet wm made to band of sheep near Roseburg, came the smoke stack, and new down- up Wednesday on a short buxineas «(•outs put in the rad.atora to re­ visit. move th«- water from the pipes A The public «ale of S|>encer l»ng roof is badly needed and also gutter*. on the 26th wasquite well attend«-*!, notwithstanding th«- heavy ram that jiii’ii was coming down, and fair pricee wire realised for the offerings Cherro Flour Cereals Poultry and Stock Feeds Your Home Town Has a Chiropractor KEEP SM7ÎTNG ■ ■J ■i: * GET YOUR HEALTH WHERE OTHERS RECEIVED THEIRS Chiropractic is the most talked of science of today, Your spine is the key to your health, ! keep it straight; keep the nerves free from pressure. W get good results in re. We cases such as Rheumatism, Kid- ney 1 rouble, Indigestion, Nerv- ous Diseases, etc. Ask your friends who have tried it—they’ll tell you. of Dr. O. L. Scott, well p k •artner nown Chiropractor of Salem; is in your city Monday, Wednesday and Friday f rom 9 to 1 1 a. m. Call and see what he can do for you in regard to your health. Consultation Without Charge SCOTT & SCOFIELD. Chiropractors. R M. Raymond, a former resident of thia community, but who is now in the plumbing bumnese in Port- ' land, came up last Wednesday to I look after business here, He re­ turned to his home Thursday after- I noon. central committee m its standard bearer for the office of state treasur- j er. to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of H<>n. Milton A. Miller on account of ill health. Dean Morris made a short visit to hi* home Friday returning to the state fair same day. Dean is copping off some good premiums with hi* dogs, letting the visitor* at the fair know that there are some fine dogs in the Forks of the Santiam. Roll Morris, who returned from the Pendleton Round Vp last week, reports a wonderful show this year, but a fellow has to pay for all he sees — $2.25 for a grandstand seal, The only redeeming feature is that the restaurants only boosted their prices 20%. Dr. Scofield I ’ - old man Tucek he ia nuw grandpa. He said the weather in South Dakota was fine, about like it was in Scio when be left. ■ Potatoea F««r Sale. Inquire of Charlev (Tint, route 2. Seio. 4tf ; For Sale Ford 1920 model, with starter, runs like new. Price $300. See Fred Bilyeu, Seio. Oregon. The steeple on the Baptist church For Sale Five piece set of Mahog­ has been treated tn a new coat of any furniture, good as new. See shingles, the work having been done Chas Roner. mute 1. Scio, Ore. Saturday. T hkkpama notice« for sale at 10* Th re is a lot of repair work on each, or 3 for 25*. at the Tribune office. Protect your stock from farm homes and o. tbuildings going dent ruction. on all over this district Thia is <>ne way of putting money into circula­ For Sale Good white winter wheat •eed Price $1.00 at the granary. tion. and a good way. too. Inquire of Z. J. Clark, route 1, A. H. I«ee. secretary of the State Scio, Oregon. Fair Board, tendered his resignation Score Card« -Get your “500” score Isst Saturday, to take effect at mid­ carls at the T rihin « office. 2c night. but was persuaded to remain per card, ur 2i cents per card by mail, postpaid. on the job until the books for this year’s fair had been cleared. Mr. Lost l>«gchain from wagon bet­ lx-e consented, and the resignation ween Scio and Varde Shelton’s. Finder please notify Geo. M. Bil­ will be accepted on Oct. 14. it is yeu, Scio, Oregon. «aid. Strained relations, according to thr daily press, is the cause of Wanted Place to work for board and room during the school year. the resignation II seems with pol­ Bv boy 16 year* old good worker. itics. that when a man make* good Inquire at Tribune office. there are those who throw monkey wrenches in the wheel and stop his1 i For Sale About 10 gallon* No. 5 Zerolene motor oil, with container. further progress. This is a case. Price right, if you can use it. In­ quire at the Tribune office. C. E. Kendle received a letter from Erl Orx last Saturday in which For Sale Tomatoes, ripe or green, he stated It took him ten days to and all you want, at 26c per bu­ reach Orient. S D.. and while going shel. at the patch. Guy McKnight phone 59, route 2. Scio. Oregon. through Montana experienced some of the worst road* he ever traveled. For Sale Two spring colts and six On Sept. 26 he stayed with the I head of work and driving horses, Voleck’s, who visited here a year also one lever harrow and other farming tools. Inquire of G. L. or more ago. and the next day went Flanigan. Scio. Oregon. Kiley Shelton purchased a small out hunting praine chicken* with interest in the S. P. Friday an«l the Tucek boy*. On the 25th a For Rent 100 acres good farming went to the Fair, at Salem It wm land U miles east of Scio, 35 acres in cultivation Also about 25 tons only a ticket, but the arrang«-ment of good hay. Inquire at Tribune of­ now makes it handy to travel by fice, «nd ask for Mr. McAdoo. 8p Scio Mill It Elevator Co. train and get back the same day. Judge TouVelle, uf Ashland, has been named bv the democratic state -i baby girl was,burn to Mr and Mra. Chas Tucvk. and Ed say* tell the The rains of the past week have put the smile on the faces of the stockmen and sheet) men. a* well as the farmer. It was badly needed, and would have been more greatly appreciated had it came several weeks earlier. But we must take the weather as it come«. N. I. Morrison. Chris Bilyeu. E. G. Arnold and J. S Sticha went to Lebanon Friday night to attend a meeting in the interest of the ed­ ucation bill, known as the compuls­ ory educational measure, to be voted on at the November election. It la quite probale. ao Mr Morrison states, that a meeting will be held here in the near future wl-en a prnsnment «peaker will be present. Chops lor 5c and 6c per sack. Kindly get our price« on Feed and Flour Money to lx>an at 5j%—The Feder­ al land Bank of Spokane, Wash , wiill make loans through the Fork* of the Santiam National Farm L>an Association in amounts from 1100 to $10.000, for a peri­ od of 6 to 33 years, on first mort­ gage security Inquire of W. H. McLain. Sec.-Trea*., rout* No. 2, Scio. Oregon. fl-p 1% Meals now 35c to 50c, at the THE SCIO HOTEL LOWE & MORRISON RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS All funerals given personal attention by Mr. lows Her vice* and trices Guaranteed to Satisfy Every < ustorner lady Attendant if desired N. C. Lown Amo «"J.*01 Lebanon w ■ . Phone -l>ay. Equipment Phone—Nigh I’hoos » f--------------------------------------------------------t Densmore’s Headquarters for Fisher's Poultry and Dairy Feed* If you have not used them, a trial will convince you that there are none better. Compare Our Prices with other«, quality considered, on Feed« of all kinds and we feel confident you can save money by buying at Densmore’s Feed Store SCIO, ORECrON We Will Buy Your Hogs When Ready «