. o • r / I". » ■ ‘ V *• Ì . t • *> », •• • •• • i,. . •<”! - ‘ • w * ’ * % s’ ; % • » - • -■ . » «at < • • I* ■< • *> • Z* . » i < '«•< z- 4«. *’ • t t **»•<; ' ‘'Tv. .''*•- ’ *r* \ ■ k . » * . ' S 8 v; » s*l **• ** * * ’'*»• 'eJ^’*‘ ?• «4 Z* ’tr / • . 7 9 F* • T < • *. . - • ’ - » ’ >- X . I’*' >* \x'.;*< » U • » . .* .J , - y •J' a 't - «V w < 5 a'’ - * -X•’ f ' M* 'I’i; » ♦ X.!* Z • » • • * ,'is.iâsM ■MM Si THE SCIO TRIBUNE i Optical The Oregon Stale Federation of Labor refused to have anything to do with the Russian Bolshevik move* tnent, which was tried to be pul over in the form of a resolution, at the Wednrwdav meeting of last week. The slatr need feel n<> anxiety from organized labor in Oregon it is as sound aa old Gibraltar, and will re* main so as long a» Otto Hartwig ia its president and E J Stack its secretary. TH! KMDAY. O T 5. lMtl HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Optical Company DR. A. G. PRUA. Pìivsiciai ani Som Calls Attended Day or Night ORE. St'll) L. M. HUM Can of Yi< k So I ong CUincse Muiicme and Tta Co. Has medicine which will cur«.* any known dlseas*-. Not Open on Sundays 153 South High Street Salem, Oregon Phone 2H3 Bible Thoughts for This Week »■■day. HFAilN THE l»AT RIGHT:— iWusr me to hear thy loving kind d< tiesa In the momlog. for In thi I truat ; cause tue to know the »»,' W hereto I should walk : for I lift up my soul unto thee —Psalm 143 : K. Msnday. RTERNAL »'Ri IT» TTON —Ths Ioni shall preserve thy going out and thy mlng In from this time forth, and even for evenuorv — Psalm 121 : M Tsaaday. KINUlMikl IX WITHIN:—Neith­ er shall they say I/o here ; or. Io there * for. hrhold the kingdom of d Is within you Luks ITt 21. Wednesday. <|o|> lx GIlAi'lot'A Thou art a thel ready to panion. gra*-loua and merciful, slow to anger, and of great klmlnesa Nehemlah 9: IT. Tkwraday. HOW To GAIN AUz-M r* flrat the kingdom of God and his rlghlr->uan<*«a. and ell these things shall Ite added unto you.—Matthew • : IU. Friday. MAFK FTtt'M ALL WVTLl—The Lord shall preserie thoe trota all erti te- «hall pn-aerro thy eool — Psalra 121 : T. Salurday, Xt-J K l'RAIXF. lei another man |*r-nl«*«- ilice and noi thlns »»« mouth; a »traniter, and not thln» •un l|p« Pro« erba 2T : 2. st A lot of people who don’t ad ver ise think business is dead. When you ptek up a Ixxik and Ixikl |i too far from you it nt a sign you n«f reading gla>*< « Always a.k for Kryp toks. »“ the r> ailing part is vwible t< th«- Wvarvr only. / It i» claimed the country people are alow, but they do not get all out of breath chasing the lateet fade The telephone t>ecomes a house­ hold ned Ir», script Just Arrived The jangling of the heavy trucas over the city paving stones ia a mighty poor substitute for the sweet bird songs of the spring in the country towns. That ___ __________ aristocratic ______ bootlegger in Portland drew a $400 fine, and a 1 compliment from the judge for the good stuff he sella. If you are poor - well, a jail sentence for you, see! Walter Pierce was in Albany yesterday, for an address before the county fair, and in the evening an elaporate supper was spread, and the newspaix-rmen of this sec­ tion invited to participate. We understand it ia to be in the nature of a booster meeting for Walter in this part of the Williametle valley. The compulsory educational bill is bad from its beginning to its end. Il has nothing to offer that will take Oregon a step forward, but does tend to send its progress to the scrap heap. Il is religious, despite the denials of some of its sponsors, and religion has no place in politics !f the bill should carry it would entail about a million dollars of added taxes to the people, liecause it throw about 9,000 pupils would into the public schools, which are already taxed to their limit, for which additiona buildings would have to be erected Then would come the necessary teachers to in­ struct these pupils, which would ai* so carry a considerable amount of added salaries, and these put to- gether entails enormous work, much money, and the unknown future of the turmoil that would follow. Vote “NO” and la* »afe. SAYS WE LIED. Men's heavy white and gray extra heavy ÜA. sorks . . . . OVV Htue brown and grryg Ì ">C flannel work .hirta . Men’s heavy cotton union suits tf4 Z2C p I ,UJ Men'» Ire*. wool aockfl TfLr CCz < ... Jvt'UJt Men's pure wool union suits, ÎÆ Boy's h.-avy cotton $2.35-$3.15 LTk^s tf 4 pl .Xu I .wiles' fancy wool aid Men's heavy white and gray 40c to $1.30 40c 50c I hear goods were bought laut I ebruary when wool »lock waa far below the pres­ ent price, therefore we are able to offer them at such low figures. ♦* I VI. M MAIN la the cause of many schools that would be affected by such legislation would be those maintained by the various churches. Catholic and Prot* •' eetant Th»- On g-n statute book» have no place for such legislation, 1 ’ and it should u-tx.ruiH and sound turned down Fend Bulletin 1 ’ J WESELY, 1 Men’s Winter Shoes Our Shoe» Have Always Given Satisfaction We are careful in their »election, bearing in mind the test that they will be put to by our wet winters. You can't go wrong when you buy them here. Men’« Brown Cowhide, heavy leather sole, a aplendid »hoe for the monev. Priced $2.75 The Turner Tribrne, the editor of .Men’s plain U m » Bluett tone Bluchtr, two full sole» which signs his name a. I’earl 1’. Hassler, in it* last issue, says the Priced Scio Tribune ha. slartril the usual campaign lie. when it said that K. Men’» Heavy Wax Chrome leather upper, full vamp, K Kubli and Gov. Olcott were stop­ solid leather miles ami heels, two full Hob*?, a 100% ped bv a traffic cop in Albany and were allowed to go on tl eir way lie­ all leather shoes. Priced cause of their prominence The Scio Tribune did no*, lie because of ita Men's Heavy Kip Leather Work Shoe», the xtrongeat desire to start a campssgn untruth, anti best wearing Work Shoe we know of. because it has no interest in either Kubli or Olcott, no matter what Priced their politics mav tie or have t>een. We merely pointed to a fact as pub­ lished in the daily press and said that such episodes as this caused the people to look askance at the laws VALUE FIRST and feel that they had ax much right "The Store With a Square Deal to break them and go fr<-e aa did for Ever Purchiuter” the lawmakers and the chief execu­ tives ALBANV, .... OKHGON We published the denial of Mr. Olcott, and was glad to do so, fot the reason that he said he was not say the other fellow lied when it Local Market Quotations in Kubli’s car and had not Ixn-n in to against any man or measure he . <• iL It proved that the reports in I or his paper espouses. P oultry , V ral and E gor He is in* the daily pres* upon events of thia tensely partisan, self-appointed to Hens. 4 Ita and over S IS kina are unreliable, and if unreliable 9 correct any statement by the "gentle­ liens, under 4 llxt in incident« of a local «nature, we ! Sprinti, Leghorns 16 manly'* argument that the other is are more than ever constrained to (tther springs, under li lbs .16 a liar when he says something against f’oeks fl believe that the great bulk of the a person or a measure he is for. Í Stags .12 information broadcasted by them ia He haa branded himaelf as a Moses Veal, fancy no 1 13| also unreliable, and sooner or later .14’ . that leads to disruption rather than Dressed pork, no. 1 blockers their great prestige will lie lost 1 Eggs. cash. 32c trade .33 Ito cooperation This paper haa no We still maintain that Kubli should Eggs, white select .35 interest in the election of Olcott, or : Hutter fat have been arrested and those with I .46 his defeat, and have said nothing him. no matter if the governor was E ked against him, and we have stood for Mill run $1.35 or was not in the car. Too much the same issues on the educational Scratch $2.25 2.60 breaking of the law bv the law-) bill as be. taking the same stand Egg producer 2 60 maker and enforcers have been in 2 IK) that religious matters have no place i Ground barley vogue in times past, and a gixxi Rolled barley 1 80 in politics. Before the statement is i Ñ Sbrlled Corn, eastern time to put a stop to them is now— made that this paper ha. started a Ground or cracked corn 1 95 later will not do. campaign lie to defeat Olcott, the Growing feed 8.00 The Turner Tribune is so intensely Turner Tribune should have Uk"n F lour parti«n that it can see nothing bad the trouble to find out where the Hard wheat 12.10-2.20 in a man of its political faith. He Scio Tribune got ita information and Soft wheat 1.50 is the kind of an editor that urges if the information was intended to the election of a yellow dog on a to play politics We still maintain 'Aunt Becky” Morria ia in Port­ ticket if It claims to be of its politi­ that no matter how high or low, land for a short stay as the guest of cal faith. He ia the kind of an the law must have the «A11K- a daughter, who ia with her husband editor that sees no further than his effect upon the individual. while he ia billing Alexander, the nose in i«ues that are paramount if crystal rater. She will be gone hia party takes the opposite side, no matter how good the measure or Ernest Kelley. Walter Blackburn. about a week. $3.75 $4-25 $5.00 BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY The proponents aav no religious the man may be. And he is the M. J. K rants and W. D. Reed were Mrs Roxie Shank issue is involved, but there is. for 1 sort of editor who ia always readv Albanv business visitors Monday visitor to the county i