The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, September 07, 1922, Image 1

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• 1.76 UfE YEAR
Crabtree Community Hall I*
the Place and B O’clock la
the Hour—Come
The regular meeting of the Fork*
of the Santiam Community Club ia
the first Monday night in each
month, but o^ing to last Monday
I’etng ljuior Day, the meeting for
Septcmlier was postponed until the
11th. next Monday night, and it
will i>c held at the Crabtree com­
munity hall at N o'clock. It I* ex­
pected President Iwoward taiko
will return from Spokane, where he
is exhibiting, in time to preside.
The club is now working on a
urogram and display* for Saturday«
the Ifith. in Scio, this display to
form the nucleus for a Emka of the
Santiam exhibit at th* State Fair
on the 25th. and then taken to
the Linn County Fair at Albany. Il
is hoped the farmers in the com
mumty will lend every aid in mak­
ing the local display a »ucsses. thus
making it sure that the exhibit will
win the prizes. The com mi Use i*
Mr Shii>er >• not a stranger
among our people, he has been com­
ing here for some tin e wh< o he Is-
gwi the organisation of the Sok-q
gymnastic club and has made week­
ly visits her* ever since
He ha*
liked the town since he first saw it
and decided that at hi* first oppor­
tunity he would become identified
with its businees interest*
He ia a
young man full of pep and a splen­
did athlete and will continue to in­
struct the Sokol*. He ia a welcome
addition to businea* and social sc
tivitiee of Scio.
Mr Studnicka is selling his busi­
nees because of inability to rent the
Kul* farm, which he recently came
into poaa«**si<>n of, and it wa* too
axpearnve to lie idle
He still re­
tain* the Jeffer*on house.
Studniekna has made a sucres* of
hl* business venture In Scio, and ex
pect* to make a success of farming
Special Coffee Sale
I huraday — Ball Game
I as I Thursday at the Henry Free-
ver farm, near the Riverside school,
the first dub picn^- for thi* section
was held, and about I5ti Imys and
girl* and their parents and Mends
were there. And the) all had a
good time.
The HixaU Store
erciaea at Prerver’a Farm
the record the local dubs had made;
Mr. Troflter. of Tigard, urged the
formation of county organisation of
local club leaders. In this way help­
ing themselves to belter help their
dub*. H E. Brown. I V. McAdoo 1 Conard Gilkey Bring* Home
and other* whose names we did not
Evidence of What They
learn also spoke, expressing their
interest in the work of the dulw
I hink of U* in Canada
and the need of keeping a county
dub leader in the field.
In the south window of Ke. \ '•
A feature ef the program was the drug store can be seen a most beau-
presentation of buttons to the local ! tiful diploma issued to the Forks of
club leade>s, Maliel Zyaeet, Fred the Santiam Community Club fir*
Sommer and George J. Bennett. small display of vegetable* at Van­
The*« button* cannot be purchased, couver. H. C., industrial fair, and i*
they mint be earned and these something every cllixcn of the com­
leaders earned them.
munity should tie proud of
A ball game wa* played at the
Mr. Gilkey, it will tw remember­
dose of the program, the father* ed. did not get any aMistan.'e from
playing the sons, and of courw thr a living s»ul in the entire communi­
fathers "like«!” the son* they've ty fur the display he took to Van­
lieen doing this for years. But in couver the display was from his
•his case the boy* allowed the men own garden, hurriedly arranged and
to nearly run themselves to death, taken to the fair a* an evidence of
the score at the end of the fifth in- what cad be grown in th* Fork* of
nmg stood 9 to 6 in favor of "dad,” the Santiam.
Fred N Wilh*m*on. county clul>
leader, acted a* chairman of the
day. made the announcements and
arranged an informal program, He
called upon many for *p«<eches. and
John Shelton Looking to Future all responded. A C. Heyman waa One Boy I* Blind, but Brother
the first speaker, he having another
(.'ares for Him—Worked
in Construction of Barn —
engagement at Vila* Arnold, where
for l-eonard Gilkey
Modern I hroughoul
a poultry culling demonstration wa*
to 1« made, and hi* talk wa* brief,
Kelly’s Drag Stere
About I 50 Friend* Attend F.x
A group picture of the a**rm-
Wage was taken bv Mr. Clifford.
<>f Altiany. and of course the smiling
faces of the member«, *nd the par­
ents and frieud*. will be preserved
for future generations.
the picture a bounteous basket din­
ner was surra«] and the hungry wa*
The best line of vegetable* in Scio
will lie found at the Meadow Shade | m*<ie to feel contented with all th««
world, and their community in par-
planning to make it an ail day af­
fair with a basket dinner at noon,
and »perches, sports and music and
possibly a football game and a pic­
ture show and a one-act comedy.
John Shelton, who live* about two
But further detail* will be arranged
mile* west of town, ha* been en­
next Monday night and thepregram
gaged in erecting what is considered
published next week
the miwl uptodate dairy i>arn in the
Speaking of the exhibit at the valley, being f»K fret wide and IM
State and County Fair*. It mast be feel long, and ia thoroughly modern
borne in mind that besidea the vege­ and sanitary in every particular.
table* and fruit display it requires
About two or three years ago a
about $100 cash, and Mr. Gilkey naw barn wa* built on the site the
promise* to bring home the premi­ present new one is located, but dur­
And a* he knows how and ing a heavy wind storm it wa*blown
has proven it. we believe him. Let's down. This necessitated the using
raise for him the amount, and the of the old barn until a couple of
Tribune will start it with S2.00.< months ago. when it burned down
Who will be next?
from an unknown origin. This lat­
But go to Crabtree next Monday ter made it necessary to begin the
night, the community is hospitable eonatruction of a barn adequate to
and pr grrsaive, and it will do us house his present head of stock.
Mr. Shelton believes in doing hi*
good. And come to Scio on Satur­
best by hi* stock, and hia best ia re­
day. the 16lh.
flected In well contented, healthy
Cow* and horses
He ha* so con­
Winner Produce Change*
structed the lower part of the l>arn
•» that he can have stall room for
Tm-sday marked a new era in th«
110 head, and at present is install­
bu«me*« activity of Scio, when the
ing 55 stalls. These stall* are of
Winner Produce Co., *ond acted by
it on, the feed trough* are of con­
F. H. Studnicka, became the prop­
crete. a* ia also the foundation and
erty <>f Bohemial Shiller, of Port-
floor. The floor i* *-> laid that a
perfect drain is had at ail times
He ha* a perfect water systr m
and ia connecting it with the barn.
The trough* will be flushed after
each feed, thua making them aant
larv in every particular. Each oni-
maJ will have it* own individual
drinking fountain. The floor will
also be flushed each day and thus
kept sanitary.
The mow will hold 150 ton* of
hay. in itself a monstrous roomy
loft. The Star equipment. the best
on the market, ia being used in thia
modem uptodate barn. Mr. Shel­
ton. hie good wife and the boys are
doing ail the work on the ranch.
At present Mr Shelton ia milking
about 30 head, and is selling all his
product to the Scio cundenaery. and
feels Uial he ia ahead by doing so
Th* barn, with it* equipment, will
met in the neighborhood of fflonO.
Salt/ in Scio ai
All neat week we will conduct a
special ante of Edward's llependable
Coffee, and with every five-pound
can we will give one extra pound
Peoples Store.
The next speaker wa* Mr. Sey­
Gilkey, Sept 4 Two boy*, Alvin
mour, state president of count* clnb and Danald Smith, age* HI and 14,
leader*, and his talk wa* illuminat­ <wb carrying a pack, a gun. and a
ing and full of information. He d«« following, appeared at the loo­
showed bv figures obtainable from med Gilkey home Tuesday evening
his office that returns from inve*»- of last week and sAed for work.
tnent in assisting the boys and girls, They wvre given work picking ever­
club* in Oregon had lieenover 100% green*
Ijiter it wai learned from
profit, and urged greater atimnlou* the Oregon Journal that the boy*
in the work. He said that the boys had ran away from home about two
and girls became better equipped to week* liefurr and were the child’en
meet the trial* of life through the | ef Mr. and Nr*. Walter Smith, of
dubs la-cause they la-camv keener in . Portland
judgment, no matter what avoca­ 1
The family had once lived on a
tion they might choose. and urged farm and the boy* wanted to come
the retention of the county club back to “mother earth.”
yeunger boy wa* blind, having lost
County Superintendent of Schools hi* eyesight when nine years of age
Edna Geer was the next speaker. whm a dynamite cap with which he
She emphasised her belief in the wa* playing exploded
He also
various club* and «aid she wa* very suffered the loss of his thumb and
proud of their achievements. Like first two fingers from his left hand.
other *|*eaker* she wante«i it under- He has attended the Blind School in
stood that her whole ambition wa*
to assist the boys and girl* to la-Iter
citizenship and competent men and
women, whether on the farm, in the
office or in the busiuem world.
Johnny Scott and Orville Berrv
told of their trip to the O. A. C.
sammer school. They said they en­
joyed the trip and learnol much
there that could not be had other­
They urged other boys to go
to work in their clubs and earn just
such a trip. Mabel Zyseet told of
her pleasures as leader in the girls
sewing club work. Ismnard Gilkey
said it was easy to win the prize*
and ribbons when the heart wa* in
the work, and that he wa* proud of
It won immediate favor with the
people of the province, who sought
Information of the environment* of
this community. Many copies of
the folder describing this communi­
ty were bunded out and elicited con­
siderable interest. One elderly lady
who had stopped at his booth was
handed one, she took it home, had
her husband read it and came back
next day for more information, and
receiving all Mr. Gilkey could give
her, told him it was not idle talk
with them, a* they were interested
In what the folder said and the in­
formation he had given.
Thia diploma should have a moral
effect upon the people of thia com­
It should stimulate every
man a»d woman to get liehind the
club and help II boost the commun­
ity. People from everywhere are
peeking new place* and new envir­
onment*. and all they need i* tome
responsible source to Je*d them to
our door, and that source I* the
Community Club.
But see the diploin*, th* first ever
issued to an exhibitor from the
States in this class, take the scales
from your eve*. *ee the community
you live in as strangers see it, «nd
soon we will have twice the popula­
tion we now have. It can be done,
Salem four year*, and cin discern if we have team work.
darkness from light.
The older boy showed much
Coverall Party
" Pep” in trying to sup|e>rt himself
Al th* req unit
and blind brother.
Mr*. Jen* lb*dgers entertained for
of the parents. Mr. Gilkey returned
her daughter, Geraldine, with a
' the boys to their home in Portland
coverall party un Thursday of last
Saturday as he was «0 his way to
week. Abundance of refreshments
were served and the children amused
The following enjoyed a picnic at themselves with the plavhouee and
Nineteen kiddie* were
Grat«** baidge Sunday: 0. L. Holt games.
»pent a jolly afternoon.
and family, of Portland. Mr*. Alice
tjoddard, Mi** Nora Holt and Elmer
Whetatune and family, of All«ny;
T. M Hell rnd wife. S. B Holland
family and Fred Sommer and fami­
Theie were three birthday offer­
ing* at Sunday school, including
Lucile and Carol Crenshaw and Mel­
People’s Theatre
Presenta Dorothy Dallo* in
“The Fool’s
and a Sen nett comedy
and Weekly
Swp.t 9 and IO
Admission 20c-35c
vin Holt.
J. S. Funk* have raiaed some of
the largest tomatoes we have teen
this year.
Grant Holt and daughter*. Beryl.
Grace and Virginia, of Salem, visit­
ed al T. M. and J. G. Holla Sunday
Miaa Juanita Mespelt is home
from the summer normal.
Cletn* and Percy Chapele returned
to their home in Woodburn Satur
Die following have gone to the
hop field’*: Maagaret and Helen
Serving. Floyd Crenshaw. Herman
Zeliar and Mr*. Frank DeWall.