* * /y » * « f' a, • * • i.’« •Ay ». * •» * * • • ■ I ; s’ a • A ' •• .’stete»'» * •*• - * • * ' : «7 • ’ • . • .• ^,s ••• ' . ,••• • .* ” #1 •.. » ** <■1^ • • «*• • t -ft., % *• X sw ’ » . <4 • • * •„ ». ■ 1 * .*« -• t ». y.< * • « * ■ .r.‘. —r ! cal I-1 G. A. Morgan was a pleasant call ­ Fug S al > Young cow. cheap, if J. M Long waa in town y rater day. Mrs. R M Cain has returned taken at once, laqoire at Sdo er at the Tribune yea terday from a sojourn at Newport. She «»plv are «*ngag«-d in laying ably on the 20lh Good news to Fba S aijc - Yaid «lock. $12 00 peF Dairy. says it is some grand place tn go the "Kiddles'*. in their winter’s su|»ply of wood. thousand at the mill. 1x12 at W. H. Mcljiln, «»f Shelburn, was «>aeier than behind the counter at $13 00 per thousand. H. Uj Mrs. Fred Ohirmier. of Portland, R G. Summerlin, an insurance Goodwin Mill. t '3 p a business caller at the Tribune last the store. la visiting her parents J. N Wed ­ 'man of Portland, »pent the week Saturday Fire early Friday morning destroy­ ¡•«d with his daughter, Mrs. H. E. dle and wife. She ia accompanied Fok S al * Range, first clam condi­ tion. kitchen chairs and table; by Mias Helen Conner, also of Mias Hazel Phillippi returned last ed the Silverton hotel valued at I Baltin. heater. See Mrs. W. F. Barnes $5000, a loss of $350«eseessees« they have been camping for the past bull, registered $50 if taken at B. C. where he is exhibit ng his I Mr« W F Barm-« and children E. C. aaya he feels consider month, once Inquire of Roy Cradtree, farm products, and also doing a lot will leave Saturday from Portland ably better for the vacation, and Route 1; Scio. Oregon. 3 p of advertising for the Forks of the by boat for lx»« Angeles, where they think« the soda water there Is tine. Santiam. will join husband and father, who For S aijc 80 acre ranch. 2| miles try Don't forget the Scio Tribune'« southwest of Scio. Fair improve­ ha« i>een in California for about a Big posters have been posted here ments. Price atiout $7,500—a Com. Midds, Mill Run. liberal offer By paying all arrear­ Cocuanut Meal. Ch«>p|M>d announcing the Stayton Round-up year. good buy. Inquire or write the ages, you get the paper for the When», F.gg Maker, Scio Tribune. 2 c for Septeml>er I. 2 and 4 If it ia It is reported the Muellers, who Scratch Sh -II. Flour sx- next 12 months for $1 25. This al­ changed for W heat. half as good as the poster« state, it operate! the cheese factory at Rich­ B ring vour Evergreen Blackberries so applies to new- subscribers. Help will be some round-up. to C W. Hodge. We are receiv­ ardson Gap for sometime, and which Scio Mill & Elevator Co. your home (taper to become better ing in the J. F. Wesely express District Attorney Id«*welling has recently burned down, have pur- by giving it unlimited support. office. Square deal to all. Mar­ called the grand jury to meet al the ehawd a garage in Stayton. so it is ket price paid. We pay cash. 2c courthouse in Albany on August 30. thought the cheese factory business For Sale One 16-inch Syracuse Court convenes on September 5. and here is a thing of the pa«t. Ths chilled plow, one 12-inch J. l.C*M it is believed the docket will be light. Muellers have been hauling their ; ; Fried Chicken Dinner steel plow, one double disc plow, wood from the Ager place to Stey- ; Sunday Q Q 12 to 2 one good hors«* and buggy, one I H. E. Tobie and family have re- ton the mut week. young mare weighing at tout 1200. < turned fn»pi their visit with relatives Phone Your Reservation Inquire of Arnold Boyanovaky. 2c Reports of wheat averages here­ in Salem. Mr. Tuple says Salem i ought to tie i*xci*««diiigly healthy, if abouts show that about 20 bushels Money to I ambi at 5j% — The Feder­ al i>nd Bank of Spokane, Wash., the stench from the paper milt can was the top notch production, while wiill make loans through the we read that In some localities the keep the germs away. Forks of the Santiam National wheat averaged about 40. We I*- Farm I»an Association in amounts An Iowa tourist car wit parked lieve there might have been an iao- from $100 to $10.000, for a peri­ in front of the hotel Monday night, od of 5 to 33 years, on first mort­ lated ess» of 40 huahela. but there and five hungry person« were made gage security. Inquire of W. H. has l*e»-n no such average anywh» a to feel good, They were traveling McLain. Ssc.-Trsna., rout«- No. 2, in the Willamette valley, and has no You cannot go wrong to buv • flour that make« white and light bread Scio, Oregon. 11-p in a Nash car, and it looked none with that natural nutty flavor. such average in the wheat producing th«* worse for th«* long jouruey. F ar MH W a NTKI) We want to list aection of eastern Oregon. 100 farms by Sept. 1st. to put in 8. W. Goin was in Albany Satur­ our booklet which will be mailed day. Sterling savs he is not making to hundreds of prospective buy­ being milled from select hardwheat with modern equipment assures an active campaign at present for ers throughout the middle west. you of a superior quality. the legislature but he will d vote We have the largest exchange list in the Willamette Valley. considerable lime later to his candi­ Send in your trades and let u» dacy. He is conser vative, and stands Fog SAlJt —16 inch fir wood. See match them. Let us have youc Vilas Arno'd. Scio. Oregon. 2p for tax reduction. ■mt be »ur» of get ting flour n>xl« of old wheat al the right orte« list by Scot. 1st. Inquire A W Estes Realty Co.. Fred A. Hallin, wife and son. of F or S ai R -Good straw. of F. T. Thayer. Scio. Oregon 2c Patton Building. Salem. Ore : Lus Ang«*les, who have been spend- | LOC AL BREVITIES T 1 : Chopping 5c and 6c ; : f- / < ■ J-' *<• * 1 . / k / / .■ /■ f?* us : Cherro Flour / a Cherro Flour Use Cherro Flour A I mg their annual month's vacation m Oregon and other points, were I in Scio over the week end with their Cherro Poultry Feeds «on and brother, H. L. Halim, and wife. They left Sunday for their I home. I A high quality feed is needed when eggs are low In price m well as when eggs are a g««»i price. It has been the experience of many poultrymen that it pays well to CH Kit RO Buttermilk F.gg Maah or CIIKRKU Fgg lluikh-r with (’lil.HRo Scratch Feeds to get best Carried by Moät Feed men ONE WEEK and Special Offer Ends —Hurry ! I ime Draws closer to the end of our special subscription offer of $1.25 if all arrearages are paid to date, the offer being for one year in advance. This also applies to new subscribers. Hurry! Offer ends Aug. 31 at 6 p. m. The Scio Tribune I The editor and hie wife were re­ membered last week by Henry Shel­ ton and S. W. Gain«*«, the former giving them a large basket of peach plum« and the latter a generous helping of himalava berries and cu­ cumbers. We thank these friends for the kind reniembrance. The Rod aud Gun Club at Harr»- burg met last Monday night and re- organized. According to th«* Bulle­ tin, the initiation fee has tiren in­ creased to $10, the former price being but $5. The club plana to keep a guard all the year around at its cabin on a lake near Harrisburg. Indian I azc . the last of th«* ('ala pooias. was buried Sunday afternoon at Brownsville, where she had made Aecon J her home most all her life mg to a news note from there ah«* was 101 years old Rev. W. P. El more officiated She had made her h.»me for several yeai s with ■ family named Moore, ami had tie.m blind for a great many years. The culling demonstrations for thia section will occur at the homes of Guy McKmght at 10 o'clock ami at Vilas Arnolds at 2:30. on Thurs day. Aug 31. It ia of importance tn the chicken fancier, for the reason that the "boarders'* are easily found out and only those of worthare kept interested should attend both neat Thursday LOWE & MORRISON RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS All funeral« given personal attention by Mr. I M we Services and l’ric«w Guaranteed to Satisfy Every t ua turner 1-sdy Attendant if deaired N t!. Ixiwa N. I. Moaanvm A«to lebsnon Phone -hay. 397 Equipment Phone 9 Phone—-N ight, 3V6 maAX /*