» « *■ ■ 21 Aug .Mr. and Mr* T. H. Quigley «pent Sunday with the Davi» family near Halsey. X. COUNTERPOISE R-f.-r» leaving the aubM-rt af aerials It n>«, be well to call attenti«« Io the devi, e kii'iwu aa a <-.'uni»rpote» and whlih. fee «ending, la far superior to twin« a iround. «hila with amali a«ta the advanl*e In receiving d« not pay for th» trouble of Installing th* dorica. TM« la heeatt»» th» <-■ .unrerpotea, whlla add U«g I» the aharpne»» of tuning with a rocetvtna art and. tharvfora. aiding in rutting <>ut Interferente. will also rut dm the atrength of tb» amada receive«! There fora, with a rryatel art u here amplification la not paw bl. the devina la practically vaiue- l«-'*. wher.-na. with a vacuum tub» aet with !«<> <>r m<>re at epa of amplifica­ tion the conntorpolaa will prora a * Uh» that of a e-*n,l»mnt»rt»d«e bring nenrrinl with the aet at the *| m M when- the ground wire la u*unlly connwtVtl In wetting up a eounle<|r.l»r it *b,ul aulated aa the aerial (Hg SJI. and the lead In wire from It should b» kept at eon»» distance from the aerial lead-in to obviate I.m>-v hy Indu lion l<»twren the two The nr it de strahl» pince for a count eri» la about three fret above thr earth, hut a* thia height la uathilly tncrmv.-nl.iit. Fred Smith and family «pent Sur- day near Sweet Home with Mr. Smith's parent«. W. A White returned Thursday evening from Pacific City w here they have been camping fora we k. C. C. Bilyeu and B. A. Holtom left Wedueaday for a 21 day» ti»liing and hunting trip in Curry Co. They are making the trip In Mr. Bilyeu'» car. Hagel Tindall has returned home from an extended visit in California. Grass Bilyeu ia attending «ever«I daya al th« Caraon Davenport home near I Ar wood. Prof. McCormick of Aumsville waa in the vicinity one day thia week tn behalf of the Aum«ville High School. Mr« Franc*» Kelley wu »hopping not only <>n account of It being an in Albany the first of the week. otHitruction, but be»-au«e It may be * «*» Injured by people or animal» or may very dtotlnct advantage Many people .-onalder thl» device a cotspllcst»d and din > uit affair, but in reality, It la aa b* burl».! under atv’w In winter It la •Impie, If not »Itnpler. than an aartal better to ralae It about alt feet <>r A favorite form of coanisrpoiat con juat high enough «■ people may pa«» <4«t» of «rverai wire» ««tending fan wl»«. a» «hows tn the figura«, hut a beneath It. Stout ¡amts with guy wire» vj’gl.- «Ire will Otte« gtv» a«»>f. the I. -.ulta and the only way to deter mln«- the b. vt number of wire« to tow ■upporta may be chimney* wall«, etc. If placed on a roof b«A<-ath an aerial la hy experiment. Usually It la de »liable to place the countecpofev Ito­ leave all I Ito apace poaall.le between lo the aerial, but thia la by no means th» two. »Ither by keeping 11-- ..inter «• entlal It may b» run In the op ; polar low or raising the arrlul Wher. |M--ite direction from th» aerial and thia la not convenient, th.- counter pole* may b» run In another direction »till work exactly aa well, for th« de vice has little nr no connection with tnatead of belug place.) Itelow the the aerial In fact. It* action la more I «»rial wire« P oultry . V xai . ano I úxjs Hens. 4 lb« and over i .17 Hen«, under 4 Ilia . » Broiler», under 1} U m 15 Spring», over li H m .17 Cocks Veal, fancy no 1 .11* Drmmed pork, no. 1 blocker» .14 .20 F4tg». eaah. 18c trade Ugg«, white select IN Butter fat .42 Pork. No. 1 .14 Í1 50 51 ill run Scratch I 12.25 2.75 Egg producer 2 «5 (■round barley 2 10 Rolled barley I NO Shelled corn, eastern 1 s'. Ground or cracked corn t 05 Growing feed 3.35 ALBANY COLLEGE ; I \( ELLENT. ENLARGED FACULTY MOST FOB THE STfi'ESCN MONEY REORGANIZED DEPARTMENTN pf INHTRl'CTloN I la««leal and Uterarv courses leading to degree. Bachelor of Art«. I .....pl-lr I ourae in Business AdnuniatraUon and Commercial l aw -p. cial arrangement of l ouraes articulated with technical a l graduate courses in other institiMiMa. i ! PRE -ENGINEERING PER-LEGAL PRE JOURNALISTIC PRE-Mr. PIC ] i i I he tirat two year» of practically any cour»» if the »tmient plana to crowd all hi» preparation into four year» above the High School. , , Far catalogue or description of cwur»e», apply to Paaatocwv A. M. W ilu » m », Albany, Oregon >♦♦•♦« w sssssssssss—ss—ssssss«s»»s«««ss«a»»« ♦♦♦♦ < > Winter Is Coining! *y £ 11 With the apprendi of winter, one'» thought» naturally turn to Vinter clothing of alt k irate. W II I You can do no better than by coming to thia «tora for yoar Winter Underwear. Blanket», Com­ forts. Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Etc. • hir »lock ia now compiete ami of the bc»t quality. Come in and look over our line« We can please you in price ann quality. Hibler & Gil, Hard wheat Soft wheat 12.10 2.15 2 25 >♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ A ♦ A A A A A A : SANTIAM FARM NEWS Aug Best of -ervica. both Prvfeaaionally and in Funeral < onducUag. lady tMiatant always. Bast of Iquipment and Pncea <>«ar»n teed Hight for Everybody. Pito»» 16 LEBANON -► OREttON G. F. Korinek Veterinarian • 22 iirorge and Griffin Elmer ¡Milled out Suntex. Harney county, where they will vi»lt George’» daughter, Mr». Fred Sturge«. They will return *ept. I. Berry picker» have ix-en quite acarea at the “antiam Farm the |>a»t week, , with gallon» of fine herrh-« going to waste worth 30 cent« per gallon. William Gilk«y ui now putting on th» rlmahibg touch»« on grading uur road ready for the gravel. The threohing crew ia laying off for a few day«, aa all the gram around the I hill b finuihed. The engine la in u«e drawing the grader. The next order of buaineaa among the farmer» i» getting up their winter*« wood, then «owing fall grain, ami then digging pot a toe» where a follow ha« any to dig. There are five »ale bill» poated up for •ale« in the next ten day». Ho if you want anything cheap go to the aale« a« time« are dull you can get what you want aheap. The autioneer will knock tnem off to you if you look at them to get you take them off. Ely Ramer and young Rucker, of - Crabtree, cam« up Tueadav and hauled ; in ten car» of »love wmxt for the old ! man. a* hi* leg» were no good Baptist Church Services Sunday school each Sunday at 10 STAYTON, ... OREGON a. m I alb answered bay or Night Tuberculin testing Preaching and public worship th« DR J W. GOIN, Veterinarian. second and fourth Sunday at II a. m. and R o. m. Authorised Auction Sale and Interstate Everybody welcome at all these Inspector. service» J. R Parker, uaaior. Phone»: — Palace Feed Mhed. IM J Reaidenrr. MO R 4IAAHY, OUEGOM Subscribe for ihr Tribun« KRKDT. BIIVYICU Authorized Seles and Service S( |( ), ( )H K Pl K )N K ‘27 AUCTION __ SALE Tuesday, Aug. 29th 1.50 * * I PIE EATER \X right & Poole MORTICIANS IMI-oaka«« Never before has there been produced, at so low a price, a car so serviceable, so trustworthy and so economi­ cal of maintenance as the l ord louring ('ar. Millions of owners say so. Buy your bord today. I erms if de- sired. Having decided to quit fanning. I will im *|| at public auction on my farm, known as the (’ il Wain farm, 2| mileg southwest of Scio, Oregon, on F loor J , ; ; I ! Local Market Quotation« F kkd OPENS ON TUESDAY. SEPEMBER 19 f O. b. Tttt Detroit J. P Munkera. of Munkera Station. Ed Woodman»»« of Blodgett, Ore , and Wm. WoodniMiir» of Hieiter, Calif., left Wednesday by auto for Krho. Lexington and Umatilla. Ore. to visit relative» an A. M., the following: 45 GOATS, Eligible to Register Two Horses One bay mare, 9 years old. 1200 iiounds. unbroke, weight about 1100. Ono 3-year-old honw, Cattle Twelve cows, 3 yearling heifers, one heifer calf 9 months old, one heifer calf, one bull 2 yours old. One brood sow and six pigs Machinery, Etc. One set work harness, one set driving harness, one grain drill, one 12-inch Oliver stirring plow, oi e 14-inch pl^w-, one 12-inch John Deere plow, one 5 shovel cultivator, one «{-section steel har­ row, one jerindstone, one 2| horse Stover engine, one hack with top, one light wagon, one hay rake, 14G0 feet new lumber, one hay rack, one wood rack, one sl<*d, one gravel bed, one whtcIlMr- ruw, one 3-horw evener, one fanning mill, one platform scales, one Economy Chief separator, small tool«, one cook stove, some household goods, etc. LUNCH AT NOON BY LADIES OF THE COMMUNITY^! $21) and under cash, over that amount six months time will I m - given on bankable notes bearing interest at 8 per cent. Terms of Sale C. H. WALN/ Owners R. A. 5COTTÍ RILEY SHELTON, Clerk Col. BEN T. SUDTELL, Auctioneer, Albany, Ore. The Scio I ribune $ 1.25 the year