The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, August 24, 1922, Image 2

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Bay tfiií Gf «reff* «at/Saev Manry
T h : R8PAY. AUQVST 24. 1»22
«•'b...,. Optical
1« the cause of many
Optical Company
318 W. lai St.. Albany
PüniciäB ani
Calls Attended
Day or Night
Electrical Treatment
Park and Marmiti Street«
Telephone 12«
Care of
Yick So I ong
Chinese Medicne sdì Tea Co.
Has medicine whirh will
cure any known disease.
Not Open on Mundsvs
IM South High Street
Salem. Oregon
Phone 2X3
OH. Boy! How we envy Johns­
town. Ohio! Heer, real beer, was
on tap there last Saturday, We
can almost taste the beverage way
out here in Oregon
Come in and get a few copies of
the circulars advertising the Forks
of the Santiam to send to your
friends when you write to them
They are neat and portray truth­
fully what is in complete knowledge
of every cilixen here.
T he Pacific Internatonal Live-
1 stock Ex|<*sition will be held In
Portland the week of Nov. 4 — II.
and promises to be bigger and bet­
ter than ever before. The Tribune
has a copy of the premium list on
file that anyone interested can look
over, but we must ask that it be
left in the office
There was such a
demand for them that the Expoai-
tion was unable to meet il. but have
seen to it that each paper got a
copy. Come and look it over.
T hat little newspaper acrap tie
tween the Albany Herald and the
Albany lta»mocrat la creating a lol
of Interest for themaelves only.
T he great public cares nothing about
the petty jealousies of papers but
it does care and usually judges the
i>aper about the news it carries and
the political policies advocated, and
takes the paper more nearly fitting
its Meas
Belter let these little
Jealousies be buried in the bosom of
the editors rather than air them to
the public. Space can l<* used to
belter advantage, especially against
crime of all kinds and kind w<*rds
and luuqueta to the living this will
help make the world a better place
i In winch to live.
wlll brini thè return« «ufficimi lo
repav thi« S3.000.000, why noi let
thè flnaneiera fin ance il and tabe all
there la tha’ way, ralher than tabe
it in laxra and th«-n take thè re-
T he mandat»*« of the supreme
court of the land should always be
upheld, bnt there 1« a right to df«
cuss '.hr«e <i«-ci«ions if they in any
way throttle progress and take
rights away from citizen« or busi­
ness that are inalienable. We be­
lieve the decision of the srpreme
court in the cane of the Southern
Pacific-Central Pacific is unjust,
because it brings to naught better«
nenta that have been made by the
former on the property of the lat­
ter without remuneration, and gives
to others who have had no share in
the upkeep a major right. The two
companies have been operating as
one for more than 50 years, were
recognised by the g«>v»Tnment and i
the public as <me, until another com- <
pany want«*»! to use the trackage, |
and then the suit, and the order of j
the supreme court to demerge.,
Most times the court is right, but |
in this we believe it erred
let the
Southern Pacific aid Central Pacific
maintain their regular relations as
of old and improvements, such
the Natron cut-ofT. will be made.
T hk religious fight that has lw*en
injected into the campaign in Ore­
gon has all the earmarks of try ing
to camafiouge the real Issues lie-
fore the people. There can lie no
danger from religion, either in or
out of school, or church, but there
Is danger in the sort of religion that
tempts men to tiecome radical on
the question. Iwt the churches
have their schtMils. so long as they
adhere to the pt«*scrib»*d courses of
study as adopted bv th«* stale, keep
the public echo it« up to a high
standaid and even mak»* them more
attractive, if possible, for the child*
ren. give them the name religious
teaching as they get in the parochial
training and without comment by
the teacher, and the republic need
fear no domination from a reli­
gious belief. The real question be­
fore the people is the tax question,
and this most politicians are afraid
to discuss thev have nothing to
offer, and having no pla form, the
beat way to have the people forget
it is to Parage them with religious
propaganda ami blind them to the
main question. Watch your step,
vote against the man or men who
seek to bring in religion, which the
constitution guarautees every one a
right to embrace without dictation
from anyone, even the government,
and we will remain a free (teople.
Otherwsae. we f ar for the perpetu-
ity of our government, We de-
mand the right to worship '»od ac-
cording to the dictates of <»ur con-
science and deny the state the right
to take that away from us.
The 1925 caravan reached Albany
last Sunday, and according to the
papers were received royally. The
•|*akers urged the people to get
behind the S3.lMMl.0tMI tax levy and
| thus help put over the fair for
l*.»25. It is alright to tax ou reel vea
I for any amusement we want or
, need, but to make it general teems
j <>ut of the ordinary. No one can
Ok*»«, deny but that the exhibition will be
of untold good to the entire state,
Ve» Pnow What Sh« Wantaf
Manufacturing Optician but to tax ourselves to put It on
Ad» —A w«au«n keeping a tiri»-ciana
and then have to i»ay to see it is t»>nri|ing arhonl, requiring a piano, tal
dealrou» of receiving a daughter of
Fox SAL»-Old papera. 10c per double taxation. If the undertak­
ttaa atauva la «Schaag« for the »un-
bundle at the Tribune office.
* ing is of ao much benefit, and if It Bunluw TraaiK ripL
Hong fane» work is a strain on th*
eyes But if you wear gla«»«-a male
especially for »<>u thr strain is entirely
eliminated. We grind lenses to your
subscription, s>> they will be an requir­
ed. Don't neglect your ryes let us
examine them tvday.
Round Trip Fares afford great savings
in travel codts this year
Newport Bv-the-Sea
Tillamook County Beachea
Crater Ijike National Park
Oregon Caves National Monument
Oregon's Forest. Laks. River and Mountain Reaorta
Shasta Mountain Resorts
Yosemite National Park
San Francisco,
Los Angeles,
and to
Back East Cities
Through California
"The Wav to Sxe More of the IL S. A.
"Oregon Outdoors," "California for the Tourist," and other beautiful
fokier will be mailed FREE ON BEQUEST
For fare«, reservation* and other particular», auk agenta
Cenerai Passenger Agent.
62 4
Pinks All th« Year.
Surgeon to Birds
The gmko ur maidenhair tree tin«
bright yellow foliage tiial is most use
fui la nrsainmtil planting» ««>• thr
American Forestry Magatine
only la the coler a clear pure yellow
but thr peculiar aha|H> of the leal gl»«*»
a letture to the tree that Is quii« <llf
fermi from other«
The leave« tn
•ha|ird much like the pinnae, that la
the aniallesl divisions of the frund of
the maiden hair fern, very much m
The tree la attractive at all
Mias Virginia 1‘ope. a aurgeoa to
birds. Intended to he nn artlat wbeo
«he started out In life,
She became
interested In bird« while «•Hing pro­
pnred bird food In order to maintain
herself While An was «till a beckoning
Muse, with nothing substantial, from
a nnandal standpoint. In her luring
IWlm. The birds were ao fascinating
that Miss Pope decided to devote h«rr-
•elf to feathered friends and let Art
drift on over tin* mountains.—Kx-
• hange.
. I. LA WT
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Gents’ Furnishings
Garden and Field Seeds
Kodak Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
J. F. WBSBLY. Grocer
Attorney at Low
Cuaick Bank Bldg.
Sohacrihe for »he Trinine
Office Hour* :
*tol£A. M.
let »he Trihune do yonr printing.