ne of th* peas­ The best 'in* of vegetables io Scio the Tribune office Auction August 29th. «rill ba found at the Meadow Shade Dr A. G Prill and wife wars Al­ Dairy. ant caller* at Monday. N*w supp I » of Work Shirt» just See Laster B»iy«u's sale ad io this received. I he price is naht. Get paper. your needs here. J. F Wesely Ross Hihler came in Saturbey for E F. Gilkey. Alvis Gilkey ami a short visit relative*. Misses Pauline Sims and Frieda C. K. Kendl« i« installing a band» Thayer were Sunday visitor* in Port­ saw in his blacksmith chop land. Joe Dolezal and wife were in Al-' H. L. Ratlin and wife and son and hnny Saturday on bumness Mias Mildred Coury went to Fort­ Mrs. Katherine Kester spent a land Saturday an* I rft urned lura- part of last week in I’oriiand I day. Heler4«nd Albina Dpbrkovsky were The Albany canner* will not oper- in Albany Monday on business ate this year, according to a alate­ Wm Rhoda went to Albany Sat­ menI by the ne* owner*. Salem urday to •«* how fast th* town was ; people. growing. Mrs. lullie Hiblcr snart of the equipment to the Ford demonstration and while Portland with him for adjustment. her« found time to call at the Tribune. i Joe Bartu was in from th* farm Friday on business He is driving Saturday night is the date for Mr*. Dave Patterson, of Albany, t on« of the big truck* for the C*m- arrived yesterbay for a visit with anuthei big dance at the Z C B. J. Fox S ai ■ Good straw. Inquire cron sawmill. hall Arnold otchestra will furniah relatives and friends. of F. T. Thayer, Scio. Oregon 2c Federal Tire* are now cheap in 4 th« music. Everybody Invited. Firestone Cord Tires. soxsj. at price but not in quality — 516-96 F or S aij ( 16 inch fir wood. Sea Losie Bowerman and son. Ralph, Vilas Arnold. Scio. Orsgoo. 2p 512 46. Get them from th« Itartu and a tube free. Get them at of Portland, came up Saturday to Motor Co., Scio, Oregon. Cows for Sale—All giving milk Hartu Motor Co, hear the debate.but were disappoint­ some to freshen soon, inquire of Mt*- Mylo Bartu has gone W. L. Wolcott and E B. Titus, ed Mr. P’ercv failed to appear. G. L. Flanagan. ltf Santa Crux. California, for j of near Sandeimon's b> idg*-. came in Lost. Strayed or Stolen- - Black Gor­ month's visit with her folks John Ciclan, an Oregon pioneer, Monday to ace the Ford*«! demon- don Setter Dog from its home in died at the home of a »oh In Ait>any I st ration and to do some trading. Heat prices for vour canning Richardson Gap. F'inder please peaches If ordered through Meadow Saturday night and was buried Taea- notify J. D Densmore. J M. Swank, of Tallman, came day morning. He -ame to Oregon Shade Dairy. Order now. over Monday to ace the Fordaon B ring vour FNergruen Blackberries I in 1M7. to C. W. Hodge. We are receiv­ Sam Stoller and 'wife, Mrs. Will Power demonstration, and while Arthur Griffith, the founder of ing in the J. F Weaely express Sims ami Mrs. J. N. Long were here called at the Tribun* office. office Square deal to all. Mar­ i the Sinn Fein In Ireland, died of shopping in Albany Saturday. ket price paid. We pay cash. 2c Winter is coming, and not far Roy R. Gill,of Spokane,arrived Sat­ • heart failure last Friday in Dublin. Ed Jones and wife came over from urday for a wr-rk s visit with his > He was said to be the strongest of distant. Get your rubber boots, For Sale One 16-inch Syracuse Shelburn Saturday oi business, ami wool overahirta. underwear and chilled plow, one 12-inch J. I. Case parents. M. C. Gill and wife. R»y all Irish Free State leaders. while here called in to see the editor. steel plow, one double diac plow, Army blankets at the People ’ s Store. « viee-pt< si<*«mt and general man­ There are I ut four vacant house* one good hurw and buggy, one William Brenner hied himself ager «1 fie Holley-Mason Hardware it is reported around that sheep­ in Scio, at the present time, and as young mare weighing about 1200. Co., of Spokane, and at one time away from work long enough Sat­ Inquire of Arnold Boyanovsky. 2c soon as school opens these will be men are now offering 59.00 to was editor of th« Scio Tribune, then urday to go to Albany amt transact taken. Many changes have taken 510.00 for good breeding ewes, with Hoppickers wanted - For largest known as the Santiam News. a little bumneea. place recently, in selling and renting. prospect of being worth more mon­ ranch in Oregon, We furnish wood’ water, ti nt, or room, for ey in the near future. Charley Goin» and S. H Goins I families, straw for bedding, and At last the highway is to be psv- were in Saturday to attend the de­ pay SC per box. Write for reg­ ed through Jefferson, according to istration card and circular. Fried Chicken Dinner bate. but there was none, owing to F. Clemens Horst Co., Indepen­ the Jeffersou Review of last week. the absence of Mr. Pierce, whow dence, 52-1c wife was ill and he ha I gone to h«r It is surely needed and may the From 12 Io 2 Snuday work program rapidly. Money tn Iatan at 6i'F- The Feder­ bedside, at laitirande. o**e«e**e*oooao**e*****eoo al Land Hank of Spokane, Wash , Don't forget the Scio Tribune’s tester Bilyeu is advertising his wiill make loans 'hrough the | liberal offer. By paying all arrear­ I personal property for sale prepare Forks of the Santiam National age*. You get th« paper for the Farm I. an A»*>ciation in amounts lory to moving to his ranch in Mon from Slot) to 110.000. for a peri­ next 12 month* for 51 26. This al ­ J tana. He wants to be close to the od of 5 to 33 years, on first mort­ Help I oil wells thercatemt* and protect his so applies to new sub*c Tiber* gage security. Inquire of W H. I interests. Die sale occurs the 31al. your home paper to become better McLain. See.-Trees , rout« No. 2 by giving it unlimited support Scio, Oregon. Viscount Northcliffe. the eminent You will appreciate the su|>rrior quality of CHERRO' Flour when you kite ami light bread it makes, with that natural nutty flavor. English newspaperman, died Monday of a mysterious diw-sse contested • Ask your Grocer for CHERRO Flour. while in Germany, and a publici RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS burial will be accord«-*! him today. CARRIED BY All fum-rala given personal attention by .Mr. I owe He was a power in Europe, despite I Services and t rie«* «Guaranteed U> Satisfy Every Customer society's opposition. lady Attendant if deaired | Oc 1 • y r £ 1 * » Cherro Flour LOWE A. MORRISON J. B. COUEY Cherro Poultry Feeds ? ** The quality of a finis tux I product depend« upon the quality of th* separate parts it la ma••••••••••« WHEN AND WHERE? of Portland, a Roadarmci, has formerly owned late Mary Ann Richardson, and which G. W. Mur- ; row has recently purcuased. «nd will move heie In a few days. i [ Thus Smail, wife and children, . 1 A nene and Torn, spent Saturday In All>any on business. Ihey brought : home with them their daughter and sister, Mrs. Sigbert Myers. wh*ee, husband met his death recently in , Albany whi n he came in contact with a live electric wire while em­ ployed by the Mountain States Power Co. F'rank Bartu. Sr. and John Ager have t»een elected delegates by the local lodge. Z. C. B J., to represent it at the 5th convention to be held in Omaha. Nebr., Iiegmning Scut. 6, and lasting five days. This organ i-1 Ration holds their convention every five year a They will leave here on August 31. Mrs. Fred Hilyeti won one of the priies offered contestant* in the Fordaon parade on Tuesday. It was an autn mirror, ami was given for th* heaviest person in the parade —no. it «ras not herself, but Grant Pirtl«, who was in her car, that gave her the prise. She could not use it. so gave it to Mr Pirtle, who own* th* St. Franc hotel. Ante N. I. Moaaiaos Phone—Hay. .W7 Phone_Sight, ;«6 ; *♦♦♦♦♦•♦•>« W ith Mukil* Age romes a full appreciation of what money is for. With the nn»takes of youth behind and the nerds of el I age ahead, the impor- tance of «aving shows up unmistakably tar !»*• not wait for middle are —start to save today, (»pen an account, by mail er personally, with the First Savings Rank and your money will work for you The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon W!j„z,v' GRAIN at market prices Will have Grain Bags and I wine for' you when you need them. When Y our Hogs are Ready for Mar ket, phone 367 Densmore’s Feed Store ■ %