«• «et to sections 4 and 10. In ail about 700 or 800 acre«. » The damage was slight, as this land had been burned over before, Aug 14 and consisted mostly of second The forest fire which broke out growth timber, of which orUv a <>n or about the 6th Inst oo Roar; part was damaged by the fire. mg River, had boon placed under control by the fire fighters when the Daniel Curry, of Portland, is vis­ ram began to fall. iting home folks here for a few This fire began to burn In the day« nwf of the swj of sec 3. t. 11 a., r. Mrs Ed Stringer and two little I e .. same being the homestead of daughters. Lucille and Naoma, of G.-.» Webb, and after burning over Hillsboro, who have been visiting about one-half of sec. 3. burned io- relative« in this vicinity, returned Larwood Items 1 MtBiaiSlfMif's Met Notice i* hereby given that the un- der»ignei has been duly appointed by the county court of Linn county, Dre Ì administrator of the estate of lary A Richardson, deceasad. Ail |>er»on* having claim* against said I itat. are requested to present the »•me to the undersigned, with proper vouchers therefor, within six months from the date hereof. Dated thia 2d day of August, A. D. 11)22. Rii.sv Su«LTO», Administrator. I. M Ct «L Atty, for Admr. Date < f first (lUblication. Aug. 10. 1922 Date of last publication. Sept. 7, ÌF22 ♦♦eooeoeooeooeooooo»«>«ao f Scio Meat Market Fresh and Cured Meat Bacon Lard—Sausage FORDSON Plow With the Fordson Disk With the Fordsun Hi rmw W ith the F ord-on home last Saturday John Goma, wife and daughters, Barbara ami Marcelle. of Albany, were callers at the Howard home Sunday afternoon The Cameron sawmill is not run­ ning at present on account of a minor breakdown, hut will be in operation in the near future. Robt Elliott and wife ami Ben Schmitt and wife visited at the home of Wm Larwood last Sunday. Mrs. Will V auk man and -M im Ha zel Howard *|>ent Thursday night with Mr and Mrs. Charles Craft Wm. Larwood ha* finished put- ; ting in his dam across Roaring Riv- > er. His former dam w as washed ¡ I Harvi-Nl With the Foni-un Tnrvsh With the Fordson Bale Hay U ith thr FonUon Saw W o ' m I With the Fon taon I’umn Water With the Fordson Grade With the Fordson Pull Stumps With ihr Funison The Day s Work Whether in the Held, around the farm, or on the road, the Ford non Tractor ia doing wonder* in Having lime, reducing coat and increuning profit* fot thousand* of farmers everywhere. Fill the s Io With the Fordson Grind Feed No matter what tin* farm tank, if it can l>«< done by motive ¡»ow er the Fordaon run do it. and do it well. With the Ford-on I70.ODO now in use in all part« of the country and in every kind of livid and belt wotk prove the vflii-irnev, at.ibiliiy, and relia­ bility of the Fordson Tractor. out last fall. $484-60 O. W Hassler took in the Ford demonstration in Scio today. Delivered oa Fan Steve Tichenor and wife, of Port­ ILilwliek B ioh ., Props. < land, and Mrs John Davenport were Scio. Ore. ; callers at the home of George L »»«♦«♦»+»»»••♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦ Curry last Sunday evening Lee Gaines and family attended the Ford demonstration ir. L-banon Saturday. Real Estate Rrolfer (Parson Davenpart and family at­ and Notary Public tended the dance in Crabtree Satur­ father, Mr Fink. ./Ibitratli Obtained. fixa mined Mrs. J. H. Wortman anti Mrs K. day night. Carson enjoys shaking M Chronic ami son spent Thursday JCIO - • - OREGON a mean ankle visiting with Mrs. John Shelton. Otto Goswick is up from Salem to »pend a few days with I'eter I JORDAN ITEMS W. A. Ewing. A. E. Randall Schwindt. President Vic« I'rss. The gang gathered at the Chronic E. D. Myers. Cashier August 14 home Sunday night and pulled tally Start a bank account today and provide for your future. K. M Chronic and Gale Phillip* and had a rousing time. We Buy Fat Cattle TRACTOR 2 2 Fred T. Bilyeu Scio, Oregon Phene 27 Riley Shelton THE SCIO STATE BANK You will find a checking ac­ count very convenient for your bu : • ** iran-actiona. Wepay interval on time deposits. LÎT Ore;ea Ml Heat Tim A great surprise for the home knitters of Oregon, but still a fact. Further­ more, wool yarn; the wool was grv count ............. “ g. ■■ Worsted I U'orsted Company (mills located at’ into Worsted worsted yaun yarn oy by - *■**11 ...... I' n made il'll into Roy T. Bishop, son of C. I. P. Bishop, ; proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of Salem. Oregon knitters try this varn \ ra. 4fic per ball of 2 oxa Samplrs »ent on api>l:cation. Address C. P. Bishop, Box r*gon. i F. M. French & Sons Fresh and Cured Meats elton & Co. Props Large assoli ment Drummer Samples 68c P olka D ot . were in Scio Wednesday. Joe Jungwirth and family came Dr. Frill was in Portland yester­ up from Newberg Saturday to visit Joe’s mother and Mrs. Jungwirth's day on business Wis±,erR- M. Cain -e The Winchester Store I THE HOME RADIO How to Make and Use U IX. AIR-GAPS AND LIGHTNING SWITCHES A great many pc pie are very much afraid <>f lightning following an aerial and Injuring the premise-, for they seem to think that the wire* “strait" We make a Specialty of lightning, just as many people with Intelligence and edu- ation still hrllova that steel knives or hardware or wire setting window sersena “attract" the lightning As a matter of foot. acme of these thing* “attract" the lightning, but merely form a convenient conduc tor to enable the lightning to ground Itself, fjghtnlng roda are there will be no danger to the preinl-oa In fact, a properly Iti-tulle.l aerial due* not sffeet the rate of In-urnn- • and If In-tailed In «ccnnlan.-« with the regulation* of the local tire de­ partment you may tie aura thrre I* not the lea-t danger. The tire de­ partment records <»f New York City do n la attached tn the lead-in wire (the wire to *et tmlng fa-tened to It also) while the other (ID Is cun- nected by a Wire to the ground di­ rect. Thia gap la mounted In much tlie name manner aa a lightning switch. Fig 17 (on a window sill nr other convenient spot), In which A allow« connections to arrisi, H to re cel »er and C to ground connection M hen the station la not In use, or during thunder stonila, (He handle D 1« thrown from A tn <*, (lil* cutting off all ruunertloa between the lead In wire and (he instrument* and connect­ ing the aerial directly with (he ground Aerials for «ending or lran«mi«almi •t.itlona are very different from (hone used for rec-rirtng only »nd «liould tie of ar i eral wlrr- The most efficient I* probably the “cage" type shown In Fig ifl. but any of the other* lllu-tra ted tn Fig«. 19. 31 and 21 will answer. These should, of course he fully In­ sulated and the various methods of doing thl* are well shown In the figures and require no explanation Tn install sending stations a llcvnaa la required, where«- to receive, no Hcenaa to oeoded. J Before you buy your Heating Stove or Range, give us a call i Successful Graduates Are the Best Recommendation of O. A. C Tbto institution offer* ■ thorough, practical, and standard education al a coat within reach of th.- high «dimoi graduate it offers training fur collegiate degree« in; Agriculture CoRMWTce Engineering and Mechanic Arts Forestry Home Economica It offers training also in: Industrial Joumalum Mines Pharmacy Vocational Education Chemical Engineering Military Science and Tac- lisa The School of Music, Physical Education, Fall Term Oaens Septembar IB For circulars of information ard illustrated look let write to T he R egistrar . O regon A gricultural C ollege C orvallis , O regon Wright & Poole MORTICIANS UsUeOsk»- Itaat of Service, lot h l*rr>fessi«>neily - «nd in Funrral ( bnducting. lady Aasiatant always, Best of F.quipment and Prie.-« liuaran- tead Itight for 1 verybody. Puoaa lfi LEBANON > OREGON G. F. Korinek Vcterinnrinii UTAVTON, - - • OREGON ( «II» answered Day or Night lulM-rculin Testing DR J w GOIN, Veterinarian, Authorized Auction Sale and Interstate Inspector. * Phones;—Palace Feed shed, 1*4 J¿V Residence. MO-R ALBANY. 1 he Scio I ribune $1.25 th