V SS MAN ASKS AND 600 OCCULTISM By The Laymen's Homo Mleotenary Movement, 1327 Boyds» *»», Philadelphia, Pe. * and wltrii <4>tr1r noni» What are Spiritism and Ooeutttemf lu-ut 18: 10. 11; There shall taH be found among you any one . . . that uwth divination, or la an otMwro- er of I hora, nr an etu-haater. or a witch, or a rharmrr. or a o naulter with fa­ nd! r «¡-tritai or a wlaard. or a nevrw- man.er la fi: 19: When they ehall say, Kw-k unto them that have familiar at trita, and unto wIsards, . . . should not a i*v>pto seek nato their God? On behalf of the living, should they seek unto the dead! (Am. Rev. Veri Why pan the dead not oommunleato In splrtpam and oceuHlem, with the living ? Job 14: 31 ; Illa sea come to honor, and he knoweth It not. and they are brought low. but he parrot rath It no* of them, Is «18: IB: ttoubllra» Th.-a art <>ur Ent her, though Abraham be Ignorant <>f us Eccta*. • : S, fi, IB: For the living know that they shall die. but the dead know not ■nyrhtng; also tbeir love and tbeir bat* Ml ■ne earth shall awske Ada 7: «Mi-fi • 1 • lie full asleep And Hstil was lonsmtlng uatv hia death. What ars some •oHptureo wkish I teach that avll epl rite—4hs fallow an- personal beings geia—ars Jas 3: 19: Itovi» also bollere, and tremble. Acta 19: 18: The evil ajilrit MMNVSgwd am. ««Id. J rau» I know and I’nul I know but who srs yel l.ako 4: 14: Devito alia* cams out of many. . . He suffered them not to speak; for they knew He was Christ. Whin did thess spirits b seams evlif Gen. 8; 2, 4 The anna of nM*tlnir wen* dlw*bed1eou when mm * the long suffering of God waited la the days of Noah. What have ths fallen angels aatab- llshed over the human famllyf l ake II: IB: If Satan also he di vide«! agnlnat himself, how shall hie klncitom stand? John Id: 10: The prims- nt this world meth and hath nothing In Me Rph fi: 13: For we wrestle . . agulnet pcli»r4|*lltlefi. against t*owers, against the rulers of the dur knees of lids World, against wicked «1-1 rtfs (margin) In high placra. El*h 2 3 Ve walked . . . aevurd- In« tn the priors of the power of the air. th«- spirit that now srorfceth Is the children of dt**h*«|leace DAIRY FACTS Having decided to remove to my ranch in Montana, 1 will sell at my residence, the Geo. M. Bilyeu farm, 3% miles south of Scio, and 3 miles east of Crabtree, on 9 » WEDNESDAY, AUG. 30 BIG VALUE CF BETTER SIELS Offspring of Scrub Co».» Bred to Pure* bred« Show Great Increase Iff Milk and Psk. I That purebred «In-« in the grade, dairy herd are worth while to shown > la the mulls of 14 jrars of expert niviits at low a State college In the first gwnrotlun from the purv-brnd dairy bulls uam|. product UM» of milk In grade cows was Ixrwaaed 44 |«r i cent and fal pr*«lu-tl(»ii A« ¡ mt real 1 Moline Binder, ft-foot cut 1 gray gelding, 10, weight 1200 Iba.; bay In the second grneratlua an Im rv.*ae 2 Champion mower, 5-foot cut griding. 5. weight 1200 Iba.; bay gelding. uf lio per i-vnt In milk over tin* orig* Inal production was lire.I and l«»l I Champion hay rake, 10 foot 9, weight I KM); brown mare, I I. weight per cent Im rmw in butterfat. Thia : I I hotnaa dnll, 20 hose I HMh hay mare, 12, weight 1000. Inerva »• would more than [ hi ) for the I 2-horse cultivator i»d - hi gradv cow a « production of M.41.3 |K>uuutii|a of milk and UH poumla <«f butterfat From the first generation of Jersey mating a production of 41X44 pounds of milk resulted and 2»ki pounda of butterfat From the er«oh the Egypt lana, who are ••rvdltrd Beginning at 10 o'clock, the following property: Farm Machinery Horses Cattle Miscellaneous Du roc-Jersey Hogs Lunch served at noon by Ladies Aid oí Crabtree Terms— All sinus under $20, cash; over $20, a credit of six months will be given, with interest at 8' <, purchaser to .give bankable note. Lester Bilyeu, Owner Ri!ey Shelton, Clerk I with having mad«- tine ot |H-rr «mûrira agu. • GILKEY STATION ♦.-..«ra...... 9 Aug 15 Col. A. L. Stevenson, Auctioneer pathy to the bereaved ones through in fairly good enndilian. Th«« American une-eved Pie Ester Fred Sommer and family attend­ ed the l«n«l concert in Albany Tues­ has l*een on the worst sicklist for month» by overloading his grub bas­ day evening, Mr. and Mrs. C E. Gibaon. of Sa­ ket. but he i» now on the road to lem, visited their daughter, Mrs. recovery, as be ha» plenty of chittim Will Weinberg, over the week-end bark. and attended the club social. The old man and good wife went la Scio Tuesday and found the Hum­ mer's Hotel out of grub and horse feed, so the la«lv of the inn hud to come out to the Sant lam hospital fur a square meal of fried ham nnd eggs, beefsteak, mutton chops, boil­ ed beans, roasting ears and a dish ef baled bay for dessert. W’hen »he returned home she took with her a full winter’s supply of garden «*«». mi the hotel will now run on full time. The thimble club entertained | The following went to Sulphur How do the fallen angele especially seek te oontrel the human famllyf HsUBioed Hstotetn Which Had an Aw I their btislwnds and families, as is Springs Sunday: Will Mespella. Mr 3 T!.«-«a 2 9: Wtoaw mmlng la af­ ar a pa Production of IHM Pounda of their ywwrly custom, with a program “nd Mra. John Shepherd. J. II Rol­ ter the working of Betas, with all Milk and 30* • Pounda of Butterfat. lying wonders 2 Cor 4: fi: I and supper. The srhool house waa If. Walter Morris and family. T*hr r.vt ->f this world hath blinded the thè aerond mutiti - a prodi» Hot» of i well filled and a good time enjoyed. < laude Rex. Vena and Iron liully. 7.371 potimi» of milk and 370 poumta mind-* of them that hellev» not. 1 Tint Mra. Fred Mespelt, president of the of Albany, of buttrrfat wvre prodwed 4 1 *L.iii.. site 11 depart from the faith fimiI- cows brod latvr un lo pure club, presided over lhe program giving heed to svsludng «pinta and Miaa Mona Trembly, of Eocene. brrd ifolaielh «Ire« hnd a t>r>Mlmfl<-n doctrines of devils. which was as follows: is visiting lone Morris. of 3.«MH ponsd» of milk and 17.3 What are eome ef the methode that pounds of buttrrfat Follo«» log a 11**1 Song by all Juanita Meaprlt spent the week- the fallen angels have ueed te central ateln rroaa thè .>ff«pring prodm-ed Vlolin and piano duet. Mrs. Will Ml | Bl home. the humen family? fi,74M pound« of milk and 377 i»»iml> (II Th» levll worship ol heel hew Sunday visitors at the J. G. Holt of buttrrfat Tlie offspr.ng of a «•••' I Metpelt and Iron Holly Ism. I Cor It»: 30 The Gentiles earn Heading. 'The 'Plaint of a Trani»- home wete: J. W. Moore and wife orni generation wlth Hi«t«tvin aire» rlfira . . to devils l*OUt B3*. Mr. Clarence Lovejoy, of Dallas, prmturod lo.Tifi pound» of milk ami planted Oregonian", lone Morria |iuj Kr-ily and Eileen. John Van Ly- 17 Tlw-y sai-rifira unto devils not te 399 pounda of hntterfat. came up Saturday to visit with his th•imd» of fai home Sunday. whllr thè fi rat generation of purvhr,-d Reading. "Maude Muller**. Opal wjfWt Mr«, lone Van l.vt<>gra|h and any nm* that . . , *i«eth divine strlnr «howetl a production of fi 74* flon. or an observer of Umea. or an Fxl Kalina la going to be our M espelt daughter Faith, all of Salem, and ¡mundo of milk and 37, manda of hot eag^anter. or a w1t< h, or a charmer terfat The aerotid cenen t Ion It». Song, "The Sunshine of 'our Mr. and Mrs. Savage and lady champion potato raiser, as he has In >r a row-miter with familiar spirits or creaaed Meadlly and showe.1 IO XM Smilw”. Bernice Griffin and N acres of fine sod, pulverirod as Itt wisarvl friend, of Portland. pounda >>f milk and W» [«aínda of ifil Sptrttlam, Is 8: IB: When the« fin«- as worm dust. The field was E. li Kroliw. pianist Frank Morehouse and wife, of buttrrfat. shall say unto y<»s Boek unto them planted in June, now 2 fra-1 tall and All th*-*r cowa urrr kept uh'ler the Reading, Hamel in the IJon » | x .|>«non. are camped at J.G. Holt ’ s thst have familiar aplrtte ... on behalf of the living, should they seek same envlronmenf and f«d a« neariy l3mM, lx>na Zyswrt while Mr. Moreh. >uae la doing car- rank a« ever grew, with potatoes < Ar**er Rev Vori aa posnlMe standard rntlon» ami rw unto the dead? bulging the grourwi equal to a mole. Reading. "Does Anyone Care for llt.n[er WOik crived rarefili handllng «o that Ibe Drut IS: 10. 11 There shall not be experiiuent wa« unlform While visiting in Scio Monday we Fathwr'*, Edna Gilkey fhe men are all busy threshing found among )•>« . . . S ¡called Into the Scio Hotel for a meal, Song. Valoria Crenshaw with familiar «ntrita . . Pride and Van.ty. necromancer (one -latmlag Reading. "Sunnv Oregon". M<>n*' finding a fine landlord and aa fine a 1 would much rather fight pride with th* d«»dl meal aa anyone could wish, equal to (41 l*vm«nlac poeaaaatos Mett 8: than vanity. t>e«nuae pride ha« a Rremblay Song. Lucille and Violet Crabtree | stand up way of fighting Thu know 28: There mot Him two the best farmer's rreal to be found; where It to. It throw« it« Mack ad and Iva WeinU-rg. Mrs S I: Holt, ** with devlta also a landlady with a heart aa ow on you. and you are u<4 at a I ihm In Bible times whet Mad Aug. 15 large a» a 10 gallon keg of cider. Where to strike But vanity is thst pianist proetleed epi rill era and eoeultleraf delusive, that Insectivrrou». that mul ­ I shall surely call again when I want Mr. Wltor. our long-looked for (1) The worst of the hratben. Bg. tiplied feeling; and mm that light T: 11: Pharaoh also called . . . a square meal Mrs. J. H. Kelly han writtm from June rain has come at last, aa it Rnrrorere Tlw* maglriaao of Egypt vanity are like mm that tight wldges I The Santiain farm has a fine lot did In like manner with tMr and but ferii Ira It la easier to chaas Prineville saying that her tiwdher., rained May 10th and Auguat 10th. Luey Anderson, paanrai away > making thro« months without rain. of berriea to pick. Come soon enchantnonia 3 Klaas 8: 38: Ja«B tbeva thsa to hit tkesa.- iirtiry Ward Mrs ______ I Awr.^. Mrs An.iera.rn often vte- l>io w U m longest ttone without ram j PIK EATltg; z ; w r