The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, August 17, 1922, Image 2

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They are GOOD!
lin K.HMAV, A ugust 17. 1922
I* th« cause of many
Optical Company
318 W
1st St.. Albany
Pbnician and Surzeaa
(.lulls Attended
Pay or Night
’ a
- ■
management, parties exiwneneed
in catering to the puldie. To assure
the continuance of thi» worth while
institution, it is neo-wnry that the
people, the lodge« and others con­
templating banquet* or feeds, give
them unstinted *upt»ort in no other
way can it live and prosper and be-j
Round Trip Fares afford great savings
in travel coils this year
Tillamook County Resch«-*
come a standing advertisement fur '
the city and community. Coopers |
Crater Lake National Park
tion with it means cooperation with I
each other.
Shasta Mountain Resorts
Electrical Treatment
Park ami Sherman Streets
Trh-phone 126
Care of
Yick So 1 ong
Chinese Meiicine and Tea
C l
II h *
nudicine which will
cure any known dlM-a*e.
Not Open on Sundays
IM South High Street
Salem. Oregon
I’hune 2M
Ikaing fane« work is a Strain on th<
»y«*s. But if you wear plaasea mail-
««prrialty for you the «train ia entirely
We grind towers to your
»uliarription. So they will tw a* requir­
ed. Itoi'l negtoct your eyes tot u*
examine them today.
Manufacturing Optician
Foil SAUC- FHd paiera. 10c per
bundle st the Tribune office.
Yosemite National Park
San Francisco,
Los Angeles,
standard I carer of the republican*
in the recent primaries, ha« now been j
convinced that he wa* not. It took -
a lol of monev and worry, and a lot I
of accuMt-on* that have lM«en proven ■
' false, to convine him.
Probably !
With berry picking on hand,
hoppicking coming on. the children
who are yet of school age are be­
ginning to worry about the opening
of school a month hence.
i now he will lay down and I m - good
If he had used good sense. taken the
official count a* final, he would have
saved himself and the state a great
deal of expense and chagrin. an<l he
might have become governor four
The rains have done a world of year* hence, "hut them day* are
good in helping to revive the pas­ gone forever".
tures and rejuvenating the late crops.
| Cows were beginning to show the
Charley Hall, he who just knew
need of pasture. and crops were
the guliernatorial no ination had
burning up.
Ix-vn stolen from him. found out
when the votes were counted in the
Henry Ford's family Fords and district* where he chatgtd fraud
Fordsons were in preponderance had been practiced that he had had
in Scio Monday. And it was a great "pipe dreams", and immediately
family. After seeing this array of announced the canvas* dotted. Ac­
of the offspring of the Ford factories, cording to the press. Olcott gets 31
we do not wonder at the appellation more votes in these district* than
"road lice' .
had been given him. Nuw (Tiarley
feels, or ought to feel, that his ad­
The strike to taking on quite a visers are mighty poor guesser*.
bit of territory now, and all because But probably Charley and hi* friends
litigation rather than negotiation had more money than brain* and the
has lieen invoke«) by the powers that adviser* needed some of the money.
But. then, workers are wanting
too much wh< n they ask a living
The ached ule«i debate
now and a competence for old age. Waller M Fierce and J. II.
Newport Bv-the-Sea
Oregon Caves National Monument
Oregon's Forest, l-skc. River and Mountain Resorts
Charley Hall. h<* who was certain
that he had been nominated a* the j
East Cities
Through California
"The Wav to See More of the
S. A.
“Oregon Outdoors," “California for the Tourtot,” and other beautiful
folder will be mailed FREE ON REQUEST
Fur far««, reservation* and other particulars, aak agent*
General Paaaenger Agent.
52 4
each week, and we hope our busi­
nessmen will find its advertising
columns of greater value to them
until every firm in Scio will be rep­
resented therein every week.
We are pleaard with our past
year's growth, and while we did not
bring Vlee-Preeibent Coolidge to
Oregon to help ua celebrate, we are
glad he came it gave ua some class
vou know.
We expect to grow
more the coming year, with your
help, and we know you'll help.
In a letter to Poetmaster Stichs.
T. L. l>ugg< r says he to enjoying
the weather down in California,
that hie hetlth is good and that Loe
Angeles ia doing a lot of new con­
He asks to be remem­
bered to his friend«, especially the
Knights of Pythias.
wax a disappointment to
many who came expecting to hear i
something good from both sides of I
the great tax qu«*sti«n. Mr. Pierce
failed to appear, on account of the
illness of his wife at I*i Grande, to
whose bedside he rushed. While
: there ia no doubt but that some re­
lief could and would come from *in-
; gle tax. it to doubtful It the people
' are ready to accept it and pul it over
Report* wy. "Government owner­ at the November el«?ction this year
ship of railroads looms," and we sus- Mr. Herman gave a very able talk,
ect that to what has bhen planned but could not enter into the question
for sum«- time, or since shortly aftor with the same vigor h«- would have ■
'hey were returned to their owners «lone had his opponent tieen prem-nt ,
The Woman who had 116,000 to
leave for the benefit of her three
<i»g*. had more money than brain*
After the death of the doga. the
money la to go to an orphan asylum.
But with some people a dog ta of
more value than a child, and thia
woman aurely was one who believed
in the former.
«fter the war. Too high rates and
¡oo many high *alari««d officials have
Volume 26 This Week
■ «ten them up. and now they want
the government to operate them, if
The Tribune stirts out thia week
reports «re true.
on the 26th milestone of its career,
measured from the time the Santi-
Elsewhere will lie found a letter am New» came into existence, but
from C. E. Hunt,of Calpella. Calif., in reality the volume number should
in which he to asking questions and be 32. rememlierinc the first issue
m eking information of thia com­ of the New« wav bark in 1X90.
munity with an idea of locating her«.
Hut to complete 2A years in a
If any of our readers can give him small community to no small task
the information he wants, please To live, tries the st- mina of a news­
write him. Be of and f< r the Com­ paper much greater than it does the
munity. and asstot in locating those human. It must apeak sometimes
who want to tiecomc a part of ua.
and it hurts somebody's feelings,but
a community paper never intention-
Scio can boast of one of the best ally wounds.
1 ittlw hotels ia the state at the pre«-1
We hope the people will continue
«nt time. It to under competent to like the paper in greater numbers
*■ .**
' .
l»n ) Ad I
Attorney at Law
Cusick Rank Rldg.
Suhwrribe f«W the Trihawe
Offirr Hour* :
» to ir*. M.
1 JO to 5 P. M.
the Tribune do your printing.