• r***' * A4 4 X * • * fi . • I J LOCAL BREVITIES | Hot Weather and Crying Colic John Kelly waa in Albany Monday. By d o L. scorr. c. Mra. S W. Bragg «pent last Thur» Mothers suffer la* keenly as babieswhen the’little one becomes afflicted with colic. The cry is really a star­ vation cry. for the child with colic is getting little or no benefit from its food. The trouble may be with the food, but this is rarely true, as every mother knows, for the colic comes even when the utmost care in feeding is being observed. The real trouble is weak­ ness of the stomach caus­ ed by a spinal bone de­ HEALTH FOLLOWS! rangement which reduces CHIOOPSKTK (OmCTS the site of the spinal PfitiSUflE OR SPINAL nerve opening and pinch­ at ms »NDisrAWsof es the spinal nerves lead­ ing to the stomach. When TMt f 01 LOWING CPU*« the chiropractor makes -HEM) lhe delicate adjustment Ctrl* ni'Ccssary in such cases SIAM MOK the child usually shows THRMT signs of improvement at ARMS once. In ca»es of chronic HEART colic in children the child UMN loses flesh and becomes uvea STOMACH rundown and irritable. PANCREAS Such cum 'S in children SPUE* are pitiable unless relief AIJNtTS is obtained. K Downs *■ APPtNDIX "x'BLADDER rk^MUniRliHM T he Baby Cried for Six Months lower Ntave “We feel it our duty to say what chiropractic did for our liaby. We doc­ tored with her for nix months and she kept get­ ting worse. At seven months old she weighed TKADJUSTING Re> but thirteen pounds and MOVES THE PRESSURE. cried night and day. She THE UPPER NERVE IS wus getting so thin we FREE At NAtUSt NITI MOS expected her to die. Then ——- we heard of chiropractic spinal adjustments and in despair gave it a trial, when to our wonder the child began to recover. To­ day she is well. Chiropractic saved our baby.” — Mr. and Mrs. W. L Marquis. Chiropractic Research Bureau Statement No. 1336W. UNDER THE MAGNIFY­ ING GLASS IS PINCHED BV A HISAUGNtO JOINT PINCHED NtRVtS C ANNOT j TRANSMIT HEALTHPUL i IMPULSES CHI RO PR AC' | J Getting Started toward health ia merely a matter of telephoning 87 for an apiiomtment. DR. O. L. SCOTT CHIROPRACTOR 414-19 U. S Bank Bldg. Phone 67. Salem, Oregon day in Albany Fred Bilveu waa io Stayton on business Monday. Wm. Wruth was in Albany on buainea« Saturday. Joe Ouper and wife were in Albany Saturday evening. A. F. Hurrah, of Portland, waa in Scio me of Mrs. V. A. by describing property and pay­ Mylo Bsrtu and wife «|M*nt Sun­ McKmght. They are sisters-in-law, ing fur this ad. day with hi« father in the Larwood 1 and sre enjoying each other's com­ Meadow Shade Dairy. pany hugely. district. Notice to Hoppickers Those who The Arnold orchestra has the con­ wish to pick hops, write T. A. E G. Arnold ha« accepted a posi­ tract fur the dances at Crabtree and McKee, or phone 14F2, Jefferson. tion with the Scio C<»n200. and there the junior will call on Lyle Money to Loan at The Feder­ guaranteed Ford Garage Ficklin. fib Gram! Ave. al Ijind Bank of Spokane, Wash., wiill make loans through the Mra. G. II Jett and children, who Edris Peer* <>f Portland accompa­ Forks of the Santiam National nied her father E. C. Peery who is ¡ have tiecn visiting Mrs. D. C. Thoms, Farm Loan Association in amounts returned to Portland Thursday morn­ here on business. fr<>m $100 to SIU,000. for a peri­ ing. to join her husband. who has od of 5 to 33 years, on first mort­ Meadame« Fred Bilyeu and J. S. gage security. Inquire of W. H. just arrived from the East. Sticha spent the week-end in Port­ Mclain, Sec.-Tress., rout* No. 2. II L. Ballin and family returned land with friend« Scio. Oregon. 49-41 Tuesday from Portland, where they This notice is to inform those who Mrs R. W. Gill, of Vancouver. attended the wedding of Mr. Ballin’s contemplate purchasing cockerels Wash . s|M-nt the week-end with Mr. | sister. They were at wot over a from us this fall that we are adver­ and Mrs M C. Gill. week from the cares of horns and tising our surplus stock of cock­ erels in the Northwest Poultry F. F. Abell, of the Albany Dem­ husinnaa. Journal for month of August and ocrat. is in the city doing some spe­ Quite a number from here attend- our supply will go quickly at the cial work for that p«i>rr. ded the "doings” in Brownsville Sat­ prices we a«k for this grade of stock to those that know their Firestone Cord Tires, dOxlij. at urday night when a drinking fount­ worth. The description of our $13 50. Get them from the Bartu ain to the memory of Ray Templeton stock sre S. C. W. Leghorn cock­ was dedicate«! Young Templeton Motor Co.. Scio. Oregon. erels, Hanson strain, from 25o to lost his life in Michigan, while at ths 276 egg hens mated with pedi­ W. E Dwyer, of Portland, has aviation camp. greed miles 291 to 29H egg sires, accepted a position for the summer which wilt help wonderfully to August 9 ia the laat day for filing at the Morris Bros, barber shop. build up the egg production of compensation claims bv ex-service your Work for another year; price Ib-st prices for your canning men, says Miss FJdith Forest, of the |.r> each; three months efore purchasing Consid­ ering all you cannot bny cheaper Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morns and khaki, unices the present law is anywhere. Trollirurer A Shanks. daughter. Bernice, of Portland, are amended. guests of the former’s parents. I New supply of Work Shirts just received. The price is right. Get your need» here. J. F Wesely. Arnold Orchestra will play for the dance at the Z. C. B. J. hall on Saturday night, Aug 5. Every- j bodv invited. Serfling Cihak and wife and lxtuis Borovicka and wife, of Portland, are visiting at the home of R. R Boro-1 vicka and wife. Sam Stoller ha» made hi» home on Mam street take or. a n etropoli- tan appearance by building a new liorch and other* ar improving it. Sam ia keeping in step progress. Kenneth Sim« went to Kalama, Wash.. Sunday, where he ha* accept­ ed a position a» trouble shooter for the local electric company. We pre­ dict that Kenneth will make good. Mr. and Mrs F. W Haskell and little daughter, of Dalls«, and Mias Bertha Whilecraft. of Albany, »pent Sunday with the editor and wife. Mr. Haskell is employed in the Dallas Grocery Co. Store A McCrae left Saturday for points in Wyoming fora visit with relatives, and will then g<> to Winnipeg. Can , where he will »pend a month or six weeks with a brother. He says he will be gone apout two months I he Scio 1 ribune $1.25 the year Are you one of the satisfied cua tomers selling your cream through the Meadow Shade Dairy to the Mu­ tual Creamery* If not. why not? Always looking out for your inter­ ests and always r»ay the t<>p prices Ask for Mr Wagner LOWE & MORRISON RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS All funsrafo given personal attention by Mr. l-owe Services and I'rices <>uaranteed to Satisfy Every < uslumer lady Attendant if desired N. f. Lows X. I, MuaaiaoN ' > Aato Lebanon Phone -Pay. 8R7 ' ’ Equipment Phone 9 I’hooe— Sight, 396 < ►. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< WHEN AND WHERE? —.............. With Middle Age cornea ■ full appreciation of what money ia for. With the mistakes of youth behind and the needs of oil age ahrad, the impor­ tance of raving shows vp unmistakably tar th> nut wait fur middIs age —atari to save today. Open an account. by mail or personally, with the First Savings Bank and your money will work for you < The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ! "WMCRK SAVING« ARK SAFC" 4 < laUrvH «a 1 as wany