The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, August 03, 1922, Image 3

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    ♦-’ «♦
.................... »
* with h«r sister. Mrs S W Games,
as they are equal to twins
i----------------- --------------
Ciaud Smith cam* up from Dallas
Sunday for a visit with his wif«.
July 1
whom he had not sawn the past week
Sull hot and dry with plenty of She to staving with her father New­
dry winds from the north
ton Crabtree, who is remodeling his
Mr. and Mra. Lovejoy, of Dalias, old house and making genera) Im­
cam* up Wednesday to visit Mrs. provement*
Lovejoy’s mother and th« Pi* Eater,
Mrs. ids Graham and daughters,
returning home Friday.
uf Woodburn, failed to show up last
Mra Bertha Smith, of Lebanon, week on account of sickness. But
came down Thursday for a visit now have arrived al Crabtree with
her brother. M C. Games, and will
with her aunt, Mrs. S W Gaines,
arrive at her father's. S W Usine*.
returning home Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. Preever. of Sander-
Our road lx««s. Wm Gilkey, la i
son'« bridge, was up Friday for now grading our road from the
mouth of th« Crabtree road to the
mouth of the Hamilton lane connect­
G. A and Elmer Griffin and Janies
ing our road all up with Scio. Crab­
Mulligan and daughter made a bust* tree and Lrt>anon. So we will have
n< •* trip to Lebanon Saturday.
no mor« growling a tern l going
Sunday forenoon Ed and Pie Eater where we wish
The old man made a run to Scio
enjoyed hoeing thistle« so Ed and
Monday, having a pleasant chat with
wife went for an evening'« riait
th« Tribune editor who is a real
with hi* brother Billy.
pleasant fellow.
Mr«. Rebecca Morri«, of Scio,
proprietor of the Bummer's Hotel,
came out Sunday evening to visit
■ Scio Meat Market
;; Fresh and Cured Meat
Bacon Ijtrd - Sausage
one operated bv Joe Bartu and the I
other by Bill Vaukman
Grace Bilveu it vtsilio* at th« C
C Davenport home while her fath-
er, Chris Bilyeu, to away at the
The folks of thia vicinity have
iieen very busy threshing for the
past week.
eeessssseeeeese« w««o«»««s««eeAeeeeeee«ss #-s a
The New Cletrac, at a New Rock-
Bottom Price
I. o. t). Factory
• ♦ • « +
July »1
Misa Ella Fink is home fiom Sa­
lem. where she has been working in
the cannery
Mrs. Mary Pruitt and Mrs. J II
Wortman called on Mr*
Chronic Wednesday evening
M um Mnrv Swindt wa* in Scio on
busmewt and while there called to
•ee het «later. .Mr« Dell Westen-
J W. Parrish wa* up helping his I
Extra Simplicity Lowers Costs to You
brother st the power plant while it'
You have never seen n tractor so simple in design and
was shut down.
; construction as the new Cletrac.
Larwood Item*
Mrs Si Phillips was visiting her
Here is a tractor, for example, without a Mingle oil or
1 sister in Salem
She retunwd Sat-j t grease cup automatically lubricated from one central point,
Aug. 1
; Every working part subject to severe strain is made of
urday accompanied bv her Mster and
i tough chrome .steel all parte are quickly and easily accviwi-
Parties who desire to pick huckle
i ble. Cletrac F is dvaigntd to keep your operating expenses
berr «s at Cleveland Rock this season erton.
S J. Bernier is receiving some big |
will be enabled to go aa far as How­
Every day you delay seeing thia New Cietrac coats you
the profits which you could make with a tractor that is years
ard's in their cars, which is three , loads of new wheat ai the mill now }
; ahead of any other farm power unit Come in and see the
miles east of Larwood
From there Frank Linderman has Iw-en working
Cletrac F Now.
they may secure the services of the for Mr Bender the past week im­
A4«» B«ttcw,
pony express which is operated by proving th« mill site and drive way j
A cwm H m
Albert Howard to convev them the
Sank Hannah and family spent '
Oïl». He
remainder of the distance
Sunday at the home of K. M. Chro-1
! "Service First"
Rex Perry was visiting with S P. nie and wife. Little Ruth Hannah,
Stringer and wife Sunday.
a little three vear old tot. is some
Albert Howard and Kermit Goins musician.
Site entertained every­
Real Eilat e Proper
were selling and delivering mutton body with a few very good songs
and Notary Public
in this vicinity one day last week.
i and played an accompuoiment on
yZ/o/ruib Obtained, faamtned
S. P Stringer and wife motored i the steel guitar.
m io
OREGON to Crabtree on businem Saturday
As fall approach«» we look for a
decline in one thing al least, I. «.,
Mary and Paul Roner spent Sun­
bathing suits.
day with the Howards.
The new foot bridge at the power
Ben Schmitt and wife and Robert
A. E. Randall.
W. A. Ewing,
is already showing signa of
Vice Pre«.
John Costello home Sunday
E. D. Myers. Cashier
hard usage
Wonder who don’t
After chasing coyotes for over
Start a bank account today ami
like to swim?
th tee days. Albert Howard's dogs
provide for vour future.
It may be dry. but it could be
have returned home, sure-footed,
You will find a checking ac­
count very convenient for your
gaunt and one crippled by being dryer; it is not so bad but it could
budncM transactions. We pay
shot accidentally, we think, aa it be worse: thing* are not so high but
interest on time deposits.
would lake a low-down, dirty cur to
How about that Oil Stove for the summer?
they could go higher, but we'd like
•hoot a good hound intentionally.
J rf
ure»«s Midi H sm iMuiy Isms Two large truck* keep the Cam-, to have a few month's notice first.
PotAA Dc/r.
A great »urpriae for the home knitters won taw mill supplied with log* —
¡ : We Buy Fat Cattle
Bartu Motor Co
Riley Shelton
On the
Try the New Perfection
but still a fact Further­
more. thi* yarn is absolutely viryin
wool yarn, the wool wu grown in Linn
eountv. «old b) Mr. Senders tothsOre-
gon Worsted Company (mills located at
SellwiHMll. made into worsted yarn by
Roy 1 tli»hop, sun of C. P. Hiahup,
proprietor of the Woobn Mill Store of
Salem Oregon knitter» try thia vam
...... rs. 45c per ball of 2 <>u
Samulr* rent on appl'.eation. Address
0. U I'ohop. Box 75. Salem, Oregon,
Wc make ■ Specialty of
Engagement and
Wedding Rings
F. M.French & Sons
Fresh and Cured Meats
We buy
Veal, Pork A. Poultry
Shelton Sr Co. Props
Execstnx's Notice
Notica is hereby giv«n that th« un
drnigned ha* been duly appointed Ex­
ecutrix of the Last Wifi and Ttetamdht
of F B Pepperlmg, «Iscsaasd. by the
County Court of County. Oregon,
and ha« qualified. Any and ail person*
having claim* »gainst th« estate of «aid I
decesMNi ar« hereby required to present
th. .ame to thi* Executrix st th« olfie*
of Victor Oliver. attom«y at law. First
National Hank Building. Albany. Linn
County. Oregon, properly verified with
voucher* as required by taw within ox
month* from the date of the first pub-
Heat ion of thia notie«. Dated and first
published thia 20th day of July. 1922.
M abtha E. l,xrrsuu.iNG. Lxaewtnx
Victor ttftver. Atty, for Kars
Former Price $27.00, Now * ff $23.00
How to Make and Use It
Wine heater
R. M. Cain
One of the grealcel advantage* of lead In wire enter* the buUAIng It
wlrvlesa telephone receivers 1» that *n should I* ut rubber ln*ul*te<l wire and
«isbuiale ur Mponalve aerial 1« not may be brmighi tn nt the comer of
Although good set« «lib a window, either by rutting a «mall
vacuum bulb detectors may be used groove or by Jatiinilii« the window
with au Indoor aerial, or even with down until the wire fisttma and 1«
a bedstead nt wire sprtnr« as an burled partly In the «rood
All Joint*
aerial y«t an outside aerial mil al­ In the aerial and lead In should lie
ways give better rssults A* I bare wrap>d bright, tightly lwl«led and
already mentioned, a single wire will aoldered anally belug wrapped with
du as well as aevsral. the main thin« Inaulalltig or adheatve tape or covered
being to get the aerial
i*aig and high In order
to catch waves which
are m>< Interrupted or
interfered with by «ur-
roundtag b u 11 d I n g a.
steal bridge« elect rlc
wire« and «indiar ob-
jseta. Next, or rather
most Important, la to
have the aerial
lead-in thoroughly
suiaied from all
rounding ub>cta.
««•st wood, when damp,
la au excsllet.t conduct-
ur. The best material
for an amateur aerial
for receiving 1« a
stranded pboapbur
bronse or copper wire,
about -No 14. a It bough
•olid copper wire, cop
a Z« s « s
per covered «teal wire
or even insulated cop
pit wire Will »erve ev­
er) purpose
For In
•ulsters, us« porcelain
These may be
used both where the
lead-in is attached to
walls or other objav
aerial wire la attai
ports or guys
accompany- from the end of aertnl» tnwarda the
tag figures.. Nn. 9 sad No 10. Illustrate elation which you mmrt frequently
aerials installed, the first showing the a lab to hear or toward* the most die
wire attached to a chimney or «Im tant elation whl-h you desire to pick
Bar structure and to a wall; the nt her. up Very 'iftea. thia will make a vast
an aerial which Is designed for a tin difference In results. especially with
or slate roof and which obviate* tuak a email receiving net Cars In follow
teg betas ter sgtarhawwt
Where tbs tag direction« wtll Inaura gned reeulta
Wright & Poole
L im akt*
Best of Merviee, both Professionally
and in Funeral t onduclmg.
lady Assistant always, B«-«i of
Equipment and Prio-e '>u*ran
teed Right for 1 very body.
Pa<>*8 l&
Subscribe now
G. F. Korinek
t all* answered Day or Night
I ubrrculln I «sting
Authorised Auction Sale and Inleratata
Phones: —Vs lac« Feed "bed, IM J
Reawlenee, Wm R