• Z ì «- > . • v.'JL' I THE SCIO TRIBUNE cigarettes • it io c They are GOOD! Optical I VI: STRAIN Is the cause uf many HUMAN ILLS BANCROFT Tilt KMIIAY, At GUST 3. 1922 Of course vou are planning on coming to Scm for the big debate it ia of more importance than moat anything else to occur here in the immrsliute future, unless it be I he big Ford caravan, which will arrive on the following Monday. The de bate on Saturday, the 12th, and the caravan <>n Monday, the 14th both big days for the people hereabouts. Ami both have a world of infur- malion to give out Optical Company 313 W. lut St., Albany DR. A. G. PRILL Pbysicui ani S iiiw Calls Attended Day or Night ORE SCIO DR H H»PLIERS CHIROPRACTOR Electrical Treatment l ark and bherman Street* I .le phone 126 i.FIlAMlJi OREGON L. M. HUM * A-z- k ( arc of Yick So l ong CbiBesc liiihciBe ani Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known diseaae. Nut open on Sundavs IM South High Street Salem, Oregon Phone '2X3 Doing fane» work is a strain on th> •ye* But if wear ylasses mail« especially fur vuu the strain is entirely eliminated Wr grind lenses to your subscription. So they will be as requir rd Don't nvgieri your eyes-let us examine them txlay. ^hleade Optem etrut. OAfA AltANY HAROLD AI.BRO, Manufacturing Optician F or S alk - Old paper*. 10c per bundle at lire tribune office. Manv editors are delivering solar plexus blows to Bob Stanfield lie­ cause he had not been in his seat in the U- S. arnate for over 00 days. Bob is n<>t much of a legislator, and he know* it, so he ha* performed a better service to the country in hi* absence than a good many whr have remained on the job -he haa made no speeches and the mall* are not flooded with a lot of hi* remark* that mean nothing With the u*e of the court* against laboring men and the growing Hat of injunction*, there seem* no like­ lihood of a permanent fieace being establish«*«! between capital and labor —there never will be until capital stop* litigation and liegin* negotia­ tion Collective bargaining in which lioth meet in conference to aettle •mall dispute* and wage* ia the only *ay to solve lalxir qu«-*lions. Court* cannot do it - besides when Uncle Sam enter* it «aver* of government ow nership. improving ia aille to I m > up part of the time, He ia nt the gov« emment hospital in I'urt land. Mr. Morrison’* machine threahed for Kro«*man Bro* and Prokop Bros. Monday. J H. Kelly han w«rd from hi* wife aaying she reached Prineville last Tuesday. She found her mother iwraiyzcd on the left aide, and can hardly speak. Mrs Anderson has many friend* here who will regret to hear of her illness Iawter Holt and wife «lopped al J. G. Holt’s last week an they were moving from Corvallis to Carlton, Yamhill county. A surprise birthday dinner * m given for E F. Gilkey Sunday in Scm. his birthday lieitig the next day. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Iwotiard Gilkey and family, Mrs. Cora Smith, Tom Doyla, Alvin. Orville. Franklin and Merlon Gilkey. The afternoon was spent resting and visiting. S. B. Holt and family visited in Salem Sundav. On the way home they viewed the famous Neil Jer- sey herd near Turner. Clvtu* and Percy t'happelle. uf Woodburn, are visiting at W A. Gilkey’s. Free Tube With Each Tire Effective luly^^ PRICE 1 REDUCTION o n ALL Sizes of W. R. Rooker. 63. of Crabtree. 1 who disappeared from Albany.where ■ he had gone, on Tuesday of last week, caused hi* family to become • GILKEY STATION I I alarmed about him. and a search for ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦• him to be started He was found Aug 1 on the l*>banon road I harwiay and Ht i* aaid Mrs Paul Bartmk left Saturday restored to hi* family for Ihirehester, Wi* , to vielt her to be subject to extreme period* of mothi-r and her old home, She ex- ab ent-inindv. pects to lie gone several weeks. Mr*. John Cyrus and Mr*. Holm- Grace Bartnik I* here from Camas. stadt. of Portland, *|>ent the week-, Wash , during her mother’s ab- end with G L. Sutherland and wife aence. and also put up some fruit for the Mary Zellar came from Silverton winter. Mr*. Cyrus l<>*t all her last week to visit her father. Leo household good* in the recent Are Zellar. in Prineville, and ha* now taken up Mrs S. F. Zysaet i* staying with her residence in Portlanc. her daughter. Mr*. Claude Hyde, of F. B Studnicka haa purchase«! Corvallis, who became the mother the W Davis Produce Store in Jeff- of a baby boy July 26th. erson, and hi* son Jim ha* l>een rhe following attended the Church placed in charge The name there >f God campmeeting in Woodbum is the same as here - Winner Produce Sunday: Mr and Mrs J. G. Holt. Company. Mr. and Mr*. William Weinberg Quite a fight is Iwing put up on and family. Mr. and Mr*. Charles Weinberg and family. Mr and Mr*. the measure designed to eliminate T. M Holt, Mr. and Mr*. W. A. parochial school* in Oregon. And Probably be­ Gilkey and Marion, and Mr and why we do not know cause th* Bible i* being taugh. Mr*. Peter Peterson. We are glad to report Cktu* Holt therein JF Pennsylvania W \A cuum cup W CORD AND FABRIC TIRES ▼ AND TON TESTED TUBES VACUUM CUP TIRES 30*3/2 - $11.95 32x-4CORn $29.25 Local Market Quotations Pot’i.TRY. V kal ani » E ggs Hen*. 4 lb* and over 1 .16 Hen*, under 4 lbs . H Broilers, under 1 i Hi* .17 Spring*, over 1| It»« .16 < ock* . 6 11} Veal, fancy no 1 Dressed pork, no 1 blocker* .14 Egg*, cash. 15c trade .17 Egg*, white select .17 Rutter fat .46 Pork. No. 1 F klo SI 60 Mill run Scratch *3.25 2.76 harg producer 2.70 Ground barley 2.26 Rolled liarlry I.KO Shelled com, eastern 1.K5 Ground <>r cracked corn 2.00 ! Growing feed 3.36 F uh It Hard wheat 12 20 2 30 2 40 Soft wheat 1 66 k TON TESTED’TUBES: 3Ox3*/z - $1?5 32*4- - $3.°5 Remember- Reduction Applies to ALL S izes -Quality Unchanged The Scio Garage i 1 » C. BRYANT Attorney at Law Cusick Bank BMg. ALBANY OREGON Sotwnbe for the Tribune DR. FICQ HI’-N'ITST I »flire Hours : • to 12 A M 130 to 5 P. M let the Tribune do your pràting.