The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, August 03, 1922, Image 1

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11.76 UN YEAR
Hotel Change* Hand*
last Friday pat-era were drawn
and *igaed that transfers the
Mary Ann Rjcbardaon'a Death
Scio Hotel property from the hand*
Rrmovea Another Godly
of Joe Warwick to that of A.('handler
Mother From Midit
of Brownsville, and in the deal Jo*
get* 90 acre* of well improved farm
land near Brownsville
It I* under
Mary Ann Richardaoa waa born
•land the price paid ia about 810. imh )
in Pike county. Illinois. October 27, i
and died at her home in Scio Mr. ('handler is an old hotel man.
having conducted a hostelry in Port­
on July 28. 1922. at the age of *6
land before becoming a farmer near
year*. 9 month* and one day. In
|RM «he cr<«aed th* plain« by ox Brownsville and hope* to build a
t am with her mother and two ela­ I cl as* reputation as a hotel man in
ter*. when «he waa 17 yesaa of age. Scio. While we are sorry to lo*e
and resided near Providence church. the Warwick'* from our mid«t. they
Her fatner Jacob Coak right. died ia gouur to the farm, we welcome Mr
Illinois i»efore the family cam* to Chandler to our city and tM-«peak
for him * liberal patronage from
our people. Mr. Warwick nay* he
The next year, 1864. ahe was uni­
realised he waa not a hotel man. and
ted in marriage to John W. Richard
that he could not hope to make it
«on. and immediately look up their
the «uccea» it was entitled to. and
residence on Mr Richardson’s dona­
he think* he has found the man that
tion claim about five miles southeast
of Scio, on Crabtree cre*k. where
they continued to reside until 1910.
Club To Meet
when they moved to Scio. On Oct.
2i*. 191-1. Mr. Richardson crossed
The Community Club will inrf'l
the gieat divide and Grandma Rich-
Mon. J ay night at the school
ard*>n continued to live at the Seio
in Shelburn, and everybody
within the community comprising
To thia happy union six children
the Fork* of the Santiam are Invited
were born, one dying when bnt 18
The several committees appointed
month* of age. The living are:
at th* laat meeting will have thetr
Melvina Brenner and Truman H.
reports ready, and them» rep. rte will
Richardson, of R<«a*burg; Almira
be of more than pa-wing Interest to
Curl, of Portland; Wilson Richard-
every resident. It i* hojted that a
non, <>f Scio, and Melima Turner, of
large gathering will be Dreaent. and
Waterville. Wash. Mrs. Richard-
that more and more will enroll under
«on was not only a mother to her
it* banuer. It is doubtful if there
own children, but waa a mother to
has been any organization formed in
the motherleas, having raised Emma
the community that hUA or will do
•nd I<ia Richardson and Ida and
more for the people than the Com»
Bertha Holman after the death of
munity Club, I>et everybody do
their mother.
their bit to make it a success
Thu« another one of God** chosen
Shelburn school
few is called to her reward, and one
more «amtiy pioneer is removed
Aug 7th.
from among n*.
In 1M50 «he united with theCbri»
tian church, in which faith ahe re
•rained until her death, aad from
which «he wa* laid to rest Sunday
artern>-on at 2 o’clock. Rev. Albyn
Ea»>n. the paauw, officiating. She
wa* buried l>e»ide her hosband in
Providence cemetery.
Mr* N. C. Lowe, of Lebanon,
rendered a beautiful eel*, aad a
choir oing the «.mg* ahe loved ao
The Hora! offerings were pro­
fum- and beautiful. The pall bear-
er* were W. E Arnold. John Brock.
Henry C. Miller. John B. Cauey.
IS ill Garland and Jam** A. Craft.
Korinek’s Udder
For Caked and Inflamed
Udder. Garget, Cut*.
Sores, etc.
Next Monday, at the farm home
of W W. Miller, the Scio Sheep and
Goat Club will give a demunrtation
on how to fit sheep, and county club
leader. F N. Williamson, will be
present. R A. Scott has promised
to tak- a few of his Cottswold sheep
for the purpose of fitting, and prob­
ably other* will be there. It is also
probable that M 0. Nel «on. of the
0. A. C.. will i>e prearnt and there
will also be a judging contest, if
plana do not fail. All interested in
the club are invited.
Kelly’s Drug Store
TÄe boxali Store
Meadow Shade Butter is «landing
the teat dnrmg the hot weather.and
ia givmg aatiafaction
Th* price
for thia good butter ia 20c a pound.
Why pay more?
Meadow Shade Dairy.
•nd friend* who have long since left
you. and that we all shall celebrate
with them at the marriage supper
Bouquet* Look Better on the of the redeemed
In thl* battle of life you have
Living—Sutherland Gives
fought bravely and honorably for 80
Splendid Eulogy
years. In this long life that you
have lived there ha* been sunshine
With a request for the public*» ■nd shadows mingled together, like
lion of the «perch delivered by Geo In the lives of ail of us. But Na­
L Sutherland at the recent p'enic ture'* G»d is going to My pretty
celebrating the 56th wedding anni- soon "Uncle Haman and Aunt Ollie,
vsrsary of Uncle Haman and Aunt lay down and reel.” and when that
(Mhe Shelton, we are herewith pub­ time comes may that "peace that
lishing the aamr. which the many uasseth ail understanding ' be yours
friend* of the happy couple who in your passing out
This eulogy i* given to you today
were unable to lie present will be
you are living, not waiting
glad to read
for the cold clod* of earth to fall
with a heavy thud upon your casket*
Uncle Haman and Aunt Olli*:
We come with friend« and rela­ when you asr dead, for the dead
tives today to greet you with con­ «ends back no »miles or apprecia­
gratulations. with warmth of heart tion* of friendship, and I am ex-
and true friendship to celebrate ceodingly glad to give this ■• a to­
with you. this your 56th wedding ken of my e*trem for you, not hav­
anniversary. It only lack« 9 years' ing the language to expresa mv real
of being more years than I have heart'* feeling to you upon thi* oc­
lived, and 10 year» of l»eing the av­ casion. but concluding with the «a-
erage life of two generations Think 1 cred ties of friendship that have al­
of it! Two generations of the hu- ; ways bound us together. Relieving
man race having pasted away sinre I have cxprr««r! in a feeble wav the
you two have lived together' Only ; heart’* arntimeni of ail who are
about one couple in 10.000 live to-! here today, and from all of u* comes
gether so many years without death this parting greeting for time and
taking one or the other, or both, eternity "Got» B ijchk Y ou .
About 33 years l-eing the average of
human life, so that you have almost
New Trial Denied
doubled the average age of human
life in the years you have lived to- ■
Attorney* for Ru«eel Hecker,
gether. and today amid a host of fourni guilty recently at Oregon City
relatives and friend, you are recall- for |h/murder nf
mg that happy event in life’s young
morning when you plighted your-
selves to each other and «et sail in
the marriage ship to make life'*
voyage together, am! now in the
ripeness of year*, having passed the
three «core and ten »lotted to man. i
you are celebrating the memory of
that happy event which haptwned
oti years ago. with relatives am!
friend* from far *nd near extending
Operated On In Portland
to you their heart’* warmest greet­
ing and best wishes, and in wishing
George Flanagan, who carries
it* return to you for many more
mail oa route three, went to Portland
again Sunday, where he underwent
Though It seem« to you but yea
aa operation on Mondav for an aftlic-
' terday since you were wed lAuut
tion of the mastoid bone of the head. I Ollie lived in some of the darkest
Ever since be had the flu. he has
day* in the history of our country
not been feeling well, and on many
in Missouri during the civil war. so
occasions he became so dizzy that he
if »ome of you high «chool student«
was unable to rare for himself. and
would go and «ee her and talk with
the result la the operation.
her you would learn much that you
underwent a minor operation
never «aw in your school hiatoriea;
rtr*l of last week, and with the sec­
but forgetting those day*, you both
ond he ought and feels he will aoon
nave lived togethor in some of the
be himself again, Mr* Flanagan i*
(most peaceful, happy and prosper-
carrying the mail for him during
i ous times thl* country ever «aw,and
hi* absence
in my opinion to those now living
we will neve* are again) the year«
Club To Demonstrate
| intervening have brought their tn-
Why Pay More?
Sold in Sew at
I ahi and hardships, joy* and «orrow*.
•uccvMes and failure*, and you have
bourne these burdens heroically to­
gether, and like well ripened fruit,
you both realize that the autumn of
life ha* come upon you and that in
a few yeaas at most you must join
in the spirit world those relatives
People’s Theatre
Present* Anita St »wart m
the Wind”
and a Sennett comedy
August 3 and 4
Admission 10c-25c
porUao<| mugtciBni w«,re tlenie<l a
trtl| by Ju(1<r j y Campbell
at Oregon City on Monday. The at­
torney* alleged that it »o an error
on the part of the court allowing
the w«> nen juror* to t>e separated
from the men during the trial, but
th|g judge
wtB ae.
to |,w
Hecker', attorney,
wrVM| notice that an appeal would
lx, mBlle to ,upreme eo*rt.
Did you see the big advertiaement
we have^been carrying in the Tribune
the last two laauee? it mean* juat
50c to you if you take advantage of
the offer we are making. It ia both
a money raiaing event with ua and
alno a antivenir to you in celebrating
our firat year in your • idst
advantage of the offer while it ia
good— the laat day of Augnai end*
the time we can or will give thia re­
ttale to our renderà
Many are in
arrears, and we have been very liber
al with you in thia respect. Come
in and get acquainted any way. we
ought to know each other.
Gym Committee Give* Detail*
in Letter Sent I his Week
to Bond Owner*
357 (h)
Paint and oli ■ ....
8 66 15
l'ainter’s wages, plu* l borni 45 IMI
........ 304 40
Lumlwr ..........
........ 45 35
Hardware ........................ ........
1 32
Total .................
Balance ............... .... 8 87.13
Flooring, not to t>e purchased
yet ......................................
Shingling cost paid, includ­
ing building uf dormer*,
(a few courses were pre­
viously laid)........................ 82 96
• ■500 shingles, dour* and window*
■till to pe put on.
Your* very truly,
H. E Tobi*.
Here’* Real Opportunity
Having other future plan* in view
I will offer alt my holding* in Scio
for «ale at a r- a*onable price all
good income property: The People*
Theatre with ail equipment; one
buck and one frame «tore building,
both rented; my 8-room house and
5-acre tract, and «everal other lot*.
Will aril reasonable and on term».
John Weaelv.
Jarne* W. Keller ha* traded hl*
liver bottom ranch near Sanderson'«
bridge for a »mail acieage near Her»
miston, Umatilla county. Mr Keller
The prt-M of the state is telling an<l family are preparing to move
about the debate that ha« been ar-
in the near future to their new home.
ranged fur Scio between Hon Walter
Joe and Anton Holub were in Al­
M. Pierce and J. R. Hermann, on
bany .M<mdav
the tax question aa seen from a
«ingle tax standpoint. It is expected
that Scio will entertain more people
on that day than ha* been it* lot in
•everal year*, or since the fair went
to Albany. Don’t forget the date
i* act for Saturday. Auguat 12th.
at two o’clock p. tn., at Z. C. B. J.
Mr* Frank Gill, M>*~-« Josephine
Kotan. Dorria Weddle and Vella
Brenner «pent Sunday in Cascadia
With jMr
noticed the following from Scio ar d
Vicinity: Enoch Shelton and wif.;
W A. White, wife and eon Keith,
and Cha*. White and wife. They al­
so *aw Ij*e Bilyeu and family there
A letter, short but to the point
from Dr. S. C. Browne. a*ys: "Hold
my paper at Scio. I am coming
back." It ia reported that the doc­
tor ha* disposed of all his holdings
> m the Mexican mi and.
- *«■ i
. -v *-T
Following letter wa« mailed out
Tuesday to holder* of bond* in the
new gymnasium, and ia aelf-explan-
We are «ending out a ftrat of
the month statement.
"You will notice that, due to a
shortage of volunteer labor, we are
running «hurt of the money we tired
to finance shingling and Minting.
The money for painting waa not art
■•ide by the committee in the origi­
nal budget, but waa ordered to pro­
tect the building
Those to whom
we are indebted for thia item un­
derstand that they mud wait awhile
for their money, but we should
clear up our other indebtedness, at
least. Iwfore many day*
W'e await
your convenience in «ending bond
money. Thank*.
Balance in batik
Due on bonds
é-M» -I
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