Card of Thanks Word« fall u» io our attempt to expreaa gratitude to our many friend« and relative« for their iym- withy and kinder«« during our re­ cent lo«a. Mr. and Mr« J. G Holl. We wish to extend our thank« to our many friends for their klndiieea and beautiful floral offering« at the death and burial of Etta France« Shilling, our beloved wife mother II O Shilling Virgil Shilling Glenn Shilling Iva Mri'rae Ralph Shilling Oj>al Smiling Our deepest gratitude for the many kindn<-*sea ah<>wn ua during the death and burial of our Moved wife and mother ia hereby extended to our friend« and neighltora, and especially for the many beautiful floral offering« V Prokop and Children Lona Zyaaet Score« Highest FORDSON TRACTOR Plow With lbs Furdsun Disk With the Fordson H. rmw With the Fordson Han < at H ith the For-!»--«» Tnrenh With the Fordeno Rale Hay With the Fonlwm Saw Wood With the For-lron Pump Water With the Fordson Grade With the Fontano Pull Stump« With the Funison In The Day’s Work Whether in tin' flvid. around th" faun, nr mi the road,th" Ford soil I’raetor is doing wonders in saving lime, reducing coat and i iicrcitoi ng profit« fot thousands of farmer« every where. Lona Zvaaet won fl rat place tn an impromptu judging contest held Fri­ Fill th.- S Io day afternoon at the R. A Scott farm With the Ftmteon Nn nmtler what the farm task, if it can be done by motive | hhv near Scio.County Club I m -« «-r F N. er th" Fordson can do it, and do it well. Grind Feed Willlamaon repor ed Lona made an W ith the Ford» n average «core in afield of 14 eofitea- 17ii < mm > now in tise in all parla of th" country miti in everv kind tantaofbdi. The next highest score of field and belt woik prove the etfieiency, atabilily, and relia waa 81». made by Arnold Zyaaett S. F Zyeaett aasiated in the judg­ biliiy ol th" Fordaon Tractor. ing. Dcliverrd oa Farm The occasion waa a meeting of the U-aru now jimt what th" <’all, write or phone for th" fact« Scio goat and sheep clutw Mrs work. Furdaon tUeana to you in the day a Scott nerved a luncheon at noon, and afterward« a bvatneas meeting «n held by each club The judging Pho»« 27 follower!, in two c I h *—-- of «beep and two classes of goata The result« follow: Lucille ‘Bommer 74. Marion Gilkey 63. Lona Zyaaet 94j Roy Scott 64. Arnold Zy aaet 89..Millard Shelton 81. Fred Sturge«, of Suntex. Oregon, Ixiettr Sommer 65, Ronald Sommer arrived in Scio Sunday for a abort 78. Robert Sommer« 61, John Scott viait with relative«. He ha« been • W. A. Ewing, A 1 Rsndalt 78, Kenneth Sommer 51, Donald ► visiting in Anhland, Medford and Pre*»lent Vice Prrs. ; Frcah and Cured Meat Shelton »>♦> other western Oregon point« He E. 1». Myer», Cashier ; Bacon Ln rd Saunage will return to Suntex today, accom­ The Ford Caravan p*a«esnk account today ami tirovxie for vour futuic. Albany Sunday evening, ami ace- rd Clara Griffin. Mr. Sturger operate« You will find a cheeking ac­ • ing to the Albany paper«,ma- o» t». ! Scio, (»re viait all Ford agencies Scio will Frank Gill went to turner Monday have an opportunity to see it when to bring home hi« father und mother, Ort^M Midt Home InitliR^ Tirus it comes back, as Fred Bilyeu has M. C Gill and wife, aud hi»own wife, • rf mad< all arrangement« for it to come who hav<- been attending th« Sumin r A great aurpnae for thohomr knitter« here. AU necessary (arm tools, ««■«•ion of the Christian church held of Oregon, but «till a fact kurther- t ucka, raili«i and moving picture« th« re 1 hey report a ap end'd meelu g more, this yarn ia absolutely virgin wool yarn; the wool waa grown in Idnn Heal b.stale Broiler •re carried along full of intereat county, sold by Mr. Senders tothei»r<- $484.60 Prices of Above Twine Standard Superior Manilla $6 05 7.30 i Medal 7.70 ■ 1 : ['MMRMn-OWiiON Scio, Oregon Fred T. Bilyeu THE Still STATE l!A\l’. eeweeaaaaaeaaaaaeaoaaaaao : Scio Meat Market ; < < ; ; : We Buy Fat Cattle : i Th«UNIVERSITY ✓ OREGON I contain«: The college ol Literature. Science ■ and the Arte with 22 department« I The proleamonal schools ol Archi­ tecture— Buameaa AdminiatralKM. - . Education-Graduate Study-Law- ' Medicine-Muatc —Phy Meal Educa­ tion Riley Shelton gon Worsted Company tmilln located st SellwocMt). made into worsted yarn by Roy T III«h<>p. «on of C. P Bohop. proprietor of the Woolen Mill Storv ol Salem. Oregon knitters try thi« yarn out. All color», tfw per ball of 2 ox-, -amplr» «ent on a Address C. P. Bishop. Sociology The 47th Y»«r Opr«« October 2. 1422 Cor a tat ala fu» or any information unit» Th» Refittrar, U notarli f of Oregon, Euf»n». Or»fon W <■ make a Specialty of Friendship, F’.ngagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY Saiiiiaij Meat Market — I »calera in--------- Fresh and Cured Meats We buy Veal, Pork A. Poultry Shelton & Co. Props si Io OREGON Ronct 01 Fuji SMtMMN 'ven to all whom it Notice i» hereby riven mn concern that the undersigned ha« filed hi« final account •’ «*ln>ir.i«tralor of th- ■ state of Jane McCrea. deceased, with the county clerk of Linn county. the county court ha« fixed Tur«lny. the first day of August, 1ST22, at th.- hour of I o'clock p. m . in the county court room, a» the time and place for the hearing of objection«, if any. to ««id account and the «ettlement of «aid estate. A. Met'««*, Administrator of the Estate of Jane McCrea, dreeaaed. Weatherford t Wyatt. Atty«. for Administrator First publication June 29. W22 Last poMieation July 90, IMS i I I 11 IV. RECEIVING SETS • Broadly »(>ewKtng. the receiving art mnalstU of the antenna or serial. the taiier. the deli-cior and the rerolvar. but aside from the aerial, emit port <>f the Instrument 1« mad.- up of several other units «nd appliance* «». h derived •nd u»ed for ■ definite port ae The aerial, which 1» a wire designed to Interrupt or catrh a portion of tbe coatlnuoua waies (always referred Io In wireless telephone parlance s» C. W.) consiata of a «ingle wire, for un­ like wlrele»« telegraphy, a number of strand or wire« 1» of no adiantnge In re celvlng. and «till more remarkable. It makes no difference whether the wire be bare or Insulated. for the <1 W used In radio telephony penetrates solids of ev­ ery kind. Imh-ed. a wire stretched around a rtxsn or through a hallway Indoors, or even s met si bedstead or bed spring, may serve ■« an aerial for receiving wireless telephone message«. although fnr better result« are ««cured by pr»q«erly Inalnlled aerial« out of doors And here It may l«e wise to I in pre** all users of reewvlnx set« with the fart that the h>nrrr the aerial «nd the higher above the ground the better will be the result» obtained although an aerial I .TO feet long and well above other large building» will serve •very purpd results have i>een obtained by aerials run vertically up an air shaft or along the «Ide of a building So too the lead In, or wire Mrtineclliig the aerial with the rwvhlng Instrument, serve» as an aerial Itself ■nd therefore • long lead In with • short aerial will serve »Im—i as well as a long ••rial and •hurt lead in. which Is a tremendous sdvantnge to dweller« In hotel«, apartment house» etc., where it 1» very diltbult or |tii| »»Ihle to Install a long and lofty aerial on the roof But tw-fore going Into ilriall« and ilrsci th­ ing the Installation of aerials, lei us <-on»l*ler the rest of the receiving •■quip meat and thoroughly understand It» principle« The detector, without which It would be Impossible to register ar detect th« minute current« of •">* which pass through th« aerial 1« a vary lmt»>rtant part af th« mech«nl«m There are two type» of detectors In u»< the Brat known «« the cryatal detector «nd the other a* the vacuum tube In the for mar • crystal of some mineral — pref>-rably gwlena—la um »I while In the lat- t«r, a form of Incandes..-nI lamp with ••»(■eclally prepared dlaineni 1« employed. Of the two. the former >• the cheaper and Is used -m most ..f the cl q. r. »i|y- Ba le seta hut It h«a limitation« ami la not nearly «a ■atlsfaetory In many way« ■a the vacuum tube, a» will hr explained later The fhlnl unit nt tuner I« the ■Kan« by which the entire apfwratu» 1» math- to pick up the round» from some Station or elsewhere and by means of which »«her round» are shut out. for oeiy by means of the tuner ran the receiving »»t he placed in «yn- hr..num. or “tune" with the ware» carrying the sounds y<>u *l«h to bear. The last unit or receiver Is merely a telephone receiver made for the puqwsie and which, on ■ ■mill apt. Is worn aver the ears exactly a» In rr< riving wlrele»« teiegmi.h mew •agra Figure 7 llluatrat«s tn diagrammatic form these units with their relative paltbxu 1« the sei. 1-m there are aeverai good ••cearoriea which are essential and Nolani Public ^dhilratls Obtained, f.ramtned KIO - - - OREGON Sul>»cril>e tn the Tribune Vacation Trips Cost Less This Year Why not lake advantage of thi« opportunity to real ize big profit« in transportation costa to— Tillamook County Brache« Nvwjiort By the .Sea Crater Lake National Park Oregon'« Forest, l-ake. River and Mountain Resorts Oregon Cavea National Park Shasta Mountain Resorts Yoarmite National Park Eastern Cities Via the Scenic Shunta Route On your way East stopover at San Francisco, Los Angeles Three work! famous ami beautiful citte» Viait - California’« National Park« and (Ttaming Seaahorr Resorts. ■■(»regno Outdoor«” «ml •'California for the Tourist, ” beautifully illustrated folder» are FREE on request For further particular«, ask agents SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES 47 4 JOHN M. «COTT, General Passenger Agent.