* A k. .► •* • — *4 , •* »it » ’ -, x *» ■ W : ' •< a. -, 1 cigarettes Rraerve District No. 12 DIE SCIO TRIBUKE _ |f “t*r ,r ' t»een made U-tweer. where men and boy« awim, nor of the place uwd by women and girl«, »nd the anima) of the boy aasert* 4 it»cif with th«* re •uit that th«* bathing «uit <>f one of the girls was torn from her b**dy «** Y *ung girl* nd y *ur g )•«>>• should not be allowed to go swimming without a chaper-n. Waiter A*. Fierce. democratic i- r.ir.** fur gov­ ernor. ha* Mgr*»» I to meet Mr J K Herman, manager of the »ingle tax league in Oregon, in joint debate on the »ingle tax at Richardson Gap W k have faith in L. M Curl. 8. I hall th near future H. Goin. Charles Child«. E W Cu«- ick, S M Garland or any other S Watch, a c . ductor. and F J public man in IJnn county to do i Connolly, an engineer, representing his duty in enforcing the law or in the 8. P Ry„ wi re in Scio yester­ making the laws They need only day interviewing the hu«ine«* men the moral courage of their conatitu- on how they felt al*out the unmerg- ling of the 8. I*, and Central Pacific. ency to assist them. They found setitimvnt against un­ TtlK promised debate at Richard­ merging. and a belief that it is a son Gap hal* in the near future be­ good policy to let well enough alone. tween Hon. Walter M Pierce, can­ The gentlemen are pleasant to meet,, didate for governor on the demo­ and have been with the 8. P. for a | cratic ticket, and J R Herman, quarter of a century Total 1101,86h fi# M 92 47.200 ttO 23,316 99 66.695 22 148 94 .......................... ............................... d >. M 66 Liabilities 16. 17. 19 23. ». 27. Capital stock paid in......................................... . ........... 2 10.000 ou Surplus fund.................................................................... 5.535 UU (b) I*«« current expenaca. interest and taxes paid. 1 Nl N Reserved fur taxes, interest and depreciation 1,075 38 Deman« Depaalta. other than bank«, subject to rvaervs: Individual deposit« »ubject to check, including de­ posits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public fund* .... ................... 178.560 88 Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand ................................ ..................... 4.118 40 Total on demand deposits, other than bank de­ posits, »ubject to reserve, items 23 * 25.......... .tltt.669 28 Tima and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to noti -e: Time certificate» of deposit outstanding ............... 36.976 00 Total of time and savings deposits payable on de­ mand or subject to notice, item 27 ....................... 36,976 00 Total ............................................................ $238,312 66 State of Oregon. County of Linn. ss. I. E II Myers, cashier at the above named bank, do solemnly . •w«r that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. 1». Mr*.aa, Cashier. Suliacrilied and «worn to tie fore ine manager of the «ingle tai league of Correct attest: E. V. la-ach, of Portland, is as­ W. A. Oregon, ought to draw a big crowd. sisting C. W. Bragg at the West thia loth day of June, 1922 R Shelton. Notary Public A. K. Roth mm are «peaker« of ability. Scio depot. Work ha» grown there My commission expire« Feb. 14. 1925 Director«. ao that one man cannot handle the T h ERR ought to lie a lesson to the businea» ♦••»»••»•»♦•♦•••«•»«a••«♦♦»«••»•♦•••»•»•»«•«««««»« D. C. Thom* and I’ H. Fierce, mother« ami father« of Scio In the little affair that took place at one of couny commi«loners, and Mr. Pen- the swimming hole« the other dav. land, county engineer, went to Mill Small hoy« and girls have been go­ Citv Tuesday on business for the ng swimming. it seems. without a c >unty r. K- W K H H. PFTtRS CHIROPIACTOK Electrical treatment Park and Sherman Street* Telephone 126 I MiAXuN OREGON DR I Dealer in Staple and f ancy Groceries Gents’ Furnishings Garden and Field Seeds L. »1. HUM Care of ick So 1 ong Cbmcse Medicine and Tea Co. liss medicine which will cure any known disease. Kodak Developing, Printing and Enlarging Nut Open on Sundays 163 Smith High Street Salem. Oregon Phone 283 J. F. WESSELY, Grocer DR. HCQ A good mounting may save you the nail of a new pair of gla»»**s. The Runic»« Gia»» la the Gia*« of Fashion. For safety and cointort l-e sure it i» properly ndjosletl. DENTISI’ udire Itour» » to 12 A. M 1:30 to &P M G. F. Korinek Veterinarian Opt'omeletst *Ll*nr owg«, II IM H .I - Al.BR'». Manufacturing Optician If you are needing printing of any kind you can do no belter than by cun.mg to The Tiibunc Wright & Poole MORTICIANS Ladmaka,« Best of 'ervice, boih Professionally and in kuneral < onducting. I ady Assistant always. Beat of Ixjuipment and Price« Guaran­ tee! Right for Everybody. h IAYTON, ... OREGON < alb answered I by or Fight Tuberculin le«Ung DR J W GOIN, Veterinarian. Authorised Auction Sale and lnter«tat> Inspector. Phone»— Palace Feed “bed. 184 J Residence. 5(» R AlJtANY. OREGON P h <>»« 15 LEBANON j- OREGON C. BRYANT Attorney at Law Cuaick Bank Bldg. ALBANY OREGON