The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, July 06, 1922, Image 1

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NO. 4T
»1.76 II* YEAR
JURY VERDICT SAYS Birthday Celebrated
Community Club
Has Good Meeting
in a Safe and Sane
and Makes Start
Manner Elsew he re
Linn County Man, on I rial for
Murder at Oregon City,
Pound Guilty
Although it was the night before was roundly applauded at the close
the 4th of July, and people bad of Ma remarks.
gone or were going away to cele­
The program for the work of the
brate the 146th anniversary of our dub during the summer and fall
It was
birth a* a nation, th« Community ‘ month* wa* here taken up
Club was honored by about 50 citi­ finally decided for it to l»e ’’Adver­
zens from Gilkey, Munkers. Shel­ tise the Community's Rsaource«.”
burn and Scio, and a moat profitable If Linn county puta <>n an exhibit at
meeting was had.
the state fair, then the Club to co­
if not. then the Forks of
Owing to the fact th« meeting
to have it« resource«
was late in getting started, th« pa­
tience of the members and friends
were here sug­
were remarkable. However, n very
lieautiful piano duet by Mra. Barnes gested a* a mean* of creating more
and a pleasing encore response gave j interest in the Community Club.
the a-M-mblagt a happy start on th* On motion the president was author­
work before it. Th« next number ized to appoint the following thiee
on the program was th« presenta­ committees:
Deveveloping t h e Community
tion of the silver cup to th« boys’
and Membership Drive W.
st ck judging team. John Seolt, Ar­
W A Gilkey. Roe Shel­
nold Zjsset and Millard Shelton
A Scott. John K«Hv
The cup was the prise offered by
the hut National Bank of AHmny
Committee on Publicity H. E
to (test stock judging team at th«
A G Prill. Riley Shelton.
county fair last fall, and its presen-
Committee to Help Put on a Fork*
tation to the boys had been deiayed
for one cause or another for several of the Santiam Exhibit at th« State
The club leader, Fred N. and County Fairs Wm Millei, D.
W illiamson, was unable to be pres­ C. Thom* and R M Cain
Resolution* of condolence to the
ent. and Prof H E.Tobie presented
the cup to the l»>ys in a very pleas­ families of C. M. Kendall and Rov
ing manner
The boys appreciate Healy, pledging support to the new
the prize, and gave several of the sheriff were read and adopted
club yells. Mrs E. H. Hobson.who These will be published next week.
The next meeting place will tie
is always a pleasing numkier on a
on the first Monday night
program, sang a lieautiful solo, and
responded to an encore. Thia com­
pleted the program.
President l-e<mard Gilkey then
called the meeting to order, and in
a few well chosen words gave a
lieautiful vision of th« community
as it will appear in five years from
now if the entire populace will come
into the fold.
Gym Half Covered
Work on the gymnasium is pro-
greasing very satisfactory, accord­
ing to the committee, although the
big building is but half covered. It
is hoped by the promoters, and the
The first business was the reading shingling class, that there will be
of the by law* as amended and after greater numbers add«-«! to the twi­
light work and that the entire buil­
discu-«ion. adopted.
ding will be under cover I*fore the
W. H Mcl**in wa* here called on
j first of August. And. bv the way.
for a short talk, and he gave a
there is still a few liond* to «HI. so
splendid *hort 4th of July talk. He
if you have >10 or more that you do
then took up the Community Club
not reoliy need. nee Prof. Tobie ami
and analyzed its po«aibilitiee and the
matters can be arranged to suit ail
great need for such an organization
parties concerned. The gymnasium
in the Forks of the Santiam. He
will be a great asset to the com­
munity and a booster for the high
school. The student* and the school
depend on you.
The following new members have
been added to th« shingling class
sine« the last report:
White, Glen Holland, Keith White.
Rex Cobb. Dr. Hobaon. Orville Gil­
key. Ralph Hollis, Murrel Gilkey.
Gera'd Hassler. Dr. Prill (by man
hired for one day).
Ladies’ Purses
These purse» formerly
sold at from |2 50 to
$3 00.
in and make vonr
aple<lion before you ate
too late.
Sunday School Convention
School convention will lie held in
Lacomb on Sunday. July 16. All
I Sunday schools in thia district are
expected to be represented A good
program has been prepared and able
■ speakers will be present, Basket i
lunch at noon, so bring your banket
Kelly’s Drug Store
The Rixall Store
—Screams of Mother Bring
Son to 11er Aid
In one of the shortest cases of
murder trial* «nd jury deliberation*
ever recorded in Oregon, marked
the opening ami closing of the Rus­
sell Hecker case, the Albany young
charged with committing murder in
Clackamas county, and whose trial
iiegan in Oregon City on June 27
and ended on Julv 3
On Easter Sunday. April 16, the
murder of Erank Bowker occurred
in Clackamas county, and Monday
afternoon. April 17. R umm *!I Hecker
surrendered to tne authorities in
Multnomah county, where he has
been confined in jail ever since
special grand jury was empanelled,
and an indictment charging murder
in the first degree wa« returned
against Hecker
The events before and following
the murder arc still frv«h in the
mind* of our readers, and there is
no good point to serve in rehearsing
them here. The trial lasted but six
days,, exclusive of Sunday, and on
Monday afternoon. July 3. the case
<*a* given to the jury, which in one
hour wa* ready to report, «aid re-
port living "guilty as charged in th«
indictment.” All of this consuming
less than three months a record in
Oregon jurisprudence.
After the term* of the verdict
had been made known to her, the
mother of the condemned man could
not restrain her angu>«h aud mental
suffering and her pitiful «creams
rang throughout the building, a*
did also th«- screams of Nellie Lain-
hart. Russell's sweetheart
he heard his mother'« screams, Rus­
sell made a lunge for the room
where «he was and gave such com
fort a* he could, but how much bet­
ter, how much more comforting ami
sweeter had the lipa been pure and
the hand unstained of blood.
No recommendation was made by
the jury to soften the penalty.which
in this case is death, and the presid­
ing judge therefore had to pass such
judgement. Hecker’s attorneys
moved for a new trial and will have
two weeks in which to file reason*.
Rat hie and Kirbie. sentenced to
hang <>n July 7. tomorrow, for com­
plicity in th« murder of Sheriff Til
Taylor, of Umatillo county. two
year« ago, and the execution will
take place unless commuted by Gov.
Tuesday was the I4tith anniver-
sary of the birth of the greatest
and best nation on the face of the
earth. Like individual*, it has had
its trials and tribulations, but it has
not yet met defeat, although it has
had some hard hills to climb; and
may it never let Its light grow any
Our people deserted their home*,
their places of business and their
occupations, and sought the stream*,
the woods and park* in search of
shade and comfort, ami some went
to Portland. Salem. Albany and
other towns in search of entertain­
Quite a number went to Jordan,
where an all-day program had been
arranged, and while there was no
great crowd, it was just a commun­
ity gathering where friend met
friend, where children ran races,
where they plaved croquet, card*.or
read their favorite paper or maga­
zine In fact, it was home away
vegeta- i
from home.
There was sunshine on the hill, in
the hearts; there was shade, there
wa* a breeze; there were firecrack­
er* and refreshment*, and there was
an abundance of good eats, and all
were glad to have been there and
partake; there was singing, a parade
and speeches, for what would a 4th
of July celebration be without them?
And the festivities doted with a big
dance at night
It was a patriotic
day and |>atriotically celebrated.
We almost forgot to mention th«
ball game! 'Twa* played on the dia­
mond at the foot of the hill, where
Old Sol could beam and burn his
derndest. And he did. The teams
were Sdo's first team and Jordan.
There were several thrilling plays
and more unexcusable errors, but a
good game for all that. The local
team shows good ball material and
with more practice and team work,
wi'l make good. The score wa* 9
to M in favor of Scio.
Olcott. The U. S. supreme court
New Sheriff on Duty
refused to rule on the capital pun­
ishment law. for which a stay of
W J. I tunlap. the newly appoint*
execution was made until July 7.
ed sheriff, ha« taken hold of the
rein* and is now on duty. He hails
from Shedd, and i« «aid to l>e well
Mnkea His Own Rain
qualified to till the place made va­
ls*<>i «rd Gilkey ha* l>een busv the cant by the smasaination of C. M.
past h* days in installing a pump­ Kendall. He la 3N years old. a
ing plant on Thomas creek and graduate of O. A. C.. and has l>evn
building flumes to his I »ganlwrry quite an athlete. The county court
field, and now he provide* hi* own in »electing him. a dark horse, be­
rain to the berry field. He has dune lieve» .Mr. Dunlap will give a good
this at breathing spells l>een taking account <>» himself. He deserves,
care of his crops, picking and haul­ and should have, the active support
ing hi* raspberries to market and of every law-abiding citizen.
doing a multitude of other chores. this way only can he successfully
But he. like hundreds of others, enforce the law
would be very grat- ful to Old Jupe
Nearly Severs Thumb
if he would open hl* flood gate and
let a good rain det »nd, A rain is
While splitting wo >d last Sunday
badly needed. for Old Sol with hi*
for his wife so she would
fiery furnace is playing havoc with
while he look a three-
the crop«, it was 101 last Sunday.
day fishing trip, Henry Hassler came
Mrs. H. O. Shilling Passes nearly severing his left thumb. He
rushed to the doctor and had it at­
Tuesday evening, unexpectedly, tended to, and w hile it pains com id-
Mrs. H. O. Shilling passed away erably, the injury is healing nicely.
at her home near Shelburn from Henry now think* it poor business
heart failure. A doctor was called to split wood for your wife on a
He says he can
but she had crossed the great divide Sunday morning
before he could arrive. Mrs. Shill­ get over the injury, but just think
ing was a kind neighbor and a most of the fish he mimed catching.
affectionate wife and mother. The
funeral takes place at the family
Sulxcritie for th« Tribune
home at 2 o’clock this afternoon,
and burial marie in Miller cemetery.
We hope to have toe obituary next
Breaks Leg at Ankle
Reed Wattenbcrger, who wa«
driving a tractor hauling logs for the
Albany lumber company at Galea,
caught his leg in manner Enday and
had it broken at the ankle. He was
taken to Stayton. where the injured
member was set. and then taken
on to Albany.
Canning Time
Give ut a call
Self-Defeniie Given By I lecker
Don't be satisfied with any kind
of butter, but ask for "Meadow
Shade.” Made yesterday sold to­
Ask for a free glass of ice
cold buttermilk with «very pound
Meadow Shade Dairy,