The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 29, 1922, Image 7

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One of these
With Every
• :
Vacuum Cup Tire Sold
• *'.
Mias R-we Young has returned
* from a visit wtth relatives in Silver-
Wanted 100 lx»ganberry pickers
at G. M Aupperly's, l| miles east
. of Jefferson.
Come U> Scio Tuesday night. July
Big dance al the 7. C B J.
Mrs. Don McKnighi ami I mi I w are
visiting Mrs. Esther Ray in McMin­
nville for a fortnight
"Picture Ahead" Kodak as you
go. then bring your film to J. F.
Weerly for develop ng
ovcrsirc tires, in
addition to the re­
markable nvrvico
they give, are built
for safer/.
r ’.iîÀt-
F « í '
The trend of four
rows of sturdy vac­
uum cqts is £ iar-
arifeer/not t »akid
on wet, siippcry
SN’T a tube
that lifted a
touring car, ex­
panded to sixty
inches in ctr-
cutn ference,
and then re­
sumed its nor-
mal shape
without the
least harmful
effect, worthy
of your good
\ icuum Cup
i i tc in
keeping with all
our .«vc< t>. oi ics —
the bent at any
The jjuaranfeec/ tensile
strength of the "Ton Tested
Tube is 1% tons per square
Yet it is priced mi a
parity with Ju»t ordinary
“ a now
them by
RI rk
Patriotic Program
of the
Fourth of July Celebration
To be held on the
Jordan Church Grounds
R. A. I*e!«ano. of Albany, has
Fred Bilyeu is getting in the been busy for several «Jays laying
swim and making his gwrage look the new hardwood floor in the J S.
John will soon hrve
like new with a fresh oust of paint. Sucna home
the best home in the city.
Wils«>n, of near Jefferson,
was a business visitor in Scio yes­
Dr and Mrs A. G. Prill were
terday and made the Tribune a busineas viaitors in Albany Monday.
pleasant call.
According to the Albany Democrat,
the doctor will shortly have a story
Geo. Stoddard is taking a 10 day
in that paper concerning his recent
vacation from his duties at the Scio
trip into Harney county and the
State Bank, and is seeing the sights
bird specimens he found there.
in the Willamette valley.
Mrs. Art Shrlpm and son. Elden
increase your milk production by
Knauf, returned Saturday from a
using one of several good brands of
three weeks visit with a daughter
fly chasers, which we earn
and sister in San Francisco #They
J. F. Arsely.
report a most enjoyable visit and a
Dr. Ficq and J E Wesely went pleasant trip both going and return­
fishing for perch in the sleuths near ing. They like Oregon best, though
Albany last Thursday and brought there is much to see in and around
home 30 of the finy tribe.
» • • •
Exercises start nt 9 o’clock in the morning with solemn
church service«
Plenty of amusement* all during the day.
refreshment«, too.*
Plenty of
At 12 o’clock Community Dinner served.
Lot« of fun during the afternoon for young and old
ball games, race«, etc.
At 4:30 o’clock, parade, in which all ti ke part.
Salute of the Flag and Patriotii Speeches.
Everyone who has something suitable to sayjnay
At fi o’clock Community Supper, followed by other
Every T rvf . P atriot is cordially invited. Listen to the
bugle calls, after which the announcements are
mnde. Come and see! Be patriotic, and have a
good, innocent time!
We Print Sale Bills
Í -
.9 *
CZ-e* w w
Qptom errisi.
Manufacturing Optician
Cherro Flour
Excavation for concrete sidewalks
on Main street has been made, and
aa soon as the filling becomes suffic­
iently packed, the pouring of con­
crete will begin, and it will be some
street when completed.
All funerals given personal attention by Mr. Ix>we
Services and I'ricse Guaranteed to Satisfy Every I uatomcr
1-ady Attendant if desired
N. C. Lows
X. I Mossi»**
I e ba non
I'hone-1’ey, 397
The first test well at Sweet Home
I 'boos »
was completed last Saturday, and sooeooeexeeoooeeooeooooeoooee
the second well has been started It
is said the oil seepage is excellent
and that the prospect of finding oil
in paying quanities is good.
F. B. Studnicka has traded hi*
700 acre faint near Harrisburg to
F. J. Kula for his 200 acre farm
near Shelburn. Thia trade has been
hanging fire for some time, and
was arrange«! by Tom l«arge. The
consideration was S4N.OOO.
• • • •
• <•
»•* glased you n«d.
Ed Myers is spending a great
J. L. Kelly aod family drove to
deal of time and money on improv- Caseadia last Sunday morning, re­
mg his beautiful home, and also is turning the came night. John is
our good friend Riley Shelton.
something of a good roads enthusi­ Ixist leather gauntlet glove. Eind-
er please leave at the Tribune
Miss Mary Jiroeh, who is employ­ ast. says Cascadia would be more
office. Reward.
Dopular if a few dollars and a scari­
ed with the Pacific Telephone Co.,
fier were used on the rosd from Ixiganberry pickers
in Portland, spent Sunday with her
wanted - Two.
Ixtumon on.
and one-half miles northwest of.
parents. John Jiroch and wife.
Inquire at Grapelane­
John D. Densmore, Jr., is in Port­
Mrs I. V. McAdoo is attending
Earm. route 2, Turner, Oregon.
Mase reservations now.
summer school at the O. A. C. for land taking instruction in Radio
the neat six weeks, and ye editor Since erecting his set he has become I
will have a nice time doing his work greatly interested in the service ami Hop Picker« wanted—Am agent for
hopro to be able in a short time to
and getting his own meals.
one of the largest hop yards in,
act aa trouble shooter for one of
the valley, where all conveniences
A large numlwr from here atten­
the big companies, and also to be
are had. and picking will be good.
ded the O. W Garland sale near able to set up stations
See Miles Carry, Scio, Oregon,
for new
route 2.
Richardson Gap yesterday. He is operators.
quiting farming as he has a milk
J. N
Weddle and constable
route for the cheese factory.
Henry Smith, of Stayton. captured
C. W Hodge has about complet­ young Schulte,
who stole two
ed remodeling his home, and will horses and seveial seta of iiarneas
soon have one of the beat homes in Tuesday night between Corvallis
the city. Hi- has builded on anoth- and Junction City. Wednesday after­ Is not aa well advertised as some
brands, but the quality is there
er room and made other improve- noon.
All property is accounted
just the same.
for and the suspect is now in jail in
Mrs. Erank Gill returned last Benton county.
Sunday from a week'» visit with
Do you want a good ball team in
friends in Portland ami McMinnville Scio? Of course you do. and aa the Carried by
On that day Mr. Gill and Miss Kolan boys have promised shifts, a new
John B. Couey
drove to McMinnville and brought
her home.
At 9 o’clock. Big Dance in the hall.
4 V
on the ay«» at all times, but especially
so after dark. (>on't subject your eyes
to it unlee« you are entirely sure you
have the proper glasses for your eyes.
Have us examine your eyes and supply
••eeaseaas e«eeeeeaeeaeaaeeeesesse»»» w a»aeaeaaeeaae
5no, Oregon, July 4tht 11)22
I. Morrison made a business manager and a better team, let’s ae
visit to Portland Wednesday
to the game next Sunday and show
them that we really want a team
Watermelons on ice at the
Shaw will be the opposing
Meadow Shade Dairy.
team, and It has a splendid record.
Mrs. R M Cain is confined to Next Sunday afternoon at Scio
her home with a severe cold
A postal card from Mrs R L.
Attend the ball game Sunday — Ell wood, a former resident of thia
new faces and a reorganised tram community, enye she is now living
Shaw vs. Scio.
near Lake City. Iowa, having moved
The beet selection of freeh vege­ from Axtell, Neb. Mrs. Hl wood
says the Tribune is like getting a
tables in Seto, at the
letter from home each week, and
Meadow Sharie Dairy.
she cannot get along without it.
This is national Jantaen week — She says she is real well and that
see the bathing suit display in our
several good rains have made the
window. If we do no have your atae
crops look fine back there.
in st'-ck we will order it for you.
Peoples Store
You pmffit by feeding the best
feeds at the right prices.
CHERRO poultry feeds are right
in quality and price