r » ♦ » •' * • < e 9. I 7 •’ 9 4 A, •_ ; i « ♦ ».»* - ». k • « « w » t * r*->.A /.T ' *• w A« •’ ’ s • , V < y'V "* ' 1 ” -S ? TNt I E HEX J»AYN: I "To look healthy, Nrvvy. la to have otw of the pasaporta to nueces*. but to look healthy you mint ba healthy.’* I In the Midst of a Second Breakdown PINCltf.D Nt RYES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL | "When I turned to chiro­ practic 1 was in the midst of my second breakdown. 1 was much reduced in flesh, despondent and my digestion was very bad. Under chiropractic spinal adjustments Nature began to restore order. Today I am feeling line nnd heavier than ever before. 1 have < chiropractic " lb * hMT I *• •»t«-r. Williams, Indiana. IMPULSES CHIROPRAC­ TIC ADJUSTING RE­ MOVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVI IS FREEASNATUttlirTfHDS Your Health Can’t Start before you telephone K7 for an appointment and tn nke it today. DR. O. L. SCOTT CHIROPRACTOR 414 111 II. S. Bank Bldg. Phone K7 How I.. Mab* .nd I U m It Salem. Oregon Commencing Saturday morning, uly 1 st and ending Saturday evening uly 8th, we will offer I ires and 1 ubes at prices lower than have ever been quoted in Albany on a line of guaran­ teed factory firsts, strictly fresh and up to the standard in every way. We Offer for Your Comparison the Following \\ 1 JHK S 30x3 30x3 12 32x3 1-2 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 $ 6.45 7.25 9.40 10.80 11.85 12.65 13.10 TUBH $1.20 1.35 1.45 1.85 2.05 2.15 2.35 7 ires in all sizes al prices you cannot afford to miss Special Prices on all Accessories During This Sale Only Cord ALBANY TIRE & SERVICE STATION Day Motor Building Srcond and Ellsworth Strceta ALBANY ORE. GILKEY STATION 5 June 27 Margaret Ser fling ta enjoying a few «lay* at Newtavrl S H Floil ami family attendr«! Pro»idenc church Sundajf. Forty young peopi«« surpriMui Or­ ville G Ikev Mumlay evening in honor of his birthday. Refresh inenta were served and a good iirnv enjoyed. Frank and Joe Prokop are build­ ing a Woodshed. Will Mespelt in preparing to build a barn Mrs. Emma Mentaar, of Ijehnnon, was a recent visitor at the Henry Free ver home Fred Meapelt hmt di-continued his work at the sawmill for a few days in order that the men may work in the hay. Nora Holt an-i Elmer Whetstone were out from Albany Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Hen Shafer, of Stay­ ton, were visiting at S F Zynaet’a and W. A. Gilkey’s Sunday on their way home from Providence. Mrs. Henry Preever left today for Grants Pana, in com|«any with Mr. and Mrs H It Fearey.of Portland, i who have been visiting al her home. Mr. and Mr« J««hn Shepherd drove to Scott’s Mills Sunday to visit relatives Mr. and Mr«. R A Scott and »m drove to Corvalli* Saturday to get John Scott, who attended summer school They brought Allen Gilkey home also, L H Wright and wife, of Stav- KA A <* - ■■ ** MORTICIANS U ton, and Malcolm Wright^and fami­ J TIRE BARGAINS «»A HVA.y VMIUU. ■■WKagtWPBWMPMWWW I he Scio 1 ribune $1.75 the year A WHOLE WEEK OE REAL 'Vv Hef««re *llnn|.i'.k to explain the funrtlvma and the principles of the radio telepto>ne« or d»-««r:Mng h««w !<> make. urn- and operate them II la ne^ eaaar; to undrrttiand •»•<> thus of the under!)In« princtptoe and fundamental law* of wtr—i«--* tran»'.><>Ml<>n It I* not h< «< • ii.rv tn enter Into a tong diaruaalon <»o the theories and prtnclpl«-« ««1 «tertrtrlt» Of physics which enter Into the »object but Ioerel) t< llloatrnfe and meke dear a few lm|»>rtaat and salient laws. causes and result* wl.i h mnlr tl>. tftn of a>-un a way. ll>e electro mattneth wave* are ver) similar to the wavea or ripples formed by droppma a atone in a calm pool of waler, for. Just as the water waves travel In gradually widening clr«le* from the aplaah. ao the electric waves, started b) the ap.irk < up by the wireless spark are electro ttiacnetlc waves and the eoerey |i at starts them la electrical rnergy. so the waves In the pool err started try mu n ar or inrchanlcal energy You can readily understand how it would I»- p <- lu «'• •»n.unl-ate by mean* of such liquid waves, for, II a person al ■■ <1 •• »imuld tona Monee Into the water at Mated Intervals, a |>er»on watet. n« the re and noticing live Interval* of the waves could understand siiamis . h Had i«eru pt earranxed Thia, of course would be a very crude to I m H.vln method of communication . but If you could devtas some InMrumrtvt to count and measure live waves and could devise means for < resting waves of •••»« and numl«era. a prs< tleal means uf <-muiuuni«a- lloti erty of Starting uMillatl. .» lead to a trlejdione receiver The high frwqueuey oscjl lalbsi* of !>»' ether which are known a* alternating currents, as they flow ba. k and forth. a.>- cut off by lite n agtiel* lu tbe receiver, while the detactur Is dtsaigiietl lo ali"W tl • »-« lllatlvMMl to |ms* through In on«- direction, but will not allow them to trturti ami thus II acta as a check-valve lu a waler pipe and the altenmllng bo h and forth urret.la are transformed Into impulsen going In <«ne diretiioR ■•mj .«mi ki r t part of the m . hatilsm of the wlrele«* upparatus la the tuner, tor without lid* the various vibrations of the etbar -out out front nutu- berlea* Matl-m* « >•«! ........ as a h.«lse |>«>dgr uf meaningless *>uuds to tbe re-elver itut >') sttuiikiiig the receiving Instrument so it may be adjuste«) to roeive or pl« k up only tho«- wave» uf a ,-ertalU length, all other vibration*, ami the ui«-*«ag< » they carry ars niiminated or cut out. No. the wtretea* op. orator who Is rmeivlng u «■•'». may adjust hl* lustru-oent bach and forth natll he |>lcka up any meoaagr which may I«« passing through the ether al tbe time When your nerve* get on the outside of your clothes, as Eibert Hubbard used to say. yon are a nuisance to youraelf and your friends. The victim of a nervous breakdou n usually complains of weakness in every organ of hi» Ixxiy. but the wenkneM invariably in­ /T I clude* the stomach and HEALTH FOLLOWS uxually wem» centered CH I POPS MHC (OORtCTS there. PR15SUM 0« SPIRAL The chiropractor make* NIHVti IN OfffASf SOf hi* analynia of the «pine THE FOLLOWIHOORuAHS and taking a typical caae here la what he uauallv MAR find*, though no two chm - s frtS are »-xuctly alike. There /z1*” xNOK i» nerve proMur* on the - throat spinal nerves to liver and - ARMS kidneys,to the lunrs quite - HLART often, and almost always * LUNGS to the stomach and stom- JV LlVtU I x. STOMACH ucn region.affecting what ViwaatAS is known as the solar vX SPtlLN plexus. By ch r practic \KIONtYS pinal adjustments theae WWUS nerves are freed and the - M Apecsotx affected organs begin to V ftlADDi R function normally. Tne loattuMSS body is rebuilt, the ner­ T mc lower Ntave vousness disappears. UNDER THE MAGNIFY- INC GLASS IS PlNCME0 BY ANHAlipatO JOINT * t T * . • Wright & Poole II. PRINCIPLES OF WIRELESS TRANSMISSION By D <) I. SCOTT, C. I THE HOME RADIO fe^gggg ■ When Your Nerves Gel on the Outside I w v ; < r-*r V- » ' "k * f X • • .’< **• ,v«-’: ' -■r » 9 ♦ \b ’ * ly. of Central Point, visited at the S. B. Holt home Wednesday. .Mal­ colm la principal af the high school in Central Point. They were friend* of Mrs. Holt at Dufur. Laooard Gilkey and family. Cora Smith and Orville and Alvin Gilkey, attended the Rural Sunday school ally a’ Waterloo Sunday, and re­ port a very pleasant and profitable «lay. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sei fling and son Byron and two women, from Eugene, called at Fred Sommer’s on their way home from Providence Sunday. Hen has worked in the Eugene postofficw for many years, and his brother (Chester has also. George Serfling and family, who have iteen living in Eugene for about three years, have returned to Ca'lfomig to live Ixganbei ries are drying up before they are matured, [¿conard Gilkey is going to try to get waler from the creek to irrigate his. .Mrs IxtuisCalavan and daughter, of l^ebanotr. came over Saturday to asaist M>me of our women with sew­ ing at the J. H Kelly home for Mrs J. G. Holt, whose home re­ cently destroyed by Are. Very Much te Ba Das Ira«. We all Miuuld Ilka a cook sne* as an RngHsh clergyman advertised for la the IxHMlon Times, la bls a«lvertla*, meni he «sol among other things that It was eaarntlal not only that bls cook •houl«1 have a *rna« of humor but also Ibat «he auotild exemplify the «plrlt of tlafailan* verse 22. Now Gslattona verse 22. reads thus: “But the fruit of the spirit la lov«. joy. procs, long- •’«fferlw« tsnrl-nrsa. ruMlwawa. faith." «N't Heat of -ervics, both l*ndesMon*lly and in l unrral Conducting. I ady Aaatetant always. Beat of Fxiuipment and Pnces <«u*ran- toed lUgM for F vary body. Puoas IS OR FtlON LKIUSON DR. FICQ I )!T1ST Office Hours: 9 to 12 A M 1.30 to 6 P. M C. (’. BRYANT Attorney at Law Cusick Hank Bldg. OREGON ALBANY DR. J W GOIN. Veterinarian. » Au thorite, i Auction Sale and Interstate Inspector. Phones:—Pa lac«- Fred 'hed, 1H4 J Residence, 500-K ALBANY. OREGON DR H II. PETERS CHIROFRACTOR Electrical I treatment Park and Sherman Streets Telephone 126 LERANON . . OH l-.i it in I*. M. HVBI Care of Y ick So Tong Cinnese Medicine aid Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known diM-aae. Open Sunday* from 10 a. m. until H p. m. IM South High Street Salem. Oregon Phone 283 O. F. Korinek Veterinarian MTAYTON, ... ORROOM Calls answered Day or Night Tulierculln Testing jJT H im Vadt N» m Initii*) Tim A great »urvriM» for the home knitters of Oregon, but still a fact Further­ more, this yarn is al>solutoly virgin wool yarn; the wool was grown in l.inn county, sold b> Mr. Senders totheOre- gon Worsted Iximpany (mills located at Sellwood), made into worsted yarn by Roy T Biahop, *«>n of C. P. Bishop, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of Salem. Oregon knitters try this yarn out. Alt colors. 4!U per ball of 2 om Hamplra sent *»n uppl cation Address C. P. Bialp p. Box 7S. Salem, ttregon, THE Si’ll) STATE BANK w. A. Ewing. A. E Randall I resident Vice Free K. D. Myers. Cashier Rtart a bank account today and Provide for vour future. ou will A im ! a cheeking ac­ count ve-y convenient for your tMiMneaa transactions. We pay interest on time deposits. Riley Shelton Real Estate Rrolfer and Notary Public ^bslrafls Obtained, Examined - - - OREGON Suheerihe to the Tribune.