■ A. ■«fci i... COSTS TO BE HIGHER th« expediency «nd the extra b»U entabed by tbe order was entertain 1T «rema the people of the United •d by the e»Mirt ia another question States are not to be allowed to get By th* um«>n of the two lines tn ba<*k to normal, for on every hand question, the S P waa aide to emm an otutacle ia placed in U m «ray. plete transmntinentai shipments at The recent deoaion of the U. S. a miurw.1 price and this has saved Supreme court ia declaring the th* shippers many tb«>u»a'ui» of Southern Pacific and Union Pacific i dollar« tn all lh«HW years, and no divorced to another step backward. hardship haa ever been bom« by The showing made by thoee inter- •liter th« carriers or the ahippera e*tn! in «r pa rat i ng a union that haa If the uomergmg of the two r>«ad* ranted for the past half century finally prevails, and each become« a arema to have been better than the j competing carrier, it is problemaU- »bowing by the S. P„ but whether caJ if cuala will be reduce,! and aer- Electricity Renews Vital Forces Creates Xew Ci ¿or and AW it res Xerrousness : vine bettered. ! h«- tight of thr U. P. for the unmrrgmg haa all the earmarks of a "freww” tn high , finance and to the securing of a ; traffic highly profitable to it. 1‘rub- | ably a better statement would l«e that it wants something at the ex­ pense «if another com turn y and then cause a drain on the pockets of the shipper. No matter how we may look at the question, the unmrrgmg means an additional cost to the •hipper. a cessation of iniprovrmeyit» •nd • delay in transfer and other mure or less rxprnaive services from the competeing lines because of no common interests in shipments be­ tween the lines. Whatever may give us Iwtler and cheaper rates, either freight or pas­ senger, will be welcome«! by thr people, but the people nol do want aervire crippled and nsl» mount when no real benefit ia to l>e had, and there ia uo benefit to be gained by the order of thr court in divorc­ ing the Caotrai Pacific and Southern Pacific. Electricity haa been made aa painless and ahockleaa aa a ray of aunahtne. I hou .in.la of volt» can ba »prayed into th«- body, |«-n<-trating instantly to every organ, nerve and muscle to stimulate and strengthen, without the »lightest unpleasant sensation. Thia “ Sugar Coated Electricity’* gives quick and positive relief in a hundred common wiaknease» and chronic diseases. It literally enable» Nature to build a new bo y and eliminate pain and suffering. I very tissue in the body is strength­ ened by this treatment. Nerves are toned, quieted and strengtheMd. the blood Is enriched and all the vital organa are stimulated to normal activi­ ty Aches ami pains are driven from the body and weakness is replaced by vigor, energy and health. A Free hook, giving details of the wonderful Penning th* Buam*«» rinulls that have tx-en obtained In a A rTiintg«» mitili«,alr<- ruin manti hundred different disorder» may be se­ facturer walked Into the ten room at the Itrake the other da» and an­ cure«] by anyone from the Bounced loudly that hr had Just aren a girl chewing rum. adding : "I hate Renault Haiti Rij HiM'urtm, glrlrthat chew gum then Joined In Salem TRUCK BARGAINS As representatives of the Mack 1 ruck Corporation, we are in a position to have at our disposal for sale one of tl le largest stoc ks of good used trucks to be found on the Pa­ cific Coast. Sime of these trucks we have on hand in Albany, and are prepared to show you real values in truck equipment and offer liberal terms of sale. Here Are Some Samples .">j ton l’c«l«-ra! I’ump. Overhauled ami n paiiil««l. Goo gra\cl C^CAA job got e «iih tin* truck ^teJVv 2| ton «Sterling. Vaed very little t )v«>rliaiilci ton Ec«lcr il rittiroiuhly C31 AA «•verhaul <1 itixf repaint««! ^wlvv 2| tini Mack. new one Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries Gents’ Furnishings Garden and Field Seeds Juwt like a • s ton Kepublic. A real truck bargttiu ................ It ton M kw II Pneumatic CCAA tire»'. <•«»«»«! condition ■PJVFxJ $2500 $1000 2 ton I « deral A good «tur- Cl^AA tl\ truck in good condition ^IreW DAY MOTOR COMPANY OREGON Oregon T. K. WKS 121 «N $2200 COW-TESTING Man R«al>y Dependable. . People «h,, are all »rt.«at and not mentally dependable, who have uo Baity of purtMiae. and ar* mit rel'ahle. ar* a„t the mrn ar Itim tn In ct ,.>r grnclrs It la the «elf ranAtleBI man the man who feri» «tire of hltowif the man who le eure «f hl» pMl*r*«phv m<| of hl» principie». Ilm hMH of gr»•«» rauh, on whom w« tiri« -i m atiprvm«- crises. when idhera are driven le the wall.—change ASSOCIATIONS Small Qroup of Michigan Farms*« First Entered Upon E apartment Conaidered Doubtful. • **•«.**•4 », th* t'nti*4 M«t** rw»»r«m*at •* AartoUlnr* I Fifteen year» ago a »mull group of farmer» In Michigan entrrvtl upon what many of them probably omaid- errd a very doubtful »»périment. It wa» thr organisation of alt awwmiatlon for testing their row», in r>i to how mm h feet! they ate and how much milk they gave, an a»-« lattoii »m il •• thr farmer« of Urnmark had original Kodak Developing, Printing and Enlarging J. F. WESELY, Grocer ♦»♦»»»♦•••••»••»aeeeee ed ahout ten yrara before, and whlch varimi» other Kuropsnn couutrlea had cwpled. The espsriment. a» atudle«| hy thè l’tilted Ntatra Iiepartment of Agrlml tur*, provini • »uc.ee», howeter. ami ihiw th» numbsr of «uct> aaaoriatione luta gruwn frotn i lo *52. Il 1» notatile that some Male» whieh look up thè Idea at an early date ha»e «tmk t<> thè movement and organile«! n«>rv ami more assiM-lattooa. whlle other» con tlnue wlth only a few, Must state» tnepartin«nt of Agricolture la fna ■»ring thè work The lack of tester» dorine thè war canard a «e*back in thè moverne» t, bui recovery fr<«m thla ha» taken pia«» and thè number of aaam-latlon» in thè country la now mu< h largar than tt «al before thè war j I < j I ! < j . ‘ I j j , j • i 1 ■ < / Gallant Elevata* Opsralor In n downtown building avverai |««o pie wrr» walling for the elevator Tile ■wr was crowded when a lady »lepplng •n attempted to pull friend liiml>aO'l nino* The alert ofieraior called. "Just uM mor», that 1« all.“ ami pushed ■ he gentleman back, "No you waul to separar* tig“ aald the lady. "Yea." •««" thr answer; "I would rather »ep­ urale yon thi« way than the other •ay.“—ten Francis«-*» Argonaut