The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 29, 1922, Image 3

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T hurkpay . JUNK 29. 1922
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aa that county
concerned, when nets, thia snake in the grass, this
the report of tbe coroners jury laid destroyer of the manhood of the
the blame on tbe coal gime opetal- nation, and the sooner the better.
ora. Those of ua who have gone
through a coal strike know that all
Imported employees of mines in
labor troubles are provided with
TlIKKK has t»een considerable talk
guna and ammunition, and hence
since the May election of abolishing
the laying of the blame on the oper­
the primary and going back to the
ators, in our judgement, is correct.
old Convention system
The argu­
The editor of this paper knows, for
ment la that about one forth of the
he ha« seen it done in more than one
voter nominate the candidates and
instance, and in one of them the aon
three-fourths have to accept them
of a sherriff was «hot In cold blood
whether they want to or not. Isn’t
from the tower of a miner, and the
the same argument of more force
gun was in the hands of an import­
in regard to the convention? Does-
ed workman, and the murder««! man
¡n't a few delegates who are sounded
was a friend of and aympalhiaer
i out before thev are selected become
with the operators. The act had
i even more autocratic and make 99
>ta proper effect the populous was
out of everv hundred accept their
aroused and the operators almost
choice? So far aa argument 1» con­
gained their point in forcing their
cerned, the convention system has
workmen to starving pay This hap­
no peg to stand on. The primary
pened in Pans, III., in 1N9H, and no
has everything in ita favor.
<!>>ubt thia is what was attempted in
It is said the man with the money
Herrin. III., in 1922
can get the nommatidb in a primary
and therefore eliminates a poor man
no matter h<>w much more compe­
tent. Probably true, but it is even
T hk death and burial of the more of a certaimty that the men
Sheriff of Linn county and of one with money and a political pull
<>f the county*« l>est loved ministers, alanda a far greater chance of se­
should stir our people a» nothing curing the coveted prise under the
A politician
else ha« ever moved them. One convention system.
ha« no fear
was trying to enforce the raw
of our land the other was accom-
have no
panylng him. Neither had at the
time of the shooting spoken one
word to toe murderer, and no cause and could and would «pend money
had been given for the •booting, lavishly, a« it has be«-n done in time
The N-wberry case would
■except that the murderer knew the past.
»heriff and kn iwing that hi« illicit be a mere pigmy under the con ven
business would soon lie stopped. tion system - the man with the bank
took the law in hia own hand« and roll and the political pull would l>e
forever stopped the peace officer the nominee, no matter what hi«
and hi« c impanion by shooting them fl to«*.
through the heart ar.d without
The manufacture o f
liquor, it’s «ale and drinking, are
forbidden by a law passed in accord­
ance with the lHth atnendme* t.
known as the prohibition act, and
sorry it 1« that a large number of
nien (and women) have engaged in
the budneas of bootlegging con­
trary to (lie law. When they break
<>ne law it is easy for them th break
another, and soon they become
hardened criminal«. It is «aid they
d > thia to prove their "freedom."
C ongressman FoRDNKY. of Mich­ but they only abridge their freedom
igan. ha* announced hi« retirment in breaking tlie law. Free men and
from public life at the «-n«l of hia women are law abiding, are never
present term. Probably hi« tarriff in the toil« of the law and are never
hill ha« worn him out. and besides, tnoleated they never conduct «tills,
offices come high in that stats. Ask rob houses nor commit murder.
Newlierry, he know»
Dave West thought hia still waa a
law greater than the law of the
Gov. L kn S mau .. of Illinois, wan 1 land, he thought he wa« duly
acquitted last Friday al Kankakee appointed to atop Sneriff Kendall
on a charge of conspiracy to defraud from enforcing the law against him
the »tale while he wax »tale treas­ and any other«, and he did. But
ure*. On the next day hie wife hi« law was short lived. While he
died from heart failure caused by seemed unto himself a brave defend­
overjoy at hi» acquilal. Thu«, a» er of his ■■personal” liberties, he
the governor «ahi, another tragedy •oon came to a full realization of
was added to him. all because of what he had done, and then killed
enemie» seeking to destroy hia good himself. Hia act. his law unto him­
name and character.
When will self should piove a lesson to ail
petty «elfiahm-na and hatred be aban others who believe aa he did.
done«!, and peace and neightiorly-
The spirit of Sheriff Kendall and
new be established among men?
Roy Healy will live on and on. and
Let’s Go Swimming
And to be in the "Swim" you will
<J We
want the beat bathing suits,
have them in latest styles and best : mater-
tals at prices running from
Hibler & Gill
■»♦ooeeeoeo ««♦♦♦♦
For Steel Fishing Rod
Winchester Special
Wi^rte,R. M. Cam
The primary law is just and right
—it might not be used by the
people to it's greatest advantage al mary. »elect good men to enforce
all times, but right, all right, and the law« and to make them, and it
must and will prevail.
The real will not I* long until such tragedies
criticiam against the primary i« the a» was enacted last Wednesday will
fact that it coats the state consider­ pass away and peace and plenty
able money, which was formerly 1 will abound. So long as we elect
paid by the "popular subscription" men who are law-breakera them­
plan, but the money *> spent is not selves. who encourage lawlessness
wasted, unless the people do not by refusing to arrest or convict law
use the primary for the purpose for breaker». just ao long will tax«»
which it came into existence. Thi­ mount up ami up and our jails and
ol d system became so rotten that penitentiaries, our aavlum» and poor
its stench reached the high heaven houses. will lie filled to overflowing
Keep the primary, elect good
and the people of every «late de­
enforce the law a» »herifT Ken­
manded the primary law so they
attempting to do, keep to
could have a hand in naming their
servants. Reluctantly the old guard the right in our travel through life
gave way and in giving way to the and all will be well.
popular will, the old party lines
have been practically wiped out.
am! this is what ia haunting the
politician. He wants the convention
system to return and then he will
be responsible to the parly and not
the people Like Satan, the ways of
the politician is dark and devious,
and he hates to lie ousted from his
We make a Specialty of
Engagement and
Wedding Rings
F. M. French & Sons
* 14 III 114 I J 1*1 " 14 V 11
-------- Dealers in—
Don't forget the comunity dub
meeting next Monday night at the
Z C. B. J. hall in Scio. A good
program ia being arranged. Come. i
Local Market Quotations
Fresh and Cured Meats
We buy
Veal, Pork &. Poultry
Shelton & Co. Props
Hens. 4 Iba and over
$ .17
Hen«, under 4 Iba___ ...
The primary ia good enough to Broilers, over If Itm
. 6
let alone, and if our people of all
states will use it propei ly and vote
Dressed pork. no. 1 blockers
therein, for that is the real election
Egg«. cash. Ific trade
when good, tried and true men are Eggs, white •elect
selected by popular choice, the old Butter fat
t>ear fruit, for it will cauae the pe<>- guard will lie completely routed and
E kkd
T hk bloodv labor war tn William- pie to arise aa one man and forever no more complaint about its opera Mill run
Il M
aon county, Illinois. ia closed. so far stamp out this underhanded buai- lions will be heard. Dae the pri- I Scratch
_ .12.25 2.75
Egg producer
Ground barley
Rolled barley
Shelled Corn, eastern
Ground or cracker! com
t^hick feed
Chick «tarter. mash
Growing feed
Hard wheat
Soft wheat
2 HO.
1 io
2 IX)
3 50'
3 50
32.20 2 34-2.40