He sustained a 1- .-ate-1 •' .. i and his foot was broken at the an- GILKEY STATION Ikie. besides minor bruise« The ♦ • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦♦♦-*********«M truck was damaged considerably June 6 Will Mespelt and family took Mr John Ik-Wall was on his way to • De Wall to an Alturnv physician H< Albany Friday with a truck of po­ is now at home, and though he suf- ts i<>«■•, Will Weinberg was driving for» a great deal his injuries» are not In g»ing over a grade near the Leb­ considered dangerous anon road the truck turned over, Charlie Frietag is very low in an pinning Mr. DeW’all underneath. Albany hospital An operation for •* We make a Specialty of friendship. Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons ALBANY » the removal of a blood dot on the hea«i is the cause of his prrcari««ub condition Relatives have been called from afar, and his mother la at his bedside. Mr. anu Mrs John Beane and *«n of Taft. Calif . arrived Wednesday to visit Mrs. Beane’s parents, the Horace Munser’a. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fearey of Fortland, were week-end visitor» at Henry Freever’a. I The Oak View school hou J filled to capacity Thursday evening, ’ :. ,. t We are in the market for when Mias Rachel Cooke gave a very interesting program Ice cream was Bold, the proceeds to l»e used Get our prices before selling Phillippi & Warner Jty to purchase records for the « boot's Victrola The Tom Fhillipe family have moved to a farm near Albany. Their daughter. Evelyn, was given a farewell surprise party Friday evening by her classmates in Crab | tree We are sorry to lose this family from our midst We buy The Linn County Jersey Cattle Veal, Pork A. Poultry club will hold its annual picnic at ! the Warren Grav farm near Mari««n Mutton, Sheep and Fat Lambs r Fresh and Cured Meats Shelton & Co. Props next Saturday The l-inn Countv Calf clubs will compete for the $50 SCIO. OREGON in prizes to be given in the calf judging contests. Ralt>h McDonald cloaed a very A large successful school Friday crowd attended the exercises, which W. A. Ewing, A. E. Randall were as follows: Original song by President Vice Bros. school "Riverside;" recitation, “A E. D. Myers. Cashier School Day,’’ Ixmette Sommer; rec­ Start a bank account today and itation. "Speak the Truth," Carol provide for your future. You will find a checking ac­ Crenshaw; recitation, "The Man count very convenient for your business transsetiuns. We pay Who Wins,’’ Lloyd Crenshaw; "A THE SCIO STATE BANK interest on time deposits. Notice to Creditors Notice i* hereby given that the un- ncnogtK'd ha« been duly appoiuled by th«- County Court of the State of Ore­ gon. fur Linn County, administrator of the estate <>f Henry Ix-ttler, deceased, and has qualified. All |>ervons having claims against said estai« are hereby required to present th.-m, duly verified, with the proper vouctu-rs, within six (8| months from dal.- of this notice to the undersigned administrator, at his residence, in Sc», in Linn County, Oregon. Oat—<1 and Ant published this 18th day of May. 1922. Jons F. l.arrisa, Adnuni tralor of the estate of Henry Leffler, «iecraaed. H ii . i . Ac Msaas, Attorney s for Administrator Riley Shelton Real Edate Proper and Notary Public j!bstrath Obtained, Examined iCIO - • • OREGON Doll's School." Mildred Schieman; dialogue, "Too Much Borrowing,” recitation."The LitlleSchool Ma'am" Helen Godwin; reading. "Boys' Rights," Ronald Summer; recitation "One Advantage," Merle l»rWall; dialogue, "Stolen Sweet»;" reading, "Fhil'a Complaint." Gordon Gilkey; •ong, "Vacation Time. ’ by five girl«; reading. "Patrick Henry's Speech," Ralph Godwin, recitation. “Girl’s Don't Have Nu Fun," Harold Gil- kev; dialogue. Aunt Jans Visits School.” At the close of the pro gram ice cream and candy were sold for the benefit of the school A social time was had until a late hour. Many of our people attended the Fanner's Union picnic at Waterloo Friday. A large crowd attended the com- muntty sing at Fred Sommer's Sun­ day evening. B See us for— Good Used Cars We have— 2 used Fords I used Studebaker I used I I -2 ton truck Shell Gas and Oils VACUM CUP Tires and Tube« BATTERIES SOLD Repaired or Recharged The Scio Garage W. L Cobb N Son. Prop*. Scio. Oregon J. W Hart and wife, of Altuiny. visited at Rilev Brewer’» Sunday. Elsie Frietag is here from l«lah«i Mrs. Walter Morris is improving slowly. A. L. Kelly an Fearey, of Bortland, was a visitor Officers were elected as follows: Fre*i«lent. Mrs Fret! Mespelt; vice-president. Mrs. J. H. Kelly; secretary-treas­ urer. Mrs, John Shepherd Mrs T. M Holt won a prize for naming the most books of the New Testament .Music was given by Mrs Fearey, Evelyn Holt and Sylvia Mespelt Ilelictous candy was served by the hosleM. The next meeting will be July 6, with Mrs S. H Holt Margaret Sertlmg sfient the week­ end in Silverton. Fiances Higgin­ botham accompanied her home. V. Brokop and T. Holub were dinner guests with Frank Brokop Sunday. lH for ii-.iir rii:« is of 8 High-Grade GRANITEWARE O This wonderful assortment includes 1 1 1 1 The Sein Tribune actually Costa y ou <>nly 3j cent» a week, delivered to y ou by mail. Wherr eite can y ou an ptofitab'y invest 41.75 a year? Subseribe today, you will ne ver regret It. Tell the advertiser you saw his ad in the Tribune No. No. No. No. 28 2 2 10 Wash Basin Milk Pan Drinking Cup Deep Pie Plate 1 1 1 I No. No. No. No. 20 16 14 2 Mixing Bowl Lipped Saucepan Pudding ¡»an Pudding pan All of the «hove 8 piece Hssortinent $1.19 Tlti is I pi - h than 15c per single article The ntiH. wonderful Bargain ever offered to the public C mmi H j OiffinMil; Oiy OH J im 3 Jan 3 e-es ssooee«»»vee » eeee se»eeeeese»oeoooeeeeeeeeeeee»- R. M. Cain Special Prices Break fast Bacon, harm» Hmoked......................... Back Bacon, bom»* MkHtcd .................................. Ham, home smoked . —......... ............ . ................. Weinies, home mailr................. .......................... Bologna, home made .......... ■ Cherry Slugs are Busy Pear and cherry slugs are appear­ ing <>n the foliage of these tree« and are skeletonizing the lerves in rhar- acteria'ic fashion Glowers who experienced srrious defoliation from thi« peat last season may control it by spraying the trees now with arsenate of lead. 2 pounds to the hundred gallons —O. A. C. o 30< 25< 30c 19c 17c lb lb lb lb lb First Class Meat All prices for Saturday only. Coms and see this selection and nave youraelf money. Cash only SCIO MEAT MARKET IIOI.ECIIEK III«)-.. I'rop-. S i««. Or. p.n «*♦*»*—•eee-e ess sw«ees»aeeeeeeaeeeeee*ea*SSSSSe>a *****...............• S f s ► r Rave Yoe a Saving« Account ? II res bsse ses. >i n»«»« •< t«" ““ We pay 4 perrent ir.t. real < •• which w. «-redit to your account every sis ne-- i’-- < «»ashler your savings acouat bill as a regu- lar bill, une that mu«t I»- laid as regularly as the rent or grocery bill, i ..u wilt nev ' up- E The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon t ‘ WHtRi SAVINGS latsessi sad se wary The Scio 1 ríbune $ 1.7 5 the year m t