* • , - • . " TT»" 4 PEOPLE'S COLL MN do you Know ? (Editor's Nute- We are glad to give spacr to the pr ip rof our com munity on topics of the day, but ask them not to become personal °r abusive Flach contributor must algn name, not for publication, but for our protection ) That the gymnasium will be a civic center we can be proud of? Have you heiped? THE SCIO TRIBUNE T hi kxkay , lions, unless they And the c-ost of production and then the limit of Gaston, Ore . June 6. 22 profit that can be levied ia estab­ Scio Tribune. lished. Investigations in the past Scio, Ore.. have Iwen failures and it ie reasona­ To the Editor: ble to predict this one will fail. I would like information of the land around Scio as to doea it raise W ith guns thundering. Amund­ good crops, is water plentiful, can sen. the great explorer, eel sail for one raise most any thing around the far north Saturday afiernoon Scio, is there a high school in Scio? from Seattle. Probably no other Please send me a copy of your explorer in m -dern tunes has given paper. the world co much knowledge of Your* truly the universe as ha» Amundsen, and Thies Bros. the rousing send-off given him was We can raise anything on farms entirely appropriate. A HIG tire at Sheridan. Oregon. Saturday morning done damage to the amount of over 4100.000, II business houses being almost wiped out The McMinnville fire depart ment responded to the call for help and materially assisted in saving the whole business section from de­ slruction. In 1913 Sheridan suf- fered a $350,0H0 fire J i ' nf : M. 1922 Bible Thoughts for This Week St lu businessmen advertised ape- cial bargains for last Saturday, on staple standard goods that are used every day. and they claim the price quoted was below wholesale price. I'hev claim the people do not want bargains, or else they do not know what bargains are. The Scio mer- charts are «quare and their spe­ cials should be grabbed up. for they are luirgains. Sunday. MOW TO WIN:-Trust In the l>< i|. um| <|i> g<*>HÌ; s» »haft ll«xi du HI hi the laud, and verily thou -diali hr fed. ('«.niiiiit thy »«> unto the fjord: trust al»« In bini ; and tir aliali l*»aliu 37: 3. B bring It to paaa Monday. naeety <»F THE PMIFWT n - IU-llol'1. Gt»l «vili n»t essi »»») s perirvi m»h. nell ber wlll be help I Im evil liner«. Job H : JU Tuxday. TIIE m’I'ltEME HI’LEIt 5—Evali yr thè Dirti D: — Make a Joyful noise unto the D>rd. Enter Into hi» ¡rat«'» with thanks­ giving For the lord la good.— I'naltn IW: 1, 4. ft. Saturday. Gt’A HI» THE hiNGl’K:—Keep thy tonxue from evil, and thy lip» fr uraiie it. I' mi I m M: 1.1, 14. ♦ "U. 8. Bov« Puxxle Mi»« McCor­ mick." aavs a newspaper headline. That's nothing, as they have been puxxling us old timers for many vears. They ate the licet in the world. S»:MAT<>R M c N a HY has been given the job of investigating the prices of gasolene and other petroleum product«. Our opinion is that all these investigations result in in­ creased prices, la-cause they are ex- (tensive and « >meb.-ly has to pay the bill We don't need invi-atiga- here, and have plenty of good water and a epiended high School in Scio Editor Local Market Quotation» Pot'LTBY. V eal and E gos Hens, 4 lbs and over f Hens, under 4 lbs Springs. I{ itw and up Broilers, under if lbs Stags Cocks Veal, fancy no I Dream«I pork. no. 1 blockers Kargs. ca«h. lflc trade Fjtgs. white select Butter fat F keo Mill run 11 4« Scratch 2.75 2 Mi Egg producer t IS Ground Imrley Rolled barley 2 00 I.MO Shelled corn, eastern l IMI Ground or cracked corn Chick feed 3 50 Chick starter, maah 3 50 3.35 Growing feed FUJt’lt Hard wheat 42.20 2 30 2 40 Soft wheat 1.75 TllK newspaper ie becoming more and more the logical medium for national advertieere, eaid Thomae L. Emery, Pacific Coast manager of the American Newspaper Publishers’ • • ♦ • ♦ • 4b • Sb AMMx-iatiun, who was in Portland + ♦ • • ♦ ♦ • 4b recently on a business trip from L Larwood Items San Francisco. hie headquarters, At indication of this he pointed to in- June 6 cream-d appropriations alloled Sid Stringer and wife motored to lug advertisers for newspaper verlisementa. Salem Sunday where they spent the day with relatives. CltAKiJot H all , a recent candidate Holiert Elliot an-i family and John in the republican primaries for the Costello and wife took dinner at nomination for governor, has inti­ the B«-n Schmitt home Sunday. mated that if he fails in his contest Walter Woods, wife and daughter he will probably be an independent Zelma. spent Sunday with Mrs. candidate in the November election. Wood's parents, the Wm. Smith's. This threat prove« that Hall and his Twenty two Aliiany Cxvllege MU­ followers are poor sportan en, and if dents hiked to Cleveland Hock CO* elected he would be a "sissy’’ in a day recently man's job. It measures up with hie Mrs. Daim-v Elliot. of Sandy ia at announcement letter early in the home visiting her parents. Mr. and campaign that he was having hie Mrs. J. L. Davenport. announcement story put in plate Jess Chas tine and family spent form and asked the country papers the week-end with Mra t haatine's to run it, and he would later run an parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chrisman, ad in the paper. Most editors fell of near Stayton for the "gush," but he conveniently A. L. Hickox and Mattel Daven­ forgot his promise. This paper felt port were united in marriage Sat­ all the time he was not the man for urday morning bv Judge Bilyeu at the place, and recent events proves Albany. A wedding reception was its feelings were correct. We need held at the bride's home Sunday men (he men) in positions of such evening About tiftv relatives and responsibility. and Hall is not such friends attended. a man. Carson Davenport and family. Meadow Shade Dairy With the Mutual Creamery, will have table cream, whipping cream, cottage cheese, buttermilk, strictly fresh eggs and Meadow Shade Butter ' ! at all times Fríe* Paid ío» E. A. Wagner, KALT WAS $PR i XE Grace Bilyeu spent the week-end with Bernice Davenport. Koecoe Gaines attended I the dance at laicumb Saturday night. I Seed potatoes for June planting should be cut in large pieces not Dixie Curry called on Mrs. R<»ht, likely to dry out. length of treat­ Elliot Monday afternoon. ment for sprouted «eed needs to be Miss Beatrice Gaines attended an shortened somewhat. O. A C. STREIT TO u u a wa aoah^ aan — Ht NcwJ ADMITS HiMStlFjHAT ME IS fc YORE MOST AdtHCRiTf ON‘ETHER WA/ES” P alf o h » s way to ah R lect R ical shop to S ink 794 — P al F wai Ti?y awmhg in P am iH A |4 OHM 'PlNGBAT,” fiends THAT INFERNAL machine - as T a O calls it P a Q i O BWOAIXAST i NG- STATION! OHCf.’iVEH IF IT COSTS TAP, $2t>^ -|XL ms * CHALKY' X on S ojth TNAT S i; Large Piece« Needed GET A PADiO SET. i Scio, Ore. Mrs. Dahy Elliot. Robt. Elliot and entertainment at Providence Satur­ wife and A. L. Hickox and wife all day night. attended the dance nt Crabtree I ncognito . Saturday night. or Fttpyc Bov i "Ni-KJ - EMVCIdNt, Fo »V , • M. <».’