The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, June 08, 1922, Image 1

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Not Many at Last Meeting, but
Enthusiasm Run* High—
Success Now Assured
Allmny Citizen* Were Present
and Spoke Htghliy of the
Plans of the Club
Owing to the fact that so
manv things enter into the
end of the week, the officers
of the Forks of the Santiam
Community Club have changed
the time of meeting from Fri­
day night' June 16’ to Monday
night June 19, at the Riverside
school house, near Gilkey Stat­
ion A good program is being
arranged and a social and
bu«mei«s session will follow. All
who are interested are invited
yes. whether interested or
not come, let u« get acquainted.
Mushrooms grow overnight and
ao<»n are gone. But who wants to
I m - like a mushroom In commuaity
Fhe aieive wa« in effect the senti­
ment of the men and woman who
gatheied at the Z. C. B. J. hall last
Saturday afternoon to further plan«
for the organisation of the forks of
the Santiam into one big communi­
ty club, expressing the belief that
a slow and steady growth meant a
longer ami more useful life than a
mushroom growth and a correspond­
ing life.
The club was favored by a return
visit from M.J. Duryea, who came
t<> render whatever assistance he
could in getting the club started off
right and on a permanent basis He
is more than willing to do his share
ami therefore expects the communi­
ty to do its share. He likes the
plan enunciated bv the by-law com­
mittee and «ays it is short but com­
prehensive and furnish*« plenty of
avenues for constructive work.
Other visitors were F. H. Hough.
S V. Smith and Mrs Joann* Beard,
of the Albany Chamber of Com­
merce, who came to extend fratern­
al greeting« and tender whatever
ai-'iMtanw they could in furthering
at prices from
$2.50 to $25.00
the organisation of the Fork« of the
, Santiam Community (Tub. Each of
these responded to an invitation to
speak. Mr. Smith wm the first one
'called upon, ami he said that the
i only way for a household, a bus»-
ncea. a farmer, a city or a commun­
ity to get its reward was through
organisation, and then teamwork by
all pulling together. Hi* remarks
Were well received and roundly ap­
The other speakers ably
seconded the remark« of Mr Smith
and ad de« I that the growth of Al­
bany was attribute«! to teamwork.
They said Albany was just as much
interested in seeing all of Unn coun­
ty grow as in seeing Albany grow
alone, for all would benefit.
The by-law committee mad* it*
report at this meeting, but some
changes were «uggested and they
were referred back to the commit­
tee for the additions. an«i to report
on Monday night, June 19.
The election of officer» was to oc­
cur at tnis meeting. but I m - csum - of
the absence of anyone from several
of the communities, it was thought
treat to defer the election until Mon­
day night, June 16.
The question coming up as to
when and wher«- the club shoiil.l
meet. W A. Gilkey extended an in­
vitation to the club to meet at the
Riverside school house, Diet. No. I<>
After some discussion, some want­
ing to hold the meeting in Scio, a
motion prevailed that we accept the
invitation extended by Mr Gilkey-
Then the time was on motion fixed
for Friday night, June Ki.
Everybody know* the hospitality
of the Riverside folk an«l it is hoped
th* school house will lie packed for
this occasion. The hour is set for 8
o'clock sharp.
Definitions Community Club
School Meeting
"A modern community (Tub is an
organisation through which public
spirited cititrn« tn a community
may express themaclve* collectively
on questions of community welfare,
ami through which they mav make
their collective desires effective.”
*' A community dub i« a body of
men and women acting in (hear cap­
acity as citixen*. not m represent}-
live« of any group or da**, ami de-
Voted to the material and cultural
advancement of the whole commun
Nearly every man consider*
himself public spirited and wants to
help make hl« town a better place
in which to live ami work. The
community club is organised to help
every man who want* to help hi«
town. It coordinate, all force* for
community improvement amt give«
them direction and >1 riving power* .
A community club i* an organ­
isation of those people within the
community who are d«-*ir<>us of for­
warding its welfare ami who believe
thev can best do thi« through CtH
operative effort."
The annual school meeting fur
District no. 95 will be held at the
high school in Scio on Monday, June
19. beginning at 2 p. m. Aside
from the budget meeting, which is
held in November, this meeting is
very important. It is the time when
the board of districts bring before
the taxpayers their program for the
year, and is also the time when a
director is to tie chosen
meetings are also the time when the
imtrons should avail themselves of
the opportunity to ask questions
and thus acquaint them*rlve» with
what the districts have to do. Il is
also the lime when liettermrnts in
the school curriculum should I m -
made, improvements on the proper­
ty talked over, and If expedient to
take nteps 1» curtail on some thing*
that are nonessential. These things
will all develop* by asking ques­
tions There is much in the school
laws that are Greek to ti e average
patron, and these can lie explained
al this meeting if we do not get too
excited and adjourn as «oon as a
director is elected. We are too
anxious to adjourn and then leave
everything to the directors '«. «Io so
we can cue« them for doing what
thev think l>e«t in the atwence of
any Instructions from the patron*.
Dame Rumor Say*
It ha« been rumored on
streets that J. A Hrudka went to
Portland Monday u> purchase new
equipment for hi« mill that wa*
burned last we«-k. Repeated effort
over the phone to reach Mr Hrudka
ha* failed to get him. and we are
unable to verify the rumor, It is
hoped that the rumor is correct,
and that the mill will *><«n I m - in
ojieration. The community m-ed«
the payroll, and we want to see Mr.
Hrudka prosper a* w«-ll as all uthvr
Nearly Lost Life
The auto races at Salem last Sat­
urday were well atteneded and
thrills were plenty to th<>«e who like
to see human livings race with life.
A Salem boy bv the name of
"Dusty" Rhode« came near ending
his life when he made a rearend
collision with another machine that
was slowing d«wn because of roll­
alor trouble, a thick cloud of dust
causing the accident. The ■perlai-
ors were disapointed in the auto
race*, so it is said, and on Monday
was Aneti |2f> ami costa at Albany.
To Much ’Shine
W H Jones. a salesman fur an
oil company, being too well title«!
up with moonshine, ran amuck with
a wagon Saturday and was brought
to Sci<> and placed in the hotel. Hi«
auto and the wagon were damaged
considerably. It i« said he wa« going
nearly 50 miles an hour. Later in
th* evening one of the boys with
whom he works went on his liond
tor 125 for hi« appealance and he
wa« relearn-«!
Best Cheese Made Here
Married in Albany
A surprise was sprung Saturday
py MI m Mai el Davenport. daughter
of Mr and Mrs. J L. Davenport,
when she slippni away to Albany
with Amo* L. Hickox. of lx*banon. |
and In-ca ne his bride, The groom
is 19 and the bride 18. Their many
friends in Scio wish the young
couple a long and happy life togelh-
er. They will make their home in .
Iwtianon, where th«- grimm is an
The Richardson Gap cheese fac­
tory is yoing full blast now ami the
product is far superior to any other
Ye editor ami family visit­
ed the plant last Friday ami found
the proprietor» genial and the pl «nt
i-xcrpti- «tally clean, which goe* a
long Way« in making the cheese pal-
A g«Mid plan for our people
to follow is to jiatronixe home in
dustry and watch it grow
If it
grows, w* all benefit. They find a
ready sale for the cheexe in other
markets, why not here. The pro­
prietors say they are receiving
6.800 pound*of milk daily ami could
uee three times that amount. With
the cheese factory, the comlenaerv
and the cream buying ataUons. our
daiymen should give them the pre­
ference and keep the money in cir­
culation here, l*-t us boost our
own Industrie«. and after giving
them full support ami we have
more than they can handle, then g»
elsewhere -but not until then.
Mr. Dairyman
Has List of 39
(Tin you afford to give vour skim
milk for 18c per 100 lbs? No, you
can’t. Your skim milk is worth f>Oc
« 100 as feed for your h«>g* and
chickens. You better buy an Anker-
Holth cream separator, the only
self-balance bowl nn the market.
Sold by Winner Produce Co., See«.
We trade for old m parator«.
Prof. H. F. Tobie has a list of 3H
pupils who have or will graduate
from the eighth grade this spring,
and each of them who wishes a copy
of "The Sphinx," the Scio High
School annual, can have one bv
writing him. Two of th a- gra«i«
uate* are from Stayton, 8 from
Mehama and 29 from Scio, or the
piners named are given ax their
poatofliers. None of them- 39 have
failed in all studies, but some «how
need for another examination, and
Prof. Tobie will be glad to give
them whatever instr uction they may
nev.| in order for them tn enter
high school.
The State Grange is in session
this week at McMinnville, and a
record attendance is the report.
Why buy elsewhere
when you can get
the heal at home for
t he name price.
Let us have your
Film« Ih-veloped
and Printed,
Give ut a call
Kelly’s Drug Store
The Hfxall Store
We wish to tender our sincere
thanks to ail th««"e who rendered
suer kindly assistance during the
death and burial of our lieloved
father, am! especially to the ladi«-»
who sang and for the beautiful
floral offerings
(.Tiarle* Chrx
Ed Chrx
Mrs Anna Stepanek
Mrs. Mary Bx-ran
Mrs Fanny Kalina
People’s Theatre
Presents Anita Stewart in
Hot Weather Notice
“In 0U
and a Toonerville comedy
June IO and 11
Cletus Holt is confined to his
home, on account of illness result­
ing from his many wounds received
dttrmg »he world war.
Admission 20c-35c
Mr. Dairyman, can you see
difference if your cream is tested at
urn* of delivery. or if you shipped
it off and youi cream starts to work
and run, and your cream is not test­
ed for at least 48 hours or later af­
ter you deliver it to your express
office? We can. and we can prove it
to you. For best results sell your
cream to W inner lT«»iucr Co.
11.75 1!». YEAR
Progress Is Being Made in Re­
pairing and Building
Commit tec Finds Floor Torn
Out Under Road—Bridge
Is Needed «I Plant
As per announcement in taut
weeks paper, the city council held
its regular monthly meeting at th«
city hall
Al! member* were pres­
ent except Mayor I’rill, who is in
eastern Oregon on a visit.
F. T. Thayer, president of the
council, acted as mayor and businem
proceeded uninterrupted.
A communication from the new
management of the defunct Morris
Bro« Bond house in Portland was
read, asking for information and
also gave some Information, but
there seemed to lie no one present
who knew what he wanted, and hi«
letter was refer««! to the way« and
means committee, city recorder un i
city treasurer to answer and report
Imck to the council.
There Iwing so much disturlmnce
on the «treels on some of the even­
ing« on which dances are given, a
representative from the Z. C. B. J
lodge was present and made sum*
Councilman McAdoo also
«poke upon the matter that caused
the publication of the article a few
weeks ago ami urged that something
I m - «lone t<> atop such unwarranted
rowdvixm. Plan« were developed,
and some tin«« evening the party or
parties causing these «list urbane«
will realise what these plan« are.
The council Iwlieved a* did ths
*|M-aker that now is a good time to
put a atop to it.
The city marshal report*«! that he
ha«l poaletl notice« and otherwise
notified property owner« to repair
or rebuild sidewalk« where needed,
ami work along that line is showing
There were but few bill«, and
they were ali<>we<| and ordered paid.
The light and water committee
reimrted that 'hev had found the
floor of the Hume under the road at
Jordan had Ix-vn Lorn out and that
this »o causing the greater seepage
there under the Jordan mill. It
recommended that a concrete tlume
lie built from the headgate and also
that the repair be made < nder the
road. The committee reported on
(Continued on page 3.)