* » .. 7 i ■ w • * 9 * a ♦ I . If ». • ♦ • * «• * • . • • ’ »* " •»2 - • -IS V- • » * •• • « >*• .. » • * » » • • • ‘ » - A . ' * *r* • X lai •c, ? »■* Í ••• ' A • * ■> *v a. I- * ? ' J* i • ♦ A « L? «*• « • ■ •7 t, < H* N / JP ivt * JM» ** V.|H X» * Jt* 4, Hon. WILL H. HAYS EX CHAIRMAN, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE TELEGRAPHS RALPH E. WILLIAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM AI&2NY 93 Blue Fi N«w York NY 19061* May 5 1922 Ralph E. Williams. Republican National Committeeman. Portland, Oregon. KAI PII E A ILLI A MS Vice-Chairmen Kcpuhllcan National Commi tie« VOTE X 13 Mutual friend» have told me that you are a candidate for re-eleeUon as Re­ publican National Committeeman this year, and I am constrained U> »end Juel thia word of appreciation for your splendid service on the committee all th« time that I was chairman. Your •lection as vice chairman of the nation­ al committee was the fulleet poaatble evidence of the commute«'» gratllude to you and their confldenc« in your^great future usefulness to the committee and to the party, In this I join moot heartily. Kindest regards and wwbea always, WILL H. HAYS. EDITORIAL FROM I HE MORNING OREGONIAN. H» WILLI A Hi HMt tOKHTOUJIAN Will II Hays, who but lati-ly retired chairti.au <>r ihe republican national ri'iiunlll*«, pay* tribute In a telegram I«* the a«-ri • in-rformed to th< repub­ lican party bv the committeefnan for Ur.,-' E Muhmr» Mr » •hvuki know.' Ill» UstinMNiy may tie accepted »» Min ething more than a mere polite and formal «xpreaaioo of approval, to be expected fromone mem- li«r of ih« arty i* verv high. The national commlltvemanahip i» a party job. Il pay» nothing in »alary m but it earn«» manv r«»|>onail>ilitirs. and call» fur work. Ila rewaida are, of course, recognition of leadership, and th« pri-stig« ami influence that go with It. Mr. A ilhama has been th« commit- teeman for Oregon for fourteen year», and i* a candidati- for re-«lection There I» no good reason why h» should nut be re eie. ted,there »re good reason» why he •hould be, the mo»t obvious and unan »werabl« of which M that I« has a high piace with th« committee. I» on term» of intimacy and confidence with the nati-mal leaders of the republican party. I* in line for the national chairmanship, and can, and doubt ii-aa will, perform service which no new man, whatever his qualities, can possibly perform. Ì he Oregonian is reluctant to inter­ fere tn the contest fur national commit- tienmn; but the advantage» to the rv publican party in Oregon of Mr Will­ iams election ar« ao plain that it feels that it should point them out pictures of th« pant ear, "Toi'abie Notice David,'' comes to the Peoples Thea­ Notice is hereby given that the ter Saturday and Sunday nights. undersigned will sell at public auc­ You should aee it. tion to the highest binder for cash Ed Roberst has tieen awarded the in hand one iron grey gelding. 0 contract for bridge timbers to be years old, and branded with th* used in lh* construction of the letters JI) connected, on the left Shimanek bridge, which was wash­ stifle, to sstisfy a lein in favor of ed out during the flood. 8<2 50 and the meta and expencea Mias Frande« Eokert and Mias of th» sale, sail sale will take place Ruth Wirth, of Portland, were at the William Brenner feed barn week-enb guests of Mrs. 1) C. in the town of Scio. Linn County, Thoms. These ladle» «ill teach in Oregon, on the 3rd day of June, the Scio school» next year. 1922. at the hour of 10 A’ciock a m. Mrs James Rirhanivon, of Amity, of said day. a former resident of Scio, writes Dated th» I3lh day of May . 1922. that she is very anxious to hear C. M. Kendall. Sherriff of lunn County, Oregon. from Scio regularly and will again become a reader of the friliune. By J. N Weddle. Deputy. Report ha» it that Georges Car­ pentier is U> meet J ark l>mp«y for Gymnastic Club Sokol Picnic the world's champion heavyweight Chrvstal l»ke Park, Milwaukte boxer again a>me time t>efor* next Sunday, Mav 28. Dancing after­ May. either in London or Pari» noon and evening. Exhibition by Gospel servios will I «eg in in the ! Sokols Entertainments. Hand Scio Baptist church next Tuewday music in the park Addmiesion to evening and continue nightly at park 10 cents. Tickets on Ml« at 7 '10 All »r< invited to attend the Tribune. these services. with E K. Bally, of Seattle, in chargi When the new addition tn Considerable improvementa on th« Stay ton Woolen Mills is com sidewalks are being made. Fred pleted, a force of 150 people will i»e Jones and Joe Oupor are excavating employed, both day and night The for a cement walk around their res­ chair factory is also nearing com­ idence» and others are r>-pairing or pletion there as well as the tiegin- rebuilding walk* , rung of a cannery building, which j Dr. A G. Prill and wife will I ave places Slayton on the map commerci­ Saturday morning for an auto trip ally. It la lime fur Scio to gel buay thruug eastern Oregon, principally luike county they exia-ct to lie gone about a month, and enjoy the beauties of the lakes and other scenery of the great empire of east­ ern Oregon. Come to Scio on May 20th. Sr w« IM» »»l iw O im uiw I m nt iwt lawM For Sale- t ton Ford truck. Rtl Call at the Day Motor Co.. Al­ bany Ore, . For Sale Player piano, 8350. 8225 Inquire at the down, cost 87&O W-llc Tribune office. I am in the market for fat iamb« and sheep and will pay higheet market price. Phone when ready.. J. L Rodgers 39p Score Cards -Get your "SOO" acore cards at the I'KIBI'NE office. 2c per card, or 2} cents per card by mail, postpaid For Sale tiomi steel range with rewrvoir. cheep for cash. See it at Densmores feed store. Chas. Chrt, Scio. 33tf For Sale Horse, 9 years old. weighs 1200 lbs. For particulars phone 143 or write A. C. Rahn. Scio. Oregon. SOtf-c For Sale--3 j ton Republic truck, steel wheels, Buda motor, prtca 8)000. Good terms and will take trade. Ca'I at the Day Motor Co., Altiany. Oregon. For Sale One light touring car. licensed 1922. good tires, mechan­ ically good 8150. Starter, bat­ tery nearly new Call al the Day Motor Co., Albany. Ore. Attention There is some movement in good improved farms in trades and sale List your property with rm- and I will find you a deal. Thomaa Large. Ite For Sale 2 well broke hornee, 6 and 7 years old, weight about 1800 pou< de. 8150 for the pair if »old quick. Inquire of Mrs. L. M Marner, route 1. Scio. Wanted Two or three good boys or girls in every community to take subscriptions for the Tribune. If any one is interested, please Come in and make arrangements to go to work. Attractive price to each solicitor. For Sale Overland, 8175, good car Frank Prokop was in from the and good terms. Call at the Day farm Tuesday <>n business, and cal- Motor Co., Albany Oregon. led at the Tribune office and left For Sale Nearly new Ford truck the wherewithal thst sends the This ear is a bargain, good tires. (Pani Adv. by (.ommittv of Republicans, C. L. Starr, Sec'y, «17 Board of Tribune to hi» home for another Call at the Day Motor C®., Trade Bldg , Purtland, Ore. ) bany. Ore. year He likes the Tribune and would not be without it. For Sale One Dodge touting, 8350. W M ,M< »fielt spent last Wednes­ good tires and paint, mechamcaly W. E Price, who was committed day in Albany. LOCAL BREVITIES o. k. Call at the Day Motor Co., to the state insane hospital in 1920, Albany, Oregon. Riley Shelton made a business according to advices received bv the trip to Albany Monday. The Two Lentei of Your Glasses. Roe Shelton »pent ihurwlav in county clerk, died on February 28, For Sale One 1920 Chevrolet lour­ ing car, new paint and good tire» Ottie Compton is working in 1922. It «rem» to take a long time Albany. should be »elected »eparately. Net one all overhauled and guaranteed by person in a million has two uyea exact­ Stay ton for a few weeks. to get word from Salem to Albany, Get your gebt» furnishing» at J. ly alike. Hence what will aid one eye the Day Motor Co. Albany. Or» may injure the other. We pay eapeeial F. Wew-ly'a. 3N 2t ■Mrs. Reliecca Morris is visiting especially from the state hospital For Sale 3j ton Federal truck attention to this feature and give each .Mis» Ruth Muller, of Eugene, Jeff Bilyeu »pent Thursday in the friends in Aliumy for s few days with dump body. Guaranteed eye a separate and distinct examination and select lense < beat suited for earh. same as new at leas than half county »eat. Miss Msrgy Firchsu, of Albany. formerly domestic science teacher price. Call at the Day Motor Co. i in the Scio high school, is a guest of S F. Zvwwt transacted buainewi is visiting fricnes near Scio this Ailiany. Ore. Mrs. Riley Shelton during graduat­ week. in Altmny Friday. ion week. She will leave here for Mrs. M J. Fick I in is spending a Fred Bilyeu made a hurried visit Corvallis Friday, visiting friends few days at the Isaac Campbell to Albany last Friday. there a few day» before returning A pur» hardwheat patent. home in All»any. There I» no better. Picture printing and enlarging to her home. Carried by 8. A Pease and wife, of Jeffer ­ HAROLD ALBRO. quickly done. J. F. Weaely. A letter from Mrs Archie Ixmg, John B. Couey Manufacturing Optician son. were calling on D. C. Thoms who is now located at Ctoverdaln, i Mrs Fred Bilyeu was an Albany and wife Sunday, says they appreciate the Scio Tri­ busineas visitor Thursday. Work on the Standard Oil Sub­ bune iiecauae it is like a letter from F. A. Hough was among out of station at West Scio has resumed home They all say it. ami we ap­ town visitors in Albany Thursday. and no doubt will soon be finished. ; preciate the fact She says they RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS Rring your Kodak developing to The local Pythian Sisters attended are milking 36 cow» now. and they All funerals given personal attention by Mr. I owe work done right. J. F. Weeely. the Is*b«non Sisters lodge in that are quite busy, we'll any. Services and I rices Guaranteed to Satisfy ) very I us turner Lady Attendant if desired All en­ Chris Silvemagle returned last N. C. Lova Ed Bilyeu is the purchaser of a city last Wednesday night N. I. Moaaiaos 1 Aato Lebanon joyed the meeting. I'hone-iiay. .r.»7 ' Thursday night from a visit Ui his new • Forrlson tracton from Fred Equipment l*hone » I'hone—Sight, 39& brother. Carl, near L» Angeles. ■Mrs. Art Shelton, acconioanied Bilyeu. veeeeaee«eeeeeeeeesseeee«a«eeee«eeeeeeeeeeeeee«««>♦♦ by her son, Elden Knauf, is lesving Cal. He stopped here to call on James Croaaman attended to busi­ friends for s few minutes Monday ness matters in Albany last Thurs­ today for a short visit to her morning, then accompanying Father daughter*» home in California. day afte nun. Sleder to Stay ton and back to his Earl Browning was in from Shind» Chick feed and poultry supplies home at Jordan . that are as good as can lie bought. ler bridge Tucwlay on business. He The Oregon State drainage Aaso- says he will soon tw-gin manufactur- 38-2t J. F. Wesely. ciation will hold its annual held in claplxiard» for the market. The IJnn County Realty Board meeting June I to 3. and will start There are eighteen memtiers in will meet at the Albany Hotel on from Salem, taking in the drainage June H. The hoard held an inform­ the senior graduating class at districts of Marion. Linn. Lane. al meeting in Albany Iasi week and Brownsville thia year, and the grad­ Benton, Polk. Yamhill and Washing­ decided on the above date for the uating exercises will b« held un ton counties, debarking at Forrest June 2. county meeting. Grove on the third Geo Mansfield and wife, of The following named men and Salem, were business visitors at their wives attended a club dance Scio last Thursday Mr. Mansfield in Lebanon Tuewlay night J. L. is a first class sign painter and docs Kelly. R M Cain. E H. Hobson, you will use no other, bccauss Chare« work thst is lasting. John Neal E G. Arnold, C. W. are mail« up of a per­ • a A M«