« * * ■ GILKEY STATION ; ♦•♦♦♦♦■to May 16 T A. Hough was transacting business in Albany Wednesday Mies Juanita Mespwlt, teacher of th* DeVauev school, will give a closing program and ice cream so­ cial Thur-rtlay evening. beginning at ““— AdMMttstritru's Nttict A cordial invitation is day. extended to all to com* W A Gilkey* attended the bac­ Mr. Walter Morri, is confined to calaureat* sermon in Scio Sunday hsr bed Dr. Hobson is attending evening : be*. Mrs. Tom Phillipa and daughter, Lester Holt and wife, of Corvallis, came down from Hungry Hill to and William Stoutenberg, of Da»- attend Sunday school Sunday ton. wer* visiting at T. M and J. WW W*................................................................... ..... G. Holt's Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kelly and son. ; SHELBURN NEWS | Reiley, Visited at Jonnj Kelley1» Sunday May IS Mrs. Sam Stewart returned Wed- Nolic« is hereby given that the un- . j new!ay fr«»m an ««tended visit to dersigrwKi has been by the county court i lx»»Ang*l«*a *She reports th* weath- of l inn county. Oregon, duly appointed [' *r cool there when she left. Work administratrix of th* estat* of John hotan, deceax-d. j ia Karra, but her sons have good 11! persons having claims against said !' pro*pects estate are hereby requested to present the same to the urxier»lgn»- A">* hors)». Administratrix. Atty, for Admrx. I . M. t'ai children, of near Sanderson bridge, Date of first publication, April 27,’ 22 Date of last publication. May 25. *22 visited Sunday at the Leonard Gil­ key home. Mr. Ray is a veteran rural mail carrier, having bran in Notice to Creditors the service for eight years In sev­ Notice is hereby given that the un- nerxigm-d I mmi been duly appoiuted by en mor* years he will be eligible to the County Court of the Stale of Ore­ a pension. His route extend* above gon, for Linn County, administrator of the estate of Henry Leffler, deceas'd, Crabtree, and most of the year he ami has qualified. cannot urn* his car. All iwr-ons having claims against Mid estate are hereby required to present them, duly verified, with the proper vouchers, within six (6) month, from date of tins notice to the undersigned administrator, at his residence, in Scio, in Linn County. Oregon. Dated and first published this IFth day of May. 1922. Jons F. Lamas. Administrator of the estate of Henry Leffler, deceased. H ili . A M arks , Attorneys for Administrator. Executor's Notice if Fiaal Accmt Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned executor of the last will and testament of Emil Holz fuss, deceased, has filed his final account as such exec­ utor in the County Court of Linn coun­ ty. Oregon, and the said Court has fixed Saturday, th* 27th day of .May, 1922. at the hour of ten o’clock a m . as the time for the bearing of objections to said accouut and the settlement there­ of. Dated and the first publication hereof is April 27. 1922. 1-KRti H ounvss , Executor W m . 8. liisxi.v, Atty, for Executor Last publication May 25, 1’322 Mr and Mrs. J. G. Holt. Cletus and Will Holt, visited the tulip farm in Polk cuunty, near Salem. Sunday. They report a large crowd and a pleasing sight. Alvin Shepherd, of Scotts Mills, visited John Shepherd's Sunday , and t«>ok them to Sodaville and Vtaterloo. Th* wild mushrooms ar* now a luxury adorning the breakfast table. Air ami Mrs. Frank Prokop and daughter. Anna Mary, visited at the V Prokop home in Scio Sunday A community sing wa» held at the John Shepherd home Sunday *ven- ing. A dress form demonstration was held at Mrs. W. A. Gilkey's Thurs­ day morning, given by two (). A. C. extension servict« worker*. Mr* and Miss McComb* (no relation) whom Mr. Williamson brought »ver Mother's Dav was otwervesl by our Sunday School with very im­ pressive exercise*. Mrs S B Holt played and sang "Give Flowers to the Living;” W. A. Gilkey read "Why We Observe Mother's Day." Mr*. Edna Gilkey and Mrs. S B. Holt sang "Mother’• Prayers Have Malcom Miller purchase«! a new Chevrolet car last week. Frank (Jooch and family were over from Albany Sunday visiting relative* in Shelburn Claud Churchill an! family, of McMinnville, visited with hi« moth­ er am! family Sunday Word was receive«! here last week that twin girls were born to Mr and Mrs Dixon, of North Santiam, former residents of Shelburn com­ munity. They are to I* railed Margaret an* loaded on th* cars from there, .Mr.. Tom Flemming came to th«’ able to be poesen!. Henry Shope ami Virgil Shilling I hospital Tuesday for medical treat­ FOM S ai Ji Old pajier*, 10c jwr called at the H. 0. Shilling home ment. bundle at the Tribune office Saturday evening. Alfred Powell and family were in Jefferson Sunday, where a pleasant j surprise dinner was given in honor ■ of Mr Powell's mother. Mr, Mary Powell, by all the children, except ’ Mrs R C. Hambly, of Portland who was unable to come. There were sixteen children and grand­ children present. Everyone enjoyed the bounteous dinner. T. M. Rutaeli ami family were , Sunday dinner guests of Mr*. Rus sell's parents, W. H McLain's Ernest McCrea ami Mr. McCrea’s father visited at the H (). Shilling I' Real Estate Broker home Sunday and Notary Public Ephriam Zink sawed wood for ytbslruilt Obtained. (Examined Fritz Patras Monday Peter McCrea and family were jCIO - - • OREGON visiting at H 0. Shilling* Sunday. George Miller expect* to return Followed Me;” Mm. J. G Holt read from Portland tonight, after hav­ "Love and Pel Me Now " Miss ing gone that far with hi* mother, Nora Holt; of Albany, presented all MORTICIANS who is leaving Portland t«>day for the mother* preoenl with pink and | her old home In Ancestor, Iowa. Rest of ’tervica, both Professionally white carnations. Her many friends here wmh her a and in Funeral Conducting. Mr*. Elmer Whetstone, of Altiany pleasant trip I ady Assistant always. Best of visited home folks Sunday. Equipment am! Prices Guaran­ A. Shank* and Calvin Trollingvr Mr*. Ida Yunker took her table teed Kight for Everybody. motor«*«! to Saivm Saturday evening runner, which won a prize in N*w P hons 16 to attend a show, York City, to Albany ami put it in IER a X o S > OREGOW J. W Hiron* an«! family spent a store tn be sold. It was sold that Sunday visiting with friend* in “ I , til • aa ■* * <«» »»♦♦a..»»•>. Stayton ................. Have Yo« a Saviaga Accwnt ? o John Bentz and wife transacted II yes bavs to*. kw» H pwrias II »«• haw mm . start « m < i business at the county seat last ' We pay 4 percent interest on Mvmgs acounts which we credit to your ! Saturday. ' i. it .-very sis months Conalder your savings account I «a a r-gu > lar mil. one that must be paid as regularly as the rent or grocery bill. ! Rufus Ku*—II am! wife -i - nt the Riley Shelton w»re Salem shopwrrs Friday and went to g*t equipment for th* mill, we hear. Wonder if It to be Mi»- Enraged Cow Attacks Mrs. L. *«>uri style? Jake Weldeman was a Jordan Kruml Injuring her— shopper Monday XX ill Recover Miss Elsie Pepperling who has i ------------ been visiting at Salem returned When entering the barnyard home Saturday. Monday Mrs. L. Kruml was attack- Clair. Thomas of Stayton ara. a al)d tMu|ly gl>red by mfuri.U(| Jordan visitor Sunday row. She was rushed to the Scio Mr. Hatman and family attend»-1 hospital, where it was discovered the ball game Sunday. that she was almost completely dis- Mesdams: H. Phillips and M. embowled, but according to the two Privett called on Mrs Cronie Mon­ physicians in attendance, recovery day afternoon is expecleti unleas Complications set The ball game between Mt Pleas­ in. ant and Jordan Sunday was well The accident occured at the farm attended. Jordan won by a score home of L. Kruml. when Mrs. 23 to 6. Kruml entered the barn lot, wher* Si Phillipa motored to Alltany a dog had had l>*en teasing a cow. Friday. Miss attended the store which had a yunng calf. The cow during his al«s*nce. was enfuriatvd and when Mr*. O rkqon M iht Kruml entered attacked her. Sh* is 37 years old and has several Mm» Hilda Roth, of Corvallia. children. motored to Scio last Saturday, ami was accompanied by Mrs Morcum J. N. Ling planned and executed and her uncle. Edward ¡.awry They a surprize dinner for hl. wife last ram* for a few hour» visit with Sunday. It being her 46th birthday. Miss Etta Morcom. Mr Lawry is She was also the honor guest be­ a Nortn Dakota farmer, ami ha. cause the anniversary of her birth I teen visiting the past week at the fell on Mothers Day this year. Sain He Stoller and wife anti William Sun* Morcom home in Corvallis like« the Willamette valley, and ami family were guest, other than hopes to return for another visit in th* family. Three if the boys. l>el- the near future bert, Archie and Willard, were un­ Aluminum Sale Aluminum Double Boiler age Wright & Poole You will never give it up. Aluminum Doublo Roaster Aluminum Percolator Your Choice of the Alxive w QQ arsfC R- M. Cain The Wincheater Store < . i : The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon • WHERE SAVINGS ARE SaFf Aluminum Sauce Pan Set « «,, lalweu m J na sen» TURKISH VTRCHNIA BtRLJLY f I /¡I 1 H ì FTEEN i week-end with Mrs Russell's par- ’ ents, the Edward Jones’. John Ransom and wife left for , Corvallis Sunday morning to spend - the day with their son. John Jr., at the (). A. C. Emery Bino and family were over from Albany Sunday to spend th* day with A. Hazeleamp and wife. Clinton Georg* and his father were in Stay ton on business one day last wees. There was a big crowd at the dance here Friday night. All *|»-nt an enjoyable evening. Guy Wyman and Chas. Mc|jun calle,I on Friu Fan as Sunday for a chat. Fred Shilling ia surely making the wool fly around in this neighbor- hood, and has been for th* past few week*. ♦ : JORDAN ITEMS » ♦ * IQ ■mu. ax * toto to to to to to to to to to^ May 16 Nil Bender and Mito Laura Fini J. K. \V I Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries Gents’ Furnishings Garden and Field Seeds Kodak Developing, Printing and Enlarging .-¿d r...