Free r e ■apnuw POULTRY ■MHDuaur**¡«a-inmrà For a limited time only we are giving absolutely free with each regular Vacuum Cup l ire purchased. One “Ton Tested” Tube of corresponding size C 1 he extra thickness of the Vacuum Cup I read plus the extra plies of high­ est quality fabric and the good-measure tread of hundreds of sturdy, non-skid Vacuum Cups, make Vacuum Cup 1 ires, at prevailing prices, the biggest value on the market. Thia devartment conduct^ by Shanks, of Shslbum, Orvgun The Scio Garage, The first eserntial for a good lay­ er is a strong, vigorous, well devel­ oped body. Any hen that «how» a lack of vigor should be eliminated. This lack of vigor may be indicate.! by a long thin beak and head (crow head I. by dull eyes, pale swiveled c»mb. long toenails, and by the habit of spending much time during the day on the perches This type of hen should be sent to market at ’ any season of the year she is ob­ served. whether she is three months ' or three year« old A hen usually stope laying as soon SCIO, OK EGON. 1 ! SANTIAM FARM NEWS ! May 16 Mr. Flanagan came out from Scio Sunday and finished getting all the hay ‘he old man had left. John Davenport and wife, of Lar- wo i, and Melvin Gaines and wife, of Portland, pulled in Thursday night for an old time chat, It was the first time in 20 years to meet my nephew. Curtis Griffin and hia new wife.of San Francisco, with Mr«. Ixivejov, of Da as. have l»een spending a few «lay's with their mother. Mrs. S. W Caines, left Saturday for Dallas for a short visit with Mrs. Lovejoy. They will shortly return to 'Frisco, where both have steady jobs. Fishing Goods Com«* and get yottr outfit 11.1 vi- von got that large piece of Aluminum Ware yet? .........................s May 15 We Have a Nice Line of It is going like hot cak.««—all out of a iti-nix. Sale lasts all week utiles« sold otit few v Oregon Made Goods When you can and help build up your state Th«* Stove« and Ranges wt- handle ar« the equal any stove or range on the market. The prices are lower on the aaia»« grade«. Great Reductions E.ast Through California Round Trip Summer Tourist Tickets On Sal»- May 26 to August 3l»t Octubert 31st. Return Limit Liberal Stopover Privileges. High Point«" on the Way— .4 lh< Uktnous Stakiyuus Majestic Mt Shasta Ths Ituggvd Sierras *. * •* I it' % “Pleasure Places" You Must See — San Francisco World famous city that "’tis hard to leave" l»s Angeles Wonder city and noted tourist center San Diego Romantic city “Where California began." rHKKK N ational PARK* Y '••mile Sequoia General Grant. Scores of Seashore and Mountain Resort« For fare«, •l«---ping ear reservations or beautiful folders ask any agent, or write SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES «0 JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. i Our Political Smith, Jess Ch as tine and son took dinner with Mr, and Mis. John Cos­ tello last Sunday. (('■ontmued from page 1.) For Governor. Walter M Pierce, Mabel Davenport was a week end visitor with her parents. Mr »nd of Union munty. For State Treasurer, write in Mrs. J. L. Davenport Mrs. Daisv Elliott, of Portland, name of Milton A. Miller, who hat «pent Thursday night with Mrs announced hie candidacy since the tilings closed. Robert Elliott For County Com mi »si oner, long Mr and Mrs John Costello called term, J. I) Isom. «1 the home of Jess Chastine Sun­ day evening Oliver Curry purchased a cow and wo "babv" pigs at Lacomb last week. Ed posvar and wife called on Win, Larwood and wife Sunday afternoon Mrs Carson Davenport visited Miss Dive Curry one day last week Mias Dixie Curry called on Mrs Robert Elliott one afternoon last Week I n < TXJNITO Again assuring our reader« that they are not bound to follow our suggestions. nor do we want tn die» tale, but we Iwlieve they represent the safe and sane policies of the old parties. The ladies aid societies of Federated church held a sliver at the home of Mrs. Frank Wednesday afternoon. Going to Build? the vent, eye ring. i>cak and shank, in the order named Larwood Items e. « • ♦ .... ................................................ Just in. as she begins to molt, and It may t>e fr<>m six weeks to m months la-fore she begins laying again. It is only in rare case« that a leghorn or a hen <>f other small breeds lay dur­ ing the moit. The early mullers take the longest time to complete the molt and are usually the poorest layer«. As a rule all the hens that begin to molt before the middle of August should be sent to market. Since the early muller is so readily ssM, this is one of the easiest fac­ tors to use in calling. The molt can be forced at any lime, but there is n>> practical advantage In doing •» Prevent it as long as possible. The poor layers are laxy. inactive, spend considerable time on the perches, and at feeding time stay on the farther side of the flock, as though ashamed to be seen. The replanted, as the weather is nice and warm now. Some one seems to hav« the wrong sow by the tail, as th« Scio orchestra played two weeks ag > for the big dance at the Scio hail, and it came out in the Tribune that the Portland boys received the honor of furnishing the musts. *o it docs not ■ good layer is healthy and active, has seem to set well with the Scio or­ a good appetite, is not nervous or chestra on a-a empty stomach flighty, comes up close at fecdi g Billy Benin and wife, of Rogers time, is usually singing and happy Mountain, calk*«! in for a short visit ami wants to be appreciated. The with her sister, Mrs. Id Kalina, and good layer has a large, open, moist also at the Saniiam Farm for a sup­ vent. The skin on the abdomen is ply of rhubarb, getting <• j>oundomen capacity is three tingeisor Corn planting seems to more. The spread of the pubic order of the day. a* most bones is at least two fingers and are neighltors ar* making good thin and pliable. the warm sun. In breeds with vellow shanks and Misa A nene Smail finished up her iwaks. heavy production always re­ eight month’s school near theShind- duces thia yellow color. A hen with ler bridge Friday with perfect satis­ a yellow beak and shanks at any faction to patrons and scholars. time from June to August has un­ doubtedly been a poor layer. The Mrs. S W Gaines is a little poor« yellow color returns in a short time, ly on account of the warm weather, as it does not agree with her. being after egg production has stooped, to .Mr Fritz, of Lebanon, the Raw- leighs agent, called in Saturday. Il-- has »--Id his agency to William Mitters. of Scio, and was collecting open accounts where he had sold supplies while canvassing. The old man got too smart and so fleshy- weighs ‘.Hi pounds plant- i hia corn two weeks too •gr­ PIE LATER ly. t he ground was too cold and wet. -> it rotted, and Saturday he Su bee ritte for the Tribune ; A. HOW TO CULL A FUX K OF HENS <1 Come in and get a copy of the latest price schedule—you will be agreeably aur prised. Get your season's tire equipment today and a free tube with every tire pur­ chased. Profit by Marvin Davenport and wife and Mrs. C. C. Davenport and children spent the week-end at Is-banon. Milo Bartu and wife visited rela­ tives in this vicinity last Sunday. I Mr, and Mr«. Frank Ronrr and •son. Paul, visited the Frank Shind­ ler home Sunday. Mrs. Daisy Bliott and Floyd Gaines and wife motored from Port­ land one day last week for a short visit with the J. L. I »avenport’s. Miss Bernice Davenport attended a dance in Iwbanon last Friday night. Sid Stringer and wife spent Sat- Iprday night amt Sun-lay with Mrs. Stringer’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westrnhouse Plans for houses, barns, chicken houses, etc., furnished free. Come look them over. Let us give you an estimate on the one you want. Scio Logging & Lbr. Co SCIO OREGON ♦♦♦♦♦ THIS IS STRAW HAT TIME Hazel Howard was an all day vis­ of Try Ottw N. I. Morrison £ itor with Mary Rom-r last Sunday. Robert Elliott, wife and son. Bobbie, visited Ben Schmitt ami wife last Sun-lay Mrs. Grace Vaulkman visited Mrs. John Costello last Saturday. Carsun Davenport has just finished painting the dwelling house of (ieo. Tieyen. who recently held a public auction sale, and now resides in San Francisco. Mr and Mrs. Waller Woods and Ij^Ue «laughter. Mr. and Mrs Wm. 25c to $2.00 You must «♦*♦• them appreciate the value Hibler & Gill Co Scio frv.J A. ‘ A ? » . m *.«v • ». 'M. •* * ■’ * V. W w-.-