The Scio tribune. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1919-19??, May 18, 1922, Image 2

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A •
2nd. Stay ton Bid
Mils run. Sim« 1st. Freemen
Slav ton. 2nd. Prespal 3rd
220 Hurdles. M elk 1st. Neal 2nd
Hollis 3rd.
Half mile. Hollis 1st. Sims 2nd,
That Saturday. .May 20. is Community Day?
Proapal 8 rd
Two o’clock at Z. C. B. J. hall. Come
High jump, t'arth- w» >d 1st and
Shaw 2nd. both of Mill City, Knauf
penalty, thus legalising one branch
Broad Jump, White 1st, H-.III«
of the society that Is far more dan­ 2nd. Neal 3rd
gerous to the comonwealth than all
Where it Our Guardian?
the members of all the different
i labor union« now formed in Amer-
laut Saturday night *u ju«t auch
' ica. For years there has liven
Il n
Manu­ a night a* would bring »ut all the
ri» maintained by the Nationul
facturers Association, or employer«, people, and Scio was not to be over­
a paid bureau wh<««e duty it is to looked. Some one. we don’t know
«•quip professional thug«, (often who, import«»! a lot of I mhixc into
criminals of the worst type), to our peaceful little city, and some of
, minbat striking men and women our citizens were »at I t be liberal
ngainst injustice« that mean depri­ purchaser« and liberal drinker«
vation from the hare necessities of
life, and if he »Inkers did not start and ungrntlemaniy language was
I viel*»
something, these "professionals” use»! on the streets, and threats
no " m m-4 <•— K-< .ob­
li, far wbrfll H
were to and did. thus bringing upon bordering on murder were made.
. <>. I ,!«■<> .ml Ju.
the toiler« the condemnation of the Why do we not have p«acv officers
iww to» «4L
Why will
public that could not be gained by upon «uch occasion«?
the usual procedure of ainng the men they call thcm*rlvc» men
T mukmday . M ay 18. 1922
rendition« from which the workers imbibe to «uch an extent that they
w.-rr trying to free themselves by la-come worse than beasts? Such
I'HK houaewivea of Scio »ay that
peacefully walking out and letting thing« will bring al «out stringent
what thia town needs is fewer pow­
measures bv th«* city that will cause
the world know the cause
der puff* and more broom«.
Now, to bring the worker« fur­ violators untold e iibarra on«-hl. and
ther under the thumb of the land them Itehind the bar«
T he ladirs remove their hats in
employer«, it is proposed to hang
the theatre», but the bora with the
each officer of the union affected by ordered drafte«! bv the ordinance
pompadour < ut» still obstruct the
the strike.
Doe« this mean that committee that will put a Stop to
v tew.
this move is intended by example to such nuisance« and, if thev should
prevent organizations having lead­ continue, the probability is that en­
ONK of the principal national
ers? Does it mean that autocracy tertainments such as dances might
If our uffirievrs do
source« which thia country ha» is to assume control of this land of be forbidden
scarely U-gun tu utilize ia the col­ the free? Does it mean that the their duty and our citizens become
lection of tinea from automobile worker is about to lose his freedom ladies and gentlemen such drastic
of working for whom he pleases measures will not be needed.
do you Know?
■ :/
B usin co* nun «ay a more rapid
turnover is necessary.
But the
sp«*«>dlng motorists do not a»k for
any more tapid turnover a» they
roll Into the ditch
I f the Republican« of Oregon
want to be represented by a com-
mllteeman recognised a» a leader of
the naiiixial party organisation pos-
M»«m>d of the |»>w«-r and influence
that goes with leadership, they will
vote for Ralph E Williams and hi»
continued service in l*half of hi«
party and state. Hay City Exam­
I n driving about the country, the
citit) n» of Scio will notice sign»
pointing the way and giving the
numlier of miles to various cities
and pontnffice« but never docs he
see a pointer showing the way to
Scio, or giving the numtier of mile»
thereto. Why is there no sign«**
|k> we imagine everv travelor knows
where we are. or how far we are
from the points they are passing?
There ia only one way to attract
|ieople to us advertise all of the
time, advertisr! It is neVer to late
to t»egin. but it is sometimes costly
in our lateness *o begin now.
' J
Local Market Qaofatioaa
P ovltkv , Vgau AND Eo<M
Hens. 4 lbs and over
liens, under 4 lbs
___ _
Spring«. If Ibe and up
Broilers, under if lbs
Stags _ _______ ______
• oeks
. — -
_ -
Veal, fancy no 1
Dressed pork. no. 1 blockers
Eggs, ca«h. 15c trade
Egg«, white «elect
Rutter fat ...
11 40
Mill run
• «»
«> *r
9- **• •» •*>
____ 2 SO
Egg producer
2 10
Ground barley
Rolled barley
____ 200
Shelled corn, eastern
(¡round or cracked corn
(’hick feed
3 26
(‘hick starter, mash
Growing feed
On Your Work
Clothing !
Men’s heavy blue denim bib
Overalls, full cut,
Hard wheat
Soft wheat
12.10 2.20 2 30
$ 1.00 per pair
M um Daisy Buckner was the hon­
oree at a blue shower given at the
home of Mrs. Fred Bilyeu Tuesday
When the guests were
ready to depart they were invited
to the Hollis confection« ry where
rcfre«hmenu were served.
Blue Chambray Work Shirts
two pockets, full cut,
7 5c each
Work Gloves, canvas, leath­
er faced,
25c per pair
Mr«. Daley ia visiting her daugh-
ter in Portland.
All leather Goatskin Gloves.
45c per pair
We make a Specialty of
Engagement and
Wedding Rings
The Blain Clothing Co.
Value First
Albany, Oregon
F. M. French & Sons
and wh«*n he pleases? 1« hanging
Baccalaureate Sermon
to apply only to the labor unions?
rhese question« are of vital imoor j
The Federated church was well
taticv, la-cauM- they may be brought
packen Sunday night to hear the
up against the farmer and his or- •
baccalauicate sermon delivered by
gamzatlons, if the organization goes;
Rev J. J. (anole». pastor of the W A. Earing,
A. E. Randall
again«! the New York Stock ex ,
Vice Pr«w.
Presbeterian ehur»h in larbanoo. President
change, the Chicago Hoard of Trade
E. D. Myers. Cashier
Rev. Canolea is a forceful speaker
and the "bucket” «hop«.
Start a bank account today and
and ia well like«! by our citizens,
provide for your future.
There has la-en no suggestion of
You will find a checking ac­
who always accorp him a large
hanging the men who are directly i
count very CowVehieut fvi y.»ur
hearing. His remarks were full of
business transactions. We pay
responsible for the strikes business
interest on time deposits.
good advice to the gradual«-«, and
men who have a big pull with the
showed them that road to success
courts and the autorities. Give thei
We are in the market for
depended on the course they petsue
worker and the producer a fair deal
Mutton, Sheep and Fat Lambs
in future activities: if good. the
all (he time, and there will be no
I failure will be recorded. Professor
Get our prices before telling
labor troubles and no great slump
I ruble acted as chairman of the
Phillippi & Warner
in the price of the farmers pre­
Hang the man who employs
thug« as well as the labor leader,
anti then society will surely become
The Store with a Square Deal
for Every Customer.
Subscribe for the Trittune
Sanitary Meat Market
-.. . Dealer» in— ——
Fresh and Cured Meats
We buy
Veal, Pork A. Poultry
Shelton & Co. Props
cleaner am! safer. Do not discrim-
mate it might brc<»me a boomer-
Scio Win« Again
Scio was winner in the field meet
at Stayton Saturday, May 13, scor­
ing M points to the nearest oppon­
ents 39. Although Stayton,Turner,
Mill Citv and Scio were entered in
the meet it soon grew into a dual be-
tsrern Scio am! Mill City with the
latter in the lead in the first half of
the in«*et, due to the ability of Olin,
of Mill City in the field events and
dashes. He won three firsts and
two seconds for a «core of 21 for
high point man, with Hollis secund
with lHf points, by winning two
firsts, two second« an«! a third, and
tieing a memlier of the winning
relav team. White was third with
12i points, winning two first and a
third am! in the relay. -
The event« and winners were -
5(1 yard daah, White. 1st, Olin, of
Mi'l City. 2nd. Holl«nd. 3rd.
Pole vault. Strvff, of Mill City,
1st. R««-se, of Stayton. 2nd. Knauf.
Prospal and Neal tied for Srd.
10H yard daah. Olin 1st, Hollis
2nd. White 3rd
Discus. Olin 1st, Holland
Shaw, of Mill City. 3rd.
From newspaper reports we read
that authorities in Chicago have
urged the hanging of workers who
are engaged in maintaining a liveli­
hood by use of the strike. Several
have been arrested for particiption
in the «trike, among them officers
of the union« affected. To hold for
and thus maintain the American
standard of living, according to the
authorities, whether gulltv of mur­
der or n»t, tne lai orer 1« to l>e pun­
isher! by hanging or electrocution.
For some time a strike ha« been
on in Chicago and 'hugs, as well as
union men. have at times l>een en­
gager! in battle so to speak These
220 dash. Hollis let. Olin
battles have resulted in the death
of both thugs and union men. But Mielke. Stay ton, Srd.
the authorities have not asked for
Shot put, Olin 1st. Holland
those employed by the employers as Phillipa. Mill City. 3rd.
Mile relay. Scio 1st. Mill
thugs and strikebreakers the death
Buy Your Fordson NOW
At this amazingly low price
you can’t afford to wait an­
other day for your Fordson
— There is no tractor made
that can approach the money
value of the Fordism. Nor
is there a tractor made that
can do more work for you.
- Remember, the very day
your Ford son arrives, it is
ready for anv one of the lui
jobs it can do- either as a
tractor or a stationary pow­
er plant.
—The Fordson has proved
to the 170,000 owners that
it has not only cut the cost
of field work 30 to 50 per
Fred T. Bilyeu,
cent, but it has made sub­
stantial savings on every
job to which it is put
Fordson figures are inter-
esting-money-savers, labor-
saving. drudgery - saving
facts you ought to know.
Come in, phone or write to-
Phone 27
Scio, Oreg on