THE SCIO TRIBUNE VOL. XXV NO. 40. LINN COUNTY. OREGON SCIO S aturday TO BE RED-LETTER BAY BOOST FOR SCIO ALL THE TIME 11.76 IK YEAH THURSDAY, MAY 1». 192? High School Ends Profitable Year OUR State Secretary M. J. Duryea POLITICAL RECOMMENDATION Careful Investigation of Men and Platforms Cause 1 his Fire the "Guns" ioc Com­ munity Club in Seto Paper to Comment INTERESTING PROGRAM VOTERS ARE TO CHOOSE Organization to Include Men and Choice Founded Women and to Embrace All Upon Records Made and Our Belief Il E TOI1IE. W. U , T Principal m the Fork« of the San tram ESTHER C Ht MPHREY. Assistant l*rin-m»l ETT A MORCO.M. <» A C . 20 ITH this issue of The Scio Tribune, we arc giving our readers a pictorial review of the graduate« of A hr 1922 claaa of the Sci<> High School. It is probable no •*!..*« ha« ever been graduated from the iocai High School under more favorab: circumitances than I» the da- >f |922. and though probably not as iarye aa tn some clasM-a tn the past, the students have made up the ditferem*. in "pSp ’’ The class program ■«cum to-1 night and commencement ■■»■ r.-i».-, tumorrow night. Lith Is- p ■<** in the High Sch‘x»| auditorium The tlaaa ha» worked hard in i I it» dull.-*., the teachers have ! ■ i | .tn -’»king, rhe school activities have been held up to high standard, and. a» a whole, the entire year ha- .-n one of remarkable achievement« The Scio High School la a standard high school. It» graduates can enter any college or university without further examination, and for a «mall community, the Sei.. Hi... n S«-houl is second to none 1’he Student Body of thi« school is the busin>— organisation of the high ■> i > *t ld.-nta, and ha* been very active thh year, hav­ ing staged many plensant and profitable entertainment- in th;- way financing all exoensr«, and in other ways taking active intereat in thing* that will make them better no n an I women and more fitted to eo|w with the triala and trihulatloi * of lito I'hr gyrntua. um bond drive as * .me of the big undertaking* of the Student Body, and H» sneer-« i* proven hv the building now in c-ur«-- of erection, and which will shortly I» de healed Too much praise cannot tie given th.* teacher« and »lud.-ii»« for the work of the past year, in the grad«*« as well a* the High Scho-J, and the progress thua made ha* *e*n noted by parents who have children that will enter high sch have doubts as to where they should attend can make no mi-take tn • -nnng to Scio. The following ar«* th«* 1922 icraduntf«: W The General Committee is hereby called to meet at the K of P hail Friday night to meet M J. Dvr- yea. the «peaker. and to transact whatever bumnes« may come before IL The hour is 7 o’clock, so those wh< want to may attend the graduation exercises at the high «chool. I V McAdoo. Chairman Milo Bartu. Secretary Th.- greatest event in the history of this community, snd which it is believe»! will redound in untold good to every citixen, will take place next Saturday. May 20, in the Z. C. B. J. hall, lieginning at 2 o’clock, when the preliminary guns’’ for s huge community club will be bred in song and speech. F"r some time now, in fact ever since February, the need of a united community haw been discussed, and finally resulted in the naming uf a community committee to arrange a monster meeting for the purpose of organising a community club. Thia committee, composed of men from every section, met at the city hall in . ......... Saturday night. Aprii 22, and formulated plana for organ­ izing on Saturday. May IS. but this date had to la- abandoned and the date of May 2Utu substituted be- cau«e of the fact that the speaker. M J. Duryea, of the State Chamber of Commercr. wa« billed for another city on that date. But he’» coming, and will arrive in Set > Friday evening. He will have a mr-»«age for all of us. He knows community club sll it» various avenue«, every man and woman miles around to hear know ><>u are busy, that U is late, but he feels that his ETHEL /ASSET MARY SHIMANEK COEI.E ZVSSET ELSIE LIMBI « K I hat Ihey Are Sincere Not going into detail concerning the fitnesa or unfilneM of each can­ didate. even though advertiwmenla for certain candidates have ap|»ear* vd in our column«, our conclusion is after a careful study of the chat- ac'erialics and buaine«a acumen, in and out of other, of the men who are candidate« for the «evercl office» In the republican primaries, that tlie following more nearly rep­ resent the tieliefs and desires of the electorate, and a« the choice of this i>ai>er, recommend them as worthy of the support of our republican readers. For National Committeeman, the present incuinlwnl, Ralph E. W ill­ iams For Congress. A W Norblad. of Clatsop county. For Governor. J. D. Las, of Mult­ nomah county. For State I'reaaurer. O. P. llolT, pre-wnt incumiient. For the Supreme Court, Geo. II. Burnett. John McCourt, John L. Rand, present incumbents. For Supt. Public Instruction. J. A. Churchill, present incumbent. For lalM>r Commissioner. C. H (•ram. present incumbent. F<>r Public Servic« Commissioner, J R. Thiehoff For Circuit Judge«, Percy H. Kel­ ly and Geo G Bingham For State Senator. 2d District. L. M Curl; 4th District, Lane and Unn counties, E. I). Cusick. For County Commissioner, short term. I). C. Thu i a; long term. G. A. Gefeke. For Justice of the Peace. Dial 11. write in name of 1. V. McAdoo For Constable, Dist. 11, write in name of J. N. Weddle. There are not many candidates on the democratic ticket, but all of the few aie extra good men. The one« wm>m we believe will serve the people best are: For Nuliohal Committeeman, Will R. King, of Multnomah county. i Continued Remember the Graduates (Continued on page 3.) ROSE JIRO» II ELLA JIRIS II PAULINE «IMS ! hold its spring meeting here early in June. All meml