Atoatstritrii i Natici At Scio, in the »tale of Oregon, al the cluse of business. May 5th, 1922. The Baccalaureate service« will be held at the Christian church Sun­ day evening. May U Rev. J J Canute«. of Lrtanon. will officiate The new gymnasium building is Progressing rapidly, out the work is growing more complex Some of the smaller boys have loot their job driving nails, which they were doing with glee Many of the town's Isading men assisted in raising the wails for thp gym. and their help was g fly appreciated The track team journeyed to Al- tany last Friday t > participate in the county tree* and field meet. Albany won f.rst wite 55 points. Brownsville second with 20 and Scio with 17 counters Although Scio was not the strongest contender she was represented in every event Scio will take part in the track meet at Stayton Saturday. May 13th. In spite of the difficulties that threatened to make a failure of the senior play at Lyons it was a sue- cess. Both Dr. Hobaon and Dr. Prill have given some of their time dur- ing the tiast week to instructing the general science class on handling poisons and first aid. SHELBURN NEWS a* ••*«*«***•»*•«*••••a May 9 Eieculor's Notice of Fuel Accooat Rsaeueaea Larwood Items 1. May I» t & 4. C. C l>avenport and family at­ tended the dance at Crabtree Sat­ urday night. V. Wilbur Heming and wife were •hopping in Alt*any one day last I week. Anna Dolrtal. who attends high school in Seio was a week end visit- or with her home folk«. ll. l-oans aixl discounts including rediscounts shown In items 29 and Su. if any . .... ................ Overdrafts secured and unsecured ................. .... U. N. government securities owned .... ........... Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign government, state, municipal, corpora­ tion. etc .......................................................... Cash on hand in vault and due from other banks. bankers an-.i trust companies designated and ap­ proved reserve agents of thia bank........... ........ Checks on banka outsita city or town of retorting bank and other cash items ................ ... Total cash and due from touiks. Item» 9 A ll ««¡A,727 73 Total ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Have Yon a Saving« Account ? **»<•••••! It yse k*w m *. kwy h « re ««« II r«s ba*» •*. •'"» We f>av 4 percent interest on savings accounts which we credit to your i.. ■ .1 every six months. Consider your savings account bill aa a rvgu lar bill, one that must be paid aa regularly as toe rent or grocery bilL You will never give it up. The First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon ■ WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE" 4 latwrel sal se VW| one-eleven cigarettes TIRKLSH VIRCUNIA BURLJtY ^FIFTEEN fn a nru> JiirMp that fits the pocket— At a price that fits the pocket-book — The same unmatched blend of Ten kish . V irginia Butu.Y Tobaccos *1U M.307 41» i£ci.u& Liabilities !.. 17. I». Capital stock ¡>aid in 4 lo.ono * ’ Surplus fund .......... 5.635 (a I mtivided profits. » 3.T74 56 Spense*. and tax«-« , |»atd. M 00 (b) | .«-s» current exp» ____ int«-r«-»t ____ __ _ _ 2,713 _____ Reserved for taxes, interest sim ! depreciation 1.075 DemanS Depeslta. other than l :< «.s. «object to reserve: Individual de|MMiit* sut>jc<'t to check, including de­ posits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or KO. .TO 'M Other public fund» Cashier's cheeks of this bank outstanding payable on demand .............................. ........... 3.IÍK3 ;w Total on demand deposit«, other than bank de posits, subject to reserve, items 23 A 25 .|1A4.<*17 32 Tims and Savings Deposits, » . cl to reserve and imysble on demand or subject to notice: Time certificates of de|ioalt outstanding ......... 40.344 W» Total of time and sax mgs deposits payable on de­ mand or subject to tmtu e, item 27 ................... 40,344 U0 ». Pocket Knives Guarantee Hack of All Kniven. Now on Sale nnd Displayed in Show Window. 95c for $3.00 Value« Up to $3.00 for 95c Window Show Display and Sale is on Now. Knives Are Fully Guaranteed. E A C T O R Y S A M P L E S Jack Knives Wright & Poole MORTICIANS «♦♦••«••••at ............ ...................... . ................. 2Ü.22S IL n Schmitt and wife vMt«d at 1». Roliert EJHotl’s last Sunday. Roscoe Gaines attended the dance a. at Crabtree Saturday night J. L Davenport attended a lect­ ure at I acorn b last Friday W’llliam Smith was a business vis­ itor al lx>banon one day last week. S P. Stringsr ami wife made • 27. brief business trip by motor to l«*b- anon Friday. John Shank and family attended 4221.H32 •*> Total................................ . .......................... the club dance at Laeumb Saturday ■ Stats of Oregon. County of Linn. as. night. I, E. D. Mjrsra, caahier of the above named Lank, do solemnly •wear that ths above statement is true to the In st of my knowledge ami Iwlief. L. Pmivar and wife «peat laut E. I'. Mi «a». Caahier. Sunday al the Joe Bartu home. Correct attest: Subscribed and «worn to before me Mrs Wilbur Fleming. Mrs Bi this loth day of Mav, 1922 W. A K Shelton. Notary Public A. K. Stepanak and Mrs. Frank Bartu My commission expires Feb. H. Io. . Director». called on Mrs Jess Chastine last Sunday. aaaa«♦•caoaaaaaoaa Dell Wrstenhouse and Elizabeth » ______ ’Swindt were Sunday afternoon via- ' ilors of S, P. Stringer’s. Mrs Bill Vaulkerman, who ha* been visiting with her aunt and I unci«, th« Chas Craft'«, since last week, returned to her home Sunday evening. Frank Bartu and wife visile«] Joe Bartu ami wife Sunday. C H 0 I C B Wilbur Fleming and wife gave a party last Saturday night which uas well attended by both young and I) R U M M ER'S SA M P L E S old. The Federal I.and Board of Scio community held a directors meeting at the W H McLain home Tuesday evening. Mrs McCallister and daughters were in Salem Saturday. Mrs tance. of Marion, maternal grandmother of Margaret Brown, was buried at the Shelburn ceme­ tery Sunday I ncogikito . Mr. and Mrs. Kramer, of Stay ton, visited at the J. W. Miller home Parent-Teacher« Close Sunday. If you are needing printing of Theron Russell was on business The last parent-teachers meeting any kind you can do no tatter than in Salem Sa'urday. fol the year took place in the high by coming to The Tribune. tafe Osborn bought a calf from school auditorium la*t Thurwlay Warren Grey, of Marion. Friday. evening at 1 o'clock. Although an Mrs Annie lliruns and son mo- admission fee of 10c was charged, a tored over from Corvallis Sunday large crowd was present to hear a afternoon. i fine program by the primary grade« Mrs. H O Shilling has been quit» ‘aa follows: Beat of 'ervice, both I’rufesaiontUly ill. but is improving now Dr. Prill America and in Funeral Conducting. wax called Saturday. Prayer I auaran visitors at the A L Powell home teed Right for Everybody. Welcome speech I Sunday Tell Tale« P homs IS Ernest McCrae and family calle«! May Time Song LEBANON OREGON on H. U Shilling Sunday. Boys compuaition on a Mule Notice is hereby given that the un- dersign* 1 « xecutor of the last will and testnment of Emil H oil fuss, deceased, has filed his Anal account as sqch exec­ utor in the County Court of Linn coun­ ty Orvgun, and the said Court has Axed Saturday, the 27th day of May. 1922, at the hour of ten o’clock a. m . as the time for the hearing of objections to said ar uUUt and the settlement there­ of bated and the first publication hereof is April 27, 1922. I aat> Hoixrvss, Executor U m . >. R iskly , Atty, for Executor Last publication May 25. 1922 The Scio State Bank S3 IS Tv Mrs Sarah Austin. Mrs. George A ung Fred Farmer, and Mias Clara li. lie Farmer, ami al) others unknown, if any such there be, greeting: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You arc hereby cited and required to ai i«-ar in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Lum. at the I •urt room thereof, at Albany, in said County, on Saturday, the 20th day of May. 1922. at 10 o'clock in the fore- noon of that day, then and there to •how cause, if any exists, why the aiiov«- entitled Court should not make an order fur the «ale of the real prop­ erty belonging to the said estate, and d* .cribed aa follow», to-wit: The North portion of Ixita One (I) and Two (2) in Block No Five (5) in I s, addition to Lyons, in Linn coun­ ty and State of Oregon, aa platted and of record in the County Recorder'» Of­ fice at Albany. I.lnn County and State of Oregon, aiid containing about nine- tj ■< o n and one-half (97| by one hun­ dred (Imo feet, or all of aforesaid Ixits not heretofore deeded to W. H. Small. Witi - • th, the Hon. W. R. Bilyeu, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, with : the m a) of the said Court affixed this 13th lay of April. A. D. 192?. It M. RtiwEi.t., County Clerk. First publication April 20. 11*22. Last publication May U. 1922. REPORT OF CONDITION OF -i In the Matter of the »tale . of William Farmer, deceaaed I Reaervs District No 12 Charter Sv. 192 S 1 In the County Court of the State of Oregon. for the County of Linn. May 9 r 3 Citatioa H O Shilling was trailing in Al­ bany Wednesday John Ransom was home from Cor­ vallis Sunday 3«? . Notice is hereby given that the un- rteestgned has been by the county court of Mnn county. <>regon, duly appointed administratrix of the estate ofJohn Kotsn, dervaesd. ill |wr*>n> having clainw against said escau are hereby requested to present the same to the undersigned at her see deuce at 'cio, Oregon, with proper vouchers therefor, within six months from date hereof listed this 26th >ciation. A short business «ession wax held ; I after the entertainment, resulting in the election of the following offi­ cers for the ensuing year; President. Mrs D C. Thoms Vice-president, Mrs. Milo Bartu Secretary, Miss Skei Treasurer. Mrs. John Sima Chaplain. Mrs. Rebecca Marris Tell the advertiser you saw his ad in the Tribune ] j The 5cio I ribune $1.75 the year