• * ÍA*. * ùr*. - -i. •. • Sp MAKE OREGON SAFE for the REPUBLICAN PARTY or I REPUBLIC AN NOMINEE ^GOVEE^OR tka nrihuaiiaa I » m L ». Kt.* a- Í ’J H» Ì» a man of rara perraaabty and C roved «assoli«« ability Mete, rwfly. ia hi» «lol, laaac L*o Pal lataon waa born m (Union < oumy. Oregon, m IBS* Attended oaniry er bool, and worked h e wa* ihi M«k ChriMian < olfoga, Moamouth Bo came a socceeeful mor« boat m Salem In H94 eU•1 of running hl« office by I6 i«o a year 5m. e 190* ha, been a «ucceeaful farmer at Eola. Polk County. In 1919 and 1921 carved a. Slate Sanotoi from Polk County. A« ■ hairman of Senate Finance Committee led the ti1 of fhem. In 1921 voted «garnet inerreamg Governor*fl salary. Vote for Patterson and Stop this Waste! Since 1913 State taser have iacraaaed 74* 7 par coni! This gross eatravagance must bo st opped I Mr Petter- eon has pledged that when elected he will make a sub- slant «1 decrease in your stele laser by efficient and eco­ nomical administration. A vote for Senator Patterson is a vote for «.lean, economical busmese like government. PATTERSON CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Ml Imporisi Hotel Forilen.l. Orsea* SAMPSON Trucks & Tractors Auto Paints and Enamel Pennsylvania Cup Tires and l ubes Demountable Wheels for Fords and Chevrolets WE SELL SHELL GASOLENE AND The Scio Garage Repairing Promptly Done HEIKE OHLING Rrpuiilican C andidate for lour-year term County Com­ missioner. Linn County. SANTIAM FARM NEWS May 9 J. L. Lfavenport and a if«, of Larwood, cam« down for a supply of arrd corn and ruliarb last w««k. Mr. Armstrong and hi« clerk wrr« out from Sci<> Saturday for a hM»d of hay for Mr Flanagan. Our good cummer showers are with us with good growing weather which ia delightful after our long ■eige of cold rain« and wind. Ed Kalina and wife cam« up Sat­ urday night for a an lai chat and to conaol« the old pc’ple. t’nccle Tom Smail ia «till making •»me improvement« on hi« farm in the way of new plank fencing which »«Ida greatly to th*, look« of hi« farm. Mr Lock came up Sundav after­ noon for a chat. Mr«. Rebacca Morri*, of Scio, came out Monday morning for her bnakfaat a« the burner« hotel was out of wood and grub. She wemed to enjoy a aquare meat at tne San- tiam hospital. Newt Crabtree called in Sunday to let ua know he was «till alive. Hamon Gaine«, of Lebanon. came down Friday to return the Pie Eatvr home |from hi« visit to Lebanon ' after 10 year* He had the time of hi« life visiting old time friend*, he «to much enjoyed calling on uncle Hen Irvin, an old timer of the fiftiv* and finding him aomewhat feeble, but tie wa* out hoeing hi* garden at 96. having two daughter* living ■with him to *ee that he wanted nothing, which i* more than moat children nowday* think about. He ui*. called to *e< Mr*. Tom Hannah wfco la 94. and real «pry for her age Her «on. Tom. ia caring for her It wa* «ad to loae our good neigh- bor. Mr«. L*H’he. who »uffered a etruke of paralysis and tmaaed a wav recently, leaving the family to mourn her loaa. Mr Kruml. of l.arwo<>d, wa* over at bxl Kaiitfa * Saturday for 115 It» of seed corn. Ed Kalin* made a trip to Crab­ tree Munday for 50 bushel« of oat chop, as he i* a great feeder. Curtis C. Grifbn and a brand new wife from San Franamco are billed to reach the Santiam farm Tuesday comtning by way of Dails* to visit hi« sister, Mr« i-ovejuy. who will accompany them for a visit to Mrs 8. W. Gainea They espoet to make a visit to th« brides parent« in Hue­ ton, driving their Ford accrues the continent. The trip will lake ai»»ut four weeks. The old man made a trip to Scio Monday and found the town flour­ ishing, a* usual I I k - ik vi - in the adoption of a uniform system of buihluig county rostlx anti highways. I will >-iHl«avor U> bring about a reoutaiUon system of urchasing suppb- « for county uses instead of th« prvaent system of having a* mum purchasing agents a* there are county employee I will endeavor to procure an annual inventory of all county property to th«- end that a strict accounting for such property shall fe given by 'rted, nut not serious Iler doctor ¡«ay« sb« will tie alright in a abort Chop Suoy and Noodles Pork and Rice, 20c Pork Chop Suey, 40c RE-ELECT RALPH E. WILLIAMS Republican National Committeeman ! The Only Westerner Ever Elected Vice-Chairman of the Kepublt- < an National Committee KEEP THE WEST IN POWER Fried Rier, 2Sc Frier! Noodle*, Me I time Glenn Shilling is in the hospital with consumption Grandma Shilling, who is almut R2 years old. is able to d<> her own boner work, which ia remarkable for one of her age S un K low br r* - w *" ■">- In June. 1921, at the Committee’« first meeting after the inauguration of iVeeHleiit Warren G Harding, every state cast its vote for K ii . im F. U iu _ i « ms of Oregon for vice-chairman of the Committee, recognising by their unani­ mous vote hi« fitn.«« and ability »• a Gayh r to fill this responsible position. A vote for Ralph E. William» for Republican National Committenman will confirm th« action of the forty eight elates In electing him vice-chairman of the Republican National Committee, a position never before held by a Western man. Ralph K. William« of Oregon, as vice chairman of the Republican National Committee, is directly tn Ime to U t-.m e National chairman, the highest posi­ tion attainable in the Republican organustton. A National Committeeman on the National Committee doc« not make or saccate the laws, but cat nee out the policies ami ids (form of the party adopted by the delegatee at each previous National Convention. Mr Williams 1» -i.-nior no-ml» r of the National Committee. Seniority in thia committee give* •<>« the »am«- power »" seniority in the U. 8. Senate. VOTE TO KEEP HIM THERE (Paid Adv. by Commute, of R. public»! ». C. I. Starr, Sec’y. «17 Huant of Trade Bldg -. Portland, Ore.» Going to Build? ■<*< Plans for houses, barns, chicken houses, etc., furnished free. Come look them over. Let us give you an estimate on the one you want SCIO OREGON of our prices on Dry Goods Mens overalls $1.25 $1.50 $1.60 $1.75 Ginghams, yd., 25c French Ginghams, yd., 60c 42 inch Indian Head pillow tubing 50c 65c 9-4 width sheeting, bleached, 60< 81 inch unbleached sheeting 28c White summer dress goods The Peoples Store J. B. Couey, Prop. Scio, Oregon Riley Shelton Real Etlale Proper and Notary Public RUbneii Obtained. firamined OREGON t* The Republic«!! National Committer consist« uf one member from each «late tn the Union and is the political organisation of the (»arty. HIE EATER HIS PLATFORM Nomi h a, 20c ! We Print Sale Bills » ' \ •V“';