k • .■■>*** DAIRY POINTS HOUSE FOR SMALL DAIRYMAN Conramant. Sanitary and Inaapanaivo It Should Bo Well Built and Located. I - • -1 k> i»« I'aMe« Mala» IMearoweM •* A»rW«U»rv I Hr dairy houw that will fulfill a«niiar> rwiulrvmrnta. and at the same •IKK l»r pra.Ileal and larxpeaalta h«a 1» ell planned by the Called Mt a lea l»e paitmeat of Agrliulture. Many rw- q <>»1» are ro eived fur Informal Ion •x>n> • rti’ng the ron»tructloa «ad ar r ng.-ment of »itch building*. To meet • iri 1, Inevi»en«tvr tyi* of dairy am'h »« that planned by the 1« no -nt I* an «heeiut« ncrwalty. M- i that 1« ¡min’d ur »trained In the i n i>r Allowed to »land there, la >.•- to Im . -ntuuilnated by bacteria ud t - «I i-rb »tnldr mlora. A« a»»»n i l! »• row'« milk I* drawn It ahmild • - I 1» the tlalry houae. to be I im -dlnlrl» to 30 degrer« F r l.-wer \n op t<» date «anltary dairy l* provided with all the fnellllte» •r • • r milk In the nn«l oomunl ill nmiinrr. l-r .-»nvenlrnre the dairy houae i Im nrur the barn, yet ao far it that n<> burn odor» can be ' -|<«I- .| in the houae. and «h»uld be "U •• -II drained land that «lope« from th»1 house The princljmi pun*"ee In buildtag n dairy houae 1« to provide a place where dnlry prodllcta may be handled »part from anything elac To carry out thia Idea It 1« nrceaanry to divide the Interior of th« building «o that the Uteti«!!-. Io not have to be waahed In REPUBLICANS! MAN ASKS AND GOD ANSWERS QUESTIONS ON THE SECOND KELL By SHALL OREGON CONTINUE TO HOLD the PRE-EMINENCE That IS Now HERS? Mu Answer "Ycs!" IM Republican SHALL SHE FORGE AHEAD a«a LEAD ER IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? Which the «nme room where th« milk ta lmndb-d fresh air. and fartlltat« work. In itotiier the door» and window« m- rrenrit Io exclude flies id iiiiu-r InarctA it - - r-vary that therw be a pleetl- of cold, running water at the rt i rv honor If It la not ptiaalble to !..»»• i r.-gular water »ystem. water ii, > > i .«I from «n elevated tank by ..ii it g ne. wind mill, band pump. <* iiydr.isllc rain The dairyman can ill r.| to «|H-iid Illa time carrying wntcr In a pail to roul milk and wash titenoli«. i t the pn>i>er «trrlllsatloa of uteo- • .m abundance of «team or hot w <«ter i* m-rdrd A pall or can may appear t«> t»r clean and «till may con Inin nnnirroun bacteria which will hn-'.i- the souring of milk, cause had tie tor in t»utt«-r and rheeae. >* spread . oti'.n >n After the utensils are t. " 1» cf.-nn they should be either . || d w th l«>lllng water or tfentued I'l.v d r» ho ,*r ahould be so built as t.i c ■ »»Ire labor to the greatest eg- trot To d-> this the building must be .irranged to avoid unnecessary step« Tt -.ulpi o-nt of the tlalry houa« cm» n« of a 1% to 3 horsep».»er verti- id Iwtllvr which «utqdlea steam to the «Ink »nd to I lie »team Jet ta the drain board, a galvanised (run wash ■ Ink. a can rack, a Babc«>ck trat«r. a ronervie cooling tank, a milk cooler, »nd milk »tales A separator may «1«. to- l.e atsd la th« milk rcaun Do- tall» of the coOdructlua aad arraago meat of thia and other dnlry house« ma» bt hud by writing to the bureau <»f nUlmnl Industry Called Stat«« De- parum-nt of AgrtcaMurw, Washlagt d a > l I 3 for Ralph E. Williams for National Committeeman 30 > te- • » •• » x it hi re, Oi egt»n «litte Wtmt of the >r to g<> Republican. 1 » I’M > s U ll< I ■■ (11 Of the devil. Heb 3 14 That through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that la the devil (SI Of the brent. 2 rbe«ev t 8: Then ahall that Wicked I* revealed, whom the la>rd »hall destroy with the *>r1glitl»r«» of Illa rood ng (Bl Of the faine prophet I« H a, 10. 13: àmwhi » yierwlwa. fl y» pew- pie. and yr «hall he broken In ¡itere«, Take rounsel tngrther and It shall cotne to nought May yr not. ■ Ton feeler»>7 to all to whom thia penptr ■hall «ay. ■ • Wnfcierary (4) Of death. I (lor IB 2« 'l'ha leal enemy that atta 11 br ilcwtniytwl I» death (fl) Of the drat h«-il Hoa. 18: 14: I will rwn—wfi rhrm from the ¡stwer of MberJ ; I will redeem I hem from he thy Death O plague* o. thy 4» at ruction ! (Al Of Incorrigible «inner«, I"» »• 6 : Thou mat destroyed tbr «Irti«! Fl C V The transgmtHor» »hall he destroyed together 1*» 14B 20 The la»rd preaerveth all them that low Rim : but all the wicked «rill He de- •troy Phil 3 10- Who* eml I» >le- ■traction. 2 Ttiena I 11 Who «had he punì «bed with ewrlaetlng diwrac- tl»a 2 Pet 3 1 : They bring n;»« Ibernarle»« awlft dee! rodioti Matt 10 2* Fear Hlm wh h I» aMe to de- •troy both *>nl and tw»dv In Act« 3 23 And It «hall come to that every «»al which rill not hear the prophet «hall be deatroved Republican leiulent, in < 'ungrtMB ami nut, are Ralph Williams’ frieiels. Thin fneii laliip meant» much tn < >rvgon tml the North­ west. Without ohteiitiitimi Ralph William» enliatM the aid of theee |i ad> i- i>>r tie thing» the North­ weal need» from the national government. > Keep Oregon to the Front S"' * . ' Don’t Let Her Slump Vote for RALPH E. WILLIAMS for Republican National Committeeman Keep Oregon a Leader—Vote XI3 for Ralph E. Williams Gruesome Decorations of a Church Purifies Blood Electrically Poiaona Quickly Driven From Circulation According to tha primary definiti»« af tha Graak worda tranalatad tor moot, and to formant. In Rar 1« 10. 11, and R»v. 20 10. how ahould thaso varaaa road f Interior of m Ciecirlelty la Ueod. r That it ta actually ¡MMunble tv greatly Increase the number of rail corpuaclva in (lie blood, ami lu increase the amount of oxygen the blood carrte», by the utu- of high frequency electricity ha« Iman prove! by noted »cicnliaU. Their claim« hare (wen verified by actual count of the corpuscle» under the ml crtMcope and by chemical analyma of bit »«I from patient« after treatment. In a book that ia being distributed free by the lii-riiilifc Violet Hay Head­ quarters. Maletn, Oregon, it ia described how these treatment» can be taken at home. "taUmcnt* are given from hundreds of person» who hare found it to In- a »|tee<|y mean» uf «ecuntlg Vital »trenglh. nerve force and of relieving pain by removing the cause It ha» been found of particular u«e in ail ments characterised by lack of vigor and energy «ecurr your copy of this free book at one«. Rev 14 IO. II' llr «ball hr Iratrd Tim «moke with flee and brimait m- of their tr ting awrtwlrth ur forerrr TIM' darli and ever Rev 20 10 ••• mat Into the l«k> of flro and brimstone at-.l «b all ba riami ned day «rid night forever «nd rv«r (Compare with 1« 14 IlkSO I Jecueaiem with 1« Matt B: 34. by Jerusalem. for City of the great King kmc» Gahanna sut aid« of J»ruaal«m •« th« latter's s«wags plant dnstrsysd It« rsfua*. what will figurative Gshe v. no—tha ktcond H»ll- - n>lth ita figura- ties Arsa eutsids sf New Jsrvaalsw» ds with Ha figurativa rw. u«»—thoes unwarthy «f bsing in Niw JtruaalamT A «tartling view of lb.- Inti-rlur of the Chapel of All Habit« In Hedletg, near Rev 23: IB: For without «re . . . murderer« «nd Idolater» Mntf Uhi Kenridwr. < « c *I h >»I o al in The < I un h la d«Corate»i with human bone*, a «harp rvndibler «»f the i It) of (he human l»od> Medleta la on the lilv.-r lilbe, 28: Fear Him which la able to de- 40 t^i1*a enal uf Pragu ■troy both aoul and laaly In lid I (O»— It la hotter for the»- to inter henna) i - ......... ....... -........ --- - - .......................-......... — —— Into the Kingdom of (bai with one tnraayl IHrbrrw »bah. io tura or rw- WARM WATER FOR MILK eye than haring two «-yr» to br rant turni luto bell |Mheart frutti bell IMhaol) Amount From Icy Tank—Haatar« dre I deatrm-t inn I I« not quenched I» nratli Can Ba Providad. Rtnililt liolti Riy Hudqwrtin, Salem Oregon COWS Bine« in ths paraMs of Matt. M' 83-I WIII theru «v«r b« a reoovery frxww 44 tn« «hasp and th« goats ar« figura vb« d»»truett«" «♦ th» l'cond H«llf tlv«, what shsuld w« infer «f th« para Jo"> 3: B: A» thè ■ louil I» ronaomed belle hrs ints which they ars casti oul vKilthefh away. «»• Ih»! goeth Mart 2ft 41. m Impart from Me. •R>wn to Sh»«it »hall roi-m up t more. Pivi» 21» I II» liuti Ile oc ften re- ye cursed. Into everlasting Are. pro ¡q-oved hardeneth hi» nc< k «hall »ud pared for lhe devil and lit* angel» dFTgv tw dr»troy«d. and tl.al allhuut And the«e »hall go away Into •verlasting punlshmetd (•he li reek raaaedy here rendered e« ertaatIng punishment Mut Prodi b'» Cow 1« knloMa eumioa. which menu» e»er- A dalry *«•« ahi-li prialmew 3nn looting cutting utf The con tra» i la pounda <•/ hutl’f fai In td n«>< only «>• re .-. » product ten but bo punished with everlaatln* destrur a(Ula magarteli) tat th« »«lu« of dairy tloa Hom • 23 Tbe wage* of «tn «4 «*. la death Caws Fraahan In Fall, »f'ow« bred in January or 1 td>raary in li» fa» Cold drinking wat»-r ginn to dn i< Cow« will result In radioed quaiitlly of ■»ilk. A ru» « lili lí yield* a large quantity of milk must drink lot« uf »ater; «he won't drink mmh from »■> Icy lank. M ater tanka can be provided with lient era. or but water can I» p urrd Into the tank. Winter Dairying Held Sack. Winter dairying ha« l>evf> held Itark for many year«, largely thp-ugh iba failure «f cuw-kropers tw provide rom fortable I»arti» properly equipped. Qlva Much Mara Buttarla«. Co*« sired by purebred brill» give tnnrh more butterfat than thoao aired by aeraba tea Water la K«panal yarn, the wool was grown in I.inn county, »old b) Mr. Sender» to the Ore­ gon nor»t«l Company (mill* located at .«ellwoud). made Into worsted yarn by R»y T Bishop, mhi of ('. P Bishop, proprietor of tin- Woolen Mill Store of >al«m. < irrgim knitter» try thia yarn >ul Ali color». I.« |«-r ball of 2 oflk. «amplr» »ent on application. Aihly ('. I*. Bishop, Box i >. Salem, Oregon DR. A. G. PRILL PUîiiciai ani S diipoi < all« Attended Day or Night