I do ative on the court, should also play its paK in electing Mr Thoms you know ? Local Market Quotation« That there are billions of feet of timber at our door ready to be cut? l>et*a get busy a THE SCIO TRIBUNE T hurspa Y, M ay 11. 1922 à ▼———————------- —... ,............ — cal1 for service is greater than at any other time in their life, and no doubt feels that he is just the one to act ss a Mouse to lead the people »ut of the wildernees of high tax««« and surpluses of e«*mmissions. If either one Could do this thev would ta a "Moses." but promisee are easily made, and when they really become governor they soon find that a stone wall has been erected around — one that they cannot scale— "pol­ itics" is its name. Gov Olcott, al­ though a happenstance in the gov ernora chair, has done a« good as . any one could do in the premia«*«, but he found that there arc friends with a greater pull and with a larg­ er political patronage than he ever dreamed of having, and hence he has not been governor all the time he has been compe'led to appoint men to office that were distasteful to him. an«i hence there has been a »»«li* of money not countenanoni by him F —— Governor ------ — Withy-1 “,-*»-- F — ormer shoes arc now being msde in Oregon for th«* first time on a commercial seels The Tbeo. Berg­ man Shoe Mfg. Company, of Port­ land. heretofore makers only of log­ comta had I the same experience. as ging ami W'irk shoes,have developed did all before him. Atal ail in th»* “the Bergman BustneM Shoe“, future will find the game experience which ha» been put on th«* market, t«> contend with. Yac, politics. and according to executives <>f the make strange bedfellows, and often| company is to I m * tacked by a-iver- expensive ones. The office of gov­ Using. ernor only has the power of recom­ I IT la a «ad day for a young man, an<1 hi« future, when parent« will publish in the p«|*ers their refusal to honor the debts of their son, especially when that boy is in the age of molding his future career. If a parent cannot be a friend and counsellor of his own son. h«>w can he expect a stranger to do for him and make him a good citizen? Yes, It is a sail day. And the saddest day is for the parent. JORDAN ITEMS H hal did you May 9 PuiLTRY. VKAL AM» H.«;» Hens. 4 Ita and over f Hens, under 4 Ita Springs, If Ita and up Broilers, under If Ita Slags forks Veal, fancy no 1 Br e as t'd pork, no. 1 blockers Eggs, cash. 15c trade Egg», white srh-ct Butter fat Harvey Shelton and a Mr. Rin». I 19 15 19 25 . 9 . 6 12 .14 .17 1H .32 of Lyons made Jordan a business call Tuesday (•aiien Phillipa sheared goats for Jake Wortman Monday. M J Krantz joined the camp of the "Big Four” near Scio Wrdnre- day, from where he haul* pulp wood. I>wain Crabtree and classmates. Mill run 1 1.40 Scratch >2 26 2 76 Egg producer . 2 «6 Ground barley 2 .10 Rolled barley 2 011 Shelled corn, eastern 1.75 1 H5 (•round or crack«-d c««rn I«el*age cracked corn 2 00 Chick fee«! 3 36 3 26 Chick starter. mash 3.35 Growing feed Fux k Hard whrat 62.10 2 20-2 30 Soft wheat 1.76 Austin Rice and Carl Vaughn, of tabanon, made a call Sunday at Roy Crabtree's. Billy Bowers. of upper Thomas creek, and Robert Flatman were Jordan visitors W«*dncaday. The tall game which wu to have been played Sunday between Mt. Pleasant and Jordan was post, potted on account of bad weather. John and I’ansey Jungwirth, of Gooch, visited »he Enders Sunday. Mrs S. Brown and family, of Salem, were gtests of Mrs. Erie Phillipa Sunday. FfcKl» Slogan is 71 Years Old You probably hava for- gott.-n the price, hut you do remember the kind of serv­ ice the suit has given. This is the thing to con­ sider when you purchase* your new clothe». Our new suits are not hign priced and from a standpoint of service they are the most economical you can buy. O regon M ist . Oregon’s first territorial delegate to congress csrrie«! the slogan "pat­ H or S aijc Old impera. 10c per ronise Oregon industries * to (hr bundle at the Tribune office. national capitoi 71 y«-ars ago _ ................. |j was while driving through old Wr msk»- a Specialty of records that th«* On-gon Hi-torical Society brought thi- fact to light Even to prwni day pr »portent» ot this slogan of induMrial growth and | Friendship, Engagement and Wedding Rings The Blain Clothing Co. prosperity, it se»-ms barely ct< lit able that !<» y«*ars twfore the Civil mendation and veto, not the i*aa«ag«- War started others -aw th«* need of • >f law« or the curtailment of high encouraging the embryo industries| finance in the way of creating or of the state. abolishing th«* things that make for The author of this initial plea for I ALBANY higher taxes. It is the people who for home product» wa« S. R Thur«- ar«* t«i blame for allowing this sort I ton, first territorial delegate to c*>n- of condition to continue for all th«-*- gr«-ss In 1N61 he recommend«*«! that ,rn I mij years, until they are being eaten up ' the government’s system of k«*eping txwiy and soul by taxes Fick your i a larg« numtar of troops under t . A. Ewing. A. E. Ram man. «••»• that he is nominated and arms be abandoned and that instead President Vice I* £. D. Mysr*. Cashier elected, whether he be democrat or , Oregon ta given an allotment of Htart a bank account today and republican, ‘guns ami amunition and that the provide for your future. You will find a checking ac­ The county primaries are of as I governor ta empowered t<» call out count very convenient for your the militia when n«*ed«*d. He figur ­ great importance to the taxi>ayer bustnraa transactions. We pay interest on time deposits. as is the state office», and in some| ed a saving of IIOO. imm ) by this ca»**« of mon* Importance. High plan and fuilher urged that articles We are in the market for finance has tarn practiced in Linn of food, clothing, etc., ta b -ught Mutton, Sheep and Fat Lambs county affairs for so long that ex­ for Oregon Indians in the state of History r«*c»rds this travagance is the slogan rather than Oregon.” i let our price« before selling c-inqientency and saving. Our recommendation a« the earliest plea Phillippi & Warner county court has t»een rather loose for h««me industries O rk QON Juniper, once regarded as useless, now is one of the most c«mtly woods on the market. When converted into small slats for making lead pencils it sells for ap- proximately 1270 per thousand feet board measure, according to C. 8. Hudson of Bend. the lesding spirit in its handling of affairs, it ha« behind the juniper“ refining plant“ I wen wasteful. It seemed to have of that vicinity. The Bend juniper kept no books on its purchases, of null employs 30 or more people and the amount of material used, and supplies l«*ad |M*ncil stock to practic­ of what was left over from the sev­ ally all the large pencil factories of eral jobs it ha*« performed Watch- the hast, and to - him * tn Europe. dogs of the treasury have t»*en dis- p<>*»*d of and the door to the safe M V K r> K K mu rders—murders. left open, so it M*«*ms. So far as Nothing but murder« on the front we hav«* been able to observe since pag< s of the big papers And they coming mt«> the county, there has are committed for almost anything taen a continuous hammering at the When tn«* papers quit playing these court t<> get the things done that unhappy events up. when thev senw ar»* n«-« led. and when done to se«* By rtmig- the duties of their high calling and extravagance practiced nation, one place on the court was Coms to realixe that the news in their paper is th«* molder of public murt he has put into practice a checking system, whereby the e»iurt THE PRIMARIES will know what material it has pur­ T hk primaries for the nomination chased, how n uch was use«! on a of candidates to fill the various given job, and what amount of it off! • • within the state and in the was left. Thia has resulted in a Counties will Is* held on the l'.'th of considerable saving to the taxpayers thia month, and there are a multi­ already and will result in a great tude of them to fill. .Most men deal more before the year is ended. have a hankering for public offi«?e, Mr. Thoms has made good so far and in some cases they are willing and we have no doubt he will e«»n to promise moat anything if they tinue to make «»»d. Our people wul ■» allowed to "serve the dear should give him there undivided support, an<1 as to the others, «re paoplc." All told, there are 12 men who do not know, and therefore have no want to become governor. Each of recommendations to make. We be­ them are good and probably worthy lieve further, that local pride, and man Just now they feel that the a desire to have a local represent- Pay for your Last suit? Value First A litany, Oregon F. M. French & Sons Th«- St..r. with » S«|tiare Lh*al ♦ for Every Cuatomar. Subscribe for the Tribune r Miiiiarj mimi ------- l tea (era in Fresh and Cured Meats We buy Veal, Pork &. Poultry Shelton & Co. Props S( To. OK EGON l’NIVEKSALTRA(*n)B '^5 A 1 »- ra Jr »V J I Buy Your Fordson NOW At this aniiizn vlt low price you can’t afford to wait an­ other day for your Fordson Tractor. —There is no tractor made that can appioach the money value of the Fordaon. Nor is there a tractor made that can do more work for you. Remember, the very day your Fordaon arrives, it in ready for any one of the 101 joba it can do- either as a tractor or a stationary pow­ er plant. - The Fordson has proved to the 170,000 owners that it has not only cut the cost of field work 3U to 50 per Fred T. Bilyeu, Sä X cent, but it has made sub­ stantial savings on every job to which it is put. Fordsou figures are inter- eating-money-savem, labor- saving. drudgery • saving facts you ought to know. Come in, phone or write to- dt y. Phone 27 Scio, Oregon t