V. * • • > * r- * ^ii • ' • • The »chool board ba» let the con Mr». Barnes Is Laid To Rest Yellow dent «eed corn. 4* lb on th« cob Leonard Gilkey It tract for furnishing w- bng next winter Mr». Thoma» B Barnes, a former I am in the market for fat lamba to Fred Roada»mel. the same to lie resident of Scio, passed awav al her and «beep and will pay highaat market price Phon* whan ready. delivered this summer home in MillCltv Monday, May first. > J. L. Rodger». 39 p T. 1- Dugg< r went to Ixbanon Mae McKnight was born an Quit­ Score lard» Get your '500” scora the first of the week to visit rela­ man. .Mo, Moy ninth. 1857. carda at the I Kim Ng office 2c She was a charter member of the tive». and later will goon to Albany per card, <>r 2| cent« per card by He will return here again before Presbyterian church at Mill City mail, postpaid. going to Lo» Angele* about July the and a member of the church for forty-six vears For Sale Good steel range with fl rat. reservoir, cheep for cash. See it Mrs. Barnes is survived by one at Densmores feed »tore. The dance given by the Z C. B. •on. Wallace L Harnes of S io; one I ha». Chn, Scio. 33tf J. last Saturday night was well at­ daughter. Mrs. Page R Boyle», of tended ami one of the most success­ , Portland; one sister, Mr» S K For Sale Horse. 9 year» old. ful vet given U' 1er il» au 'I levs. / A ’ Lewis, of Cottage Grove, also two wrigh» 1200 Bi». For particular» phone N.i or write A. C. Rahn. Portland urchestia furnished the grandchildren. Scio, Oregon. 36tf-c music, , The funeral was held Wednesday Three John Shelton cxt-ect* to begin th? afternoon at Mill < ity. She was an For Sale Dahlia bulb» grade*. #1 10. 11.50 and 12 per erection of hi» new barn next week. , aunt of Mrs. W A. Ewing. Mrs dozen; 93 kind». Mr». G. R. Titus ljr Frank Gill and Mrs Fred Bilyeu.! or early the following week fl­ 39 p route 2. Lebanon. | of Scio. will then have as complet« a »true- For Sale Team of horses, about 5 ture as can be obtained for housing : year» old. Price right. Call on Scio High School s Stupendous INDOOR CIRCUS Kenneth Sima, John to *«• ha* to>« MXSma U«a«r »to iw ww Verne Neal, Eid»n Knauf, and Lyle Ficklin were in Lyon« Tuesday ad- For Sale Player piano, <350. 8225 down, eoat 1750. Inquire at the vertistng lhe the play. "Betting Tribune office. 38 3tc Brokers.” which is to t>e presented ; Potatoes Seed and there Saturday night. ? k.,,úg J ',aí toes. lr a pound, Joseph Kuner Mr. and Mrs N. C. I-owe. of route I. Scio. 38-2tp Lebanon, were in Scio Monday on For Sale 11 months old colt. $35. business. Mr. L>w>- is associated if »old this week. F. W Heard, with N. I. Morneon in the under­ Route 1. Scio. 3hp taking bumne**. unr Stele Clapboards. _ _ __ „ grad«- ____ gives personal attention to details. 24 inch«-», 4'- per 1000, 30 inches. 8" per 1000. Joe Luka. 37lfc Mr». Georg«- Bilyeu returned Wednesday from Salem, where »hr A »hovel wm taken from the track meet Saturday by mistake. Pleaae had t>een attending at the bed»ide return it to Jea» Rodger». of her grandson, George Hart, who t» confined in the »late tuberculosis Potatoes Netted Gem wed potatoes tested at O. A C and found free i» »»mewhat im- hospital. II of disease, 11.50 per 100; also povrd. table potatoes, 81 per 100. R A Thurston, on Joe Quigley's place, lhe Parent Teacher» meeting will near West Scio. take place Thurwlay evening. May 4. The primery rooms have pre­ pared a very interesting program«-, for which an admi»-:<>n fee of l(K will lie charged at thr d»x>r. The admission fee will be used to pur- chase a gymnasium tend, so »11 who can should attend. Watch for the Parade A*: . •• I lay seed Band Dizzy, Devilish Aerial Acts World’s Famous Acrobats Cunning, Clumsy Clowns Monstrous Wild Animals See the Surprising Side Shows f’ r J Main Street, Scio Cha» Warner is the purchiuicr of a new thirl touring car from the Scio Garage P«“rry Bilyeu and wife, who live southeast of town, »|H>nt Tue*lay in Albany. The property on Main «tri-rt on which the Scio Garage ¡» located, has been sold by W A Ewing to S. ' liunt for a consideration of 44,. W Hae­ Portland Monday morning to l»e •t sler. li. C. Pile. <»f l-aromb, also the bedride of her father, who it received a bounty. He «»» given ai »erioualy ill. 44 warrant for a female coyote flour at 42 25 or Stayton Blue rib­ bon flour at at $1 75. al Couey’s. We arc ninking h ipecial price on C iierro Flour for thia week end. It will pay to get your summer’s sup­ ply of this high grade hard- wheat flour; every sack guaranteed. For Sale at J. B. Couey’s Unde Ben II. Irvine, of Lebanon, was in Scio Monday viaiting rela­ tive». Mr. Irvine la 98 year» young and expect» to round out a century. The First Presbyterian church of Albany is now free from debt, the , laat note having I een burned at a i jubilee celebration <>n Wrdmnslav night of last week. Clifford Shelton anti wife have I traded their tract of land, known i the Jimmie William» place, to lohn Becicka and wife, The con- sidération was 13750.00. rey aud M<>rc»>m have been re-ein­ ployed for next year in the Scio high school, and J. W Mi Her and M imi Skei are also re employed in I the grades. Two new one* have■ been employed to teach in the grades, Ruth M Wirth and France» A. Echart Mia* Buchner did not apply, as rumor ha* it she expects to become a bride Card of Thank» We wi»h tn extend our wince re thank* tn the flower girl*, singers and to all other» wh<> were • » kind to u» in »he death and burial of our Iwloved huslumd and relative. Mr» G B Ray. Mr.* Hannah Ray. and family. m Juat received a line of men's work ahoes for summer. Elk at 42.50 to |3; mulesktn. 42 26. Alan a line of dry good» and notion». J. B. Couev. Tell the ml ver User you •** * M- rri-n» i- tn»- official agent for hunting and angling licenses. County angling license for boys 14 to IN, 41.50, Nou resident license*, aiso duplicate licenses on hand. 3S-2lc . Pianu must lie »old —Will sacrifice high grade piano, in storage, for immediate sale. For full partic­ ulars and where piano can be seen address Geo. C. W ill Music house, Salem. Oregon. 37 3c Dog F<>r Sale Fine thoroughbred Sheplieid dog tor stock. No smarter dog can I m - found. As 1 have no stock there is no work for him. 9 nmnths old, dark brown, a tine watch dog. S. W. Gaines. j.. Are made from pure, clean product« properly milled and scientifically mixed over modern machinery. — e-a. - » To Go To Stayton The “Indoor Circus,” which will be put on here by the Scio high •chool on Yridav night. May 12. will be taken to Stayton on Saturday night, tne 13th, and again put on for the entertainment of the people of that city. Relieve the Eye» frem the »train of «ewing and the ope­ ration become« 80 txireent easier, lhe movement of thr cloth, watching seams and the dancing needle 1» ruinous to the eyea «e manufacture and sell the most reliable Irn-r, on the market. CHKRRO poultry feed» are guaranteed not to contain any Grit. Charcoal. Shell. Oat Hull« or Screening»;but every product it contain« ia of the beat and registered feed Carried by Or*/ cm e Scio Mill & Elevator Co hide. W L Burton gn»l Judge W R Bilyeu were his witm-sse». Al­ bany Democra*. Profesaor Tobie. .Mi-uw* Humph- j 20, both of Scio, were united in mar- ’ ! Do you know that the beat flour nag- In Albany Monday by Judge W. , R. Bilveu you can buv la (’herró hard wheat Reduced Price For Sale On«- Packard »ingle six r ■a.i-ter, thi» ->ne nearly new. One used Chevrolet touring car at a great sacrifice. Inquire at lhe Day .Motor Co. Albany. Ore. Poultry Feeds Ye*. Jane, thoae new »ilk knit tie* Chick feed and poultry supplies1 at J. F. Weaely*» will make lhe that are as good as can I* bought. young ” man look tetter. Tell 38-21 J. F. Weaely him about them. 3H 2t Person» having milk bottle» tie- According to figure» given out by longing t<> the .Meadow Shade Dairy the county clerk. Linn county has plea*' return them. 4X2 more vote» thia year than at Anton Pola-rk, 29, ami Mary Sincek, ■ the laat registration. Clierro Flour! Mr». Neil Hollis, al lhe confec­ tionery »lore. Scio. Ore. CHERRO Friday, May 12 Get your genta furnishings at J. F. Wi sely a 88-2t You'll rind Your Want Here Densmore, j his stock. ALBANY 0*1 ii HAROLD ALBRO. .Manufacturing Optician- LOWE & MORRISON RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS All funerals given personal attention by Mr. lowe Service» and I ricra Guaranteed to Satisfy Every < ustomer lady Attendant if dcsirep N. C. Lows It. i MoaaauwoM Auto I