I .S’ ‘ *• ** * » • i» e « • • f • » /v * _ * 4 ‘ » •• ■-» •• » ♦ *» 4”..' • w, *’.■»* *♦* ♦ » . z ’ - • • • ■ ' r • * * •'« • > *»•• W » • * • t*. »« go í —— I j* I VNl’LK BEN «AY8: "If you’r» healthy, N«vvy. th.- ebano« arv voti will th« ob­ elarle« to your aure««» ar« merely »and un the track to pr*v«nt your »kidding.** Dizziness Impairs Mental Capacity By (). L. scorr. D c. 1 ! 1 Ji Without in any sense losing his mental ability to think and exercise judgment, the victim of dizziness and impaired eliminative functions, is mentally inca­ pacitated. IL* has a brain but he cannot use it He suffers a loss of time. He suffers a period of genuine misery. Dizziness may have any one of a num tier of causes, but the most common cause ia due to an inactive liver. Bowel wastes are retained. The victim feels dull and feverish and on rising everything is black for an instant and there is dizziness. The dizzi­ ness. otherwise known as vertigo, is not so common­ ly suffered. Victims of vertigo are in danger of falling whenever they at­ tempt to walk. Chiro­ practic spinal adjustment remove the cause of diz- giness, w hether it lie due to retained wastes, or is the result of vertigo. Dizziness Wat After (Continued from page 1.) ■ of which ! have before me. «hows that this grower delivered to the i association I7H5 pound« of wool net. for which he ha» received payment i in full for all but W8 pounds and An«l we can HELL i *.«37 pound« for which he ha* received part payment, (he balance to be paid when all of the 937 pounds are •old This fact !• brought out cleerIy.beyond quMtion, a« indicated by the return «tatement W’rll in­ formed grower» are not disaatldied. BRING THEM IN I ’Officer« traveling at growers’ ex­ pense.’ Sure thing! That Hone of their duties, for which they are h.red and paid for. namely, educat­ ing the grower a« to what consti­ "The home of the Used Car" tute« the different grade» «nd claaae« 173 S. Liberty street Salem. Oregon of wool, etc., ao that they may be able to judge more accurately the claaai-R or grade of wool they may have to aril, thereby gaining a bet­ ter knowledge of prices Ihd you ever «re or hear of a dealer giving the grower such information’ We never did. It i« not to the dealer’s I interest to «1« an. EYB STRAIN "The 22 50 per hundred srlling Is the cause of many expen** referred to by Mr. Brown HUMAN ILLS ia lower than the coat of anv other wool marketing and i« considerably I larmleas. Painless Electricity lower than it costs to market wool Optical Company Drives Out Sickness through pruite wool warehouse«. 313 W l«t St.. Albany This covers all the a»*->ciati«>n ex- I penae together with grading and 1 lectncity that vibrate« ao rapidly baling, warehousing and insurance, We Want to Buy Any Make Used Car Oleson-Rookstool Auto Exch. TAKES 50,000 VOLTS WITH SMILE DR. O. L. SCOTT 1 G. F. Korinck < > SATURDAY. MAY 6th One of our great event* that will merit the interest of every­ one who wants to save money on all lines of merchandise. The Circus Will be in Town Come and enjoy yourself and pay your way by the money you’ll save Peoples Cash Store Salem ******** DK. I ICQ that thousand« of voila can I* taken without | am is bamg demon* Ira ted by the Menu life Violet Kay Headquarter». iitfic« Hours: Hal«-m, Oregon. Thia remarkable cur­ 9 to 12 AM. 1 «1 U> 5 P. .M rent ia being produced by the Henulife Violet Ray Generator. It acta aa a jM.werful tonic. Every muacle, organ and tiaaue in the body ia stimulated and strength­ ened by thia powerful but painleM cur­ 3H-2 New First National Bank Bldg. rent. Nervouaneaa ia relieved, the blood ia enriched, digestion m improved and an enorm.ai* increaae in bodily energy DR J W. GOIN, i» noted after treatment. More than fifty common dtoordara and disease» Veterinarian. an>i acbea and pain» of all kind» are Authorised Au< lion Sale and Interstate Inspector. aucreaafully treated. A free book tell­ Phones:— Paia-e Feed shed, 184 J ing of the wonderful ruault» obtained, Residence. 500-R will be presented to any interested per ALBANY. OREGON aon. or mailed upon request. Call or phone to DENTIST C. C. BRYANT ATTORNEY AT LAW ALBANY Mttlilt fielet Rej HeKverters. Salem Oregon J Yf* Ortfen Madt H mm hilliq Tins A great »urpria« for the home knitter» ■.gon. Put »till a fact Further­ more, thia yarn I» absolutely virgin wool yarn, the w.«ol was grown in Linn county, sold by Mr. Sender» to the Ore­ gon Worsted Company «mill» located at Sellwood), made into worsted yarn by Roy T. Bishop, son of C. P. Bi»hop, proprietor of the Woolen Mill Store of Salem. Oregon knitter» try thia yam out. All color». 46e per jiail of I MS Sampln »ent on appl cation. Address P. Hlahop, Bo* 75. Salem, t 'regon. Riley Shelton DOLLAR DAY SALE! Oregon *w*ee»eeeeee****e********** Eugene aeaooo optical BANCROFT icceiving and »hipping and all sell­ ing expenses, exclusive <>f freight. This expense inu«t ultimately lie "After n very severe at­ tack of influenza in 1918 alukidied by all wool Iw-fore it I suffered severely with reache« the manufacturer, a« It dizziness. After trying pa»w-» through the same procewtes many methods without regardie»» of who handle« it. relief I turned to chiro­ "In comparing the «riling prt<* practic. After the sec­ ond adjustment there was a change for the better. ß of the Scio wool pool and the asso- After others 1 became entirely well. It is now three cistion wool we admit the net ■ver- years nine« I have taken Hiiy adjustments and these age price« was a little more than <>ur 3 years have been spent under a Heavy mental strain. personal amonation return »(ate- 1 am a Methodist preacher serving a charge of seven ment* show and Congratulate the church« ’’ Rev. J. Williams. Chiropractic Re­ search Bureau. Statement No. 1313H. memlier« of the pool on lieing able to realize the price they did. We Your Health also note that Mr. Brown charged the association wool with interest al Get action for belter health by telephoning 87 for an 11.50 per <>ne hundred pounds, but appointment. forgot to deduct the **me from the I Seto selling once We also note a charge of 25c j>er one hundred pounds average cost of joining the CHIROPRACTOR association, which is double the 414-19 li. S Rank Bldg. Rhone 87. Salem. Oregon charge paid. "He also «tated the Scio wool pool sold for 23c average for all grade« but did not alate the fact that this was «Iso the flat price. Figuring < from the wav the a' nation grade« vallev wool«, according to mv un­ derstanding a« shown by statement •ent to memlier« in February, forty per cent or more of the Scio wool Chop Suey and Noodles pool would have l*ecn graded in the Fried Rice, 25c Noodles, 20 c Pork mid Bice, 20c one-fourth and three-eighth bl«H prices clos­ gest that a copy of the return state, er than usual. ment from the member at McMinn­ " The statement that 975,0(10 ville who received only 7|c net be pounds of wool was bought since included in the next statement. | May, 1. 1921. to March I. 1922. at *’G A SANDNKR ” ! certain average prices spell nothing because of absence of statement in Free! Roedarmel proved tn he the detail. Now. if Mr. Brown wants lowest bidder for furnishing the to be fair with the growers, and year's wood to School District No wince he is so free on ‘true state­ 96. and accordingly was swarded ments to facts’ a« regarits the|as*>- the contract for 30 eords of 4-fool eiation management and others we wood and 5 cords of 16-inch wood. augg*nt that he give u« a detailed Ko) I Aug and wife, at Jefferson. cab 4 ■tatement showing amount <»f ach lad st Tlnu'i Sunday DR OREGON H H. PETERS CHtaOPR ACTOR Electrical I rvatment Park and Sherman Street* Telephone 126 OREGON I.ERA non WHEN IN SALEM 1ry the WHITE—. CLOUD -CAFE—1 American and Chinear Dishes 110 j Commercial SI Salem, Oftpi A. J. FOSTER Painless Corn Doctor All Font Troubles Cured ?AB)L6SS 322 State Street Salem. Oregon Above Patton*« Book Store Suhaeribe for the Tribune