REPVBLK AN NOMINEE FOR GOVEB"Oa • I tks primar»« FrxU, May I 9 H. is • man of rar* pareiwality «nd nrav.d »■«estiva ability Hara, orally. i. k.a .lory laaac I ♦♦ Pal- laraon waa born in B«atoa t ioniy. Ora.«* Ch r »tian t. ollsga. Mon >ulk Ba asms a aiaccaaalsl m.rrkanl >n Salam In IS**« WM ak ’ad 5t«ta San*l»r from Marion County In l«9» sop ( whr.trtr al C m H omr el Porfían.i bv P h • . knl McKinley re st.ootnted by Preai d*M Rooeeveh ( r iWl A Record of Achievement VV 1 Hl E k* was coll« tor. tka buainaaa of Mr. Patt.r- VI .on ■ offira practically doublad yat k. r.du *<1 I ha cort of running hi. office by *6.1110 a yaar 1*106 ho. baas a .uccaeaful farmer al Eola. Polk County In I ‘11 0 and I 9 J I aar>ad aa Slate Senator from I’ i« < • unty. A. > hairman of Senate Finance Committee led the fight egam.l wholesale .alary increase lull, and del ited nioat of *h*m. In I *>2 I eoted against increasing Go*srn >f s •alery. I'ote for Patterson and Stop this Waste! Since 1913 Slate team have incream.1 74» 7 per .ent! I hi. groat extravagance mu.t bo .topped* Mr P«t;«r- aon haa pledged that when elected he will meh«* a sub- at.ntia! deer rare m your alate laaea by efficient and « o- nomual admimatratmn. A role for Senator Paitoraon w ■ vote for clean, economical buaineea like governn ant. PATTERSON CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE tai Imperial Ho. a I Fonlm«. Oreaap AMPSON Trucks & Tractors Auto Paints and Enamel Pennsylvania Cup Tires and l ubes Demountable Wheels for Fords and Chevrolets WE SELL SHELL GASOLENE ANI» OILS The Scio Garage Repairing Promptly Done Scio. Oregon ♦»♦»»»»«*«««♦««••«••♦•« Tested Field Seeds We have the most complete stock of farm and field mm «is in the valley, including spring wheat, spring oats, fam y clover ami grass seeds and a complete Btock of tre <1 gar«len ». cis. Mail us a list of your wants or send for our new price list. Poultry Supplies The largest and beat selected stock in the st te to »elect from, including Incubators, Brooders. Poultry feed of all kinds, grit. bone, shells and fountains and feeders. You will always find our prices are low aa th* best good* can be sold for. the kind you find it pays to buy. D. A. White & Son Seedmen and Feedmen Salem. Oregon 251-261 State St. ♦eeeeeeeaeteeeeeeeeeeeeaeeae It it* reported that George Stod­ Was Rare Treat dard w I .«mg his eyesight. aa he The »how put on at the high was •■♦•ri driving down the road in school auditorium Monday night by his car with Ixith hit lights on and th« Stay ton high school wm a «píen-i both back doors open. did attraction, and «va» worthy of a ira Trexler and wife, of Stayton, name of ¿arger attendano. The ____ were over Sunday vianmg relatives play was "Mias |*herryblo«eiM o”. ( in Bus vicinity. was a Japanese operetta. ! SANTIAM FARM NEWS Î s................. ........................ ; May 2 Th« old one-eyrd Pi« Eater is not dead yet because he failaui last week to show up in the front line, lie ta now feeling fine, after taking bottles of valoniea water from medical spring« in Californio. We are all sorry to learn of death of our old time friend.George Ray. of Prineville, who was buried Sunday in Franklin Butte cemetery. Our good weather, long looked for. came at last. Farmers are taring out a bone, horse flesh ia pay­ ing for its feed. an get his pay. Our road boss wa* out Saturday 'Iragging our road, a* it was getting bad. As George Sutherland had the contract of tilling the washout in the grade has now got it tilled and the road over the cemetery hill is aguiti i>a**able. which we are all gl«d to learn, a* it is now 3 mile* to Scio, and it has been 7 to !i and 12 mile* around "cape horn." John Holt an«l soi , of Thomas, wm up Friday to buy my tine shep­ herd dog. but a* he was u natural bobtailed shepherd we could n»t trade. EM Kalina is putting ten aerea of new sod land into potatoes, a* he wshes to have enough this fall for bom« use. The old man is highly elated with the Scio Tribune.*« its running over on all sides with news of the forks and siuntv in genet al. Also with the Producers Call, which is doing much to wake the sleepy farmer* up as to who to vote for and how and why of high taxes William [lobrkovsky ami wife were down Sunday after 100 pound* of seed corn. Cola Gaines and wife, of Crabtree, taking pity on his old father and , «trpnnither. came up Sunday and \ % * ** ’>. I IK Phone < ifflre. 11 ii G. SATTERLEE rhonr Hr«.. Ì2IIJ AUCTIONEER Real Estate nn ed with bachelor life. He ha* been out <>n several cold trails, snuffing along like unto a Beagle h«>un«l after : a rabbit. Some nice widow ought tn pat him on the cheek to cncour age him tn hunt a warmer trail The Sanliam Farm ha* a ton or two of fine loose hay to »ell at | 12; also a 3-inch wagon, good as F year >T ib f •