A* ♦> < ¿».se* -Z Track Meet Big Success Larwood Items ••»••••»»»»A do you Know? May 2 That coal and gold are to lx found in the CaHcadea and almoat at your door? T THE SCIO TRIBUNE Ke Mrs John Shat *a gave a surprise party at her h -me n «»l Saturday night fur 1 t J . is teacsing at th<- Gaines school Carson Davenport and family book attended the dance at Si: .Saturday advertisers who made the possible. Scio won the track meet But of 1 courae you were there. Ths Grade meet in the forenoon resulted as follows: Mehama 54. Seto 53; Diet 63. 23; l/iat. 22. 1»; Diet 100, 14; Diet. 10. 11. Diet. 7«. i 5; Diet 71. 2 Com* again. jf1 n the republican ticket for gover- of the state of Oregon. .Mr. Patter- gon fat what ii called a native eon, having barn born in Polk county, or •o clone that he ha» resided ¡here all the yearn he han lived He says he ia for a substantial reduction in taxes. will abohah. if possible, all I useless commiMion«, or consolidate them »<> that there will lie no dupli­ cation in duties, and will conduct O rm . on M ist . an otherwise economical administra­ tion. if elected We like his frank statement« of policies, and Iwlieve ; SHINDLER BRIDGE I he will make a» good n governor as any of the numerous candidates fo> that high office. We are not pub­ May 2 lishing this editorial to influence J A Halada and family »pent any voter for one or another candi­ Sunday at the home of Anton Ros- date. but believe the voter should profka. know something of those who Uk J. 3. Hannah and wife and Ethel their supiHirt at the primaries. Rhoda attended the dance at Jordan Tuesday night. M Bilyeu and Otto Weidman High School Note» were dragging the mads last Tues­ day. F J. Morns made a trip to Stay­ May 3 ton Thursday We’re too busy to blow our horn Keitha Denver called on J. these days Hannah Tuesday. Y’ou »hould watch the school Mrs J L. Bond, of Allmny. spent children under the patient super­ last week-end at home vision of Prospal & Becicka building Ada (’lark, who ha» lieen in the a gvmnasium They work in regu employ of Meier A Frank, of Port­ lar shifts of boy» from eleven to 21. land. is now at home, keeping house Very good headway ha« been made fur her father, Z J (’lark. and the only reason that the walls Ernest Rahn spent Sunday at have not begun to rise is that the home. carpenters worked loo fast for the D. H Hildreth and wife. Mrs. D. mill* and ran out of material In C. Thoms and Mrs. A L. Boynton addition to the achool youngster» motored to Albany Friday the following and some other» we. George. Jennie. Lizzie and Josie may have misted have l»een on hand Patrny »pent Sunday at the home to do their Nt; Vamlare Bilyeu. ■ of J. lamport, of Crabtree. Rus« and "Can" MacDonald, (lord j Mrs A. L Boynton spent the on Wesely, Rolla Shelton, Milo week-end at the home of Mr». D. H. Itartu ami (Mia Compton. We cer­ Hildreth tainly need and appreciate these: Mrs. Tonv ILmprofka was shop­ old« r heat a li«t of these, but are none the less sppreciative. What do you think of our first annual? We are proud of our staff and students who assisted, and appreciative of the effort of other» who bellied, especialy Lyle J. Fick- lin and I. V McAdoo and the bov» help««! at varions times; and to the ' ping tn town Tueadav and also paid a pleasant visit to the dentist. I. Po»var attended the dance in town Saturday night. Russell Welch and his chum. of Salem, spent Sunday fishing in Thomas creek and visiting at the home of Z. J. Clark. \l (' We«tenh "use. wife and i baby and J. B Fleming spent Sun­ day at the home of Georgs Westen- house. Bill Rhoda and Ed Rahn have finished shearing their goats land soon. Russell Pratt, of Salem, •pent the week-end with Oliver Curry. Mrs. J. L. Davenport visited Mr» Robert Elliott one day last week. Art Gaines and son Forrest, of Portland, visited relatives in this vicinity Saturday and Sunday. Hazel Howard «|—nt Saturday night with Beatrice Gain«-». Geo. D Webb visited the Howards Sunday. Roscoe Gaines wtu a Ixbanon business visitor last Saturday. Delbert Isong, Beatrice Gaines ami Mrs John Shank s’tended the field meet at Scio Saturday. Mrs. George Leaver and ¡laugh ter. Ihirris, spent the week-end in (Continued from page 1 ) Knauf. Set..; Whit«, Scio. Height. & feet 1 inch . Discus- Holland. Scio; Gray. Jef- feraon; Knauf. Scio Distance 39 fret 3 inches. 440 yard dash Holll*. Scio, Moes. Lebanon, Knauf. Scio. Time 61 4 Br ad jump W hite. Re, >. Hollis. Scio; Neal. Scio. Distance ¡6 feet. WO yard run Sima. Scio; Alberta. Jefferson: Shepherd. Ijebanon. Time 2 27 1-5. Javelin Holland. Scio; Forrester. Lebanon; Hoxwell. Lel>snon Dis­ tance 123 feet. 7 inches Relay. WiO yard» won by Scio (White. Neal. Sima, and Hollis.) Ijebanon second (Kuhn, Grand le, Haynes and Fee.) Official» Referee. Ford; time­ keeper. Hilveu; »tarter Ballin; held judge. Callun; flntah judges. Fee. Hoagland and Long. In the grammar school meet w hich was held in the morning. Me-! hama grammar school emerged vic­ torious by a »light margin over the Scio grammar school. Haye*. Montgomery, and Wilkerson show- ed up well for Mehama and will be good material for high school next year and would be welcome at Scio Portland t2arson iFaverport and wife mot­ or any other high school. ored to Crablt« -- s op I hi Frank Rotter and daughter, Mary, We make* a Specialty of were Scio visitor» Thur-day. Paul Schular. of Crabtree. wa» visiting friend» in this vicinity Sat­ urday night and Sunday Mrs. J cm <‘ha«(me and children. Mrs. Frank Bartu. Jr., and childen. Mr». Wilbur 1 < ti ming and little son. and Mr«. Frank Bartu Sr . vis­ ited Mr» Joe Bartu las' Sunday. ALBANY Bill Vaulkman and wife, formerly Frie Engagement and Wedding Rings F. M. French & Sons Young Sport Models Belted Backs Patch Pockets Made of all Wool Fabrics in I weeds, Stripes & C li e cks The Blain Clothing Co. Valus First Albany, Oregon The Store with a Square Deal for Every Customer. of Crabtree, have rented and moved into the Art Gaine» property. Bill f Subscribe for the Tribune is cutting timber for the Cameron *aw mill. f V . A. Ewing. A. E. Randall Mr ami Mrs Fitter. Mr. and President Vico Pres. E. D. Myers, Cashier Mrs. Farlow. A ( Wil-msnd wife. Htart a bank account today and Walter Wood and wife »pent Sun- provide fur your future. .day at the William Smith home. You will find a checking ac­ count very convenient for your The closing exercise» of Bergen business transactions. We pay school was well attended <>n last interest on time deposits. Friday. The pr gram was enjoyed i by all present Wr are in the market for Albert Howard and his |>ack of Mutton, Sheep and Fat Lamb» hound» cha»«-d a liobcat into the Get our pnces before telling Little North Deadmng SCIO, OK EGON Phillippi & Warner 1 n < tiGNrro. THE SCIO STATE BANK Shelton & Co. Props $395 $492.85 Farm Delivery 2 Bottom 14 inch Plows. $05.00 g&~ 170,000 NOW IN USE built with over strength in ever) part, built to withstand the con­ stant »train of heavy duty; tested out under every condition of farm and belt work, and put to actual test by 170,000 owner« during the past three year» — the t-ordeon Tractor has lived up to every claim made for it. So matter what the farm task- whether plowing, disking. harrowing. threshing. baling hay. grinding Fred T. Bilyeu, *£ feed, pumping water sawing wood, pulling stumps, filling silos, or »ny of th» many other jobs around ®he far lb., the tordaon will not