Tell the advertiser you saw hia ad scrtptioo list. He reports that in The Tribune the farmer in hi» neighborhood have We pay top price fur egg». Also have completed seeding ■ pay you 3< premium for wdecl eggs W i.N.NEK FRopt'c K Oo. 4 Saturday, April 29th 1 Old F air Grounds I SCIO, OREGON Morning Program by Grade r. Events—From 10 till 11:30 o’clock Harrisburg has refund to AFTERNOON Jefferson, Stayton, I Lebanon Freshmen and Scio meet in contest« of running, jumping, pole vaults and weights. Come — Admission 15c and 25c Watch for announcement of of ** 4 « 2 INDOOR ,1, II s a CIRCUS £ », * 'l Elephants, Peanuts and Everything Including Red Lemonade Dean Morri» was bu«im*M Thursday. Ed Bilyeu has purchased a Ford | son Tractor. Watch Verne Neal in the Pole Vaults, Saturday April .’•.'th Rev. II. B. Iler, of Cotta«»' Grove, was in Scio Tuesday. Il C. Howard and E. B. Day, of Albany, were in Scio last Thursday, j Charles Hoagland, brother of our 11 m»nt • old colt. 135. fellowtownsman, I Hoagland, spent this w« «>k F W. Heard. 2Bp 1» Sri«». There are i.l.uoo consolidated a couple of davs Inst week in Scio schools in the I' S wüh a cornl>ineb He was m his way home to Modes­ For Sali <’lap*» »grd» First grae u»ka 37tfc A. M. Hammer, of the Blain Ilves in Washington State. I am in the market for fat lambs ÌClothing Co ,a Dr Itiggs. of Albany, and «be-i-p a. .i «ill pay highest i visited with D. t'. Thoma the first Mrs. Juba Bilyeu is packing her •arlut pm . F* »ne when ready. household goods preparatory to ’of the week. J L K-ilgers. 39p joining her hustmnd. at Kalama. N. I Morrison and wife drove to Wash., and expects to ship about Score < nr.'- G«-t y»ur "MW” score Albany Friday to •*-■<• a show. but I cards at th« I kihin F office 2c the first of May. Scio can ill afford were disappointed, there being no per card : .'j cent» per card by to luxe such familimi from its midst, mail, poet ne Id. afternoon ahow* but 'lis the way of life one «.«•« The County Christian Endeavor where he or she thinks they can do For Sale tè n lodge Tuesday night. Din- weighs 1200 lbs. For particulars thw office a piaaaant call Tuesday. ^rvetJ br Lebanon lodge at phone It »r write A. C. Rahn. Sei«», Oregon 36tf-c leaving an ad for the Wright 4 tj;:to. after which the Scio Lodge Fooie I nd«*rtaking I'arlorr. «-xemplified the work in the initiation lxwt Strayed <>r Stolen White sow- in Albany on Riley Shelton wa» showing Albany- ites how to hustle Friday. See Ted Sims in the mile runing race. Satuaday April 29th. Jim Bilyeu was in Albany a couple of day« the first of the week J N. Weddle ami J. L- Kelly were in Altmny on business Friday. lower I "f fifteen candid les for the |gd>anon teachers salaries la-low the 1921 podge Scio lodge has lieen growing figure, and all teachers will be paid laleiv. thev having added several for 1922 on th« F.’2l basis ’»«•» members. weighn . pic- w. ght a ward Find« Donald. rout it >0 lbs. and 9 out 40 lbs. each. Re­ < n -tify R, H. Mc­ i, Scio, ltp i'otat'i - .'«< it«i| tu hi oeeii p«>tat will call fori Speaker’« for the Linn County tasted at U. A I and found free of diM -oi-, j! oil per 11H); also i your V’«-al ami Foultay and will pay | Floorer Association picnic to be 1» • i i per 100. R A. vou top market price ' all phone held at Brownsville on June 14. 15. Thuix n, ui J < Quigley’s place, 347. F. B. S ti hnim a , Mgr. «nd 16. have been arcured. B F. near W<«tS< i>i. J7p I Sylvia Hrudka. th.e. ^ar old i lr*in' *dltor °f Portl,nd J°ur- 'daughter of Mr and Mr. Jull(M1 »•!* Hank Davey and L L. Fatter- Fiano must be *-id Will aacratice daughter of Mr ami Mr». Julian high giade put •, in storage, for M-.-ri,. r..n ........... .. ...a ih ..„ "“ n - { h ‘* t W o s,‘l*m. are Hrudka. fell from the porch Thur»- immediate »aie. For full partic­ so far «elected and have accepted. ulars an-i win n- piano can be seen day of last week and broke her arm. The plan to build a suitable build­ •ddNM Gt I 1 WUI Music house, In the rear of the poctoffice and ing on the grounds has been Salam. Oregon. 37 3c on the alley, a new building has abandoned for this year. Dog For Fine thoruughbred been erected. It is kn<>w as a Shepheid i fg lor stock. No Little Helen Fredrich, daughter "comfort station." and wu needs smart«'« i , «, S. W. Gain«»». at the Scio Meat .Market, there will by a stick striking her in the eye a I m - a specially « »«1 ■» lection of meat f*w days ago. Dr B. L. Steevee, | of Salem, was called in consultation there Saturday A. Shank«, <>f Siieibgrn. was in town Tuesday on busint-M He and his brother-in-law. Mr Trollmger. are meeting with great success in their poultry venture. with Dr. A. G Prill this morning, and they decided that unless the eve becomes infected the eye can tie leaved, but the sight will most likely tie impaired. Candytuft. Calili) lufi la aiuoli. the beat of the lost by fire early la«t week, a brood- white flo«er« for ee homi » outdoors where to start work in a few days on the the plant» are to bloom. They «houli! tie well tliliinwi «hen the) baie grown new bridge at Shimanrk's. about I Inch high. A secund planting Don't forget the benefit baseball should l>e niaib* a month later, and a I bird late In July for fall flowers. dance at Wi-srly hall tonight. Me|d«*nil>er «owing will give winter- Help the boys g«*t their uniforms liliMHtiltig pianta. The »«ill for l>eat and see them win th«* pennant m rv«ult» «tiouli’ I m - rich an«l the plant« glieli all abundance of water They the Santiam Amateur league branch fr«*ely. and If some of the bud« are reii>>urt lie»ld« that a man OaiiCM Ao*tw. You must not let anything keep wh<> li I »•>•*. hi« »»«wtheurt «ai a «irret may tie with us again next week. Friday you away from the field meet rar i» guilty of a misdemeanor. Hui Visualize Mr. and Mr» Peter Brenner, of who I» going tu tie crabby enough law's Liquid Smoke for curinir Saturday. Specialize Granta Paas, but former residents to tile a <«>»npi.’lnt f trie girl doeau*tf your summer's supply of meat. Get Marion t' took time to of Scio, are visiting relatives here. Advertise it at J F. Wisely'». leave his farm work and go to Al- Vsnlilatisn Affscts Soil. They have been a*av from Scio for la-banon will hold its annual Chau* tiany Tuesday. Ventilation «if the soll ha« been ths l'ra«i»t»-r ‘■i iosswos T hat several years, and can notice consid­ fourni !» a1T«>ct the »roaih and quality T» THS l‘l VISO II «HIT. tauqua the first six days in July Call phone No. 347 for price» on erable change or plants. this year. all farm produce. Work has tain held up for aever- Dance and be happy tonight at W inner F rohi ’ ce C o . al day» on the substation of the Wesely hall. Good music and a S Fhillippi of route 3, made the Standard Oil People at West Scio. midnight supper. Tribune office a pleasant call Wed­ It is hoped that material nd other Fred Bilyeu was in Portland on nesday afternoon. supplies will soon I m * available and huaiueiM Tuesday and in Stayton Miss Benham. assistant nurse at work resumed. Wednesday afternoon. the hospital. »pent Saturday with I. N. Day. chairman of the com­ We carry a full line of Dr. Rob- her folk« at Corvallia. mittee on tax invi-xligation of the ert's poultry and stock remediea. Bi« dance at the Z. C B J. hall state, has notified us that the hear- Guaranteed. J F Weaely. Saturday night. April 29 Good in«» in southern ami western Ore- How far can you throw the music, good time Everybody invit- I I Adv ltc weights? Glenn lluHaixl will make you sit up ami take notice Saturday Frml Bilyeu. Ford Agent, says April 29th. that tractors are selling so fast Junction (Tty has. with the coop­ that he has trouble getting enough eration of the producers, decided to to supply the demand. hold another pumpkin show this In »ur rush with the dairy edition faR. Date not yet set. last week we neglected to mnetlon T. H Murphy, one hf the pro­ prietors of the Parag«m Cafe, in Al­ bany, made the T ribune «.tfice a call, while in Scio Tuesday after­ noon. gon has tieen postponed until after the state primaryelection. A meeting of the managers of the lull teams of Stayton, Turner, Jefferson. Marion. Crabtree. Dever, and. Aumsville will be held at K of P. hall Sunday rfterrnnm for the purpose of forming a baseball that T. L. Dugger, editor of the leagne. TRIBl NB for 30 years, came up G. A. Sandner. of near Kingston, from Lon Angeles Monday, the 17th. was a business visitor in Scio last He expects to remain in Linn Coun­ Thursday, and found time to come ty for a part of the summer. •n ami enroll his name on >>ur sub-